Sunday 9 September 2018

Sunday Update On Twist Of Fate 2

Abhi asking Aaliya if this girl is her friend and also recalls her name Tanu. Aaliya says your memory is sharp. Aaliya says she is now a big super model ( big lie). Abhi says she is cute. Aaliya smiles.
Tanu acts to pose for the photo shoot. Aaliya talks to Mr. Gulati. She thinks Abhi is getting attracted to Tanu, and thinks what a scene. She thinks it will be fun when Pragya sees Abhi and Tanu together. Pragya comes to office, and says good morning to Abhi’s wall pic. She sets flowers in the vase. Abhi comes there. Sanam Re Sanam Re plays………………Abhi looks at her and smiles. He picks a flower and gives to Pragya. Pragya takes it shyly. Abhi goes. It was her imagination. She waits for Abhi and thinks why didn’t he come today. She asks Saira about Abhi. Saira says even I am waiting for him, music team is ready. She gets Aaliya’s call. Aaliya asks her to send someone to the nearby building with the CD. Saira says I will bring it. Aaliya asks her to send Pragya there. She thinks Pragya will get shocked seeing Abhi and Tanu together like I got shocked seeing them. Saira asks Pragya to go and give CD to Abhi. Pragya gets happy.

Abhi is staring Tanu. Aaliya asks him where he is lost? Abhi says nothing. Aaliya tells that her friend is a big super model and may be she will not talk to me. Abhi says I am a rockstar and all girls are mad about me. Abhi bets with her. Aaliya says she is not that type of girl, she don’t like publicity, attention etc. Abhi says if I fail then you will get a trip to Australia. Aaliya says okay. Pragya comes there. Someone compliments Tanu on her photo shoot. Pragya sees Abhi looking at Tanu. Aaliya says you have failed and says I will help you. She calls Tanu, and acts as meeting her after long time. Tanu says her hi, and asks how come you are here? Aaliya says she came for meeting. She introduces Abhi to her. Tanu says she listens to his songs and asks about his accident. Abhi says accidents are part of life. Tanu says bye to Aaliya. Aaliya goes.

Pragya comes to Abhi and gives him lyrics. Abhi ignores her and continues to look at Tanu. Pragya is shocked. Aaliya comes to Pragya and says this happens when your type of girls see big dreams. She reminds of her words and says Abhi remembered his first love and his first meeting. She says you will come closer to him when he remembers you, but now he is just close to Tanu. She asks her to move on and counts reverse numbers, as she has won. She says you will be ruined as Abhi will stay with Tanu and will enjoy with her. He will go on a holidays with her, and will do everything which you wanted to do. She says Abhi was looking at Tanu continuously when you was standing with him. She says Tanu’s name is written on his heart, and says he will not remember Pragya or Nikita. She says I will make sure that they stay together and go on a holiday. They will fully enjoy and asks her to continue doing her receptionist job, and says I have no danger now, but you have with Tanu. Pragya looks on shattered.

Pragya thinks Abhi is getting trapped by Tanu again and thinks she won’t let it happen. She thinks how to make him remember our marriage and love. Abhi thinks Tanu showed attitude to him. Aaliya comes to him and asks did you like her. Abhi says no. Aaliya forcefully tells him that she will arrange coffee date with Tanu and praises her qualities. Abhi agrees and asks her not to show ego. Abhi is leaving and sees Pragya sitting sadly. He asks why you are sad? Pragya gets angry at him and says why he is bothered about her. Abhi thinks she is taking anger out on me. He says it is good that you met me.

Abhi says you are sad as your boss fired you. Pragya says why boss will fire me. She says I am sitting here to get that papers back. Abhi says lyrics and returns the papers. Pragya thanks him and says bye. She is about to get up. Abhi asks did you come here to give papers. Pragya says yes, and says she doesn’t know anyone. She says you didn’t see me and was busy with that model. I was sitting here as I have no option. Abhi asks her to come closer and says I am Sorry. Pragya looks on.

Abhi saying sorry to Pragya and asks her not to tell anyone that a rockstar apologized to her. He asks her to give papers to his boss else he will scold her. Pragya smiles. Allah Wariyan plays………Abhi comes home, thinks about Tanu. He thinks she is cute and that’s why showing attitude. He waits for Aaliya to come. Aaliya comes. Abhi asks her about Tanu. Aaliya asks do you need her number? Abhi says yes. Aaliya asks her to go on a date with her, and says you are blushing. She says you are liking her. Aaliya says I know you are my brother and acts childish. She thinks you are getting mad and I know what you are going through.

Pragya thinks about Aaliya threats that she won’t let her get close to Abhi. Beeji comes to Pragya and asks why your mood is off. Pragya makes an excuse. Beeji asks her to tell fast what happened else she will call Sarla. Pragya stops her. She says today I have seen something which is not right. She tells that she met Abhi today, but he didn’t see her and was looking at Tanu instead. She tells about Aaliya’s threats. She says I have decided not to meet him again, and will leave that job. Beeji asks her to think about SRK’s words, and says when we love someone intensely then destiny makes sure that they unite. She says Aaliya’s plans will fail infront of God’s plans. She gives her strength asking her to fulfill her dreams. Abhi asks Robin to get his clothes, and asks him to get his breakfast fast. Aaliya thinks Abhi will go to office for recording, and thinks she lied to Pragya that Abhi is on holiday with Tanu. She gets an idea and thinks I will see now, how he goes to office now. She keeps his marriage pic on his bed secretly and hides. Abhi comes and sees his pic in groom clothes. He thinks my marriage pic, and I didn’t know. He gets a flashes of his marriage and falls down unconscious.

Robin comes inside and sees him fallen. He calls everyone. Dadi gets worried for him. Aaliya gives him medicine with water. Taya ji asks what is this tablet. Aaliya asks him to call doctor. She looks at the pic. She asks who has kept this pic in his room. She questions Dadi and says someone have kept this pic deliberately, and asks Mitali if you have kept this pic to take revenge from him. Mitali says I can’t do this, and says I didn’t see this pic before. Dasi says she was with me when we heard Dadi shouting. Tayi ji says we were sitting, waiting to get breakfast. Taya ji says why anyone will do this. Aaliya says don’t know who have done this? She asks them not to make his past come infront of him.

Doctor comes there. Aaliya tells that she has given him tablet, and asks Raj to tear the pic. Doctor checks Abhi and says he got a stress stroke. He says you people shouldn’t be careless and let him stay at home for 2-3 days. Aaliya is happy at her plan, thinks Abhi will not go to office now, and Pragya will think that he is on holiday with Tanu. She thinks Pragya’s dreams will break now.

Purab comes to see Abhi and cracks jokes to cheer him up. Abhi is sad and confused. Pragya comes to office. Saira tells him that Abhi will not come to office for some days. Pragya says where did he go and with whom. Saira says I didn’t know, I am not his wife.

Abhi telling Dadi and everyone that he saw himself in groom dress and asks if they have hidden something from him. He says he saw flashes of his marriage. Purab asks did you see the girl? Dadi tells him that it is a photo shoot pic surrounded by the crew members. She asks him not to stress his mind else he will have to take more leave. Dasi jokes with him. Abhi says I won’t get poor and will be a rockstar always. Dadi asks Purab and Abhi to have food together. Pragya is in the office and thinks about Aaliya’s words. Something falls down and breaks. Saira asks what happened? She asks her to go home and take rest. Pragya thinks it is just 3 pm, if I go early that maa will question me. She thinks to call Purab and talk to him. Purab gets her phone. Abhi teases her if his girl friend called. Pragya asks him to meet her and tells that she has taken half day leave. Purab tells her that Abhi got flashes of his past and tells everything. Pragya insists to see him once and says she will wait for his message. She thinks how did that photo come in his room. Purab thinks how to convince him to come out with me. He tells Abhi that he has a good idea.

Aaliya asks what idea? Purab tells her that they were playing games. Abhi says lets go out somewhere and insists to go coffee shop. Purab says okay, if you go out then may feel better. Aaliya asks him to rest. Abhi asks her not to treat him like Dadi. Purab asks him to get ready. He thinks to message Pragya so that she reaches coffee shop fast. Abhi gets ready and come. Purab compliments him. Aaliya says I will also come with him. Purab tries to stop him. Abhi asks Aaliya to come. Purab thinks to message Pragya not to come, but Abhi stops him.

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