Sunday 11 November 2018

Sunday Update On Gangaa Nov 11, 2018

The next morning, Gangaa wakes up hearing the milkman’s voice. She realises that she might get late for the snan. She carefully keeps Sagar’s hand back in it's place. As Amma is not in her room, Gangaa feels that she got late. She picks up her clothes but Amma comes there just then. Amma refuses to let her accompany her to the ghaat that Gangaa will later complaint to her son that she torture her and she don’t want to be scolded by her son in this old age again.

Meanwhile, Madhvi tells Maharaj not to wake Niranjan up as he did not sleep for the entire night. Drishti is waiting for the newspaper as her father leaves to meet someone. Madhvi goes to call her kids downstairs for breakfast as they have to leave for school. Gangaa has set Sagar’s bag and Pulkit is scared of his results but Madhvi has full faith in both her sons and tells them to eat breakfast and then she will feed them sweetened curd. Gangaa is curious about the curd so they explain it's significance to her.

Amma returns from her snan. She blesses her grandkids and gives them Prasad. Drishti greets them excitedly. She has topped in 12th class UP Board exams. Everyone congratulates her as Drishti becomes the performing student in the state. She goes to share the news with Niranjan. Sagar and Pulkit sit down to eat breakfast. Amma notices Gangaa hiding behind the stairs and then walks towards her room.

Drishti touches Niranjan’s feet that he motivated hee to do this. Niranjan says he is very proud of her and her result. Amma happily brings sweets for him but Niranjan looks away. He eats it when Drishti offers it to him. Madhvi asks Drishti about her future plans. Babli’s father returns just then. Niranjan feeds him sweets. Babli’s father wonders about the good news that Niranjan has and is celebrating. Niranjan asks him about his good news. Babli’s father replies that a prospective groom and his family will come over in the evening to see Babli. The wedding will happen in a month’s time if they like Babli. The Chaturvedi's family is taken aback. Babli’s father says Babli is already 18 years old and she is in her 19th years now. Niranjan reasons that a father has lot of many other responsibilities too other than marriage and he can think about her further studies as she is still young. Babli’s father sticks to his point. They both think differently that it will be better if he keep that outlook restricted to himself.

Omkar ( Babli’s father ) who crushes all of Drishti's dreams as he fixes her marriage already tells Niranjan not to interfere in this matter (Babli’s marriage) as he will take care of her future in his way. He leaves. Amma finds his logic right that a. father will worry for his motherless child for sure and it may be that Babli’s in-laws will allow her to study after marriage and this way, their wishes will be fulfilled. Niranjan asks her what if Babli’s mother-in-law is also an old school and there is no dearth for such people like some people think that widows have no right to study. He adds on that he saddened by their backward thinking and yesterday it was Gangaa, today it is Drishti and tomorrow it will be another innocent girl and if this continues then the future will not be saved.

As Drishti cries in her room, Madhvi comes there and comforts her that her uncle is talking to her father and assuring her that everything will be fine. Drishti who knows her father well, that he won't listen to anyone if he has decided upon something and her engineering will only remain a dream. Madhvi comforts her as she cries. Maharaj on the other hand gives sweets to Gangaa and Mary too wants some as he has already kept some for her in the kitchen. Amma on the other hand is talking to her son-in-law that he is right but the girl should be ready mentally too and it is good if she happily agrees. He replied Amma this is why he have come here and there is no elder back home so he have brought her here. Amma agrees to handle everything and promise to make all the preparation. He confirms that the groom is coming in the evening.
Amma orders Maharaj to get snacks for the guests. Mary excitedly asks for double sweets. Amma tells her to focus on her work first and calls out for Madhvi. Gangaa gets excited about Drishti’s wedding.

Madhvi talks to Drishti that she should not be upset and maybe something good will happen. Amma calls out for Madhvi again. She makes Drishti smile before leaving from the room. Gangaa comes running there and she happily tells Babli that this is a good news as she will get loads of new clothes, ornaments, bangles to wear, so she must be happy. Babli starts crying which confuses Gangaa. She asks her if she is sad that she is leaving her father?. She then tells her that she too had cried a lot. Babli shakes her head. Gangaa again asks her if she is worried about becoming a widow. Babli shushes her. Gangaa tells her not to cry or be scared of anyone. She further tells her not to go for Sankrant snan even if everyone tells her to and she won't become a widow. Babli gets emotional again as she is very scared. Gangaa thinks of Sagar’s words when he told her to hold her hand and then she won't be scared anymore. She keeps Babli’s hand in hers and Babli smiles. Gangaa finds her hand too cool. Babli calls her her friend. Gangaa asks her if someone holds her hand in pain then does that make him their friend?. Babli explains that if someone holds their hand in pain, troubles and sticks by their side, come what may then, he is their friend. Gangaa happily thinks that Sagar is also her friend in that case. A good and best friend.

Amma selects a saree and matching jewellery for Babli to wear in the evening. Prabha comes there shouting on the top of her voice as she has brought something for them. Amma tells her to give it to Maharaj and asks her to home that they are very busy today. Prabha looks at the clothes and jewellery and is tempted. She wants to stay back to help them. Amma is alert again as she cannot fully trust Prabha. She also tells Madhvi to keep Gangaa away from the guests.

Mary scolds Gangaa for dirtying the clean floor again. Gangaa is coming from Sagar’s room and. refers to him as her friend. Mary tells her not to live in this misunderstanding and he would have just said it for the sake of it. She tells Gangaa to ask him again and she will find out the truth for herself. They both bicker about it. Maharaj interrupts them. Later, Sagar and Pulkit return home dead tired and hungry. Pulkit runs upstairs to his room to prepare for the next exam while Mary tells Gangaa to confirm with Sagar. Gangaa follows Sagar to his room.

As Sagar is cross checking his answers, Gangaa comes to talk to him but he tells her to talk later. He matches his answers. He counts his score to 96. Pulkit only hopes for passing marks. As Niranjan calls out for both of them, Pulkit goes to hide in the washroom. He tells Sagar to tell their father the same. Sagar tells his father about his small mistakes in which he has left one question. Niranjan explains the answer about moon revolves around earth to him. Sagar calls them Gangaa (moon) and his grandma (earth). Sagar adds that his grandma is heavy so Gangaa revolves around her and she always wins as she is elder to Gangaa. Gangaa tries at times to make grandma revolve around her sometimes but it never happens as she is young. Niranjan is amused by his interpretation that it maybe that they both bicker and fight all the time but maybe in future they both start understanding each other as nothing is impossible. Sagar too hopes for the same. Gangaa has been listening to everything with amusement as Sagar runs after his father.

Mry is almost about to collide with Gangaa but Ganga tells her that she is not maid as Sagar calls her moon. Mary is not ready to buy her theory and she points out to the difference between their statuses. Gangaa gives up as she knows it is no point explaining anything to her. Gangaa takes milk for Sagar and offer to do all his work from today onwards as he is her friend. Maharaj gives the tray to her hesitantly.

While Madhvi readies Babli, Babli asks Amma if this marriage thing is really important. Amma nods and says eyes are waiting to see her dressed as a bride. She goes out to check the preparations.
Sagar wonders why his grandma is shouting so much as she is disturbing him. Gangaa tells him about he groom coming to see Babli. Mary explains the ritual to him but Sagar calls it an exam. Gangaa asks her if it isn’t an exam for guys. She declines. Sagar too calls it unfair. The guys too should give test. Mary tells Gangaa to come out and not disturb Sagar. Sagar tells her to let Gangaa stay here as she isn’t troubling him. Mary leaves. Sagar thinks about Babli’s groom. She is good so he should be good too. Gangaa thinks how they will get to know that he is good too.

Sagar wants to test the guy who is coming to see Drishti. They come to ask their mother and Drishti about how the groom should be. Madhvi says the guy should be such that he understands her. Maharaj says the guy should be well educated and matured as Amma wants him to be good mannered. Madhvi wants him to be smart enough in looks. Prabha hopes for a wealthy guy. Sagar notes down everything that now he know how he should be and is hopeful that the groom to come and they will take his test. They both share a high five.

Amma loves Babli’s appearance as she looks lovely but only her smile is missing. Prabha comes there calling for Amma that they will tell the groom that girl knows how to cook, sew and do everything. Amma is impressed but Babli calls it a lie. Madhvi too feels the same way and wonder what if they find out the truth tomorrow and how will they feel?. Prabha says the marriage will be done by the time this truth will come out and the guy’s side won't be able to do anything. Amma jokes that Prabha must have trapped Ratan in a similar manner and that it is but natural that everyone adds up a bit here and there. Madhvi wonders why they have to lie as they must be looking for a good natured, homely girl and not some teacher type-studious girl. She plead to remove her specs as the guys don’t like bespectacled girls at all. Babli reasons that she cannot see properly without specs. Amma removes it that her eyes are so beautiful and she will manage. Prabha suggests making her wear lenses tomorrow as it is just a matter of today.

Akshay and his family comes to Chaturvedi's house. Everyone greets and introduces themselves to one another. Niranjan’s brother-in-law doesn’t like it when someone uses English while talking in Hindi. Amma too uses an English word while talking in his favour. He points out at the same. She corrects herself. Amma tells Maharaj to tell Madhvi to bring Babli with her. Niranjan asks Akshay about his job. Gangaa and Sagar observe everything from upstairs.
As Babli brings tea for everyone. Akshay ( the group ) gets up to help her but his father stops him.
Gangaa compliments Babli on her beauty as she is wearing saree and new jewels. She is not wearing her specs though. Sagar cross checks the points in his diary that it isn’t important for the girl to look beautiful and isn’t written here so they cannot say no. She might not be able to see properly as she isn’t wearing specs. Babli is about to keep the tea cup on the table but Prabha tells her to give it to Akshay only. Prabha lies to them about Babli’s skills. Sagar is taken aback. Akshay’s mother compliments the food that it tastes exactly like the jalebi from Trivedi's shop. Babli’s hands are shivering while she holds out the cup for Akshay. She leaves it before he can hold it. Everyone is taken aback. She apologizes for the mistake. Madhvi takes her inside to change her saree. Gangaa says this happened because she wasn’t wearing her specs. Amma and Prabha cover up for Babli that she is very shy and gets nervous very easily. Akshay wipes the tea spilled on his pant. Amma talks about the pain Babli’s father has taken to raise Babli and that she is a very calm girl. Akshay seeks their permission to talk to Drishti alone. Surprisingly, Babli’s father allows him. The bride’s family has to agree to everything that the groom’s family says. Pulkit takes Akshay upstairs. Upon meeting the potential groom, Gangaa and Sagar who decide to evaluate him all on their own decide to follow them.

Pulkit tells the kids not to go where Akshay and Babli are sitting. They both still go there. Sagar and Ganga come to the room where Akshay is waiting. Akshay smiles at them but they keenly look at him from top to toe. Akshay greets Sagar but Sagar keeps mum. He observes Akshay carefully and discusses it with Gangaa that the guy is fair and he get 6 out of 10. Sagar literally measures his height next with Gangaa’s help. He gives scores to Akshay on every aspect that Gangaa asks for Akshay’s wallet. She asks if he have money or not or if Babli will always be upset like Prabha aunt after her wedding?. Akshay agrees. They find lots of money in his wallet but the only last aspect is left – well mannered, learned guy. She asks him if he knows Ramcharitmanas or Gita. He declines. Akshay passes the test with very less marks though. Akshay asks Gangaa about her opinion if she have passed him or failed him?. But Gangaa wants to know Babli’s opinion first.

As Babli has changed her saree, her father comes to talk to her so Madhvi excuses them. He blames Babli for internationally dropping tea on her would groom. She tells him the truth but he calls them her excuses and warn her not to make any mistakes as the guy wants to meet her. Her father adds that the guy is waiting for her in Pulkit’s room and only answer his questions and warn her not to talk extra as he don’t want any complaint because of her. He further says she will see him at his worst if this relation breaks. He leaves. Gangaa comes there but hides when she notices Babli’s father going out of the room. She only enters inside when the coast is clear. She finds Babli crying and asks her what happened and why is she crying?. Gangaa further asks if her father scold her for dropping tea?. Babli replies that she has grown up hearing her father scolding her always and she don’t feel bad when elders say something. She asks Gangaa if they can scold her as much as they want but they should know what she want and want to do engineering, she came first in boards but still she will have to get married as her father wants it. Gangaa is thoughtful after hearing this from Babli.

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