Sunday 1 October 2017

Monday Update On Love Oh Love Episode 104-106: Arpita and Akshat Exposed!

Read the interesting update on Love Oh Love, episode 104-106 for or Monday, October 2, showing on Zee World.

Avni takes appointment from her own parents to talk about Raj's matter. Suket and Bhavna asks why appointment? She says she wants to talk to them when they have the whole attention on her and that they have an appointment fixed tomorrow.

 Suket says he is very busy tomorrow but Avni offers a dinner together. They agree. After she is gone, Bhavna says she will have to ask for a new mobile or laptop. Suket says whatever she will ask, she will do it sensibly. Avni thinks tomorrow their fate together will be decided Raj. The phone bell rings. Arpita meanwhile is scared regarding the blackmailing calls and thinks isn’t that same blackmailer and is worried. Savri comes there. Bhavna runs coming from the kitchen and asks why anyone isn’t picking up the phone for so long. Savri says she just came here, and she doesn’t understand why Arpita didn’t pick up. Bhavna picks it up and tells Savri that the call is for Pratab ji. Arpita goes away. Sanvri thinks her white face makes hers shine and conclude that there is definitely some secret that will disclose soon.

Arpita comes to Akshat who is talking on phone. He leaves saying he is going for some important meeting. She thinks Akshat has no time but she can't live afraid by picking every phone call. She thinks she should tell her mother in-law and hopes she understands. Avni tells Devika she is afraid of her father who might scold her. Bhavna is scolding a servant upon breaking a show-piece then telling a lie. Bhavna says he should have confessed his mistake instead of telling a lie. Arpita comes there and hears this. Bhavna asks her if she has something important to say. Arpita asks what to cook for dinner. Bhavna says she has a head-ache so she can do whatever she think is right. Arpita thinks it won’t be of any use to tell her mother in-law anything.

Avni wishes everything simple as ‘Aaloo bhujiya sandwich’. She thinks its Raj’s favourite too, their likes and dislikes resembles so much. She jerks the idea and thinks until she doesn’t talk to her parents she won’t even think about him. Arpita comes there. Arpita and Avni speak to each other but do not share their matters with each other as Avni asks why she looks so worried. Arpita too asks why she looks worried. Avni says she is just a bit nervous. Avni asks her to talk what she wanted to say? Arpita insists that Avni is younger so she should tell her problem first. Avni says this is one of the most important days of her life, and she is going to tell something very important to her parents upon a dinner. Arpita asks what? Avni apologizes saying she will first tell her parents before telling her. Arpita says she hopes it will bring happiness to her. Avni says she has butterflies in her stomach and says Arpita seems worried, but she says she just see her tensed so she got a bit tensed. They hug each other. Arpita thinks she is already tensed, so she will not make her more depressed.

Raj comes to Suket’s office. He is telling Akshat to make some best arrangements about the guests. In between, Raj assumes that Suketh has again selected a man for Avni and texts Avni to ask if she talk to her parents. Avni thinks Raj is making is too quick. Avni says no, she wants some more work. Raj texts her that he thinks her dad found a guy for him. Avni gets worried. Akshat says Mr. Singhania wants to taste their food; Suket says he is their important client and is her only daughter’s wedding. Suket adds that he will have to cancel Avni’s dinner tonight. Later, Raj confusion vanishes when he realizes that Suket was actually talking about his client and asks at once, were they talking about the wedding of Mr. Singhania. He offers he can see the presentation tonight as he has experience in it, and he should go on dinner with Avni. Suket agrees. They leave but Akshat comes back to appreciate him and wish him Best of Luck. Raj thanks him, and that he need it badly and texts Avni that he was wrong, she should talk to her parents tonight.
Avni thinks Raj is creating problem in nervousness.

Arpita comes to the hall, the phone bell rings again. She stops at once then goes to pick it up and tells that Akshat’s cell phone is out of order and he may call the office. She turns around to find a magazine in the corridor. It was written on a note with it that if she doesn’t tell her family all her truth, she will reach her house like that letter and disclose her secret to everyone. The phone bell rings again. She picks it up. Savri continues to blackmail Arpita and asks if she think it was a joke, just to think when she can reach her home and tell her family the truth. She asks her to reveal the truth about her past by evening and to remember she just has the time till 7 pm. Arpita shivers. Savri says she is going outside now and will return till 7. In a few hours Arpita life is going to take a turn. Avni comes to Bauji’s room and says she brought sugar-free sweet for him. He says he never gets this sweet for blessings during exams, so now she wants blessings for which exams. She sits down and asks him to bless her without asking for reason. He blessed her and says she will get a loving partner. She thinks he loves, but is he in her luck as well.

Raj sits in front of God asking to let him meet Avni for whole of his life. At the dinner, Avni offers seat to Suket and Bhavna. Suket says it is Chinese restaurant and she like Italian. She says it is his favorite. Bhavna notices flowers only on their table. Avni says it is a special evening, so everything is special. Suket apologizes to her for Samarth. Avni says that she is not sorry but is happy to meet a guy whom she was going to marry; and it was because of them. She says it is okay that she couldn’t marry Samarth and is happy to find a friend. She tells them that they are the best parents in the world. Bhavna says they think of her as a child till now but she has grown up so fast and asks why she brought them here, Avni says that… A waiter comes to take the order. Avni suggests to eat something first and offers menu to Suket. Avni thinks to herself not to be afraid, and just to say it. Savri comes back home thinking Arpita will have told everyone and must have been ordered to go out of the house. She sees no one inside and thinks where everyone is. She asks Bauji where everyone is. Bauji tells her that Avni, Bhavna and Suket are out for dinner, Akshat is in office while Arpita is in her room.
He asks her why is she worried. She says she is much worried and sits down. She says she know something that isn’t good for this house’s reputation. She is afraid if this leaks out what will happen. She wants to meet Suket and Bhavna right now. It is such a big thing which she can’t tell him alone. She asks him to go to them; they can’t wait them to come home. Bauji goes to change and asks if he can invite Arpita too. She says no, that Arpita takes too long to get ready.

They go in the car, Savri asks the driver to stop the car in the way. She says she will get Pratab’s medicine. Arpita calls Akshat to tell him that she is afraid alone. The line drops. She gets the call again, Savri is there. She says she is giving her signals and she is not getting it. She says if she doesn’t want anyone to know about it to come to Ram mandir at 9 sharp. She hangs on. Arpita gets Akshat’s call.
Suket appreciates the dinner and says he thinks every family should go on a dinner every week. Bhavna complains that it is Avni who brought him here else he have no time and asks Avni what she wanted to says. Avni takes their promise that they will hear it with full attention and answer about it open-mindedly. Just then, Suket gets a call. It was Savri who calls her outside as she has some important news for him. She says it is about their family’s respect. They all get worried and go outside. Avni, who arranges a special dinner to tell her parents how she feels about Raj keeps looking at them and hopes everything is fine.

Suket asks why Savri called them out. She says they must all go with her. She takes Suketh, Bhavna and Avni to a dark place which is the temple and says she is going to reveal a secret today. She says they might not believe her so she will let the secret keeper reveal it. Akshat and Arpita will also come there. She says she will call Arpita and takes out another phone to call her and calls Arpita from there. Arpita takes the call. Savri asks why she never told anyone about her relationship from before the marriage. Arpita says this is none of her business, she will give her whatever she wants today but she shouldn’t call her after that. Avni wonders how Savri know about this secret and thinks she should text Akshat not to say anything as they all are here. Akshat takes the phone from her. Savri tells him he doesn’t know about the relationship his wife had before marriage with someone else. Akshat blunt out and says that boyfriend was him, he went to the concert with her and he was the one who had a relationship with her because they love each other. Akshat shouts and asks to tell him what she wants. They are all shocked as they realize that Arpita and Akshat were in love with each other before the marriage itself and that their marriage is a love marriage and not an arranged marriage. Savri takes away the cloth and says she is his Bua Savri. He is shocked when he sees everyone coming towards them. Suket gets furious with them and asks his son how dared he lied to him, Avni tries to defend them but Arpita stops her saying they will face it. Akshat says yes dad, they did love marriage.

At home, Akshat and Arpita apologizes to them. Suket and Bhavna both scold them to be lying to them all along. Savri says they have been lying from the beginning, she asks if he didn't think about his dad for once and asks who taught him to lie; she looks at Arpita and says she can see the answer in her front pointing at Arpita. She says no one should be this blind in love to overlook one’s family. Bhavna says her love was blind that she loved this girl like Avni but she always betrayed them. Abhay comes there defending them and says they only hid the truth and not lied. He tries to argue with his father and asks why can’t they do love marriage in this home. Savri asks if he know all about this, Arpita stopped him to say the truth. But Suket is not ready to listen as he is completely against love marriages and says he shouldn’t speak into what he don’t know, and marriage is not about individuals but families, so families must take decisions about it too. He scolds Akshat that Love only teaches him to lie and to betray. This is what they did, chose the wrong path and will continue doing this. Savri says the only wrong one is this Arpita and she should be thrown out of the house right now. Bauji says no one will do anything. It is both Akshat and Arpita’s mistake; they break the traditions of this house. So they both should be punished, Suket says he won’t throw them out of this house, but he hasn’t forgiven him. He decides to break every relationship with Akshat and also orders rest of the family to stop talking to them and that he will break all relations with anyone who will try to talk to him or try to keep a relationship with him.

Bauji asks what Suket is saying. Suket replied his father that he gave him the power of decision and this is his decision. Avni asks this big punishment for lying, he says this punishment is for love. He adds that they were manipulated in this wedding, so they should both now continue their love and break all relations. Abhay says he doesn’t want to talk and keep relation he should, and asks why is he preventing them all. Abhaas says the reason behind Akshat’s mistake is Suket. He asks if he would ever let him do the love marriage if he wants to do so. Suket says his decision will be the same then, and if he has some problem with this he can leave the house right now. He announces that if anyone in the family favors Abhay, he can also leave right away. He ends the discussion and leaves.

One by one everyone goes inside. Sad Avni comes to the temple. Raj comes home. Suket is angry and says he should come to office and talk about business. Raj says Mr. Singhania liked the food and confirmed the order, he asks how his dinner went. He sees the anger in Suket’s eyes and takes leave. Savri is in her room; Pratab gets furious with her when he learns of what she has done and asks she do what she liked and that she must be very happy. Savri asks what she did. Pratab says she is after Arpita from day one; he wouldn’t have let her come here had he known about it. Savri says they were the one who lie and betray them. Pratab says he agrees they were wrong but why did she do this. Savri asks why she wouldn’t do this. She says Arpita is playing with the respect of her family from day one. Pratab says she want to take revenge from Arpita.
Savri says this isn’t true. He asks why didn’t she go and ask Arpita directly. He tells her that a distance has now been created between their relationships too and announces
they will be far from each other the same way Akshat and Arpita will be away from their family. Savri is upset with her husband's reaction and says he can’t do this and is worried. He says God is just punishing her. He says she did wrong to a girl who always wanted her husband’s wellbeing. He recalls he broke her diamond but she never let her trust break on him. He says for her respect she and her parents kept quiet but when it came to her respect she blew trumpet in the whole city. He adds that he wants to tell everyone about her reality but he won’t, because there is hell of difference between her and him. He leaves angrily while Savri cries as her thirst for revenge leads to devastating consequences.

Akshat is worried that this all happened because of Bua. Arpita says that Bua had no mistake in this. Akshat says this isn’t because of Bua, it is because of her. She couldn’t make it up with Bua, and this is because of her that he will have to live without his family. She says it was his decision but he doesn’t listen and goes away. Avni thinks what has happened to her brother who is blaming her sister in-law instead of supporting her. Avni comes to her but Arpita stops her. Abhay angrily wants to leave the house. Bhavna comes to stop him, but he doesn’t listen. Bhavna begins to cry. He says he can’t see her crying. She says she has already lost one son, and now she can’t afford to lose the other, and begs him not to go. Raj is near the car, he thinks to call Avni as something is wrong. Avni thinks how she is going to tell Raj about it. Avni recalls her father saying Love only teach lying and betrayal, and what Akshat said in frustration. Raj waves Arpita but she goes inside.
Bhavna is praying in the morning, Avni is also there. Arpita comes downstairs and recalls how she used to help her. Bhavna offers the cup, Arpita runs to help but Bhavna pulls it away and asks Avni. Avni tries to defend Arpita but Bhavna scolds her. Avni deliberately slips thinking Raj is in office. He doodles Avni on a page. Avni pours Halwa in a bowl thinking everyone likes it. Bhavna comes to tells her she should distribute it with the servants. At dining table Suket separates some chairs, Avni asks what this is? Suket says some people here don’t deserve to sit with them. Akshat leaves, Arpita follows. Avni goes after them. Suket reminds her that if she has to go with them, her chair can also be separated. Suket comes to Raj’s cabin and takes the file along with him.

In his cabin Askhat comes to he doesn’t talk. Akshat offers he will go to Mr. Singhania’s presentation with Suket but Suket tells Raj that he will go along as he doesn’t need anyone. He asks if he will go now. Akshat leaves, Suket tells Raj to stay. He is checking the file and paper with Avni’s name comes. Raj asks him that he will show it to him after completing it. Suket couldn’t see the page when Raj takes it. Avni gets a prick on her hand from a plant. Bhavna comes running to her rescue. She says when she separated then her favourite rose’s leaves, it pricked it. Bhavna says it is true; the most favourites give the deepest wounds. Savri comes there and tells them that she went to bank and withdrew all the jewellery from their common locker that she gave to Arpita because she doesn’t deserve her gifts and blessings.

Savri thinks she is a wife of jewellers and they take interest on returns. Bhavna leaves without saying anything. Savri tells Avni to talk between all things. Avni says she is not young to see who is wrong and right now her aunt is wrong. Savri thinks everyone is standing against her. Avni asks her mother how she could do this. Bhavna says Savri did what she liked. Avni asks what if she does the same to her. Bhavna says she has faith that Avni will never do what Arpita did to them and tells her that Arpita didn’t think of her as her mother else she would have told her.
Avni thinks what to do now. She thinks Raj used to help her always but now she can’t even help him. Raj finds Avni in the garden but she doesn’t talk to him. He asks her to talk to him as he loves her. She shouts at him to stop it and that there is nothing like Love. It can only create problems and nothing less.

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