Sunday 1 October 2017

Monday Update On Hello Pratibha Episode 18-20: Mahen To Divorce Pratibha?

Read the interesting update on Hello Pratibha, episode 18-20 for Monday, October 2, showing on Zee World

Pratibha sits on sofa worried. She calls Mahen, Mahen asks if the meal is ready. She says she told him but before she could say anything, Mahen says the last time he gets ashamed because of her, when she forgot to keep Roti's in tiffin. Pratibha couldn’t speak, coughs and sneezes but says yes. He listens to her suspected. She wonders if he will ask what has happened to her voice. 

 Sunidhi comes with her bags, and says she will have helped her but she has a lot to do. Pratibha is unwell, Sunidhi asks her to ask the person who has cold know what to take. Pratibha goes to finish her work. Sunidhi thinks she will have already called her lover. Pratibha takes the medicines, washes her face and says to herself that she can’t fall ill and has to get well. She comes out, sits on the bed and watches a chair saying when she used to fall ill he always sit here. Sunidhi tells her mother about Pratibha’s illness.

Raashi tells Anmol that he should not worry about the project, and goes to call Pratibha for her help. Peehu comes and talks to her friend on phone, asking her for an ice cream party. Mahen comes home while Pratibha is lying. He says his guests are coming soon. She thinks about her old times, Mahen comes and asks if she will cook or should he order from outside. She tells him not to worry that the food will be ready. Pratibha comes to the kitchen and cries. She asks herself to get hold of herself, she is Mahen’s wife for seventeen years and a mother of two children, she will take care of the house now. This is her job now.

Anmol comes and hugs Pratibha, she asks what has happened. She wipes her tears. He says he is not well, and can’t even complete his work. She touches his forehead, and says she knows everything. He asks why is she so worried, she says she is also unwell and hugs him, crying. Sunidhi’s mother asks if she told everyone, and says hello to Bubu. Sunidhi says if she comes out now, Pratibha will ask her to share some work. Her mother asks why she didn’t show the photo to her mother in-law. Pratibha gives water to the guest, Mahen says they are going inside the living room and she should
call them when the food is ready. He introduces everyone to Pratibha.

In the kitchen, Pratibha wishes everything will be fine until the guests leave. In the room, Mahen tells the lawyer that if his mother hears about Pushpa then there will be a thunderstorm. The lawyer promises to let Pushpa out of her city and their house as well. Mahen says they should do it. Meanwhile, Pratibha feels dizzy while serving. Mahen overlooks, while the lawyer says it seems she is unwell today. Pratibha brings another bowl to the table, and feels dizzy. The bowl slips and Pratibha fell on the floor. Mahen and everyone run to her, Mahen holds her on his lap. Pratibha can’t hear anyone’s voice while Mahen asks if she is fine.

Pratibha wakes up with her family surrounding her. She opens her eyes, Mahen takes a breath of relief. Her mother asks if she is alright. Sunidhi asks what has happened to her. Kaashi asks she could have said it if she was ill. Mahen tells her to let go, and tells Pratibha that she should have told him. Pratibha apologizes holding his hand, but Mahen doesn’t hold it and asks the doctor to see Anmol as well. Sunidhi says may be she had got this from someone else. Pratibha says she doesn’t remember if she got it from someone, her mother says she might have got it in hospital. Mahen asks Kaashi not to let her do any work, and asks Sunidhi to look into house chores along with boutique and that he has to go somewhere, and leaves. Sunidhi tells Pratibha to stay away from the fever of staying lost all the times.

Her mother says she has taken medicine and will be fine. Sunidhi leaves with Sanjeev. When alone, her mother asks what she ate and why she get so careless. Pratibha says she doesn’t know if she should say this or not, she might or may not understand. She tells her mother that she wanted to fell ill, so she ate lemon. She wants to see if Mahen will be emotional like her father. She remembers whenever she falls ill, he used to sit on the chair and see her but he doesn’t do so now. Her mother asks if she is crazy, he called her before calling doctor. Pratibha says Mahen doesn’t have time for her, she is in pain because she thinks Mahen doesn’t love her now. Her mother asks if she is the same and that there is a time to find love. Love divides into responsibilities and relations, she asks who is pouring all this in her mind. She is quiet, her mother goes to get soup for her, she tells her not to go at this pathway else she will be lost in faults. Pratibha says there is fault. Her mother leaves, but Pratibha says she can’t be quiet seeing this chair empty. She wants Mahen to sit and talk to her, but why he doesn’t do this now, she cries hard. Sunidhi comes to Kaashi and thinks this is the right time to blow the bomb. Sunidhi tries her utmost best to show Kashi the photo she took, and says she wants to show her something, and gives her the mobile. But unfortunately for her Bubu spoils everything as he comes and snatches her phone asking for water. He takes the mobile, Sunidhi runs behind him. Bubu goes and throws the mobile in the water jug. Sunita shouts and comes to the mobile, while Bubu hides behind his Daadi. Kaashi asks what she wanted to show her, and asks to tell her with her mouth. Sunidhi thinks about telling her, even without proof. She makes Kaashi say it, as it is something shameful. She tells her that Pratibha has an affair. Hearing this, Kaashi scolds Sunidhi that she didn’t expect she will make up such a story about Pratibha. Sunidhi says she even took a photo, but Kaashi says her business must not be working and tells Sunidhi to find some other source of harassing Pratibha but not the respect of the family.

Mahen talks to a lawyer, the lawyer says he can’t give him the next appointment soon. Mahen says Pushpa’s time to arrive home is near. The lawyer says he came today but his wife isn’t well. Sunidhi’s mother scolds her, and then asks if she has the number of that PC. Sunidhi denies, her mother says she should have it. Sunidhi says her mother is a genius, and asks what to do next. Her mother says she should get the number from Pratibha’s phone and then call and ask who he is etc. Her mother tells her a way to find it all, offering him a diamond ring from a company. He will tell the details himself
Mahen comes to the room at night, tensed. He thinks what the lawyer had said to him and throws the pen on the floor. Pratibha watches him and gets up. She asks what happened and why is he so worried. He says nothing and that there is some tension in work. She thinks he is tensed because of her and should tell him the truth. She asks if he took food, he says no. She goes to bring it, he asks her to take her medicine first. She asks him that she doesn’t want any medicine; she just took lemon by herself. He asks what she is saying. She says she wanted to fell ill; he gets angry asking why she did it deliberately. He asks how she can think about doing so. She says she wanted to see if she still loves her or not. He turns her to himself, and asks if she want to know if he loves her or not. What pointless thing this is, she has such responsibility of the whole house. He tells her what he lost with this all drama and she has no idea of it. He asks if he doesn’t fulfil his responsibilities, doesn’t he look after his children, and doesn’t he go or take her to functions. He again asks if she wants him to go around her all the times and adds that he doesn’t love her. He leaves saying "I Don’t Love You". Mahen scolds Pratibha and says "I Don’t Love You". He leaves the room. Pratibha, who confesses to Mahen finally finds out how Mahen feels about her and cries hard that if Sunidhi comes to know her husband doesn’t love her. Sunidhi says she won’t leave the girl, Shalu fears he is involved with someone else. But Pratibha thinks there is something wrong in her for which Mahen dislikes her. She asks Shalu to taste the food again and asks if the house is sufficiently clean. Shalu asks what has happened to her, Pratibha says she doesn’t know. As Pratibha clean up the children’s room, she asks Shalu if she is a good mother. Shalu asks if she is alright. Pratibha says she doesn’t know. She comes to her room and thinks she will help Mahen more in his work, maybe he will begins loving her this way. She comes to the mirror and wonders if she doesn’t seem to be good and if there is some other girl in Mahen’s life. She jerks the thoughts.
The phone rings, Mahen picks it. Pratibha hears him talking to the lawyer, he says he is fed up now, relations have broken and he doesn’t want to see her here in the house. He asks if the papers will be ready till day after tomorrow. Pratibha fears he is giving her a divorce and is worried. Pratibha cries getting flashback of Mahen’s words, Sunidhi peeks into the room. Pratibha goes out; Sunidhi comes inside and takes her phone. Sunidhi’s mother asks her to dial the number putting it on speaker. Pushpa’s phone rings, Pushpa takes the call. Sunidhi introduces herself as Prerna, she asks to offer her credit card and asks to talk to her husband. Pushpa hangs on strictly.
Pratibha is on roof, saying he can’t leave her. Is her mistake as big that he is thinking about divorce? She is tensed and thinks about talking to Mahen. Mahen calls Pratibha while she is worried. Shalu comes calling her and notices her extremely panicked. Pratibha comes downstairs wondering what Mahen wants to say to her, what he would say; what if he talks about the divorce. She watches Mahen sitting on the sofa, and prays to be saved today.

She comes into the room, while Mahen is indulged in his work. He takes his cell phone, Pratibha clears her throat. Mahen asks if the food is ready and he has to go home earlier. She is happy, and asks if he called her for food. Mahen says what else could it be, she is relieved and says she will just make it for him. She cooks in the kitchen hurriedly with Shalu’s help. She thinks if he has changed his thinking, or he will talk later. Mahen gets the lawyer’s call and says he will just come. Kashi stops him for food, but he says it is not cooked yet. Kaashi comes to Pratibha and scolds her for not cooking food on time for her husband. Pratibha says this means Mahen wasn’t in an urgency of food, he deliberately left without lunch box. She blames herself, thinks about her mother asking who is pouring all this in her mind.

Peehu comes home asking for Pratibha, as she is irritated. Anmol tells Kaashi about an application on phone. Kaashi loves him, Peehu asks where the food is. Kaashi says it must be in kitchen.

Peehu says it's been so late and asks where her mother is. Kaashi says she should ask from her mom. Pratibha cries in front of Pushpa, she says it was wrong of her to know if Mahen loves her or not. Whatever was hidden has come out. She cries and says since the truth has come out Mahen won’t stop from telling her what is in his heart. She should not have listened to her, Pushpa listens to her. Pratibha says she has ended it all, what she will answer her parents that her husband is not happy with her after 17 years of life. She stands up and says everything has finished, she doesn’t know what to do. Pushpa asks what has happened; Pratibha says her husband wants to divorce her. Pushpa asks her to sit down, and says she can’t agree. He can’t leave her for such a petty issue. Pratibha says he was talking on phone about some papers. Pushpa thinks he was talking about her, and tells Pratibha how she can think like this. The waiter brings bill, Pratibha looks for her purse and when she can’t find it she leaves frustrated that it is always her mistake.

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