Wednesday 20 June 2018

Wednesday Update On Fire And Ice

Kunj is driving his car and clearly state that sometimes one has to be a helpless person. He tells himself that he  has to help Yuvi find Twinkle but he will still take his revenge for sure.  Yuvi is miffed as he takes the suitcase from there. Yuvi comes to Guradvarah with a suitcase and prays to the Lord to protect Twinkle and keep her safe.

Kunj is driving and finds Yuvi’s car outside Guradvarah, he asks himself what  Yuvi was doing there? He goes to check in.  Yuvi is praying whiles a  girl tries to take the suitcase from him but the girl's mother asks the child not touch other people's things, the girl tells Yuvi that some tick tick sound is coming from his suitcase, Yuvi got shocked and asked himself as to what was inside the suitcase? Yuvi is tensed and he tells the girl that it has a watch inside thats why she was hearing those strange sounds, he leaves. Kunj comes in Guradvarah and looks around for Yuvi, Yuvi passes by him, they both dont see each other and Yuvi leaves.  Yuvi is driving in his car and the suitcase was still with him, he tells himself that there is a bomb inside for sure, suddenly the caller calls him. Yuvi tells the caller that the suitcase has bomb inside it and furiously asks what the hell was wrong. The caller asks him to go to a certain address, He tells him to go there and do what he will tell him to. He ends the phone call, Yuvi is miffed.

Kunj is still driving and says that Yuvi must be near the place he was as he left Guradvarah sometimes ago, he finds Yuvi’s car on the road and starts following him. Yuvi comes to the address as he was told by the strange caller, he sees a strange house there and says that it was the same address the caller indicated to him earlier, Yuvi asks himself if they really do have Twinkle there in the strange house. He comes out of the car with the suitcase. He enters inside the house and says that Twinkle was not even there in the house. Yuvi asks himself where she was? He later on gets a call from the strange caller, the caller asks him to put the phone on speaker and to do whatever he says. Yuvi does so, the caller asks him to open the suitcase. Yuvi tells him that there was a bomb inside the suitcase and can blast any minute.

The strange caller asks if Yuvraj Luthra is scared. He orders him to open the suitcase immediately, Yuvi hesitatingly opens it and sighs, he finds guns in it instead of the bomb he presumed. The caller tells him that there was a timer on the gun, he tells Yuvi that he has enough time left and that if this timer ends before Yuvi's work is done then Twinkle will be killed, Yuvi got furious and ask the caller to shut up, Yuvi tells him that if he tries to hurt Twinkle then. The caller reprimanded him and tells him that he was not in position to threaten him, he orders Yuvi to pick up a gun immediately, Yuvi shivers and picks it up, the caller orders him to go into a strange room, he tells Yuvi that whoever he see's behind him inside the room he should shoot the person. Yuvi tells him that there was no way he could do that. He tells the caller that he was not going to kill anybody. The caller tells Yuvi that it seems he doesn't love his wife (Twinkle). Yuvi pleaded and begged the caller not to do anything to Twinkle. The caller then tells him to do what he was instructing him to, Yuvi tells the caller that he will surely get him punish as he was helpless now only because of Twinkle.  The caller tells him not to give him any lectures, he tells Yuvi that he will only get Twinkle back only when Yuvi shoot the person inside the room, he orders him to go inside. Yuvi starts moving towards the room. Kunj comes outside the house and asks himself how he will find Yuvi. Kunj asks himself as to whose house Yuvi was. He then starts looking around.

Yuvi goes towards the room to see who was there. Meanwhile, outside the house Kunj is busily searching for him but he doesnt find him. Yuvi enters inside a room, it's all dark there, he points a gun and see's that it was Anita there, he is shocked and calls out his mother's name. Anita on the other hand is elated to see Yuvi there, she calls out to Yuvi. Yuvi asks Anita was she was doing there and also asks about where Twinkle was? He asks his mother where she has hidden Twinkle. Yuvi asks Anita why she always keeps on creating problems in her life every time. Yuvi furiously asks as to where Twinkle was. He starts calling out for Twinkle, Anita tells Yuvi that she also doesn't know where Twinkle was. Anita tells Yuvi that she had also been kidnapped there for sometime, she tells Yuvi that she doesn't even know who the strange callers were.

Yuvi tells Anita that she was lying and that she has indeed kidnapped Twinkle. Anita informs Yuvi that she doesn't know where Twinkle was. Yuvi tells Anita that this is all her plan as she cant let her own son be happy, Yuvi furiously asks Anita if she couldn't understand that Twinkle was his love, he asks his mother why doesn't she want him to be happy.  Yuvi got angry and furiously ask Anita to tell him where Twinkle is otherwise he will shoot her.  Anita tells Yuvi that there is some confusion as she didn't kidnap Twinkle. Anita asks Yuvi to trust her as  she didn't do it, Yuvi tells his mother that she was lying. Anita asks Yuvi if he was going to kill her,  she begs Yuvi not to  shoot her. Yuvi then see's time running out on gun’s timer, it's reads only 2seconds left on the gun’s timer, Yuvi then  closes his eyes and shoots but not in Anita's direction.

Yuvi breakdown and starts crying helplessly. Anita see's it as an opportunity and runs from there. Kunj comes there and asks what was going on there. Yuvi asks Kunj if he was following him. Kunj asks him why he had a gun in his hand.  Kunj also asks about the strange woman whom he saw running away. Yuvi tries to question Kunj why he was trying to  involve himself in his personal life.  Yuvi angrily demanded an answer and then ask who Kunj was.

Kunj tells Yuvi that his family was worried about him so he tried to find him. He tells Yuvi that he thought he can help him find Twinkle. Yuvi rudely tells Kunj that he doesn't need his help. Kunj tells Yuvi that when every person is in trouble then he or she might need to share it in oder to gain support.  Kunj tells Yuvi that he knows they don't share good friendship between themselves but he was just trying to help him, Kunj asks Yuvi to just tell him what was happening. Yuvi then tells Kunj about everything.  He tells Kunj about the extortionist, the calls and everything. He asks Kunj if he was sure to be able get into all this alone. Kunj answers and tells Yuvi that he might have heard that it that is better to be two in solving a problem than been alone. Leela starts to call people to find out about Twinkle whereabouts. Yuvi comes back home with Kunj, Usha asks them if they found Twinkle. She also asks if the kidnappers call them. Babee asks him to speak for God’s sake and shakes Yuvi to say something. Leela asks Yuvi that why doesn't she just tell them what was happening as her daughter is kidnapped, and also Twinkle his (wife) was also kidnapped. Leela burst into tears and also says that this house’s daughter in law was kidnapped. Leela desperately asks where Yuvi was going and also which people he was meeting. Leela asks Yuvi where Anita was.  She asks if Anita was involved in all that was happening. Yuvi is silent and looks at her dumbfounded.

Usha tells Babee that she was worried about Twinkle and as to where she might be and how she must be. Babee tells Usha not to worry as God will make everything fine. Leela comes there and tells them that she found some letters outside and that some were for Yuvi. Babee coincidentally spills tea on the letters mistakenly, she see's that it's a letter from Anita for Yuvi, she reads what Anita wrote, it reads that "it was good to see you yesterday as she had to leave but she (Anita ) wants to meet Yuvi and that one more thing, she (Anita) didn't kidnap Twinkle and that she promised. Anita asks in the letter that she hopes Yuvi believes her and that she hopes to see him soon. "Love from your mother". Leela yells out that this means Yuvi met Anita yesterday but he didn't tell them and she asks why. They all get angry thinking about it. Babee furiously calls out Yuvi’s name, he comes downstairs and asks what had happened. Babee shows him the letter, Kunj comes there too, Yuvi reads the letter out. Babee tells him that he still went to meet Anita after
so much had happened and that he didn't even tell them about it.

Yuvi asks her as to whom gave her the letter. Usha says that it means it's all true. She asks him if Anita kidnapped Twinkle.  Leela tells Yuvi that her silence is saying something else and that something is fishy, she demands that Yuvi tells them the whole truth for once. Yuvi contemplates and says that he can't tell Leela anything right now and that she should give him sometime then he will clear all doubts but right now he has to save Twinkle from the kidnappers.

Babee tells Yuvi that he doesn't understand what he was doing.  She tells Rocky that he went with him but why didn't he (Rocky) catch Anita and get her arrested. Rocky tells Babee that when she went there, Anita was gone from there, Babee asks everyone what will happen now. Yuvi excuses himself and he leaves.

Yuvi comes to his room and reads Anita’s letter and recalls how she said that she didn't kidnap Twinkle, he also recalls asking Anita what she was doing there if she didn't kidnap Twinkle. Yuvi tells himself that he can't trust his mother as she can go to any level. He silently calls out Twinkle's name and asks where she could be.

Kunj and Pallavi sees him tensed in his room. Pallavi tells Kunj that Yuvi doesn't seem involved in the kidnapping issue but rather they were getting involved in all this. Pallavi tells Kunj that he should focus on his career for now. Kunj tells Pallavi that he made his career to destroy them and that he used to let his anger out in the ring because he couldn't do that to Twinkle and Yuvi at that very time, he tells Pallavi that once he finds Twinkle, he will take his revenge from her and for that to happen he  will take Yuvi’s side even if he was his enemy.

Yuvi comes out of his room at night and sees some silhouette in the hall, he sees no one and say's that maybe it was his eyes playing mind games with him. Yuvi’s friend calls him and tells him that someone named Saith kidnapped someone from his society three days back. Yuvi then remembered that Twinkle was kidnapped that day,  his friend informed him that he was going to meet Saith, Yuvi tells him he will come along too.

Around the red light area. Babee is seen there with some money, a man asks her if she brought the money? she nods her head. He later on asks her to come inside. Babee is appalled to see the place gross, she asks God to forgive her as she doesn't know where she was.

Yuvi comes to his friends house, he comes in and see's him dead with bullet in his head, he is appalled and asks himself what was happening. He gets a call from the kidnapper, the kidnapper asks him if he was done. Yuvi asks him why he killed his friend.  The kidnapper asks him to go to red light area and to stop their business, Yuvi asks him why he should even go there.  The kidnapper asks him not to question him, he asks him to take the police with him and to go to red light area, he ends the phone call. Yuvi asks himself as to what if Twinkle was there?

Yuvi comes to red light area with the police. The police starts searching for Twinkle, Yuvi prays for her. The strange man brings Babee to one room and closes the door, he takes the money from her but unfortunately the  police comes there and arrests Babee. Babee protests and tells the police that they have mistaken her for someone else. She tells the police that she was from the Sarna family and that she was not into all this, she tries to tell them the truth and says that she was not from there. The police woman brings her out, Yuvi see's Babee there and asks her what she was dong there. Babee asks Yuvi to tell the police that she was not like the kind of woman the police was thinking she was. She tells Yuvi to tell them the truth. Yuvi tells the police that she was her Aunt. He demanded that they release her, the policeman tells him that nobody can go from there, Yuvi tells the police that their respect was at stake because of something filthy like this, Babee is shocked and asks him if he did all this. She asks Yuvi if he made the raid happen. Yuvi replied that he did but.. Babee tells him not to say anything. Yuvi tells Babee that he will sort everything out as it is a confusion, the police takes her from there, Yuvi is tensed.
Babee is brought into a police cell, there are some girls also in the police cell. Yuvi enters the police station and asks Babee what she was doing there. Babee slaps her and asks her to stop his drama and that she know what his mother (Anita) was doing and that he (Yuvi) was involved in all that was happening. She tells Yuvi that on one side his mother called her to bring money to red light area and also to save Twinkle and on the other side Yuvi  brought the police there for a raid.  Yuvi tells Babee that she was mistaken, Babee asks him to get lost, Rocky comes there and asks the inspector to release Babee as he  had talked to the commissioner, the inspector calls the commissioner to confirm it. Babee is released, Babee thanks Rocky and leaves, Rocky tells Yuvi that she will take her home, Yuvi nods his head.

Meanwhile at the Sarna mansion, Babee tells Yuvi that his mother ran away from jail and he knew it but he didn't tell her about it as he already  knew about her mother's plan. Yuvi tells Babee that he didn't know it was all her mother's plan otherwise.. Usha asks him what he would have done then if he was to know about it. She asks him if he would have tell them everything. Barbee tells Yuvi that they have given him the place of a son, but that doesn't mean he can keep doing mistakes, she tells Yuvi that they all believe that he has freed his mother from jail.  Babee tells Yuvi that he always knew that Anita wanted to hurt Leela and Twinkle but yet still he took his mother's ( Anita’s ) side. Yuvi says why would he take her side as he loves Twinkle like crazy and that he can even die for Twinkle then why will he go to the extent of doing what Babee was accusing him of doing. Yuvi profusely stands up and asks them that why don't they understand him. Leela stands up and says that she trust Yuvi fully as she knows Anita better than anyone and that Anita can do anything to hurt them to the extent that she can even kidnap Twinkle. Leela says that she must have done the raid for Babee but she cant believe that Yuvi is involved as he cant do this. She tells everyone that she trust him, Usha tells Leela that she can trust him but Yuvi can't stay in their house with them being scared as they can't trust him anymore. Usha asks if they all understand what she was trying to say. Leela tells Usha that she understand and that she shouldn't worry, Leela tells Yuvi that it was night fall already and that they should leave, she asks Yuvi to come along with her. Yuvi sadly looks at them and leaves with Leela. Rocky comes there and says that he doesn't have any right to speak but still. Rocky tells them that he will do anything within his power to find Twinkle but he still thinks they all should give one chance to Yuvi to explain himself as he was doing everything for Twinkle after all, Babee furiously tells Rocky not to mention the name of that jerk (Yuvi)  as they dont need his help, and that they will do everything alone.

Leela tells Yuvi that she trust him so much and that as the person who can change so much, can be her friend and can be selfless for her as well. Leela tells Yuvi that he can't be wrong. Yuvi tells Leela that he doesn't know how to start finding Twinkle as it was a big game plan for him to solve. Yuvi tells Leela that he doesn't understand what the kidnapper wanted. Yuvi tells Leela that he doesn't  understand anything. The kidnapper calls Yuvi again and tells him that he has done a good job, he tells Yuvi that there will be more orders coming for him to do. Yuvi tells the kidnapper that he won't do it. He asks him what proof he has that Twinkle was with him. Yuvi demands that he lets him talk to Twinkle. The kidnapper ends the call.
On the other hand. Usha gets a phone call from the kidnapper. He asks Usha to listen to Twinkle’s voice. Twinkle cries and shouts on the phone that Usha should save her as the kidnappers were dangerous, she asks Usha to protect her. The kidnapper takes the phone away from Twinkle and tells Usha that if she wants to protect Twinkle then they all should perform Twinkle’s death prayer meeting tomorrow. The kidnapper also asks Leela to donate things for Twinkle, he ends the phone call, Usha and all the others are left tensed.

Yuvi gets a video message from the kidnapper, Twinkle is seen tied to a chair in the video, she is seen shouting for help. Leela cries  upon  seeing the video. Yuvi tells Leela that the kidnapper was dangerous as he was playing games with him, he tells himself that he will handle him but then he was worried about his family as they are alone there in the Sarna house by themselves.

Leela tells Yuvi that Rocky will take care of them but he should just concentrate on how to just free Twinkle. Yuvi tells Leela that if all this was been done by her mother then he will make sure to let her pay for this, Yuvi yelled and says that Anita will have to pay for it as he swear to God.

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