Monday 25 June 2018

Monday Update On King Of Hearts 2

Payal comes home and tells the family that the punishment will be severe. Satya asks her to help his mum out of this charges and jail. He asks her to hire the best lawyer and says he will get the money.
Mahi says I spoke to the best lawyer and he will get her out. Satya is angry with her and says you have done enough already, Payal smirks. Mahi cries and says she don’t know what to do? She says Satya is upset with me, I also want mother to get out of jail and he is not understanding me. Dida asks her to talk to Satya and convince him. Mahi says I will get mother out of jail.

Satya talks to the Lawyer and asks him to do everything to  free his mum.. the lawyer says she has accepted to have done the crime . Mahi comes to Satya and holds his hand. Satya asks her to leave his hand and breaks a pot angrily. Mahi asks him to listen to her for once. They see a bullet in the pot. Satya says how can this be possible as only one bullet was shot. Payal also happens to see this, and thinks they will know the truth. A flashback is shown, Payal recalls shooting Dhruv and killing him, when Gangu Tai also shoots him. She then bribe the Inspector and gets the pistol exchanged. Flashback ends. Payal thinks they can’t reach me. Satya tells Mahi that Khan Bhai will help us. They come to the police station. Payal talks to Mrs. Khanna who invites her for venture. Payal says she is busy today and says she will meet her tomorrow. She talks to the Lawyer. Lawyer tells her that Gangu Tai will be shifted to central jail and then she will die there in a week. He asks her to start plan B then.

Satya shows the bullet and report to Khan bhai, who he had saved the previous day from the goons. Khan Bhai checks the bullet and also forensic report. He says there was two guns and the bullet was shot from other gun which killed Dhruv. Satya and mahi are shocked. Satya says I don’t understand what you are saying? Khan Bhai says I am sure that this bullet was not fired from that gun and tells Satya about the dealer who must have sold this bullet. Satya says I will go now. He thanks Khan Bhai and asks him to call him if he needs anything.

He tells the Inspector that he wants to meet Gangu Tai. Inspector says she has been transferred to Central jail on order. Mahi and Satya are shocked.
The dealer checks the bullet and says this bullet was brought from me only. Satya asks javed Bhai, the dealer to tell who was that person. Javed Bhai says she was a woman. Mahi says the woman might be in the house that time. Satya asks javed Bhai, if he will identify the woman seeing her pic. Javed Bhai says yes. Mahi says lets go and bring the pics. Payal is standing there and looks on.

Mitul asks Naina if she should burn the marriage pics as Kajal will get sad seeing it. Naina says yes. Mitul says what is the use to keep it, I will burn it. She lights the match stick and throws on the pic. Satya and Mahi come there. Satya blows off the fire and saves the pics. Mahi asks him to be careful. They shows the pics to Javed Bhai.
Mitul asks what are you doing? Naina looks on clueless. Payal is shocked as Javed Bhai sees the picture and point to her picture, payal says what is this man saying?
Why I will buy bullet from him. He is lying, Satya asks Javed Bhai, if he is sure that she is same woman, Javed Bhai says I am not talking about this madam, but I am talking about the woman who is standing behind her. They see Dhruv’s physio doctor and girl friend behind Payal. Payal tells that she saw her arguing with Dhruv that time. She says something was wrong. Satya says this woman was not his doctor, but his wife. Kajal hears him. Satya says two bullets was shot that day. He leaves with Javed Bhai. Payal takes a sigh of relief. Mitul says Dhruv was married. Payal recalls and a flashback, when she messaged Javed Bhai. He reads her message that she will give him many money for him not to mention her name. She sends Sunaina’s pics asking him to say Sunaina’s name. Satya, Javed Bhai and Mahi come to Police station.

Zaveri talks to Payal and says she is transferred to Central jail. Gangu Tai is asked to sweep the ground in the jail premises. Satya shows the other bullet to Inspector that two bullets was shot, and tells that Sunaina shot Dhruv. Satya says I am sure that my Mother is trapped and asks him to free his mother. Two women see Gangu Tai and misbehaves with her and start fighting with her. Gangu Tai asks what have i done? They beat her and twist her hand. Other prisoner watch the fight. Zaveri comes there and asks Satya to show the proofs in court. Satya tells him that he will bury him in court. The women push Gangu Tai to the ground and she hits head. Mahi threatens to call the media there and says you shall have kept Gangu Tai here in remand room rather than sending her to jail. Inspector looks at Zaveri and asks Mahi to come with him now itself to Central jail to bail out Gangu Tai. The women continue to beat Gangu Tai badly and hit her forehead with a stone. Other woman witness the fight and stands far. Satya, Mahi and Police are coming there. Women is about to stab Gangu Tai. Gangu Tai shouts for help. Satya hears her screams and runs to rescue her. The women get shocked and run away. Gangu Tai tells Satya that those women were stabbing her with knife, and asks him to save her. Satya asks her not to worry and says I am with you. Gangu Tai cries. Mahi stands with her. Lady constables bring those women there.

The Inspector comes to Sunaina’s house and sees her body lying in the pool of her blood. Inspector says this is the case of suicide and asks constables to send dead body for postmortem. Payal is there with her face covered by her pallu and is relieved. She thinks even this work is done.

Satya is sitting at Gangu Tai’s side. Kajal is also there and feels bad. She apologizes to Satya for misbehaving with him. Satya says our mother needs us. Kajal nods. Mahi is relaxing on Payal’s lap. Payal says she can’t understand why all this is happening and why can people let them live peacefully, Mahi says everything will be fine, and looks at the papers on her bed. She asks Payal about it. Payal tells that this is Sen Gupta’s Industries and they are organizing mega fashion event. Mahi says we couldn’t concentrate on there businesses because of the situation, and thanks her for handling the business. Payal says its okay, everything is yours. She says if Satya and you can get time then come to the office.
Mahi tells Satya about Payal is organizing mega fashion event and needs them. Satya says mummy needs us. Mahi says I also thought about her,  Naina and Mitul will take care of her. She says if you are not comfortable then he should stay home and she will go to the office. Satya says okay and says they are both our mums and we have to take care of them together. Mahi says yes. Satya tells her that  when she argued with the Inspector today he got scared. Mahi smiles. They come to the room. Mahi asks Satya what he is doing here? Satya says he thought to be with mummy for some time. Mahi goes to bring water. Payal is hiding there and gets tensed. She thinks if he sits here, then how my work will be done. Satya is sitting on the bed, while Payal is hiding beside the bed. She sees him taking a quick nap and silently escapes. Satya opens his eyes, and wakes up.

Next morning, Satya tells Mahi that it seems they will be late today. Mahi is getting ready for the event too and says I asked you to get ready fast. you would have bought mums medicine since, She says Mamma might be waiting for us and wants us to meet Mrs. Khanna. Satya says I have to go and buy the medicine first and gets upset. Payal sits in car and throws the medicine bottle of Gangu Tai away, she says you will be late Satya as I wanted this. I took your mum’s medicine, else my master plan would have gone wasted, she smiles.

Satya and Mahi’s car stopped at a check post. Satya thinks it seems we will not get there on
time. the inspector tells him that a criminal ran away from jail and asks him to open his car deck.

A criminal is hiding in Satya’s car deck. The Inspector is about to open the car deck, but he saw someone running away, they go after the other criminal. Satya says we should leave and they leave. Later in the night, Satya and Mahi are sleeping. Satya wakes up and finds something strange. He comes out of the room while the criminal is hiding in the house and looks on. Satya senses something is wrong and looks on.

Just then Mahi comes and keeps her hand on his shoulder asking what is he doing here. Satya turns and says you…He asks her to be silent and goes to catch the criminal after hearing the sound. He sees Khan Saheb there and asks you here. Khan Saheb says his owner tried to kill him again in jail and tells that he eloped from there and entered this house. Mahi says you will stay with us and is saved here. Satya says no, you can’t stay here as it is a police case. Mahi says he has saved our mum. Khan Saheb says what about my wife Rumana. Mahi says we will call her here also. Satya looks on.

Satya tells Mahi what is the need to keep him here, we would have managed to keep him somewhere. Mahi asks him to think that they are lowering his favours. Khan Saheb peeps in their room and smirks. In the morning, Mahi introduces Khan Saheb and his wife Romana, and says they will help them get a job. Payal asks from where did they came? Mahi says Satya knows them. Naina asks her to think again and says he looks like a thief. Mitul says she is blind, how can she work. Romana says she will learn, no problem.

Mitul says okay. Romana starts walking. Mitul gets doubtful and says how did you know where I signed you to go. Everyone looks on.
Romana says when God takes away the eyes then  he sparkles the mind. She says it is God’s gift that I understand hearing the person. Mitul says okay.

Payal looks on. Mahi comes to Satya and tells that Romana will take care of Gangu Tai’s as Kajal and Sunil wants to go home. Satya says it is good as we will get busy with payal. Mahi says they are so humble people.

In the room, Romana takes out her black googles and laughs doing hi five with Khan. She says we were saved somehow. Khan says it is difficult to act to be handicapped. He says they got gold laying hen. Romana praises his planning. Just then Payal enters them and sees him standing on his feet without support and Romana looking at her in shock. Satya is on the way. Payal asks what are you planing?, Romana says nobody should know that I have plan with you both. Khan closes the door. Payal asks her not to say anything also, and asks her to forget the plans. She asks Khan if he brought what she asked him to. He says yes, and shows her the small bomb he kept in his shoes. Payal looks at the bomb. Romana shows the jacket. Payal says she will make the bomb explode in this house and then Satya and Mahi’s happiness will vanish into thin air for forever.

Satya is busy talking on his phone. A car hits him. Satya gets slightly hurt. The driver of the car gets out and asks what is it, The woman in the car says she is going inside the office and asks driver to take care of the car. Satya looks at the woman as she pass past him. An emotional music plays……………Satya looks on.

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