Tuesday 3 July 2018

Tuesday Update On Fire And Ice

One of the student says he know one guy and people call him Micheal Jackson and he will perform with her. Twinkle asks if he will come on short notice? The student suggests to call him and ask. He calls him up. Just then, Yuvi arrives at the place and the student point to him that he is here.
It's none other than Yuvi dressed as himself not as Jassi. Bodyguard plays in the background. Kunj thinks he must be planning something. Twinkle asks Yuvi where he was and if he is fine? Yuvi says he is fine and that he was fulfilling his promise to her. He asks student who called him about the dance and the student tell him that Twinkle is his partner, but he too refuses to dance with Twinkle as it's his promise to someone, he cant. Twinkle looks at him, everyone asks Yuvi to perform but he says he can't. Yuvi starts leaving, he thinks Twinkle cant say no as understanding partner like him and he hopes that Twinkle will stop him from leaving and call him herself.

Twinkle is looking at him, he sits down acting like tying his shoe laces. He turns to see Kunj coming to Twinkle. Kunj who takes the advantage of the situation and requests Twinkle to dance with him and if she don't mind, he can be her partner? Sajna Ve song plays in the background. Kunj says nothing personal, just for this institute’s respect. Yuvi looks at them and sees Kunj extends his hand. Everyone asks Twinkle to accept, Twinkle holds Kunj’s hand and accepts to dance with him. Yuvi thinks that he can't believe this loser took the chance and won, adding that he got Twinkle without actually doing anything. Twinkle and Yuvi dances on Pyar Ki Yeh Kahani Suno song. They do Salsa dance closely and Yuvi angrily looks at them. Just when Twinkle is about to fall down, Kunj catches her, they share eyelock and Sajna Ve plays play in the background and confetti falls over them. Twinkle gets up, everyone claps and congratulates them. Twinkle steal glances with Kunj. Yuvi thinks that his plan failed and he instantly decides to use his disguise as Jassi to impress Twinkle as backup and Twinkle will dance with only him.

Meanwhile, Anita comes to her room, she sadly looks at Yuvi’s picture and says he loved Twinkle like crazy, he did so much for her happiness, he completely changed himself and he spaced himself from her but still he didn't get Twinkle. Anita decides to help her son gain Twinkle so that her son gets his love and she get her son back, Twinkle has to become Yuvi’s even if she have to do anything for it.

Pallavi shows Usha pictures of Kunj when he became Rocky. Twinkle comes there and asks his mom how she is? Usha asks what she is doing here? Twinkle says she bring medicine for Bebe and she used to bring it every month. Usha asks why she is showing off? That at one side she don't want to accept Kunj and on the otherside she show right on his family? And asks what is the need to leave her house and family to go to college? Twinkle says she is not showing off anything but she just brought medicines. Pallavi says she saw the prescription and brought the medicines herself and no need for her now. Twinkle leaves. Usha tells Pallavi that it's good she answered Twinkle well. Pallavi says she don't understand why she pretends in everything. Anita comes there and calls out to Usha. Usha gets angry seeing her. Anita says she know she don't like her but she know Usha is miffed with Twinkle and she have come to give her idea to get rid of Twinkle.

Leela asks Twinkle why she is upset? Twinkle says she went to Sarna house but Usha mom scolded her. Leela says Usha is blinded by her love for her son, she has forgotten her daughter sacrifice, her love and care. Twinkle says she also think she took the wrong decision? Leela says no but she (Twinkle) will have to soon take action. Meanwhile, Anita tells Usha that she can give her idea to separate Kunj and Twinkle but Usha says she don't need her ideas and tells her to leave. Anita says she will need her help. She tells her if she knows Twinkle and Kunj are getting really close in college and that did Twinkle tell her that Kunj and Twinkle are taking part in college fest together? Usha gets angry listening to this. Anita leaves.

The college fest starts, everyone praises Twinkle and Kunj for the arrangements. Yuvi is dressed as Jassi and thinks that Twinkle is looking so pretty and she can't let Kunj dance with her at any cost. Twinkle is wearing white sleeveless dress. She comes to Jassi, he compliment her that she is looking really nice, she smiles. The dance performances start. The manager says to Twinkle and Kunj that everyone is waiting for her dance performance. Jassi brings Twinkle aside and says she is sweet and asks if she don't remember what Rocky Sir did in college room that day? And still she is dancing with him? Twinkle tells Jassi that she is doing this for college and she can handle him, she leaves. Yuvi thinks he have to think of something. The dance performance ends and Kunj and Twinkle goes back-stage to get ready for their performance. Yuvi in disguise goes behind too. He comes to them and tells Twinkle that his mom says she should eat something sweet before doing any work, he makes her eat sweetdish and Kunj smiles. Jassi tells Rocky Sir to eat too, he offers him but deliberately puts it on his shirt. He apologize to Rocky with an excuse that his hand shook and he is so sorry. Twinkle says their performance is next and asks what will happen now?. Kunj says he will come after changing soon, he leaves. Jassi assures Twinkle not to worry that she taught him Salsa and they will dance as partners. Twinkle is tensed and comes on stage and everyone cheers for her.

Pallavi gives money to a goon and tells him that the light should fall on Twinkle in today’s party, it should look like accident and nobody should doubt him. He nods and says her work will be done, he leaves. Pallavi talk to herself and apologize to Twinkle that she don't have other option to get rid of her and Kunj’s daily college sessions and that she ( Twinkle ) is gone today, she smirks.
Twinkle gets on the stage, ready for her performance, unaware that two men are all set to drop one of the flood lights on her and everyone claps. The light man positions spot light right above Twinkle’s head and Yuvi is standing back stage. The light man leaves spot light, but just as the light is dropped on Twinkle, Kunj rushes towards her and pushes her away to safety and they both fall down on stage away from the spotlight. Twinkle looks at Kunj tensely and the principal praises Kunj for bravery. Meanwhile, Pallavi gets call from her goon and learns that Twinkle has escaped the accident and gets furious with the men asking how did she get saved? She scold him that he can't do anything properly. By now, Twinkle sees Kunj injured, she thanks him for saving her life and Kunj says if she really mean it and asks her for a date in return that he want to talk to her. Twinkle is forced to agree that she will decide place and time, he says fine but Jassi is displeased seeing this and is tensed.

Twinkle sees Jassi sitting on chair and she comes to him. Jassi (Yuvi in disguise) speaks to Twinkle and apologize to her that he spoiled everything and he is zero. Twinkle says it was not his fault. Jassi asks what if the light fell on her? Twinkle says it didnt. Jassi says the boxer Sir saved her and she is going on a date with him and asks how can she go on a date with him? Adding that Rocky looks scary and what if he hurts her and further asks if she isn't scared? Twinkle says Rocky Sir can't hurt her. Jassi asks why? Twinkle says it's a long story and she think she should tell him. She tells him how she and Kunj got married, how they fell in love, how Kunj drowned in sea and she got married with Yuvi then how Kunj retruned after plastic surgery as Rocky and how Kunj asked her for a chance again, how Yuvi asked for it too and how she rejected both of them. She says she have decided to forget her past and complete her studies. Jassi says hats off to her, after so much happening, she still make people around her happy and he feel that Yuvi is better than Rocky as he left everything for her happiness, he let her do what she want and Rocky tries to be with her like magnet. He then asks what is this date and all?. Jassi tries to tell her that Kunj could be the one who is responsible for her accident to gain her sympathy as he wanted to be hero. Twinkle tells Jassi that Kunj didn't do it and further tells him not to think too much, she then suggests him to come addressing him as her cute best friend. Jassi says he will always be her best friend.

Pallavi is looking at her and Revant’s pictures and a flashback is shows where Pallavi saying to Revant not to go. Revant says he will come back soon and bid bye to her, flashback ends. Pallavi says she let him go last time but not this time and if she have to make Twinkle loose then she have to take steps carefully and that her favorite pawn Usha is with her in this game, she smirks.

Kunj comes to Guradvarah temple and thinks that he should have understood that Twinkle will call him here to meet and this place is important in their story. Twinkle comes there and talks with one woman. Kunj looks at her and smiles, Tujhe Main Rab Dikhta Hai song plays in the background. He recalls how he met Twinkle first time in the temple. Twinkle comes to Kunj and he thanks her for coming and that he wanted to talk to her. Twinkle suggests they pray first. Twinkle and Kunj starts serving food to the poor and Kunj keeps looking at her. They clean Guradvarah temple and looks at each other. Twinkle and Kunj keeps shoes in rack and their hands touch. Yuvi is there as Jassi, he says this loser is going for sixers and decides to do something otherwise his Twinkle will make her house again and he will be left alone. While Twinkle is working there, her shirt’s back zip is opening, Jassi and Kunj sees it and they both run to cover her. Jassi strikes with one man so Kunj reaches to Twinkle first. He hugs her from behind and closes her zip, Sajna Ve song plays in the background. Usha and Pallavi comes there and sees them like that. Yuvi in Jassi disguise is jealous seeing that. Usha wonder why Kunj and Twinkle are in the temple?. Twinkle turns and looks at Kunj, they share eyelock. Usha leaves, Pallavi asks her to stop. Usha says Twinkle is making Kunj dance to her tunes. Pallavi tells Usha that she can't stop Twinkle but she can try to stop Kunj. Usha says she is right and promise to talk to him. Pallavi says she know he won't listen against Twinkle and he will ignore her and further tell Usha that she have to do something indirectly and if she need her help to separate them then she is available. Usha thanks her and thinks about it. Pallavi thinks helping Usha is helping herself only, she smirks.

Kunj is in college and asks Jassi to do boxing with him and he asks Jassi to fight back when other student beats him. Kunj insists Jassi to fight back. Jassi thinks that this student is nothing, he dont know what Kunj is teaching him, and that one hit by him and he will be gone. Jassi acts like trying to save himself from the student and Kunj asks Jassi to hit back. Jassi acts fighting back but doesn't hit the student. The student punches him on his eye and Kunj asks if he is fine?. Twinkle comes there and asks Jassi if he is fine? He cries. Twinkle stares at Kunj. Jassi thinks Kunj should get ready for Twinkle’s attack now but Twinkle doesn't say anything to Kunj and she suggests Jassi to come with her that she will apply bandaid to him and she takes him from there.

Jassi tells Twinkle that Rocky Sir is forcing him to do fighting and that student beat him so much. Twinkle assured him that he will be fine. Yuvi says Rocky Sir is possessive about her and he doesn't like that he is her friend, adding that he is jealous. Twinkle says nothing like that, she asks him to sit, she gives him water to drink and he says he think her second hero is best. Twinkle says Yuvi's name? He says yes, that Yuvi is a good boy and he doesn't pressurize her. Twinkle agree with Jassi that he is right and she thought Yuvi wont leave her alone, he will pressurize her but he did the opposite and gave her space. Jassi says yes, that he didn't ask anything from her for 5 years, he even back out when she asked and if someone does all that for her then he loves her for real and that she is stupid to not see it. Kunj listens to all this and is shocked. Twinkle says she have class, she leaves. Jassi talk to himself that they will meet but this time, he will meet her as Yuvi and not as Jassi.

Twinkle is buying some groceries at the market where some goons spot her. The goons start teasing her and seeing this, Twinkle warns them that she will teach them a lesson and asks them to leave. She takes off her sandal and just when she decides to beat up the goons, one of the goons holds her hand. At the same time, Kunj spots Twinkle and realizes that she is trouble. Kunj rushes to help Twinkle but is held back by Yuvraj and asks if he think Twinkle is some weak girl?. He further taunts Kunj if he have any idea how many goons she beat? He proudly says Twinkle is his tigeress, he cheers for Twinkle and asks her to beat them. Twinkle frees her hand and beats the goons with her sandal, they call her sister and run from there. Everyone claps for her. Yuvi proudly says that is like his fighter. Kunj asks Twinkle if she is fine? Twinkle ignore him and asks Yuvi if he is fine and asks where is he all these days? Yuvi says he is fulfilling her wish to stay away and it can't happen that she ask him a thing and he don't comply, he further lie that he is busy with friend’s marriage. Twinkle asks him to take care, she leaves. Yuvi comes to the goons who eve-teased Twinkle and gives them money. Kunj sees this and understand that it's all Yuvi doing. Yuvi says now her score is more than Kunj.
Kunj is sitting on his bed and says Yuvi is clever, he knows how to trick people but he can try alot but his wife will never be his. He calls Twinkle up. Twinkle takes his call and Kunj thanks him for coming to meet him at Guradvarah temple but they couldnt talk, and she know they have to talk once. He plead with her if she will go on date with him again? Twinkle says she have assignments. Kunj says no pressure, he tells her to come when she have time, he the ends call.

Anita shows some photos to Yuvi and tells him to choose one girl, then she will ask for the marriage proposal. Yuvi asks his mother what's wrong with her? Anita says she can't see him go around Twinkle like that and making him understand that he was never important for her. Yuvi clearly tells his mom that there can't be any other girl in his life other than Twinkle and says end of discussion, he leaves. On the other hand, Kunj looks at his and Twinkle’s photo, he says he know her heart and even he can play games too but he want to win her heart with truth and he will win it one day. Yuvi on the other hand says to himself that he will do anything to win Twinkle’s heart, he promise himself that he won't lose her this time.

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