Monday 22 January 2018

Monday Update On Lies Of The Heart Episode 296 - 298

The lady takes Samrat to the doctor, where he hears tale of her success, and still pretending to be a simple, down to earth person. The doctor assures him that there were no major injuries. He thinks that the girl is the right bait.

He victimised himself, and pretends to be in much pain and agony, she offers to leave him, when he says that he lives exactly in the same locality where she told him she was heading to She gets a call from Urmi, and she tells her that she would come in sometime. She then helps Samrat come down, and they both leave the hospital.  Sandhya takes Urmi’s picture and goes to wake up Damni, who opens the door, and irritable asks her what the matter was. Sandhya tells Damini that she got to know who Ishaan likes. Damini asks who and she shows her Urmi’s picture, saying that Ishaan loves her, and she is infact his girlfriend. Damini is shocked. But she doesn't believe it. She tells Sandhya that they are good friends, and if she retrieved a picture of Urmi from his room, it doesn't prove that he loves her, as he would never do this. Sandhya asks her if its so simple, then why was he hiding it, in the drawer that he claimed contained dirty undergarments, as when she went through them, she didn't find any, but found an undercover girlfriend instead. Damini is shocked, and tensed too. Sandhya asks her if she now believes,  while Damini seems to be convinced. Damini tells her that her son cant do this. Sandhya tells her that she shall keep thinking like this, and tomorrow, this divorcee would be the daugther in law of their house, and they shall be utterly insulted. Damini tells her that she has full faith in Ishaan, and asks her to go to sleep. Sandhya is shocked that she still did not believe her. She leaves, whiles Damini slams the door shut.

The next morning, Anirudh is given coffee by Damini, who asks him if he was busy, as she wanted to talk to him about Ishaan. He asks what the problem was.  She tries to bring the topic of his friendship with Urmi, but just then, he comes in, and the topic gets distracted. The father-son duo starts talking about business, whiles Damini eyes them both. Ishaan then hesitantly brings up the topic of giving the car keys to Tani, but Anirudh is still angry at her, saying that she is getting ill-mannered day by day. Ishaan tells him that they should prolong it for now. Anirudh asks if he should let her be and do what she wants. But Ishaan says that she wont do anything, as he has advised her, and in turn she also pleads to him, He complies. Anirudh gives him the keys, and then tells Ishaan that if anything else happens, then he would be responsible. Damini taunts him, saying that their son was right, He then agreed, but when she tried to ask, he didn't relent. He says that he has faith in Ishaan. Anirudh says that Tani may listen to no one, but she always listens to Ishaan. Damini smiles. Just then, Tani comes in with another person in tow, saying that she would give him back the money, why is he bothered so much. all are surprised. They find her arguing with the gentleman. Anirudh asks her what she did this time. Tani comes saying that she had an accident with his expensive car, as she was driving with her friend’s car, and gives him a bill. He asks what the new drama was about.  She replies that this is the bill, that he would have to pay to the gentleman. She says that till she doesn't get her car keys, this shall keep happening. She also reminds him, that her friend’s car is damaged as it was in a worse state and the bill for that would come by tomorrow. Anirudh is angry, while Tani carelessly leaves for her room. Ishaan and Damini are tensed.

While Sanaya is continuously talking on her phone by doing business deals, Samrat thinks that he has landed on a jackpot, and he should use it to the fullest of advantage. Sanaya asks as to what business he does for a living. But before he can fumble for an answer, she gets a call again, as she gets busy answering the phone. Samrat thinks to himself that he would have to play a game, to win the girl over. She stops the driver in front of a building. She tells Samrat that she has to get down here, as her friend stays in the apartment, Sanaya informs Samrat that the driver shall drop him wherever he wishes to go. She steps down. He is amazed at the grandeur of the building, oblivious that Urmi resides there. He is overexcited thinking that he would have to find a way soon to enter the girl’s heart and life. He keeps gloating about himself. Sanaya and Urmi both discuss their professional woes, and Sanaya congratulates Urmi as to how her advises have worked immensely for her, as they discuss business over coffee. Urmi asks about the accident. Sanaya explains the incident, She informs Urmi that the man involved was young and handsome. Urmi starts teasing her. Sanaya says that after a marriage and divorce, she has had it, but if there’s someone who is mad for her, then she would think about it. Sanaya also asked Urmi of her future prospects. Sanaya keeps teasing her too. They both have a light banter over coffee.  Samrat finds Sanaya’s online profile, and thinks that now his bait should be very aimed, so that he lands on a jackpot, He is excited to find that she is a divorcee, and hence heartbroken. He thinks to himself that he would take advantage of this, and become the true lover of her life, as he has master in it. He says that he would get her madly in love with him, just then he realises that he has one problem, and that's financial, as he would have to be classy to impress her. The waiter comes in, telling him that his boss wants his laptop back. He gives it, mumbling. The waiter asks what the matter was.  Samrat asks if he knows anyone who can give him some money. The waiter replies that he knows a person who lends money on interest, but he is dangerous. Samrat says that he doesn't have anything to give as a guaranty. He says that the lender doesn't take guaranty but if the money isn't returned on time, then he might take his life, and he is a regular fugitive in jail too. Samrat is tensed.  The waiter gets Samrat to the lender. He finds the moneylender giving money to people. The lender then asks how much he wants. Samrat says that he needs 5 lakhs, and he would repay in one month, but he doesn't have any guaranty. They all starts laughing by telling him that they know how to retrieve their money if he doesn't pay them on time. Samrat tells him that he understood, as soon as he is given the money, he lustily eyes it. Samrat thinks that now he would become the owner of S and S Airlines, and definitely marry Sanaya.

While Urmi is working in the Hotel, Damini comes in tensedly. She is surprised to see Damini, and asks her to sit down. Damini however behaves very seriously. Urmi asks what the matter was. Damini comes and tells Urmi that from today, she wont talk to, or keep any contact with Ishaan, and that all their relations should end. Urmi is shocked, and asks whats the matter was.  Damini informs her that there’s no problem, and that she is just intrigued. She tells her that she was thinking as to whats happening between the two of them, that no one could guess. Urmi is boggled. Damini asks how can he not tell her about his girlfriend's name, in such a strong friendship. Urmi complies. Damini asks her to be angry at him, and also to stop talking to him. Maybe he will break down emotionally and tell her the name of his girlfriend. Urmi says that even Damini herself can do this, as even if she acts indifferent to Ishaan and he breaks down in front of her, She also asks what the difference is if either of them does it.  Damini informs her that there’s a difference, as he has challenged her, hence she should do this, and that she is sure that he would tell Urmi. Urmi complies to Damini’s plan. Damini is happy, and asks her to tell him that their friendship is over, as friends cant keep secrets from each other. Urmi is tensed, but she still complies. Damini thinks that everything would be clear now, as Ishaan would come out, and if there’s anything between them, then it would be exposed too, as if there’s something between them,  then they won't be able to resist talking to each other. In either case, the truth has to come out, and it shall. Damini says to herself.
In the lobby, Samrat waits in his rented car, for Sanaya’s arrival, after she is done with the meeting at a big hotel, she finally comes out, and calls the driver to get the car. Samrat see's her and draws his car next to her, and goes by, almost ignoring her. Then he pretends to be shocked to see her, and gets excited saying that he was praying to run into her again, and lo and behold, that happened. She is amused. She says that he looks completely changed now, as last time, he looked very different. He distracts her by his talks. He tries to repay her the money she used for his treatment, but she refuses. He then insists on a coffee date, He finally gets her around to having coffee with him. He gives her a date, and a venue. She leaves in her car. Samrat thinks to himself that very soon, she shall be his wife, and then he shall keep doing debts, and she shall keep releasing them. He shows and evil smile.

Gaurav discusses Cheeku’s admission in Shaurya’s school, for convenience. Urmi complies. The doorbell rings. She opens the door to find Ishaan standing there, she then remembers Damini’s request. When Ishaan comes in bright and perky at Urmi’s house, wishing her good morning, she turns her face away and indirectly conveys through Gaurav, that she doesn't want to see him now or ever again, and that their relationship is over from this very instant. Ishaan is shocked, while Gaurav is tensed. Urmi stands angrily. He comes around and asks why is she saying this. Gaurav too asks what the matter was. She says that she was serious about their friendship, but he isn't. She says that she isn't a fool, and that he cant keep a secret of his girlfriend from her, even though he professes her to be his best friend. He again tries to talk her into finding out, but she lashes rudely at him, saying that their friendship was till there, and its all over now. He tries to speak, but she says that they shall maintain their distance from now on. She leaves, while both the men are tensed and shocked. Gaurav makes him sit down. Ishaan says that it got serious suddenly. Gaurav is tensed. Ishaan tells him that what was scaring him, is exactly happening, as he cant risk losing Urmi and her friendship at any cost, Guarav asks him to tell Urmi about it, as he has to someday. Ishaan is tensed. Sandhya applauds Damini’s move, she says that now they shall know what's cooking between the two. She says that she only needs to know, as Urmi and Ishaan already know what is happening. Sandhya tells her that now she shall know how the best friend couple have been fooling her behind their backs. But Damini still refuses to believe, saying that Ishaan is her son, and he shall never do this to her. Sandhya replies that she can't lie to her, but she knows that she herself too doubts their relation, and hence took this move. Damini is tensed but doesn't agree to it, She says that she is doing this to shut her mouth once and for all, and prove her wrong, as when the truth is exposed, she would be silenced. Sandhya tells her that she hopes that she is wrong, as if Damini is, she wont be able to bear it, and hopes that nothing like that comes to her. Damini is tensed.

As Samrat and Sanaya have coffee. He starts flirting with her, with a bold move. She asks what he was trying to say. He says that he is in love at first sight, even though he never used to believe in all this before. She is amused, while he says that he is in love. She still got boggled. He keeps ranting out about how he has fallen in love, and feels the most amazing in life, and that's due to her. She thinks that he is joking. He says that its a question of his life, and asks her not to think that he is joking, as his life has changed overnight, and gives her credit for it all. He continues to flirt, while she thinks that he is dramatising. He places her hand in his, and asks her to pull him out of this misery, by marrying him. She is shocked, and jerks his hand away. He tries to protest how innocent he and his love is. She asks him to let it all go, and answer instead as to why he isn't married till now. He is shocked at this question, but answers by saying, that he never met anyone like her. She is irritated, and tries to smile it off. She says that his name is very old fashioned, and that she shall call him SAM, and he agrees, continuing to flirt with her. He gives her a gift, while she says that she cant accept gifts. He asks her to look at it. She finds that its Kajal, and says that no one has ever gifted her things like this. He says that no one saw her beauty the way he sees. He says that' because he has already cast his evil eyes, and they plan to completely ruin a person. Ishaan, in his car, is tensed, remembering his spat with Urmi, when he doesn't respond to his messages too. He tries to talk to her again, but in vain. In his tension, he comes across Samrat, passing by from the other side, driving in his car, and is shocked, wondering what Samrat was doing in Mumbai.

Urmi is pleasantly surprised to find Sanaya, who is super excited after her meeting with Samrat. She goes on to rant as to how she finally found a man who is mad for her. Urmi expresses her reservations, that she doesn't find it right. Sanaya is blindly in love, saying that this is what she always wanted. Urmi finds her dreamy eyed, and smilingly asks her to calm down. Sanaya starts ranting to Urmi about how Samrat IS flirtatious and corny, his cheesy romantic lines have wooed her over and she actually likes this man termendously. Urmi asks her to slow down things a bit. Urmi says that she doesn't like how things we're going, and there’s something wrong. She asks who is this man? Sanaya smiles through, naming him SAM.  Urmi smiles as she finds her best friend, totally lost in the glory of her new found love. Gaurav and Ishaan are tensed that Samrat has come to Mumbai. They are tensed if Samrat came after Urmi, till here, after having come out in Jail. Ishaan is tensed too, and says that they shall not say anything to Urmi, as she would be unnecessarily worried. Gaurav complies, and tells Ishaan not to tell this to anyone, as he cant have Urmi’s and Shaurya’s life getting affected, after they moved on with such difficulty. Ishaan tells him that till he is around, nothing can harm them. Gaurav is assured.  As Damini is busy organising her kitty parties, Sandhya comes and again pins her on Urmi’s friendship with Ishaan. Damini is disturbed, while she says that Urmi is befooling her, and thinking of new ways to captivate Ishaan, that one day they might just get married, and then come to stay in her house.  Damini is enraged, and Sandhya immediately apologises, and says that she should instead understand her situation, so that Ishaan doesn't go from his mother to his friend, and then stand in front of her with his wife, Urmi. Damini asks her to shut up, and then leaves. Sandhya is amused. She then finds Tani coming down talking on the phone, and tries to find out what kind of a guy does she want for herself. Tani taunts her, pretending to fall in her trap, and then teases her as to why is she so bothered, as her type of guy wont be easily available on matrimonial sites. Tani starts explaining how she wants an adventurous partner. Sandhya is boggled, with Tani’s rants, thinking that her plans fell flat. Sandhya asks what work must he do. Tani replies that he should be super rich, and love her blindly, and propose her specially, and treat her like a princess.

While Sanaya is jogging in the park, she finds a heart shaped petal decoration, with a note written, WILL YOU MARRY ME, SANAYA. She is plesantly surprised, and boggled too, whiles Samrat comes out giving his silly grin. She thinks that he has gone mad, but enjoys the attention. She finds him distracting her from her work too. Then she gets a parcel, with a red saree, and a note Will you marry me, Sanaya. On her way to work, she finds Sam proposing to her, on the national Radio. She is overjoyed with excitement, as she finds him taking the extra mile, with a billboard outside her house, asking if she would marry him. He spends the night in shivering cold. As the morning dawns, she finds him like that, waiting for her first look, his silly smile, and the same question on his lips. She is on the seventh heaven. Urmi finds ishaan waiting for her in the car, and is shocked. But she ignores him and asks the driver to pull her car out. He asks her to get Inside. She tells him that when a relation is over, then she doesn't need him to do anything. He asks her not to talk, but atleast go with her. She says that she doesn't need him to do whatever she has to, as she can manage alone, and doesn't need a friend who betrays. He says that wherever she goes, she shall have to go with him. She asks whats this new rule and why would she adhere. He wonders how to tell her about Samrat. She begins to go, while he insists that he shall tag along. She again reminds him what she has decided. She demands for her car keys. He says that he is just insisting, and that it isn't such a big deal, that she is making such a issue. She says that he cant be this possessive, as he knows everything about her, personal and professional, but she doesn't know about such an important aspect of his life, and how she doesn't know about his girlfriend, the love of his life, meaning that she isn't even in the outer circle of his friends. He corners her, asking her to stop, and asks if she wants to know about the girl in his life, the love of his life, and who he proclaims to be his girlfriend. When she nods, he says that he shall tell her then. She is surprised and smiles, as she stands cornered against the back of the car. The next morning, Gaurav is surprised to know from Urmi that she has been promised by Ishaan that he would make her meet his girlfriend tomorrow, after he was cornered last night by her. He is amused, while she is excited to meet her, and how after judging her, she shall tell about her to Damini, so that marital relations can proceed. Gaurav is excited that finally Ishaan shall talk about his love for Urmi, to her. Gaurav tells Ishaan that its good that he decided to propose to Urmi, and wonders why he took this hasty descision. He says that since he saw Samrat, he doesn't want to take any chances, as he doesn't trust his motives. Ishaan says that if he marries Urmi, many problems shall be solved together. Gaurav says that Samrat would be scared to even think of harming Urmi, then. He says that this is what he wants, and once he is married, then he can openly take care of Urmi and Shaurya. Ishaan determinedly says that Samrat would have to face him to get to Urmi. Gaurav asks how would he get his parents to agree, and Ishaan says that he would try something or the other to get round to that too. Gaurav applauds him for being such a nice man, and such a nice friend to Urmi, as he is then a perfect match to Ishaan, and wishes that he had gotten married to her. Ishaan asks him not to worry. Gaurav says that he is assured that he is there, as he got concerned about Samrat being back in town. Ishaan says that he wont let Samrat spoil Urmi’s life.

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