Monday 25 June 2018

Telemundo : This Week Teasers On The Boss

Read what will be showing on The Boss this week, Monday to Friday, June 25 - 29 on Telemundo.

Monday 25 June 2018 

Ricardo confronts Alejandro for hurting Patricia, while David continues to harass Cecilia. Max goes to see Antonia and asks her for a job.

Tuesday 26 June 2018 

Antonia agrees to give Max a job. Meanwhile, Lucho tells Veronica that the identity of Gabriela’s body has been confirmed.

Wednesday 27 June 2018 

Alejandro warns Valentina not to sign any document that his mother asks her to. Meanwhile, Prudencia is elected as the new president of the Club.

Thursday 28 June 2018 

Veronica finds out that Patricia is Alejandro’s lover, and is pained to realise she still has feelings for Alejandro. Julio confronts Lagarto.

Friday 29 June 2018 

Patricia tells Veronica that she always believed Gabriela was innocent. Constanza looks for Ricardo, planning to let him know that she is alive.

Premiere episodes of The Boss premiere on Telemundo from Mondays to Fridays at 18h00.

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