Thursday 21 June 2018

Thursday Update On King Of Hearts 2

Satya holds Mahi in his embrace and tells her some romantic lines. Mahi upsets him romantically. She tells him that Kajal likes Dhruv. Satya asks Mahi as to why she was staring at him also. He tells Mahi that he he won’t let Dhruv marry his sister.
Mahi tells him that Dhruv is good and asks him not to get late. Satya tells Mahi that marriage is not an easy thing. Mahi tells him that they shall talk to Payal about it. Satya says that they shall think about making babies first. Mahi tells Satya that they should think about Kajal's marriage before that.

Gangu Tai tells Payal that Mahi has chosen Dhruv for Kajal . She asks how  he was.  Payal says that he was a nice guy and says she will talk to Dhruv about the proposal. Mahi tells everyone that she know that Payal will help them. Payal thinks that her plan was going on successful. Later Dhruv signs the partnership deal and says that the Raizada and Sengupta partnership will go a long way.

Payal tells them that he was thinking to turn their professional relationship into personal affairs. She tells Dhruv that they have brought Kajal’s marriage proposal for him. Satya asks him not to say yes, if he doesn't love her. Mahi tells Dhruv that this was an awkward situation for him, but then they were thinking that this is the best match. Dhruv says he has no family and accepts the marriage proposal. Gangu Tai tells Dhruv that he was now her son in law from that onwards.  Satya thinks as to why Dhruv agreed so soon without thinking about the proposal. Gangu Tai tells Dhruv that Kajal and Sunil are not her own kids, but they love her a lot. Kajal tells her that she loved her so much, even her own mother wouldn’t have given her so much love. Satya threatens Dhruv silently asking him not to make his sisters get tears. He jokes that a show should be made on him and Payal says sure they should.

Mahi tells Kajal that she was very happy for her. Gangu Tai  says that they will have to do the Sakarpura Engagement and asks Satya to call Dhruv. Payal says that  Dhruv was an orphan so they will decide. Dhruv is talking to his girlfriend on phone and she says she won’t let him go tonight. Dhruv tells him that he will come in the night and asks her to understand that he is busy now. He asks her to give him a kiss. They give a kiss to each other. Satya sees Dhruv giving mobile kiss, and is doubtful about him. Dhruv sees Satya and he is left shocked.

Dhruv lies to Satya by saying that he was kissing his friend’s daughter who is so cute. Satya believes him. Later Satya asks Dhruv not to get scared of Sakarpura. Dhruv tells him that he was thinking of going to Delhi before doing the Sakarpura rituals, as he has some work. Payal and Gangu Tai agrees. The priest takes out mahurat and says it is of today or after three months. Gangu Tai asks as to how can they wait for 3 months. Satya says that they shall do the engagement today itself. Mahi also agrees. Payal asked if they were sure about their decision. Satya says yes. Satya then calls Dhruv but Dhruv  was busy sleeping with his girl friend. Satya jokes that maybe he was with his girl friend. He tells everyone that they shall go to his hotel room and meet him there. Payal thinks of calling Dhruv. She sneaks her way out to her room to call him but Dhruv was still having intimacy with his girlfriend.

Mahi asks Payal to get ready as they will all go together. Satya, Payal and the others come to the hotel. Satya tells them that he will go to Dhruv's hotel room to check. Payal tells him that she will also come with him. Payal tries calling him and also sends a message to him informing him that they have come to the hotel. Dhruv wakes up and reads Payal’s message. He wakes up his girl friend Sunaina and asks her to get ready as they have to leave now. Payal is stopped by Mr Malhotra on the way. Satya sees Dhruv hugging Sunaina as she left.

Dhruv comes downstairs and greets everyone. Gangu Tai tells him that they thought of getting his engagement done today as there was no auspicious date for three months. Dhruv agrees. Gangu Tai gives him sweets but as he is about to eat it Satya comes there and slaps him hard. Dhruv tries to explain himself and also informed Satya that whatever he saw was not true. Satya tells Dhruv that he clearly stated that Kajal was his sister and if he (Dhruv ) was seeing someone else then he should have informed them about the truth. He starts to beats him. Kajal is shocked. Payal comes there and is shocked as well. She tries to stop Satya from beating Dhruv. Satya is very much angry and hits Dhruv with his hand. Kajal tries to stop him, but in vain. Satya tells him that he will kill him. Mahi looks on shocked.

Payal stops him and asks Satya as to what was going on. She looks at his torn shirt and smiles. Mahi asks Satya to leave Dhruv alone and shouldn't beat him again. Gangu Tai happens to see the mark on Dhruv’s hand and mistakenly calls him Satya. Satya turns and looks at Gangu Tai. Dhruv also looks at her. Gangu Tai asks herself as to how can this be happening. Satya asks her what happened? He demanded an answer from his mother. Gangu Tai tells him that he was not her Satya and that Dhruv was her Satya ( Her supposedly dead son). Everyone is shocked. Payal smiles. Satya is shocked and looks at Dhruv. Dhruv acts to be clueless. Satya asks her mother as to what she was saying? Gangu Tai says that she doesn't understand what was happening. Payal asks her as to how can she be saying this? Gangu Tai pushes Satya and goes to Dhruv and she calls him Satya and cries asking him where he was all these years. Satya is shocked and asks his mother what has happened to her? He asks her if she was you tired. He tells her that they shall go home so that she can rest, and also for them to talk. Gangu Tai leaves his hand. Satya is shocked. Payal smirked. Gangu Tai cries and tells that him that she is perfectly alright and wants to tell the truth. She tells everyone that she has kept a secret hidden in her heart and also wants to say it to everyone. She tells Satya that he was not his son. Satya is shocked. She tells him that he was Karanveer Khurana and the heir of the Khurana Industries. Naina  got surprised and says Karanveer? Mitul also got very shocked and says that Karanveer is alive.

Gangu Tai tells Satya that she used to work as her nanny for his mom and dad to take care of him. She says that Satya was small by then and that one day they met with an accident, and both his father and mother died and that even his Satya also died. She tells him that she saw him breathing and accepted him as her son. She tells him that she did a big mistake and didn’t know that her Satya was alive. She apologizes to him and cries. Satya is shocked. He asks Gangu Tai if she was angry with him. He also asks her to forgive him for his mistake or slap or punish him. He asks her not to snatch his rights to take breathe and also not to say cheap jokes. Gangu Tai cries. He sees her crying and asks her to keep her hand on his head and tell him that he was not her Satya. Mahi also interfere and asks Gangu Tai as to what she was saying. She asks her as to how can she say that Dhruv was his Satya. Gangu Tai tells her that Satya is having a Dhanush mark because of the accident in his childhood and that’s why Dhruv is her Satya. Satya goes to Dhruv.

Dhruv tells them that he can explain everything to them as he didn’t do any mistake. Satya looks at the arrow mark on his hand. Satya turns to Gangu Tai and asks why? He also asks her why did she take him along with her, he asks Gangu Tai why she brought him up and also gave him values. Satya tells her that she should have left him at the accident spot as he would have died too. He tells her that she didn’t tell him then and asks her why she was  telling him now? He asks her as to why did she snatch his right from him. Satya asks her that how will he live after knowing that Gangu Tai was not her real mother. He shouts the name Deva Deva and apologizes to her for shouting at her. Gangu Tai cries, and says that she did a big mistake and apologizes to him. She tells him that she has hidden the truth from him as she thought he will leave her after knowing the truth. She folds her hands and cries. Satya looks on helplessly.

Satya leaves from there crying endlessly and feeling sad. Payal smirks. Mahi goes following Satya and sees him leaving the hotel on his bike. She tells Mahi that Satya’s face resembles with that of Siddharth Khurana and she was first doubtful about his identity. Dhruv tells Gangu Tai that he called a woman to treat his hand. Gangu Tai tells him that she wants both her sons and tells him that she would had never left him if she had known that he was alive. Dhruv tells her that she believes him and asks her not to apologize. They ask Dhruv to come home. Dhruv says that he will not come until Satya comes back. Payal tells Gangu Tai that she will inform the hotel manager that the program waa cancelled. Satya is on his bike going to the place where he grew up "Dhuwa Dhuwa" song plays. He comes to the place and sees his childhood pictures with Gangu Tai. He looks at their pictures with teary eyes.

Payal comes to Dhruv and laughs evily. Dhruv also laughs. She says thank god for that God trip as he got a good card in which she has been able to change everything. A flashback is shown, Payal gets Gangu Tai’s bag and thinks to tell Satya that she has kept Aleena in it. She opens the bag and finds Gangu Tai and Satya’s pic. She then sees the real Satya’s pic and his death certificate. She also sees Satya’s real birth certificate and says that he was Siddarth Khurana’s son Karanveer. She then happens to see Dhruv, and shows him Gangu Tai and his childhood pic by seeing the mark on his hand. She tells him that this mark was not an ordinary mark. Dhruv tells her that he doesn't want to meet Gangu Tai who left him in his childhood. Payal offers him money and he agrees. Payal tells Dhruv that the same day she came to know that Satya was not Gangu Tai’s real son and also met her real son the same day. They both laugh evily.

Satya feels terribly bad. Mahi comes to him. He tells her about his childhood moments and tells her that Gangu Tai used to dresses him up nicely. He also tells her that he got scared seeing  someone driver a car with speed, but when his mother took him in her lap, his fear was gone. He tells her that a train left and he couldn’t hold his mother's hand. He also tells Mahi that he was scared of the darkness and screamed for his mum asking her not to leave him, and today she left him for forever. He cries.

Satya says that he is unaware if the baby in the picture was him or not as he used to call himself proudly as Satya Sawant and now his identity and name is snatched from him. He says he has nothing now. Satya says that his mother has made him suitable for her and made him stand on his own feet, but today he has no identity. Mahi tries to console him and says everything happened so fast as she gave him a good upbringing and brought him up. She tells him that she she was still his mother and will always be his mother as nobody can snatch his rights.

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