Sunday 19 August 2018

Sunday Update On My Golden Home

Sheetal is happy that she has received money from Shelly. She safely puts it in her closet. Raghav enters the room and he has borrowed money from his friend for the first time, he tells Sheetal to keep the money safe for him but Sheetal says no adding that she will not keep the money. She tells him to return it back to his friend. She also adds that she will manage the house expenses. Sheetal explains to him a bit more and he agrees to return the money to his friends the next morning.

Abha is standing sadly in the kitchen cleaning, Sheetal sees and goes to her. Sheetal tells Abha to go give a glass of milk to Sanskar before he goes to sleep. Abha then remembers what her parent said about Sanskar and her marriage.

Abha goes and gives the milk to Sanskar. He starts to talk about the type of girls he wants. Sanskar tells her that he wants a very sweet and simple girl who he will love and give the world's happiness too. Sanskar then asks what Abha thinks about his choice but she tells Sanskar to drink the milk she has prepared for him. She then leaves.

Karan is sad and sitting alone. He tells himself that Abha will come to him for sure. He adds that he trusts his love and he wont let anything happen to Abha or his love.

Abha is in her room as well and she is thinking about how Karan was standing outside in the sun earlier on that day. Abha felt sorry as she was not able to give Karan the right as her husband.
The next morning, Prakash is leaving to go to the police station and then to go find a job. Sanskar tells everyone that Prakash has been sad for a long time and that they should plan a picnic to release the tension in the house. Sheetal suggest that it is a great idea and they all should go for the picnic.
Chandra tells Lata to ask Sanskar for the day of the picnic. Karan is looking outside and waiting for Abha when Saniya comes. She tells him that she gave the letter and nuptial chain to Abha's aunt. Karan gets angry and tells Sania that he should not have never trusted her. Sania assures Karan not to worry as everything will be fine. She also adds that at least Karan knows that the person he loves loves him back and that he is very lucky.

Karan feels bad for what he said to Saniya and he apologizes. Sania agrees and tells Karan to take her out for sometime. Meanwhile, Shelly calls Sheetal. Sheetal tells her that Sanskar will be taking Abha somewhere and tells her where they will be going to. Shelly smirks and also thanks Sheetal for the information. Shelly also tells her that she will send more money to her if she continues to provide such information to her. Raghav hears their conversation on phone and he asks Sheetal who Shelly is. Sheetal tells Raghav that she was her new friend.

Karan and Saniya are going out and Shelly tells them to go to the place that Abha will be going to. Shelly tells Karan that all lovers are going there including Abha with her would be husband. Karan also goes to the place that Shelly suggested that Abha will be at so that he can get his answers. Abha is at the park with all her family. Sheetal also tries to bring Abha and Sankar closer. Sanskar is gets everyone ready to play cricket. Uday and the whole family are playing cricket and Karan comes over there with Saniya. Meanwhile, Sheetal is planning on doing something. Karan looks angry upon seeing Abha and Sanskar getting closer to each other.

Sheetal tells Sanskar to teach Abha how to play the cricket. Sanskar does so and he goes closer to Abha which Karan is watching very angrily. Karan walks away. Someone hits the cricket ball and it goes very far away. The family members tell Abha to go bring the ball.

Abha is running to where the ball is and Karan is standing there. Karan drags her to a side and tells her to stop doing what she is doing and that she wont be able to live happily without him. Abha tells him that her families happiness means the most to her. She also tells Karan to forget everything and also tells him to marry Saniya. Karan gets mad at this and tells her to shut up. He tells her what if he asked her the same. Meanwhile, Sanskar is also busily looking for Abha.
Karan tells Abha that he will be coming to her house with a marriage proposal to ask Uday for her hand in marriage. Abha is shocked whiles Karan walks away in anger.

Sanskar comes to Abha and asks who she was talking to. Abha tells him that someone lost their way and she didn't even know how to help him because she doesn't even know the way he needed to go. Abha and Sanskar come to everyone and Sheetal tells them that they should play the cricket again. Abha is sad and Sheetal sees this. Sheetal smirks and tells herself that today, no matter what she will bring up the topic of Karan and Abha's wedding to everyone's notice. Just then, Raghav accidentally hits her with the ball.

Sheetal is mad at Raghav for hurting her leg. Abha and Lata also sees someone looking from the bushes and it turns out to be Lata's husband. Both Abha and Lata are shocked to see Sarmajeet.
Samarjeet tells Lata to shut up and also threatens her to go with him. He adds that if he doesn't then he knows what he can do. He then grabs Lata and Abha stops him. Abha fiercely tells Samarjeet that he cannot force Lata to go with him. Sanskar also challenges Samarjeet. He tells Samarjeet to let go of Lata's hand but then he holds its again telling Sanskar that he is her husband. Sanskar gets angry and he slaps Samarjeet. Sanskar and Uday warns Samarjeet never to show his face to Lata or any of them again else they will send him to prison.

Abha goes to Lata's room who is sad and thinking about what Samarjeet said to her. At Swarn Bhavan, Karan asks Jagmohan to cancel all meetings because he will be going to Abha's house to propose to her. Jagmohan tells Karan that he is crazy to think that he will go over there to their house. He also tells Karan that what he wants will never happen. Karan tells his father that he will bring Abha to Swarn Bhavan with all the rights and honor she deserves and everyone is shocked.
Uday asks Raghav what he thinks about Sanskar. Raghav tells him that he is very impressed with Sanskar and how he faced Samarjeet just like his son. Uday adds that Sanskar has great ideas about marriages too. Meanwhile Lata comes there to give them offerings. Uday tells her that he cannot wait anymore for Abha and Sanskar's wedding and Lata is shocked. Abha hears this and Sheetal comes there as well. She tells everyone that they should get Abha and Sanksar married as soon as possible and Abha is shocked.

She remembers what Karan had told her about coming to her house with the marriage proposal. Sania is also going with Karan and she gives him a sari. Karan tells her that she had brought the sari for herself but she tells him that Abha should wear the sari instead. Karan tells Sania that red was his favoruite colour and Abha will look very good in the sari.

Karan tells Sania that he is very lucky to have such a true friend like her. Sania packs the weeding items and Veer comes there and tells them that he will also do his duties as an elder brother. Karan is very happy. Veer tells both Karan and Sania that he will support Karan in his decision. Jagmohan sees this and he feels furious. He tells them that all the weeding items has been bought from his money. He adds that he cannot let Abha become the daughter in law of their family. Jagmohan tells Karan that Abha is just his wife and not the daughter in law of the family.

Saniya leaves all the other marriage items and she just picks up the sari. Veer agrees to go with Karan too and Karan is happy. The 3 of them leave. Shelly sees them and she gets annoyed. Jagmohan stops Karan again and warns him that anyone who makes any relation with Uday and his family will have to leave Swarn Bhavan. Karan answers him back saying that such obstacles are making his love even stronger for Abha. Karan prays and then leaves. He asks Saniya and Veer to stay back as he knows they are with him. Karan leaves with the sari whiles Veer and Saniya follows him.

Jagmohan calls up Abha and he warns her that if she agrees to come to Swarn Bhavan with Karan, he will do such a thing to Uday that he will spend his whole life in the mental asylum. Veer gives Karan some money to buy some bangles for Abha. Karan thanks Veer for his support and he leaves.

Abha is just too tensed. She remembers what Karan said to her and how he had told her that he will end the enmity between their families and how he had got a nuptial chain for her. Someone arrives and Brij opens the door. Karan arrives with the sari and Abha is shocked. Uday and Chandra are also shocked to see Karan.

Uday asks Karan as to why did he come to their house. Karan apologies to him for behaving so badly with him earlier at Swarn Bhavan. Karan tells Uday that he has come to end the enmity between the two families forever. Meanwhile, Abha is restless and worried. Karan tells Uday that he can punish him adding that he wont be punishing Jagmohan's son but he will punish his son-in-law. The entire Singh family is shocked to hear this. Karan tells Uday that he and Abha are married.

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