Thursday 28 June 2018

Thursday Update On My Lost Home

Shabd insult Adi so much and says he know these kind of people really well. He says people like AD helped them so that he can ask Mahi to do anything for him and then Adi finally answers him and tells Shabd that he is getting this matter totally wrong.
Adi says that Mahi has just taken a loan that she will pay back with her salary. Shabd angrily blunt out that how will she pay her loan back? He says that Mahi's salary is only 40 - 50.000 so how will she pay back 50 millions. Then Mahi says that she's going to get a promotion and her salary is going to increase but Shabd says that how much will it increase? 1 lac (10000 thousand ), 2 lac or 5 lac? And how much time will she work; 2 years, 5 years, 10 years? That she will have to work her whole life to pay the loan back. Mahi asks how can it be that she will work all her life?. She says if he start his business again then they can pay the loan back together but Shabd refusing saying that if his business doesn't get well again then what will they do?. He points out that is why Adi is helping Mahi and why was he ready to give 50 crores ( Millions ) to Mahi? Shabd says that he's doing it so that he can use Mahi to do everything what he wants her to do. Mahi says that he should be thankful to Adi but he is blaming him for using her. A curious Shabd asks why she is defending him? He then asks if is because she is in love with him? Mahi gets shocked. Shabd says now he understand why she come so late from office everyday, adding that she is with her boss and asks if she have sold herself to her boss. She shouts Shabd's name and angrily says she have done everything for him, she worked so that she could save their house but he is saying this about her. She then tells him that she will endure that the house will get auctioned but she can't endure that he say such shameless words about her. She then address him as Shabd Sareen that he will always be a failure and not only that because he can't handle his business but also because he can't handle his relationships.

Mahi leaves there upset and Shabd shouts at her that he doesn't need her, she can just leave. Adi leaves too dropping the house documents on the chair and Shabd angrily throws it away that he doesn't need his help. Aunt Billo tries to convince Shabd and asks what he has done is wrong with his wife but Shabd angrily pushes her away and say that he does not need her support either. Both his uncle and aunt are shocked to see the bitterness in him. Jeet tell him to relax. Everyone, Soni, Jeet and Mohini tries to make Shabd understand that he said too much to Mahi today but he also insults them. Soni try to calm him down but Jeet pull her back and asks if she did hear what Shabd says. He angrily tells Soni that Shabd is a loser and asks if this is the person she is persuading him to help and says he can't stay in a house that he is not welcome. He is not ready to listen to more insult, they should leave Shabd to solve his problem by himself and angrily drag Soni from there. Mohini looks at Shabd who is still upset and tells Shabd's uncle and aunt that she is leaving too and she leaves. Shabd angrily leaves the place and his uncle follow him in order to stop and calm him down. Aunt Billo is heartbroken because Shabd pushed her and sits down on a chair lost in thought.

Mahi is up stairs in her room and she's really upset. Shabd takes his car and drives away. His uncle tries to stop him but he doesn't stop while Lai Vee Na Gayee song plays in the background and Mahi is shown in her room, sitting on the floor and Shabd drives the car really fast in anger. Mahi thinks about what Shabd said to her in present of everyone and on the other hand, Shabd thinks about those moments where he saw Mahi and Adi together. He drinks alcohol while he angrily drives the car. Mahi thinks about the moment where Shabd said that she have sold herself and she cries. Shabd stops his car at some place and walks out inside the rain. He notices that the bottle is empty and angrily throws it away. He screams out Mahi's name asking why, he kneel down in front of his car and cries out like a baby. The next day, Shabd is seen lying down at some place and he hear some people talk. He wakes up and tries to stand up but he can't because he drinked way too much the previous night. He walks over to his car and drives home.

At home his uncle and aunt are patiently waiting for Shabd. Aunt Billo sees that her husband is worried and tells him not to get so worried about Shabd and assuring him that he will return. Shabd's uncle asks how can he stop getting worried and that he still remember how he just drove away from the house. He has behaved really badly to Mahi and angrily he won't spare him once he comes back home. At the same time, Shabd enters the house and Aunt Billo runs over to him and asks where was he?. Shabd asks where Mahi is and his uncle angrily blunt out that first he behave so badly with Mahi and then he asks where she is?. But Shabd is not in the mood to listen to his scolding and asks his uncle to just tell him where Mahi is. His uncle answers that Mahi has gone, she has leaved the house and maybe it's forever. Aunt Billo says that she tried to stop her but she was really angry and she leaved. An upset Shabd says that she had to leave the house because she got the one with money then why would she waste her life with such a failure like himself. Shabd leaves.

Back in Patiala, there is someone who is at the door at Mohini's house. Mohini opens the door and she is surprise to sees Mahi standing with tears in her eyes along with Ishana. Dharji, Pammi, Sukhi and Tina comes to the door and sees Mahi with tears in her eyes.

Mahi who decides to leave her in-laws’ house is at the door at her maternal and Mohini opens the door. Mahi asks if she can get some place in her maternal home and she hugs her mom. She walks inside and Sukhi takes her luggage from her. Mohini suggest to bring something for her to eat but Mahi decline that she is not hungry. Dharji reminds her that this is her maternal home and she don't need to ask for living here because it's her own home.

At Khurana's residence, Soni is worried for Mahi and Jeet asks why did she get worried for someone else. Soni tells him that Mahi is not someone else but her own sister. Jeet remind her that they were there to help them but they didn't want their help and Shabd behaved so badly to them. Soni says that he is going through a hard time and that is why he was like that but Jeet disagree with Soni that no matter what, Shabd shouldn't behave like that and they don't ned to interfere in their personal problems but Soni insists that they are their own and they should support them in their hard time. Jeet angrily tells her to do what she want but they can't help them with their money because they don't want their help. Just then, he got a phone call and he leaves. After he leaves Soni talks to herself that in every problems solution isn't money.

In Patiala, Mahi who move in with her mother is with her mom. Mahi says that nowadays money is the most important thing for people and asks has money importance increased so much. Mohini says that the importance of money is the same and it's only the human thoughts that are changed. Mahi asks can human thoughts change so much that a relationship between 2 people can break? She state that they had so much problems before but they fought together to get out of the bad time so why didn't Shabd fought with her?. She further tells her mother that there was lack of faith and that is why they couldn't do anything. Mohini consoles her that she don't need to do anything and assures her that Shabd will soon realize his mistakes. Mahi cries and hugs her mom.

At Sareen's house, Shabd drinks as usualand and both his uncle and aunt tries to stop him. He walks up to his room and he sees his and Mahi's photo. He drinks some more. The next day, some cars makes some noise because Shabd parked his car in the middle of the way and fell asleep. A man wakes him and helps him out because he's too dizzy to walk. When he cames home, he tries to walk up at the stairs but he slips. He falls down and Aunt Billo runs down to him in order to give him a helping hand. He bleeds on his forehead and Aunt Billo wipe it off with her scarf. Later in the day, he drinks again and both his uncle and aunt walks into his room. His uncle stops him and tell him to stop drinking. He further asks how long will he drink and till he have misses everything?. Shabd asks what do he have that he will miss? Aunt Billo says he have his whole life back and she know that her Shabd is a strong man. But his uncle angrily says this is not Shabd but a failure whose weakness is alcohol. Shabd asks how can he continue his life if the one he loved the most has leaved him and living with that Aditya Dhanraj. His uncle raise his voice at him to shut up. He remind his nephew that Mahi has leaved the house because of he and his suspicion. Aunt Billo says she was really angry at Mahi when she gave one of his children to Soni but what he have done is totally wrong, adding that he should apologise to Mahi and bring her back to the house.

In Patiala, Mahi is getting ready for office when she gets a phone call. It's Shabd and Mohini tells her to pick it up but Mahi refuses that she she don't want him to come here and create a scene. She leaves for office. Aunt Billo asks him what happened and Shabd says that Mahi disconnected the phone. His uncle advice that he should go and meet her but Shabd says that he don't want to go to Adi's home. His uncle asks how is he so sure that she is at Adi's home, adding that he is sure that she is at Mohni's home. Aunt Billo says yes she's there and he should go there to talk with her. Shabd says okay that he will go there.

Shabd drives to Mohini's house but on the way, he see Mahi along with Adi in a cafe. He gets angry and parks the car. Mahi thanks Adi that he met her outside of the office because she wanted to talk to him and she didn't want anyone to hear what they talk about in the office. Adi says she don't have to worry but to just tell him what she want to say. Mahi gives Adi her resignation letter and Adi asks why she want to leave the job and asks if she don't need this job? Mahi admit that she need it but she live at her mom's house in Patiala after what happened that day and that is why it isn't possible to work at his office anymore, and she will find another job in Patiala. She then plead with him not to sell the house he bought back to her family. She promise to pay back all his money and Adi tells her not to worry that he won't sell it and if she ever need his help then to please tell him. Mahi thank him for all what he have done for her and her family that day on the auction. Adi says she don't need to say thanks but he give more importance to human than money. Mahi since again thank him and leaves. Adi suggests to drive her to the taxi stand. Mahi says yes and they drive away. Shabd sees all this but he doesn't hear their conversation so now he is totally sure that Adi and Mahi is having an affair.

Shabd enter house angrily and getting flashes about Mahi and Adi touching each other. He looses her temper and start throwing/breaking flower vase, crockery and other items from his lounge. He pulls out the sheet from the dining table and everything from the table falls down and break. Both his uncle and aunt came running to him. His uncle yells at Shabd asking if he has gone mad. Shabad yells back at his uncle that that he has gone mad. His uncle asks what will he get from breaking these things and to at lease tell him why he is doing all this? Shabad tells him not to say anything at all. He spark at his uncle that he listened to him before and went there and asks why did he send him there, to make fun of his life? Aunt Billo intervenes that they want to see him happy. She asks if he meet Mahi there. Shabd said yes he saw Mahi with Adi, adding that his doubt and thoughts about Mahi were right. She has changed and everything is over between them. He starts drinking.

At Khurana's residence, Soni is sadly waiting for Jeet and it's past midnight. Mr. Khurana comes down the stairs to her and says he can see how worried she is about Jeet and she should go and sleep now, adding that when Jeet come he will wake her up. He asks how long will she wait for him? Soni replies that even he is awake because her mother-in-law has not returned home yet and when they are waiting for someone, they don't care about hunger, thirst or sleep. Then she wipe her tears and plead with him to go and sleep, adding that she will sleep when she feel like it. They wish each other good night. Mr Khurana leaves.

At Sareen's residence, Shabd is drinking and realises he has emptied yet another bottle and gets up to grab another one. Aunt Billo comes there and snatches the bottle from him saying that he have been drinking alcohol like water and that there is life beyond it. She says she won't let him drink anymore and she can't see him dying from drinking as this alcohol has ruined his whole life. Shabd contradicts that it's Mahi, not alcohol that has ruined his life and that Mahi has turned a big businessman into a drunkard. There was no death of wealth and happiness in their house, but she left and started living with Adi. Aunt Billo tells him to stop all this nonsense but Shabd says that today she is stopping him from drinking, and then she is stopping him from speaking and that tomorrow she will stop him from living. He again tries to snatch the bottle from his uncle wife's hand but she tries to get it away from him and applies force causing Shabd to fall on the shelf and Shabd and Ishana's photo falls down. He picks up the photo and remembers his daughter. He talks to Ishana's photo and tells her that it's not her but Mahi's fault. He talks to the baby in photo and says that he won't let her live there. Ishana will always live with him. Both his uncle and aunt look on shock. Aunt Billo asks Shabd to get some rest but he says he will go and get her daughter back first. Shsbd leaves. Aunt Billi cries, she angrily throw smach the bottle on the ground and remembers God.

In Patiala, Tina is reading a magazine and says it's all rubbish. Sukhi enters the room and asks her what happened. Tina says that it's written in the magazine that husband plays a more important role in a marriage than wife. So wife should compromise and forget all her husband's mistakes. She questions the opinion and says that in her own opinion that both husband and wife should equally make compromise in a married life. She asks Sukhi about his opinion and he tells her what he feel.

It's raining quite heavily. Shabd comes to Adi house yelling Mahi's name and Mr. Aditya Dhanraj to come out of the house. The security guards stop him from entering inside. Adi peeps through the glass door. Shabd yells at him and tells him to stop peeping and come out. He tries to force his way in the house but Adi asks his guards to let him come in. Shabd goes over to Adi and pointed his finger on him and says that he very well knows that Mahi and Ishana are in this house. He again starts yelling Mahi's name asking her to come out. Adi looks on angrily. Shabd asks him again about Mahi's whereabouts and further asks Adi if he doesn't feel shameless for ruining his family. He says he can't do anything if Mahi wants to stay with him, but he can't adopt his daughter, reminding him that she is his daughter. He tells Adi to give her back to him and he can keep Mahi if he like and do whatever he want with her. Adi becomes furious and slaps Shabd. He hits him again and Shabd falls over the floor.

Adi asks how dare he say such shameless things about Mahi and how can he talk so rubbish. He tells Shabd that Mahi is not here and has never entered his house before. Shabd is bleeding from his mouth. Adi grabs him by his collar and asks how he can even think so rubbish about Mahi. He tells Shabd that he will not get such a good wife even in seven lives as Mahi has done so much sacrifice for him and his family. She did job, stayed away front Ishana, worked day and night and pleaded with the bank manager to stop the auction. But Shabd can't see all these things as he is so much drunk that he can't even differentiate between good and bad. Adi says that Shabd is not only a bad business man but he is also a bad human being. He could realise the value of time and person. He couldn't even respect his own wife and that Mahi not only supported him but also tolerated his every behaviour which no other woman would have done. But Shabd just wanted to vent his frustration out on her. Adi that even though Mahi holds such a high self esteem, yet she came to him asking for financial help. But Shabd's thought she was having extra marital affair with him. Adi further scold Shabd that he is shameless that he let his house auction whereas Mahi bought the prestige of the house back and he called his wife names in front of everyone. She should have forced him out of the house, rather she herself left home. Adi says that he feels sorry for him rather than feeling angry. He had every happiness in his life but he lost everything, adding that Shabd himself is responsible for all his loss. He finally says the truth is that he is a looser.

In Patiala, Mahi tells Darji and Pammi about the girl in the Kachre who people call bad omen. Sukhi says the gir has no home or parents. Pammi says she feels bad too but this is common in the village. Mahi says what must the child be going through for 7 years. Pammi says thinking can't be changed, and adds that they dont have time for themselves, then how will they help others. Guddi comes there and they go running out. Guddi says they are running like a toofan is coming, she finished work so she is here to meet them, adding that they met yesterday but the neighbors must make the relationships strong. Guddi says she drives a danno and shows her auto, she makes money with this for her and her mom and she will keep working after marriage to help her husband. She asks Sukhi about it. Darji says one girl here works, another girl is called bad omen. Guddi says they are born like that. Darji says human have wrong thinking. Guddi also invites them to a gathering about a theft. Mahi says she will go and to seek justice as she is unable to bear the suffering anymore. She decides to plead with Soni to return her baby.

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