Sunday 19 August 2018

Sunday Update On Iron Lady

Indira, Inder, Viren and Radhey report Rishi's missing complaint in the police station. They tell Inspector Sumer that they found a piece of cloth from Rishi's kurta near a certain spot. They take Inspector Sumer to that certain spot. Indira gets shocked when she fails to notice the blood stains over there.

 Inder expresses her bewilderment as the blood stain was no longer there. Inspector Sumer tells Inder that one must not listen to women as they usually create confusion. Before leaving, Inspector Sumer points out that Rishi was missing and Indira could lodge a missing complaint after 24 hours. Indira tells Inder that she would go to any extent to look for Rishi. She decides to look for Rishi not only throughout the city but also at Diwan residence. However, her search proves futile and she fails to find Rishi.

In the middle of the night, Lalan secretly enters Sharma Niwas and tries to murder Indira. Inder stops Lalan. By now Lalan's aides enter the house and attack Inder. Lalan asserts that after he had managed to get Rishi out of his way. He adds that it was time for Indira to meet her end. Indira angrily throws a vessel on Lalan's head. Lalan unconsciously falls on the ground. On hearing the commotion, the family members gather and begin to attack Lalan's aides. Indira brings Lalan to consciousness and asks him where Rishi was. Inder stops Indira from questioning Lalan as he believes that the police would compel Lalan to inform them about Rishi's whereabouts.

Indira and Inder forcibly take Lalan to the police station. Indira complains to Inspector Sumer that Lalan did not only tried to kill her but also kidnapped Rishi. Inspector Sumer enquires with Lalan whether he kidnapped Rishi. Lalan pretends to be innocent and accepts the accusations which Indira charged against him. He smartly mentions that he kidnapped Rishi when he was at the district court. Inspector Sumer believes that Indira had threatened Lalan to accept that he had kidnapped Rishi. He reasons out that if Indira was supposed to get married at the registrar office, how could Lalan kidnap Rishi from the district court. Indira and Inder are left shocked on hearing the statement.

Indira tries to explain to Inspector Sumer that if Lalan can attack her, he could easily get Rishi kidnapped. Inspector Sumer considers Indira's justifications and threatens to hit Lalan if he does not reveal the truth. To save himself, Lalan tells Inspector Sumer that Jhumpa had compelled him to murder Indira. Inder and Indira are left shocked on hearing the truth. Inspector Sumer orders the female constables to nab Jhumpa. Jhumpa creates commotion as she enters the police station. She is unaware of the reason behind her arrest. On noticing Lalan in the police station, Jhumpa realizes that he revealed her plot. In frustration, Jhumpa attacks Lalan. To maintain order in the police station, Inspector Sumer locks Jhumpa and Lalan in custody. Indira enquires with Inspector Sumer what step he would take to save Rishi. Inspector Sumer points out that Rishi was missing and Indira could lodge a missing complaint after 24 hours.

In order to find Rishi, Indira takes printouts of Rishi's photo and mentions her contact details. She sticks the posters on every street in Chandni Chowk. Later, a certain person calls up Indira and tells her that he would inform about Rishi only if she pays him Rs. 5,000. Indira requests her caller to inform her about Rishi's whereabouts. She adds that she does not have enough money to give him. The caller warns Indira that if she does not come to a certain street along with the money within an hour, she would never know where Rishi was. Concerned about Rishi, Indira goes home to get the money. She recollects that she had kept Rs. 6,000 in the tiffin. On opening the tiffin, Indira finds only Rs. 2,000 in it. On enquiring with Kutumb, Indira learns that her mother had donated Rs. 4,000. Indira is left apprehensive as she does not know how she would arrange for the money.

At that time, Radhey arrives and offers to help Indira. He gives Indira Rs 4,000 so that she can get Rishi freed. Indira along with Radhey reach the spot where the person had called her. The person calls up Indira and asks her to keep the money at a certain place and leave. The person assures to tell Indira about Rishi's whereabouts only after she leaves.

Concerned about Rishi, Indira drops the packet of money at the certain place. Indira and Radhey are about to leave when Indira receives a SMS about Rishi's whereabouts. Indira and Radhey rush to the place where Rishi is mentioned in the SMS. When they reach the place, a goon sitting outside the house, stops Indira from getting Rishi freed. The goon pushes Indira away. However, Munna arrives and saves her.

Indira tells Munna that Rishi was confined there. Meanwhile, Rishi hears Indira's voices and tries hard to open the door but fails. The goon threatens to hit Munna and Indira and asks them to leave. When Munna drags Indira home, she gets furious and manages to set herself free. On her way she notices an axe and picks it up. When Indira barges towards the room, Rishi was about to call her out but some goons take him away. Indira breaks open the door but unable to find Rishi. She notices her name (Makanmalkinji) written on the barrel by Rishi. At that time, a lady arrives and tries to throw Indira out of the house as it belonged to her. She gets furious at Indira for breaking the lock. The lady asserts that she would have taught Indira a lesson, if she wasn't Munna's sister.

Munna tries to take Indira home along with him, but she refuses. To prove that Rishi was confined in the same house, she shows the barrel to Munna but to her surprise, she fails to find her name written on it. When Indira returns home, Kusum curses Rishi. Indira gets furious and warns Kusum not to curse Rishi in future. At that time, Indira receives a call from a kidnapper, who asks her to pay Rs 5 core as ransom to get Rishi freed.

Indira is left shocked. The family too gets shocked when Indira informs them about it. Mr Chadda and his office staff visit Sharma Niwas to congratulate Indira as they believe that she had got married to Rishi. Meanwhile, the kidnapper calls up Indira again and enquires whether she has managed to get the money.

A helpless Indira requests the kidnapper to set Rishi freed as she would never be able to manage such a huge sum. The kidnapper, however, pays no heed to Indira, instead gives her 24 hours to manage the money. Mr Chadda suggests Kusum to sell Sharma Niwas. He adds that Kusum would approximately get Rs 7 core after selling the house.

It is revealed that someone from Rishi's family has intentionally kidnapped him. The kidnappers doubt whether Indira would sell Sharma Niwas to manage the money. Indira decides to sell Sharma Niwas in order to get Rishi freed. She requests Kusum to accept her decision. Kusum, however, refuses to help Indira. Indira is apprehensive that the kidnappers may kill Rishi, if she is unable to pay the ransom. Inder sees Indira worried and decides to help her by selling the house. He tells Indira to accompany him to a builder. Meanwhile, Rishi manages to escape from the room he was confined in. The kidnappers, however, chase him. While escaping, Rishi reaches a construction site. Indira and Inder too arrive at the same site to meet the builder. The kidnappers chase Inder and assault him. Indira who is standing in an elevator notices Rishi and calls out to him.

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