Thursday 21 June 2018

Thursday Update On Fire And Ice

A baby is left on Leela's porch and she sees that a note is attached it to take care of the baby. Leela asks whose baby is this? She takes the baby in her hands and smiles. Yuvi later goes in search of the constable but is shocked to find him dead and tied to a chair.
The phone rings in Sarna house, Babe takes it, and the kidnapper says he told her that Leela must be in prayer meet but she didnt do it so now she will have to pay for it, and to just see what he do now, he ends call. Babee prays for Twinkle’s safety. Yuvi sees Raghu hands are filed with his blood. He hear the police siren and runs from there. Leela says to the baby that they will find his parents. The problems for the family further increases when Leela is accused of stealing a woman's baby that comes with the police there and tells the inspector arrest her. Leela says she didnt steal baby, but the baby was there in a cot in front of her house and it had note attached with it. The woman has hidden the note and Leela tries to find it but can't find it, and since she is unable to proof that she is innocent, the inspector tells Leela that she is under arrest. Leela says she didn't do anything but she was just helping out with the baby, she asks the woman why she is lying? they take her from there.

Yuvi comes to the parking lot, his hand is filled with Raghu’s blood, he says who is this man and why is he doing all this? He kidnapped Twinkle, and now making him do all this. Leela is locked in a cell, she tells them to allow her talk to her lawyer, as there is some misunderstanding. The kidnapper calls Sarna house, Manohar takes the call, the kidnapper tells him something which is muted and ends call. Babee asks what happened and what did he say? Manohar who receives the calls is in a shock state. Anita calls Yuvi and asks if he talked to Raghu? Yuvi says he will call her back, he ends the call and is tensed.

Manohar, Babee and Usha comes to ice factory, Manohar says the kidnapper gave this address. Usha says maybe Twinkle is kidnapped here. They listen to Twinkle’s voice which is calling for help, and they all go in to find Twinkle. Yuvi gets call from the kidnapper, he takes it and says enough is enough, asking where Twinkle is. The kidnapper tell him to first save his family, that his Leela mom is in jail, he ends the call. Yuvi cries feeling so helpless. Meanwhile, Manohar, Usha and Babee comes to the ice room to find Twinkle and the door gets closed behind them, they realize they are locked in the ice room, it's all smoke in the room and they start coughing. While Leela is in lock up, Usha and Babee are fainting in ice room. The kidnapper calls Yuvi and says he didn't ask for the address of how he will save them and further tells him that his family is locked in ice room on Nizampur ice factory and his Leela mom is locked in police cell, they asks how he will save them all, telling him run, he ends the call, Yuvi sighs heavily.

Rocky is boxing in his room when he gets Yuvi’s call. Yuvi tells him everything about what the kidnapper said. Yuvi cries and says he is. going to jail to free Leela, and asks if he can please save Babee and others? Rocky tells him not to worry that he will handle this, he ends the call and leaves. Rocky comes to the ice factory and calls out for Usha. Manohar shouts from the ice room. Rocky comes outside their room and tries to open the ice room but find the door locked. Manohar who is choking there asks him to do fast as they are fainting. Rocky searches for some tool to break it.

Yuvi rushes to the police station to bail Leela out and the inspector informs him that Rocky had recommended for Leela's bail too that's why they are releasing her. Leela is released from the prison. Yuvi hugs her and assures her that everything will be fine, he takes her from there. The doctor checks Usha and says she has hypothermia and to keep her warm, he gives her medicines and Rocky leaves with the doctor. Babee believe it's all done by Anita and that Yuvi knew that she ranaway from jail but he didnt tell them. Manohar says Yuvi could have stopped all this but he didnt, and now he know what to do. Leela tells Yuvi that someone is playing game with them and he wants them to fight against each other. Yuvi agree with her and says he hope all are fine at thr Sarna house. Leela suggests him to go and meet them once. Yuvi agree with her. Just then, a lawyer comes to Yuvi and informs him that Manohar has released restraining orders against him as they say that he is dangerous for their lives so he can't go there. Yuvi is hurt listening to this.

At night, Yuvi is drinking wine at some bar, he recalls his banters with Twinkle, Meri Adhuri Kahani song plays, he recalls how he took selfie with Twinkle and he is drunk. Rocky comes there and says Leela told him he will be here and tells to comes home. A heartbroken Yuvi ask which home? The home which has thrown him out, the home where people think he is dangerous, his own family has so much against him and they killed his relation of 5 years. He changed himself for them, he did everything for that family and he even got his mom arrested for them, and ask what he didnt do for that family and what did that family do?. He tells him they easily threw him out. He says he can accept everything but he just want Twinkle back as he really love her, he love her more than himself, she is his passion and everything. Rocky gets angry listening this but he controls himself, and tells him to come home, he takes Yuvi from there.

Yuvi and Rocky comes to their society, Rocky says everything will be fine. Yuvi thank him for this and Rocky leaves. Yuvi sees someone’s silhouette in dark and gets suspicious. Later, Yuvi comes across a person throwing a stone towards his house. Yuvi tries to catch this stranger, but the stranger escapes him and Yuvi starts to chase the stranger. Meanwhile, Babee comes out of the room and tells Manohar that she listened to some noise, they see the window broken and Rocky sees the letter thrown in the house and they open it. Yuvi stops the mysterious man, he asks who he is but the man is covered in veil and runs from there. Meanwhile, Kunj's parents who find the stone with a note are shocked when they read the note which says that Twinkle has been kidnapped by Yuvi. Manohar then reveal to others that it's written that Twinkle is kidnapped by Yuvi. By then, Yuvi catches the stranger, he takes off the veil and he is shocked upon learning that she is Pallavi and asks her what the hell is happening?.

Yuvi brings Pallavi to the Sarna house and Pallavi tell him to leave her alone. A furious Manohar shouts Yuvi's name and asks him what is this?. Babee points a finger at him that he kidnapped Twinkle. Yuvi is left shock and says he didn't do anything and this is all done by Pallavi, all are shocked. Yuvi asks Pallavi to tell everyone that she kidnapped Twinkle but Pallavi however outsmart him and asks if he is mad, she tell them she dont know where Twinkle is and she don't care where she is but she threw this letter because she is tired of this drama and that because of the family, Rocky is not concentrating on his career again. She further tells Yuvi that his mom is behind all this and why dont he tell her to let them have peace. Yuvi says he thought he caught the kidnapper, and Pallavi that she didnt think once what will be the outcome of throwing the letter and she didn't even think once about herself. Kunj says Pallavi did this for him and apologize to Pallavi for everything that Pallavi is right in her place. Manohar asks Yuvi why can't he go to her mother and bring Twinkle, and till he dont bring Twinkle back, he cant enter their house and asks him to get out. Yuvi tried to explain himself but Manohar shut him up and tell him to leave. Babee also tells him to get lost from their house. Yuvi is hurt and thinks why they dont trust him? He think how to tell them that this is not done by his mom but someone else, he leaves the Sarna house very hurt. Manohar says he dont believe this that Yuvi can do this with them

Its morning, Yuvi wakes up and has headache, he ask what is happening with him and his family and thinks where Twinkle could be? He keep talking to himself that he don't understand anything, how to find and where to go? And that the last time he saw her is in the video, he is feeling so helpless and thinks of what to do?. He pray to gets some hint, he watches her video again to get some clue and he sees Sukhnat paints written on wall in the video, he search for the address.

While Twinkle is at some den, the kidnappers are keeping an eye on her. Yuvi comes near the same address where Twinkle is kidnapped. The police is there too and they are searching the places. The kidnappers is alert on seeing the police outside and asks what to do about that girl? The police comes inside the godown where Twinkle is kidnapped. They search around, and the inspector says Twinkle must be here. The kidnapper calls his boss in order to inform him what is on ground. Yuvi comes to the same godown. The kidnapper tells their boss that the police has raided their hideout and asks what to do about Twinkle? He gets message from his boss and ends the call. Yuvi sees him but doesn't recognize him. The Inspector comes to the kidnapper and asks him to open the door of the inner godown, the kidnapper does as told and doesn't find Twinkle there, he is himself stunned. The police searches around maybe they can sees any clue about her. Yuvi comes inside the godown and hides seeing the police. The other kidnappers have hided Twinkle in the dumping bag and one of the kidnapper suggests they keep her in the back of some car. They see Yuvi’s car parked outside their hideout and hides Twinkle in the back of his car, they note the number of his car and runs from there. Yuvi meanwhile is still inside the godown and talk to himself that he know Twinkle is around here and he can feel it.

In his search for Twinkle, Yuvi reaches the spot that he had seen in a video sent to him. He looks around in the factory and says Twinkle was here in the video and it means she was around and he was this close but dont know where the kidnappers took her. He fails to find Twinkle there but is surprised when Rocky bumps into him. Rocky says he followed him from house and he know there are problems related Pallavi but he want to help him. Yuvi says he was close to Twinkle but they took her away. Rocky tell him not to worry that they will find Twinkle. Yuvi and Rocky comes out of factory. Rocky asks if he drop him as he didn't bring his car. Yuvi says yes. The two of them leave the place unaware that the goons had hidden Twinkle inside the trunk of the car who is lying there. The kidnappers see Yuvi taking Twinkle away and they see the car gone. The kidnapper says they have to inform the boss. The goons inform the head about this that Twinkle is gone in some car and their leader gets furious with their careless behaviour and asks whose car was it? The kidnapper says they don't know who it was, he tells him the car number. Yuvi is driving car oblivious that Twinkle is lying inside the trunk of his car.

Yuvi and Rocky reach home. Yuvi tells Leela that he was so close to Twinkle but couldn't save her. Leela says atleast they got to know that she is in this city and save and assure him that they will find her soon. Rocky tell Yuvi not to take stress and take some rest. Leela thanks Rocky for helping them. Rocky says he can do this for humanity sake, he leaves. After a while, Twinkle is shifted from the trunk to the car's back seat and driven away. But the episode takes a surprising turn of event as Rocky turns out to be the one responsible for Twinkle's kidnapping and he is the one that comes to Yuvi’s car and sees Twinkle lying in his car’s back. He picks her up and leaves with her. He keeps her in his car, drives her away and smirks.

While Rocky is punching his bag, he sits down and smirks. Pallavi comes to him and asks if he is ready for fight? He nods, Pallavi informs him that his fans are going mad to see him and thank him for doing for her. She suggest him to forget everything, no more Twinkle or her family and to get ready. She further tells him that she will be back, she leaves and Rocky smirks. Later, Manohar inform the police that they suspect Yuvi's involvement in the kidnapping and asks them to arrest him. He says they dont have proof against him but they can spy on him. Babee also says their daughter Twinkle is missing for much time now and ask till when they will keep waiting. But the police refuses to take any action as it's a family case and suggest them to talk to Yuvi, maybe he can get some clue. Babee says okay that she will talk to Leela.

Yuvi tell Leela that he hope everything is fine at the Sarna house. Rocky calls Yuvi and says today is his boxing match, and request him to come and watch? Yuvi apologize to him that he can't. Rocky says he know the kidnapper is playing with his life as he has made his life hell, he is playing games with him and tell him not to feel bad, that he will feel good watching his match then they will talk about Twinkle after it. Yuvi agree to come there and he ends the call. Rocky says they should keep the enemies closer to them than their friends and the kidnapper should be everything about their victims. He then says some years back, Yuvi used to be the winner of this game but now he is losing every game as Rocky is not a losing player. Leela tell Yuvi that Rocky has helped him alot, and convince him to go and watch his match. Yuvi agree with her and says he was thinking to go to every place where the kidnapper called him maybe he will get some clue. Leela tells him not to go alone and suggest him to take Rocky with him and that she is thinking about talking to the media so that they can help her find her daughter.
Rocky comes to boxing venue, he sees his locket missing, Pallavi asks what happened? Rocky think i cant tell her about my locket, he says my lucky locket is missing, i will find it, Pallavi says match is about to start, come, Rocky has no other option but to go for fight.
Twinkle is looking around to find some help, she is locked somewhere.

Babee tell Leela that she can trust Yuvi so much but he is a snake and can bite her anytime that he wouldn't change his nature. Leela make her remember that she used to call him son and now she suddenly changed spot. She further tells Babee that she is totally sure that he wont let anything happen to her Twinkle. Babee says the truth is that Anita has been freed from jail and Yuvi meets her, both son and mother are together in this plan, they keep them in the dark and he doesn't tell anything to them and request her to try to find some truth from him. Leela says she dont trust Anita but Yuvi has totally become what they wanted him to become, he is their son and she is doubting him? She says she is Twinkle’s mother and care for her but she can't believe that Yuvi has hand in this kidnapping. Babee says she dont know what magic Yuvi has done on her and asks why dont she try to find out from Yuvi where Twinkle is and he must have abducted her but he dont know what he has done and call Yuvi evil man. Leela is hurt with Babee harsh words and says she respect her alot but it's better if they dont talk about this matter.

Meanwhile, Rocky prepares for a fight but he is shocked when he finds his locket missing. He calls his man and asks him to search Yuvi’s car that his locket should be there and he want his locket back, he ends the call. Pallavi comes to him and asks why is he so distracted?. She tell him that it's not before match and Rocky tell her not to worry that he is fine. Announcer starts the fight, Rocky goes for it. Rocky’s man comes near Yuvi’s car and starts searching for Rocky’s locket, he says where did it go that it had to go missing now. Leela brings food for Yuvi and asks him to eat it.
Rocky’s man opens Yuvi’s car back, the car siren starts buzzing and the man hides. Yuvi comes out to check who was near his car but he doesnt find anyone there, he sees his car’s back open and Yuvi finds Rocky’s locket in his car’s back and looks at it, he says if this is not his then what is it doing in his car?

Rocky is fighting with other boxer. All are chanting for him. Rocky gets beaten up, Pallavi says why he is so distracted? Rocky thinks he dont know if his man found his locket or not.
Yuvi is looking at the locket when Rocky’s man hits him on his head with wooden stick from behind. Yuvi falls on the ground, the man takes the locket and runs from there. Yuvi says if it was related to Twinkle and tries to go behind the man.
Rocky get beaten up badly in the ring. Pallavi comes to him and asks why is he not fighting? She tell him that he have to win this. Yuvi on the other side is running behind Rocky’s man to catch him but the man sits in the car and leaves from there. He calls the manager to inform Rocky that he got his locket. Manager hints Rocky that his man found his locket and he is relief.

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