Thursday 1 November 2018

Thursday Update On Twist Of Fate 2, Nov 1, 2018

Abhi sees Pragya under the bed. Abhi also goes under the bed and asks Pragya what she is doing there. She tells him she is finding some important papers. Abhi shows her the Valentines Day card and asks her if she is looking for it. Pragya asks him to give her the card and Abhi says it is not shopping card, but greeting card. Just then they see a bat in the room. They scream out of fear and jump over the bed.
The bat comes near them. They both run around the room scared and finally hide under the blanket. Abhi asks Pragya to open the window and send the bat out of the room. Pragya dares Abhi to do that. Pragya moves the blanket and peeps out, she sees the bat and shouts. Abhi also shouts. Under the blanket both argue as to who will go and see whether the bat has gone or not. But, they are so scared that they keep lying on the bed under the sheet. Abhi asks Pragya to stay there till morning as it doesn’t look like that the bat will leave the place. Pragya says she cannot as her mother Sarla worries a lot when she stays here in the night.

Just then Tanu who is looking for Abhi everywhere as she has plans to take him out and celebrate the Valentine’s Day enters Abhi’s room and wonders who he is with under the blanket. She pulls the blanket and is shocked to see Abhi and Pragya under a single sheet. She takes it in a wrong way and shouts at Abhi for being with Pragya. She cries and says how can Abhi do this with her, how can he romance with Pragya on Valentine’s Day. Pragya is very happy that the Valentines Day went well in Abhi’s company.

Abhi goes to Tanu and explains what had happened. He tells her that they were only hiding from the bat. Tanu says Abhi is doing all this purposely because he no longer loves her. Abhi makes an emotional drama in front of Tanu and Tanu forgives him. She says they will celebrate the remaining Valentines Day together. Tanu asks him for a hug and he hugs her.

Purabh is happy Abhi has read the card. Just then Aaliya comes in and sees Purabh smiling and thinking of something. She taunts him that his plans to unite Abhi and Pragya are meaningless and further tells him that Pragya and Abhi will never be together. Purabh says that Aaliya is blind, she can’t see Abhi’s caring attitude towards Pragya. He tells Aaliya that Abhi has realized his love with Pragya but Aaliya says for Abhi commitment is everything and he has committed to Tanu She says once Abhi marries Tanu she is not bothered whether they love each other or not. She is only happy that Pragya’s life will be destroyed once Tanu and Abhi are married after 7 days. Then Pragya can’t do anything and have to shed tears. And, also suggests Purabh to do something for Pragya as she will be alone after Abhi’s marriage with Tanu. She says maybe Purabh will marry Pragya then and Purabh raises his hand at Aaliya but does not hit her. Aaliya smiles and says she knows he will not hit her i.e. she still loves him. Purabh leaves and thinks that he should push Abhi more. Aaliya says once Tanu and Abhi are married all her focus will be on Purabh.

Next day, Purabh who gives the two a little push in the right direction goes for a morning jog with Abhi. He asks Abhi if he and Pragya expressed their feelings for each other last night. He says that it is confirmed that Pragya loves Abhi as it is written in the card. Abhi says Pragya did not say anything with her mouth. Purabh tells him that people share their feelings in words and it does not matter whether one writes down everything or says it. Abhi says Tanu has also given him a card with her feelings and so it is necessary for him to hear the feeling not just read them. Purabh is shocked as Abhi says by that logic Tanu also loves him as she also wrote a loving message in the card and he feels that Abhi is unnecessary losing time. Indu Daasi sprains her ankle and Daadi asks Pragya to get a painkiller from Abhi’s medicine box. Meanwhile, Abhi makes some excuse and goes from there. Abhi is in a dilemma and feels he is doing wrong as he is in love with Pragya but he is marrying Tanu. He wonders why he is not marrying Pragya. At the same time, he is also confused who is the right girl for him. Also, if he is marrying Tanu then why should he make Pragya fall in love with him.

Daadi sends Pragya into Abhi’s bathroom to get an ointment from there since Daasi’s foot got hurt and she is screaming due to pain. Pragya hurriedly goes to Abhi’s room. Meanwhile, Abhi asks god to give him a signal that who is right for him. He is getting ready for a bath when Pragya enters the washroom in search of Daasi’s medicines as she thinks that Abhi is outside. He gets shocked to see Pragya in his bathroom. She gets awkward to see him in batching robe. He asks what has she come here for. She tells him that Daadi has sent her to bring spray for Daasi and that she had no idea that he was in there. Abhi stops her from looking for it. He asks Pragya to leave. Pragya looses her balance and she slips. Abhi holds her. They both share a romantic eye-lock. Pragya tells him that she has sprained her ankle. On seeing that she hurts her leg, Abhi massages her feet and tells her that she will be fine now and asks her to leave before anyone comes.

Daadi comes looking for Pragya in Abhi’s room to check if Pragya has found the medicine. They get scared. Daadi hears some voices from the bathroom and asks Abhi if he has seen Pragya. Abhi panics as to what his Daadi will think if she sees both of them in the bathroom. He asks Pragya to not say anything and tells his Daadi that Pragya had come but she has gone to the kitchen to make his favorite coffee. Just then Daadi hears Pragya’s voice and Abhi says it is him only and no one else. She leaves. Abhi asks Pragya to leave and let him take a bath. She turns around to leave. Abhi who is eager to find out if Pragya loves him or not stops her and asks if what she wrote in the letter is true or not. She asks him what if she tells him that it was all true and asks Abhi his reply. He opens his mouth to propose her but just he is about to express something, Tanu comes and Abhi again gets scared because if Tanu caught him with Pragya in the bathroom, then he is sure to be beaten up by Tanu. He locks the bathroom again. Tanu assumes that Abhi is in the bathroom and she stands outside and starts discussing her wedding plans. Tanu tells him that she has brought his sherwani and asks him to come out and try his marriage sherwani. She says she has also arranged for their honeymoon. Abhi and Pragya get scared.

Pragya asks Abhi to go outside and take Tanu out of his room. Abhi decides that he will go out and take Tanu out of the room so that Pragya can escape from there. But, just then, he accidentally steps on Pragya's foot. She shouts. Tanu recognizes Pragya's voice and asks who is inside. Pragya says that she is there, but without Abhi. She says that she is using the bathroom as no other bathroom is free. Tanya gets furious. She starts shouting on Pragya and asks her to start distancing herself from Abhi. She asks her come out immediately. She says she is the most important person in Abhi’s life as Pragya is only a secretary. She says she will make sure Abhi breaks her friendship with her once she is married to him. Pragya is upset and Abhi asks Pragya not to take Tanu's words seriously and apologizes to her on her behalf and he doesn’t like anyone raising the voice on his best friend. He asks her not to get upset and smile as even he feels bad when she is upset. Abhi says he has many ways to cheer Pragya. Tanu angrily leaves Abhi’s room and bumps into Daadi. Daadi asks Tanu who was she shouting on and scolds her for taking Pragya’s name. Tanu tells Daadi that Pragya is in Abhi’s bathroom, which is not acceptable. Daadi tells her that Abhi is in the bathroom and Pragya is in the kitchen. Tanu gets shocked.

Tanu takes Daadi to the bathroom to prove that Pragya is in the bathroom. They both stand outside the bathroom. Daadi asks who is inside. Abhi says he is just coming. Tanu gets shocked and then asks if Pragya is inside and Pragya says yes. Daadi hears it and Tanu gets angry. Abhi comes out of the bathroom and lies to her and Tanu loses her cool at him while Daadi is waiting outside nonchalantly. Tanu asks him to tell her the truth about what he was doing with Pragya in the bathroom. She even asks Daadi to interfere who stifles her laughter and asks Abhi what he is up to. Abhi feel bad as his Daadi asks what Pragya was doing inside the bathroom, Abhi then puts the blame on her saying that Daadi knew everything as she sent him inside. Daadi says she did not sent him inside. Abhi says Daadi only sent Pragya inside. He is so scared of Tanu that he mumbles. Abhi says he was not taking a bath with Pragya but only helped her when she slipped. Daadi asks him to show her how he saved Pragya from falling and he obliges and enacts the whole scene again. Tanu gets angry and yells at him again asking him what he was doing with her in the bathroom and says Abhi is hiding something something from her. She says she is disappointed with Abhi.

Tanu then starts crying as realises that she might be fighting a losing battle but is still hell bent on marrying him as Daadi asks if she will cancel the marriage. Abhi who happily asks if she will cancel the marriage is shocked to hear that Tanu is going ahead with the wedding. Tanu asks him to dress up and come for the function. Daadi also leaves the room after Tanu. Aaliya finds out about the bathroom incident through Tanu. Aaliya is shocked and Tanu tells her that they both were making excuses. She says when she asked Pragya she said Daadi has sent her. Just then, they see Pragya come downstairs and start taunting her. Aaliya taunts her that she has started working cheap as she has entered Abhi’s bathroom also and can even go to her boss’ bathroom to get a promotion. Aaliya adds on that Abhi is not her man and she should be ashame. But Pragya gives it back to them that Abhi is her husband and so she is not ashamed. Aaliya says Pragya is more bad than Tanu and Pragya says atleast she accepted that her friends Tanu is bad.

Pragya says Tanu should have manners not to disturb a husband wife’s private moment. Aaliya says tomorrow is Tanu and Abhi’s handi ceremony and they are going to get married in six days. Pragya says Tanu needs haldi not for marriage but for the hurt she got by seeing her with Abhi while he is romancing her in the bathroom. Tanu says her mother is coming for the haldi ceremony but Pragya challenges them saying that Tanu will never get married to Abhi. She says Tanu can definitely see herself the marriage dress but Abhi will not put vermilion and wedding chain on her and leaves. Daadi talks about the bathroom incident to Daasi excitedly that she was so happy to see Abhi and Pragya come out of the bathroom and Tanu was so angry. Daasi says even she want to see this scene where Tanu was so sad and disappointed. Purabh hears them and says they should not worry because Tanu will wear her marriage dress but will not get married to Abhi.

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