Wednesday 20 June 2018

Wednesday Update On My Lost Home

Upon seeing Soni's helplessness and cries to have a child of her own, Mahi makes a selfless decision and gives one of her babies to Soni. Mahi goes towards to Aunt Billo, her husband and her babies.

Mahi then forcibly takes the baby from Aunt Billo. Aunt Billo tells her husband to say something to convince Mahi in order for her not to take the drastic decision. Mahi kisses one of her babies and then gives her to Soni. Mahi hugs Soni and the baby and cries.

Durga tells Mahi that she has a big heart. Mr Khurana praises her too. Jeet then tells Mahi that he doesn't know whether to say thanks or sorry for whatever misunderstanding that happened between them before. Mahi takes the baby from Shabd's uncle and kisses her. After a series of consolation, Mahi, Aunt Billo and her husband leaves. Jeet kisses the baby in Soni's arms. They all go to their various room. Durga tells everyone that the baby looks so beautiful and that she still cant believe a little angel is here with them in their household. Mr Khurana tells her that something a mother can never think of was what Mahi did as she gave the baby to Soni selflessly.

Durga prays for Mahi's happiness. Mr Khurana and Durga leaves. Soni tells Jeet that this is the biggest day of their lives as she is very happy to finally be a mother. Jeet hugs Soni affectionately.   Mahi, Shabd's uncle and aunt comes back home. Mahi leaves with the baby whiles Shabd's uncle stops Aunt Billo from following her. He tells her to give some time for them to understand Mahi's decision. Aunt Billo tells her husband that she will ask Mahi as to how come she did all this as it was no joke, but her husband stopped her from saying anything else but Aunt Billo furiously tells her husband that they are both the babies grandparents and they have every right to question Mahi's behavior as what Mahi did was very wrong, she later tells her husband that Shabd will never forgive her and that she wont be quiet. Aunt Billo tells her husband that if Shabd comes to know about the truth he wouldn't agree to Mahi's decision and will surely bring the baby back from the Khurana household. Shabd's uncle tells Aunt Billo to at least have some feelings for poor Soni.

Mahi has flashbacks coming home with the babies after her delivery at the hospital. She also remembered Shabd saying the babies are their happiness. She also remembered her giving the baby to Soni, suddenly the other baby on her laps starts crying. Mahi asks the baby if she was missing her sister and that she with her Aunt. Mahi cries and also tells her little baby that when her sister grows up she will understand her helplessness. The baby later on stops crying. Mahi cries and tells herself that everything will be fine.

Moni brings tea for Biji and Darji. Biji tells her that Sukhi went to make a deal for the achar she has been preparing. Sukhi comes back home. Sukhi apologies and tells everyone that he tried to make the dealers understand but they didn't listen. Moni then tells him that they can try somewhere else. Sukhi tells her that they have to try harder but they can't work day and night. Biji also suggested that they all should try harder. Sukhi asks them that after the deal how much more will they earned. Darji then says that it actually means the deal was already done and Suhki was just pulling their legs. Biji tells Sukhi that he scared him to death. Sukhi tells them that the order was 20,000 per month as they can make a deal somewhere else too. Moni thanks Darji for all his help.

Jeet and Soni dress the baby. Durga and Mr Khurana comes along and they all play with the baby.  Mahi touches the empty baby cradle back home but as Mahi was about to call Soni she stops upon remembering the promise she made to her sister.  Meanwhile, Soni is feeding her baby happily.  Later Jeet and Soni happily watch the baby as they put her to sleep. Shabd calls Mahi and asks how she was and their two angels. Mahi looks at the empty cradle shedding tears. Shabd tells Mahi that he feels like coming back home soon but he was doing an important deal and that once he is done he will be back, he happily tells Mahi that he has two lucky charms waiting for him to come back home and also tells Mahi to tell them that he will be back home tomorrow. Shabd hangs up. Aunt Billo comes inside Mahi's room and Mahi tells her that she couldn't say anything to Shabd, she tells Aunt Billo that it will be difficult for her to break the news to Shabd. She tells Aunt Billo that how can a wife tell her husband she gave someone else her own daughter to raise.  Aunt Billo asks her if she didn't think about what Shabd will say and fell at the same time. Mahi tells Aunt Billo that she was very scared as Shabd will be very angry if he comes to know of what she has done. Aunt Billo tells her that it is a small thing as blood will come out of his head, she later on tells Mahi that Shabd loves the babies more than his own life, and the babies were part of her heart and that Mahi made a big mistake this time around by giving one of her children to Soni. She tells her that Shabd will not accept what she (Mahi) has done and that Shabd will bring the baby back. Mahi tells Aunt Billo that Soni will die if Shabd was to take the baby back from her sister. Aunt Billo tells her that it wasn't Soni's child and that Soni would surely  understand as times goes by, Aunt Billo tells Mahi that she can't sacrifice her own child for Soni's happiness. Mahi tells Aunt Billo that Soni sacrificed her own child to save hers. Aunt Billo then tells her that it was Soni's fate and that no one can change it, she tells Mahi that now she is scared if Shabd was to find out about what she has done as there will be a big misunderstanding in both of their lives, Aunt Billo tells Mahi that she can't save her this time around and that no one can save their home from breaking. Aunt Billo leaves as Mahi cries.

Mahi remembers what Aunt Billo said about Shabd decision and also not accepting what she did and will definitely bring the baby back, she also remembered that she said  there will be a big misunderstanding in their lives. Mahi then looks at Shabd's picture then leaves.
Shabd comes back home and asks about his babies. He then asks as to why both her uncle and aunt together with Mahi' has their faces down. Shabd tells everyone that he didn't get the deal which he went for and also asks if the news got to them too. He asks if they were all worried about him not getting the business deal he went for.  Shabd tells them that all this is part of business as no news can make him sad because of his babies, his lucky charms.  He joyfully tells everyone that he will get big contracts and also tells them all to forget about all this. Shabd tells Mahi that he wants to meet his babies. Aunt Billo tells Shabd to go to his room and see the babies himself. Shabd goes. Aunt Billo shakes her head looking at Mahi.

Shabd goes to his room to see the baby and tells her that he got a lot of gifts for them. He asks his baby about her twin sister. Shabd asks Mahi where she was and also asks if she maybe sleeping in another room. He asks again. Mahi couldn't help herself but to burst into tears. Shabd goes to look for the other baby. Aunt Billo then decided to tell Shabd that the other baby was in Soni's house. Shabd asks if she went to play with her aunt and that he got so many toys for them to play with at home. Shabd tells everyone that the baby should have stayed with them for some hours which would have been enough, but for her to stay so long with Soni wasn't right.

 Aunt Billo tells Shabd that the baby has not gone for a few hours as she went there forever to stay with Soni. He asks Mahi about what his aunt was saying. Mahi tells Shabd that she gave one baby to Soni, she tells Shabd that if Soni didn't save her that day they wouldn't have their babies, Mahi tells Shabd that Soni lost her baby because of her and that she cant see Soni in pains anymore. She tells Shabd that Soni has all those awful pains because of her.  Mahi tells Shabd that Soni even went to the extreme measures to make Jeet get married again.

Mahi burst into tears and tells Shabd that Soni will die if she hadn't taken her situation into consideration. She tells Shabd that they have two babies and that if one goes their happiness will not get any less, she tells Shabd that Soni was very happy and that if he was in her place she was sure Shabd would have done the same. Shabd yells and says he can never give is child to someone else, he tells Mahi that the baby is not a thing or toy, Shabd asks Mahi what kind of mother she was and as to how could she take the decision all by herself as they were his babies too and that he was their father. Shabd starts to throw tantrums and starts to throw the things he brought around. He keeps saying how could Mahi give away his child. Mahi tells him that she knows she made a mistake without asking him and to think with a cool mind, he will understand as she was also in so much pain by giving away the child, but in front of Soni's pain hers is very less.

Mahi tells Shabd that she was sorry she made a big mistake. Shabd tells her that she really made a mistake and also forced her to go with her. He furiously drags her. Shabd tells her that they were going to fix the mistake.

Biji tells Moni and Sukhi to eat and drink. Moni says that they did so much for her as they gave her love, respect, she cant give anything with return but to thank them, Moni tells them that she wants to leave from there and go somewhere else. Moni tells them that she saw a small house and that it was time for her to make a home for her daughters. She tells them that it's was a small home but big enough to make a maternal home for both her daughters. She then tells everyone that she was there only because of them, she informs everyone that she wants to leave tomorrow and that she can never forget them. Moni and Sukhi leaves.

Jeet says that they all like the clothes at the store. Durga tells them to let her look at the things they both for the baby at the store. Jeet brings out some dress and tells them that she will wear the cloth at home, others she will wear when they are going outside and  also when she is about to sleep.  Jeet shows his favorite cloth for the baby and says that he chose it himself. Mr Khurana joyfully says that he was the one who chose it. Jeet says that he was the one who chose a blue dress for the baby. They all argue. Durga tells them that next time she will go and buy things for her granddaughter.  Shabd and Mahi comes to the Khurana household. Durga saw them and asks them what was wrong. Shabd informed them that they were there to take their baby back home.  Shabd furiously asks where she was. Jeet, Durga and Mr Khurana are both shocked.  Soni went to pray at the temple with the baby and also thank the goddess. She also asks her to bless the child. Meanwhile both Shabd and Mahi and the Khurana's come outside the temple with their car. Jeet tells Shabd not to go ahead with his decision and also to give Soni some time. Shabd furiously says that he wants his baby back. Shabd and Mahi go to the temple. Mahi tells Shabd that they should both talk to Soni first about the situation. Soni saw them approaching the temple and  says that she was happy to see them there. Shabd tells Soni that Mahi made a mistake as they cant give their baby to her like this. He asks Soni to give him the baby back. Shabd grabs Soni's hand from the stroller. The stroller falls down the temple's stairs. Both Shabd and Mahi watch in shock. Soni runs after the stroller down the stairs.

Soni screams and runs after the stroller. Both Shabd and Mahi run after it as well. The baby flies out of the stroller but Soni catches the baby and then rolls down the stairs with it. Soni's head hit the stairs and she starts bleeding. Durga tells everyone that they should take her to the doctor immediately.

Sukhi shows Moni a box for the things she would be taking along with her. Moni suggested that they need a bigger box. Darji tells her to leave now and not tomorrow as the world is selfish, He tearfully says that when his son couldn't be his own, who is she (Moni) to him.  He asks her to leave everything they gave her and to forget them like they never existed.  Moni tells him that she can never forget him and Pammi as they supported her when she was alone, she can never forget the love and respect they showed her as he is like her big brother. Darji asks if it isn't her home, she asks if one leaves his or her own home as she is the children's mother, He says that he is their father  and Pammi was their mother.  He later on asks what the true meaning of a home was.  Moni hugs Darji. He later on tells her not to talk about leaving. Sukhi asks if he should get another box. Pammi asks him where he was going. Sukhi tells her that he was going to work for the achar delivery. Sukhi leaves.

Jeet tells Shabd that Soni has been bandaged and that she was resting and also to wait for sometime. Soni comes with the baby and tells them that there was no need for them to wait as the baby was their child, she tells them that it is hard to wait for a baby and asks herself how can she make both Shabd and Mahi wait. Soni tells herself that Mahi is her sister who loves her so much that she cant see her pain and that maybe that is why in a hurry she didn't mind thinking before she gave her the baby and that she shouldn't have made the decision alone.

Soni tells herself that she got selfish without thinking and thus she accepted the baby without thinking. She says that only a mother can have the baby and she is not the mother. Soni gives the child back to Shabd and Mahi. Shabd tells Soni that she was right, but she said something wrong that she is not the mother of the baby as the baby was now in her mother's arms and will stay there forever, Shabd tells her that she was angry, he didn't think about what Mahi did, he tells her that he has now come back to get his right but because of what he saw at the temple he realized how wrong he was, Shabd says that a mother can selflessly protect her child and that what Soni did was actual prove enough that she was actually meant to be the baby's mother. 

Soni thanks Shabd and says she wont forget the favor. Shabd also apologize and says that fate had it way and that was why maybe they had twins. Soni plays with the baby. Mahi comes and says that she is happy to see her happy. Soni tells her that it was because of her. Mahi tells her not to talk about this but just to remember she only has one daughter and so does she, and to promise they won't talk about this again. Soni promise. Shabd and Jeet comes. Shabd tells them to forget those days and to enjoy their family life together, Shabd congratulated Jeet. Jeet also congratulated Shabd. They both hug each other. Both Shabd and Mahi are about to leave but the baby cries. Shabd has tears in his eyes. He touches his baby and they both leave.

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