Tuesday 30 October 2018

Tuesday Update On Gangaa Oct 30, 2018

Niranjan returns home and is angry as 3 of his meetings were cancelled because of the movement of stars and people don’t care about other people’s time. Raghav tries to calm him down but in vain. Madhvi and Prabha notice him thus but she goes to make tea once Raghav agrees to it. Prabha leaves for her home. Niranjan gets a call from the same client but does not want to talk to him.
Raghav explains that Mr. Singh is the top industrialist of the city and they cannot behave like this with him. Niranjan blunt out that he knows all about Mr. Singh’s journey to the top and he is not angry about him cancelling the meeting thrice but he is angry because of the case. He instruct Raghav to call him and to inform him right away that he won't fight the case. Raghav try to convince Niranjan that there are other ways to say no and this reaction won’t appeal to Mr. Singh. Madhvi brings tea but Niranjan walks away saying he doesn’t want it. Raghav respects Niranjan for his values and ideals but he advice him to be extra careful and diplomatic when he talk to rich people so they don’t feel bad. Madhvi tells Raghav that he know she don’t interfere in his work. Raghav nods and tells Madhvi that she is the only one who can make him understand and who can say no calmly and politely too and that there is no surety about these rich people and asks why become enemies with someone for no reason?. Madhvi agrees to try and talk to her husband once.

While Niranjan is talking to someone on phone about car repair, Madhvi comes there and Gangaa stands outside the room. Madhvi keeps the tea cup on the table and straightens his kurta’s collar. She tries to find out what is troubling him. But he retorts that nothing will happen even if he tells her and that she won't understand it. Madhvi tells her husband what Raghav had told her that it isn’t right to refuse someone straightaway and this angers Niranjan more and asks his wife Madhvi if she will tell him what he should do now?. He rudely tells her to stop worrying about him and focus on her work as so much food (grains, etc) wouldn’t have been wasted today if she was a little careful. He tells her to go away and focus on her responsibilities first. Madhvi is in tears as Niranjan is still upset with her. Gangaa is sad to see them fighting and she immediately runs up to her Niranja. She plead with him not to scold Madhvi as she is not at fault yet everyone is only scolding her. She point to him to see that his wife is crying so much. Niranjan tells her to go away but Gangaa speaks up the truth that she had gone to the storeroom yester night and that she have already told everything to Amma too. They look at her in surprise. She tell Niranjan to scold her and begs him not to say anything to his wife Madhvi. Madhvi and Niranjan ask her if she had gone to the storeroom. Gangaa says she never lie. Madhvi again asks her if she was the one who opened the lock and stole some stuff from there. Gangaa is all quiet. Niranjan refuses to believe that a girl like Gangaa stole the food, for whom self respect is everything and can do something like that. He tells Gangaa that she is lying and takes her downstairs with him. Madhvi follows them.

Niranjan brings Gangaa to the storeroom and insist her to tell him why she had come to the storeroom?. Gangaa claims she. was hungry and she had come there to eat mathri’s. They notice the jar kept on the top shelf. Niranjan wants Gangaa to show him how she reached out for the jar. Gangaa climbs up an oil container but still cannot get hold of the jar. Niranjan deduces that Gangaa was not alone yester night and someone else was with her and she didn't get it on her own. He ask Gangaa to agreed that she came there, but with whom and who is she trying to save?. He raise his voice and asks her to tell him the name of that person. Gangaa stands there silently. Niranjan turns to Madhvi and asks if she had a problem with Gangaa, who cannot think ill of anyone and that he knows that she is quiet to safe Sagar or Pulkit. Niranjan adds on that Gangaa is sad because she ( Madhvi ) got scolded for no reason and Gangaa took all the blame on herself and even told the same to Amma so no one is angry with her (Madhvi) but she ( Madhvi ) started hating her for her brother promotion. Madhvi realises her mistake for misunderstanding Gangsta and feel guilty. Niranjan leaves from there. Madhvi is touched by Gangaa’s act. Gangaa wipes her tears and plead with Madhvi not to cry or she too will start crying. Madhvi hugs her.

As Madhvi hugs her, Gangaa thinks of her father when she was ill once and her father was taking care of her. He was so sad to see her thus and had hugged her to make her feel better and tells her ( Gangaa) that her fever would have disappeared if her mother was here and had hugged her like this. Ganga had hugged him tightly as he explains that every pain disappears with a motherly love and a motherly touch. Gangaa then hugs Madhvi tightly and closes her eyes. Madhvi cries and then kisses her on her forehead. She tells Gangaa that Amma must have shouted on her and scolded her as well. Gangaa says it is okay and admit that she had made a mistake so she bear the scolding, the punishment and she will keep the fast too. Madhvi is shocked and decides to talk to Amma regarding this but Gangaa doesn’t want the other widow woman named Sudha to win. She tells Madhvi that she will keep the fast. Madhvi smiles and lovely tells Gangaa that the fast is really tough and she won't keep it. Madhvi again insisist to talk to Amma.

Later, Madhvi tells everything to Amma but Amma who already knows that Sagar was involved tells Madhvi that Sagar commit the mistake and warn her not to tell anyone and also reminds her that she know how Niranjan will react to it if he knows the truth.

Niranjan marches in the kids's room and asks both the kids about yester night’s incident that he is sure either one of them was with Gangaa, but who?. He asks them that he want to hear it from the culprit’s mouth only and asks them to tell him who stole the mathri and who is Gangaa trying to protect by keeping mum?. Both kids keep quiet. Niranjan decides to punish both the kids and even the one who is not involved in that incident. Niranjan leaves from there.

Meanwhile, Madhvi agrees not to tell anyone and remind Amma that she know that Gangaa is innocent, she plead with Amma to forgive Gangaa and also begs Amma not to make her keep that fast. But Amma stays put and asks how dare Gangaa go against her as she had told her not to eat after sunset yet she didn't pay heed to her warnings. Madhvi points out that Gangaa has not eaten any of the mathri’s, plus it was Sagar’s mistake, so why should they punish Gangaa?. Amma is irked with her for she always blames Sagar and claims that Sagar is innocent but Gangaa is too smart for him and she must have led him to it and asks if Sagar can ever do it otherwise?. Amma adds that she have no enmity with Gangaa but she ( Madhvi ) is telling her to forgive Gangaa but one forgives those who apologize first and that arrogant girl hasn’t apologized to her so how can she forget her?. Amma finally keeps a condition that she won't make Gangaa keep the fast if she apologized to her. Madhvi gets happy hearing this.

Sagar asks Gangaa if she told the entire truth to his grandma and why didn't she take his name?. She tells him that she didn't take his name as it would have caused a problem for him and she don’t cheat anyone. He tells her what he has done and she reasons that she cannot believe him as Amma has not yet told her not to keep the fast. Sagar is taken aback that now his Grandma knows that he have done the mistake and she wont make her keep that fast. Madhvi joins them and tells Gangaa that Amma is ready to forgive her but she has a condition and that is, Gangaa will have to apologize to her. Gangaa is shocked and says she haven’t done anything wrong. Madhvi who appear to be getting closer to Gangaa puts forward the sunset point to her that she is at fault too. Gangaa asks her if she too believes that widows should not eat anything after sunset. Gangaa and Sagar wait for her answer. Gangaa tells Madhvi that if she tell her that this is right then she will apologize to Amma. Madhvi replies that it may not be right and asks what’s the harm in apologizing to Amma. She try to convince Gangaa that she will atleast be spared of punishment. Gangaa tells them what her father used to say that someone who apologizes just for the sake of it, someone who lies and someone who gives fake promises is a coward and she is not a coward. Madhvi and Gangaa still tell her to apologize. Amma listens to their conversation from a distance as Gangaa stays put that she can apologize to her 100 times if she is wrong and that she can even touch Amma's feet and do whatever she will tell me to, but she will not apologize just for the sake of it when she is not at fault. Amma steps in and tells Madhvi to look at the girl’s stubbornness as the fire in her eyes and her anger is just too much. Amma adds that she have to break all of it or she will destroy the house one day and they will have to be strict with her from now and come what may, she will have to keep a fast.

Maharaj is keeping a tab on the female maid working slowly. Amma gives the task of cleaning puja utensils to Gangaa. Madhvi offers to do it. But Amma suggests her to keep a fast first for that or let Gangaa learn some work. Gangaa assures Madhvi that she will do it as Amma is right and further asks how will she learn it if she don’t do it?. Amma sends Gangaa with Maharaj so he can guide her how to do everything. The maid leaves for her home.

Maharaj gives a set of instructions to Gangaa and leaves her with the utensils. Amma takes Madhvi aside for menu for next day. Sagar walks up to Gangaa but she assures him that she will do it all and it isn’t that tough. She shows the clean utensils to Amma next and Amma cannot find any fault with her work. Sagar looks on from outside as Gangaa helps Amma in setting up the temple in her room. Sagar is worried for Gangaa. Gangaa follows Amma in whatever she does and the next day, they sit down to have food in the early morning. Maharaj gives Gangajal to Amma. But Amma once again points out to Gangaa that it will be a very tough fast and also explains all the rituals of the fast to Gangaa that no food or water for the next 24 hours and that she is giving her one last chance and that she can avoid keeping fast if she apologize to her. But she will have to fulfil the fast if she takes Gangajal once. Amma further asks Gangaa what she want – forgiveness or fast?. But Gangaa simply holds out her hand so she can give her Gangajal and chooses to still go through with the fast.

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