Wednesday 27 June 2018

Wednesday Update On Fire And Ice

Pallavi gathers everyone in Sarna house and displays a video to Kunj's entire family where Twinkle is seen with Rocky romancing him, all are shocked. Twinkle reaches the scene and is confused seeing the family discussing about the video. She ends up shocked, when Kunj's mother slaps her and shows her the video.
Twinkle cant believe it. Bebe then calls up Leela and she arrives along with Yuvi. Meanwhile, Rocky too reaches the scene, he apologize to them and informs to all that he had to shoot the video as Twinkle was acting too obsessive for him as she keeps calling him Kunj and even tried to come near him. She has gone ahead that she didn't even remember that she is married to someone. Bebe shows the video to Leela to see what her daughter is doing and asks what will she say now?. Yuvi looks away from the video. Leela says it can not be the whole truth. Yuvi tells them this is some misunderstanding.

An upset Bebe tell him to just shut up, and remind him they threw him out of the house and asks why he keep coming back here? Completely heartbroken, Twinkle confronts Rocky and she slaps him. All are shocked. Twinkle accepts that he is not her Kunj and she never dreamt that he will stoop so low that he will make their beautiful relationship look like this. She furiously says it's enough of all this and this can't be Kunj. She tells the entire family that she did everything to prove that he is Kunj but he can't be Kunj, she made plans, went crazy to prove that he is Kunj, she went to meet him so that he accepts that he is Kunj and this family gets his son back but he played with her dignity and her Kunj used to say that her dignity is his respect, he used to fight for her respect with the world but he destroyed her honor, he locked his family in ice factory and Kunj used to love his family, she used to see God in her Kunj but she was wrong about him. She then tells him something that ultimately makes him confess his real identity when she goes on to thank the almighty that she had not given birth to Kunj's baby before he came in the world as the child's birth would have put her in a further demanding situation. She cries and says what she would have answered her baby when he would get to know that his father is like this, she grabs his collar, and cries. She sits on the floor and cries.
Hearing of the child, Rocky is instantly shocked saying his baby and asks if she is lying, he asks Twinkle to tell him where his baby is. All are stunned to listen this. Usha calls out to Kunj. Bebe says he is Kunj. A worried Kunj asks Twinkle what happened to his baby? He makes her get up and asks where his baby is? Twinkle says it means he accept that he is Kunj and he ends up blurting out that he is infact Kunj but to just tell him where his baby is?. He plead with her to tell him. Twinkle explain to him that after he went, she was living with his memories then she got to know that she is pregnant, she got hope to live, everyone thought that she won't be able to raise the baby alone, all thought that she will break down so everyone asked her to marry Yuvi, without any condition Yuvi agreed to marry her, he was ready to give his name to their baby and Yuvi is the one because of whom his Twinkle is alive. Kunj says Yuvi wanted to live his life that's why he killed him and got her and his family. Twinkle says he is thinking, he went to Goa to save him and after his death, he took Anita’s crime blame on his name, then Anita aunty came out and accepted her crime. A flashback shows how Yuvi got her arrested. Twinkle says Yuvi killed his identity for them and for their family.

Twinkle then tells the family that she want to tell the truth now, and reveal to them that Yuvi and her marriage was just a compromise for the happiness of the family and there is no relationship like husband and wife between them but they are just good friends, she always took fast of Kunj’s name on Karvachauth fast and asks if they know who supported her? She point out that Yuvi supported her, he forgot his identity for them and they all threw him out of the house. Kunj says he saw them both getting married and she moved on so soon, he was heartbroken to see her cheating and his family was getting his wife married to his enemy. Twinkle says he saw her getting married to Yuvi but hr didn't say anything, he didn't stop her and ask her what was she doing and why? She further asks if their love was so weak?. Kunj says he thought she moved on, it was misunderstanding and after his accident, he thought his family forgot him, nobody came to him and when he returned, he saw them getting married so he lost it. Twinkle asks how can he forget his family and he didn't even think about them and didn't miss them, adding that even after coming back, he kept taking revenge as Rocky, he didn't ask them anything, didn't take any answers from them and asks why? Kunj apologizes to them that he tortured everyone in his anger, he folds his hands and plead with them to forgive him, he asks his family to forgive him. Yuvi wipes his tears. Kunj apologises to Yuvi for not trusting them and misunderstanding their relationship. An excited Usha says he have come and now everything will be fine but he didn't do anything wrong, she hugs him. Manohar says only they know how they lived without him in these years, he hugs him too. Bebe and Anand coms to him too.

Bebe hugs him, he asks her to forgive him. Bebe says they got their son back, she comes to Twinkle and says she don't want to see her crying now, pointing to her to see that she won as Kunj has come back. She makes Twinkle hold Kunj’s hand and says she is hers and now they both will start a new life and everything is fine. Leela sadly looks at Yuvi and Yuvi looks away. Bebe comes to Yuvi and says she don't have words to say sorry, she folds her hand in front of him. Yuvi holds her hands and says she is her family, they have heart relationship and she is her son and then correct himself that he mean he is like her son and she can't ask forgiveness from him, he is happy that Twinkle got Kunj back, his happiness lies in Twinkle’s happiness and it's most important to him. Bebe pray to him that long live. All are talking to Kunj. Twinkle comes to her mom and says she told her Kunj will come back, wife’s hope has won, she have given the son back to this family and all are so happy. Leela says she is right, she is happy that this family has got their son back but she is avoiding the relationship she share with Yuvi and makes her understand that not Kunj, but Yuvi is her husband. She that this family has got it's son back but Yuvi is still her husband and she have to understand that thing, as it's been 5 years of this relationship, reminding her that they both have followed this relationship nicely but she is not understanding how much difficult she is making all this. Yuvi meanwhile is standing at a distance seeing everyone happy, he leaves.

 Yuvi is sitting in his house and gets upset about the fact that he has to separate from Twinkle. He recalls how the family got happy seeing Kunj and said that they got their son back, he recalls how Bebe gave Twinkle’s hand in Kunj’s hand, he starts crying and gets tensed. Twinkle looks at her and Kunj’s picture in her room and hugs it, she recalls how the family was happy to see Kunj back, she is tensed and recalls her mom’s words, she looks at her and Yuvi’s marriage photo and sees herself not wearing wedding chain. Leela comes to Yuvi and sees him upset. She says she don't have words to ease his pain and assures him that he will remain Twinkle's husband for her although the others don't agree on the same. She adds that they both were so happy and she was happy for them both, maybe she fell evil cast on them both. Yuvi tells her not to feel bad for him and she should be happy that Twinkle got Kunj back and she will be happy with him.

Twinkle sees her wedding chain and recalls how she got married to Yuvi. Yuvi however, seems happy that Twinkle now has Kunj back in her life saying hero enters in the story and gets his heroine and refers to himself as a villian who never gets heroine in any story. But Leela does not agree to this reference that the one who changed the life of her daughter, he made her live life again, he made her laugh and smile again, he changed himself for her and that he can't be a villain and calls him a hero for being with Twinkle during the time of need. She wish Twinkle realize how much he love her, she hugs him and Yuvi cries. On the other hand, Twinkle is sad in her room. Usha tells the family that she will make Kunj’s favorite dishes. Bebe says she will make sweet dish for him. Kunj apologize to them that he was blind in anger, he didn't see their love and concern, but he went against his only family and apologizes to them again. Usha tells him to forget everything, reminding him that he have got new life and it's enough that he is with them and she will make him eat food with her hands. Manohar tells him they missed him so much and they are happy that he is with them. Bebe suggests them they should go to the market and bring his favorite dishes, they leave. Usha says she will call Twinkle and they will make food for him, she calls Twinkle down and leaves. Twinkle comes downstairs, Kunj looks at her and she looks down. Yuvi comes home and says seems like something good is cooking. Just when Twinkle is about to slip from stairs, Yuvi tries to move forward to save her but Kunj catches her in time and holds her in his arms. Yuvi looks away while Twinkle and Kunj shares eyelock. Twinkle gets up, Kunj’s watch gets stuck in Twinkle’s wedding chain, he frees it and leaves. Twinkle looks on confused. Yuvi sees all this and Twinkle thinks that Kunj might have got offended seeing Yuvi’s wedding chain in her neck, she sees Yuvi and says Yuvi's name. He says hi to her.

Later, Twinkle is busy in the kitchen, just then, Yuvi arrives from behind and attempts to take off the 'wedding chain' that she is wearing. Upon asking what he is doing by Twinkle, Yuvi states that he is setting her free of the bond that she shares with him and now Kunj has come so they have to end this useless relationship and she can start her new life with Kunj. She tells him to stop it that he can't do it. Yuvi says relationship are made from heart and her heart was never attached with his, it was always with Kunj so she should let him do this, he tries to take the wedding chain off her but she refuses as she is confused and runs from there. Usha comes to Kunj and asks why is he not in his old room, adding that she seems tensed? Kunj says he feel he is late, his Twinkle is of someone else, she and Yuvi but Usha interrupts him and says nothing like that happen and now he have come so everything will be fine, asking him eat this sweet dish but Kunj is not able to stop thinking. Usha sees him worried.

Pallavi looks at her and Revant’s pictures, she sobs and looks at Kunj/Rocky’s poster. She takes a notepad, she writes that she is happy for Kunj that he got his family back, she think she should go back now and she hope he understand. She thinks that she won't give up easily, she want her Revant, she goes away, but vows to return real soon.

Twinkle is going when she sees Kunj coming her way, they stop looking at each other and sees their old bedroom and Ya Rabba song plays in the background. Yuvi is on the terrace and thinking about his and Twinkle’s happy moments, his marriage with her and he is sad. Twinkle wish Kunj good night and he replied her back wishing her good night and as they start going to their rooms, Twinkle turns to look at him and starts going back to her room, just then Kunj turns to look at her and sees her going to her room, he turns away. Twinkle comes to her room and sits on the couch thinking. Kunj comes to his room and sits on his bed thinking too. Twinkle sees her and Kunj’s picture and asks God what to do and request to give her some hint. Yuvi is sitting sadly alone too. Twinkle who believes that, it was Yuvi who was beside her all these years as the pillar of strength is switching the lights on and off. Kunj is seen punching his punching bag, the trios are sad and hurt and Rabba song plays in the background.

The next morning, Usha tells Yuvi that she have called him here so that she can talk to him infront of everyone as he have done alot for them in trouble times, she asked him to marry Twinkle and he respected her words but now Kunj has come back and they know the truth of his marriage with Twinkle so she think that Twinkle and Kunj should start their relationship again and she want him and Twinkle to sign the divorce papers and end this fake marriage. On hearing this, Yuvi is hurt that she plans to call off Twinkle and his marriage and tries to compose himself. Usha asks Twinkle to sign it and further says they all know she love Kunj alot and that's why she tried everything to bring his truth out, she try to convince her to sign it and start her new life with her son, Kunj but Twinkle doesn't say anything. Yuvi tells Usha that she is right that his and Twinkle’s marriage was compromise and they should not separate two lovers, he is ready and asks her to just tell him where to sign.

Twinkle is emotional seeing him doing all this for her and she looks at Kunj who is not saying anything. Yuvi sits down as he feels that Twinkle and Kunj should unite as they love each other, ignores his feelings and hesitantly signs the divorce papers. Twinkle looks on surprised and he signs it. Usha asks Twinkle to sign now. Twinkle takes a pen, she looks at Kunj and she sits down to sign it. Kunj meanwhile is looking at her intently as Twinkle’s hand shakes. Leela comes there and asks what is happening here? She asks Twinkle what are these papers for? She checks them and sees it's divorce papers, she says Yuvi and Twinkle’s divorce papers and asks if they have all gone mad that they think marriage is a joke? She scold them that they can make her daughter marry with anyone then ask her to divorce him and asks what are they making her do? Leela asks Twinkle what is this? But Twinkle can't take it anymore, she cries and leaves from there. Usha assures Kunj not to worry that Twinkle will come back. Usha who expresses her desire to get Kunj and Twinkle married tells Leela after many years this house is getting happiness as Kunj has come back, she points out that Twinkle’s husband has come back after years and asks if she don't think they should be reunited? Leela is against the same and tells Usha to forgive her and blurting out that Twinkle’s husband is Yuvraj.

Usha tells Leela that since Kunj is alive, he is still Twinkle's husband. Leela asks Usha what she thought that she can switch key and time will go back to 5 years, and it's not like she can reverse things like that. Usha says but characters are same, Twinkle was Kunj’s wife and is his wife, she should be with him, she tells Kunj not to worry that she will set everything right for him. Usha asks her family to be a part of an event which is held for Kunj and Leela that she have arranged prayers for Kunj today evening and she hope she will come, she leaves. Leela tells Kunj that she understand Usha’s emotions but it's about three lives and such big decisions can't be taken by heart’s helplessness, and asks him to think before he do anything, she leaves, Yuvi is sad. On the other hand, Pallavi is emotionally broken after seeing herself get cheated by Kunj. She burns Twinkle’s picture and looks at it like psycho, she says to Kunj’s picture that she won't let him go away from her, he is her Rocky, she tells that it was she who made Kunj into Rocky and now he cannot betray her, after Revant’s death, he is her support, she can't lose him and she won't let her hard work of years go waste like this, and tells his picture to just wait and watch what she do now, she cries.

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