Tuesday 3 July 2018

Tuesday Update On My Lost Home

Jeet says he and Soni want to adopt Ipshita and he has to sign a no objection form so he can't touch Ipshita after today and he has no relationship with Ipshita. Durga says they trusted the Sareen's and Mahi is besharam.
Shabd warn her not to say anything bad to Mahi that she isn't like that. Durga says that's what he says but not what they see and asks if he want Mahi or Ipshita. Shabd remembers how the lady taunted Mahi and how Aunt Billo said they would suffer for their decision. Jeet says Shabd has nothing to do with Ipshita. Left with no choice, Shabd is about to sign the adoption papers in exchange of help to get Mahi released from jail and Mahi comes there and says they are doing such a game and they thought they can make Shabd helpless by sending her to jail, they can use their wealth but they can't win over the truth. Mahi tells Soni she can't ever be a mother because a mother needs heart and emotions, that's why bhagban left her womb empty, she will take her baby back because Ipshita won't be raised good in this house where she is just a lucky charm, where they can compromise a daughter for business and that she was happy to give her child to them but he got so ahead in business, he can compromise his daughter and no more games. Mahi promises to take Ipshita back, she rips the paper and throws it away.

Shabd's uncle says Mahi has said too much and asks if she right. Mohini tells Mahi to try to meet Soni again. Mahi says no,  that she begged and gave them time and she will get ipshita back. Shabd tells her to forget it, that they will play games with money. Mahi asks how can she forget Ipshita, she and that she is determined to bring her back by kidnapping her. Back in Patiala, Sam tells Tina to understand meeting them was a big mistake and to forget it. Tina asks if he doesn't love her. Sam asks why she is saying this. Pammi says Tina and Sam are arguing and Tina looks sad. Sukhi says she will make their problems go away. Sukhi says to Tina how can she go inside, reminding her they were so much in love. Sukhi then tell Sam love is difficult but separating is easy. He joins both Sam and Tina's hands together and tells Tina to say sorry and to trust one another. Tina apologize to Sam. Sukhi tells Tina to say I Love You. Tina and Sam do so. Just when Sukhi is about to leave, Sam tells Tina to go inside and tells Sukhi that he is playing with Tina's heart, but he won't allow that. Sukhi is confused and says he is bringing them together to stop their misunderstanding. Sam says that's why she always takes his name, he points out that Tina changed because of him ( Sukhi) and she isn't happy about going to london with him. He calls Sukhi a buffalo and says he should know his status, adding that Tina won't be happy with him, Tina should go to london with him and this is her last chance.

Shabd and Mahi watch Jeet and Soni along with Ipshita leave in their car from their house with security guards guiding the house. Later, Shabd watch Soni play with Ipshita outside the garden. Jeet asks the priest if everything for the prayer is ready. Durga says this is for the antrasam or something for Ipshita's. The priest says he will come back to their house then next morning. They bid farewell to the priest. Mahi and Shabd sees all this from far. Mohini on the other hand tells Ishana this is her first ritual or something. Shabd says to Ishana to forgive him. Mohini says this is for their own and they are all there. Shabd's uncle says there are 3 things here, if Ishana touches these, she will love the things for life. But instead of touching it, Ishana messes everything up. Aunt Billo says this is saraswati and Ipshita on the other hand also chose hers. Ipshita touches a coin. Durga says to start the havan. Mahi who decides to take an alternative way to get her baby back comes to the Khurana's house with her face covered with her scarf and sits with them performing the prayer.

Shabd meanwhile sweats in his car waiting for Mahi. Mahi looks at Jeet with Ipshita and puts out the fire in the pooja by adding something to it. Mahi walks away and smoke comes covering everywhere and everyone is coughing as they are choke with the smoke. Soni puts Ipshita in the stroller then walks away. Just when Mahi is about to take Ipshita, Durga tells Soni to take Ipshita to the room away from the smoke. Mahi immediately hide from been seen. She watches Soni put Ipshita in the room on the stroller and leave. Mahi quickly goes to the room, takes Ipshita and leaves. In the main room, Mahi thinks this is the last time she is seeing Soni. Mahi leaves and Soni sees Mahi reflection but she is not too sure due to the smoke covering everywhere. Durga tells everyone that the windows are open for the smoke to go and to get Ipshita back. Soni goes to the room and find out that Ipshita is gone. Soni runs back, raising alarm and tells Jeet that Ipshita is gone.

Soni tells Jeet that ipshita is missing. Jeet and his family are shocked. Outside Shabd hide with Ipshita while Jeet and the Khurana's search the entire place with the guards. Shabd tells Mahi they will get caught and they won't spear them. Shabd then leave a crying Ipshita and hide watching over her from far. Jeet says Shabd tried to kidnap Ipshita and escape to avoid been caught. Mr Khurana says no that he can't do that. Soni remember seeing someone with Ipshita and tells them that she saw Mahi but couldn't recognize her because of the smoke. Jeet says they have to increase the security of their house. Soni thinks how can Mahi try to steal the baby away from her. Shabd tells Mahi they should drop the kidnapping idea or they will face bigger problems. A determined mahi refuses that she want her daughter back and she will go extra mile to get her back.

In Patiala, Sukhi goes to Tina and says Sam said she isn't going to london, reminding her she loves london and Sam a lot, so why doesnt she want to go. He further says she doesn't want to go back with Sam as she can't forget her moments with them, the lassi and she can't forget all this. Tina asks if he can forget all this. Sukhi says no, but he wants them to always be friends even if they are far. Tina says yes and asks what about her grandfather and grandmother, saying if she goes she will make the same mistake like her dad and her grandfather will be angry again. Sukhi says she isn't making a mistake, she will keep coming and calling, and that her grandfather will be happy to send her away from her maternal home and where there is love, the road is right. Sukhi wipes her tears and tells her not to lose these and go to london.

Jeet talks on the phone about high tech security guards. He tells his mother if someone tries to come through the window they will get caught and this time he won't spear them. On seeing this, Soni asks if ipshita will stay home all the time. Jeet says no but 2 security guards will be with her. Mr Khurana says this is too much and asks why are they doing this. Durga says because Mahi tried to take Ipshita away from them. Jeet says this isn't only for Mahi and asks his father why is he so concerned about Mahi, he believes Mahi is capable and the security system will now protect Ipshita from Mahi. Jeet instructs the security guards on what to do. Mahi watches this from the car and thinks no one can stop her as she is more determined to take her daughter back.

Shabd develops some pictures in his lab when Mahi comes there and informs him that she was spying on the Khurana's to get ipshita back and to fulfill their plan, she had to know all this. Seeing that Mahi is determined to get Ipshita back by kidnapping her, Shabd says the plans are cancelled and they won't do anything. Mahi says a mother can do anything even if they installed cameras and stuff in their house, she will get her daughter back. Shabd says the matter got this far and asks what if they saw her. Mahi says Soni think she can keep her away from Ipshita by doing all this cameras stuff, and if she can't get in then she will make them all leave the house. Seeing that she is upset, Shabd makes Mahi sit down and tells her to forget all this and asks where did she get this idea from. Mahi says if she doesn't get Ipshita this way then. does he have another way and says she will get Ipshita back and leaves.

In Patiala, Darji, Pammi and mohini watch the men take Tina's things. Darji and Tina hug. Darji says she is to leave one day, there is only 1 to destiny daughters. Tina hugs her grandma Pammi and Mohini. Tina tells her grandfather she has to talk to him. Darji says he knows that she is thinking she is making the same mistake as her dad. He tells her that she isn't and tells her that her dad threw them out of the house and she is leaving her maternal home with love. Tina says she loves them all and she will miss them. Pammi says they will miss her too, their son left them and never came back. Tina assures her grandma that she will come to meet them. Pammi says if they will be alive, but their blessings will always be with her. Tina hugs her grandma again. Sam tells Tina to hurry up else they might missed their flight. Tina hugs Mohini. Knowing that she is looking around for Sukhi, Moni tells Tina that Sukhi went for some work and will be late and asks her to go. Sam says goodbye to everyone and leaves. Tina sadly leaves her family. Mahi meanwhile goes to Adi and tells him she wants his help, saying this is the last time. Adi tells her to ask. She tells him everything and he agree to help her.

Shabd tells his uncle,, aunt and mother-in-law about Mahi coming to his studio and not listening to him. Mahi says there is no need to worry for her, they will leave the city tomorrow with Ipshita and Ishana and tells Shabd's uncle and aunt to pack their things. Mohini says she or Soni can't stay happy like this. Shabd tells Mahi not to do this that they can't fight their power. Mahi says she made the plan already. Shabd's uncle is curious and says their plan won't work in front of them. Mahi says no one can fight a mother's power. Mohini says power isn't in relationships, and remind her that Soni is her sister. Mahi tells her mother that she can't stop her with her relationship lecture and she will get ipshita back.

In Khurana's house, Durga plays with Ipshita and tells her to see the toys Jeet got her. Just then, the doctor calls their house and tells Soni to come back for Ipshita's check up. Soni says they went 3 days ago. The doctor says yes but based on those tests Ipshita has to come again to another branch. The nurse gives Soni the address and she hang up. Durga asks who called. Soni says doctor's clinic for more tests for Ipshita. Durga says she will go too.

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