Friday 9 November 2018

Friday Update On Iron Lady 2, Nov 9, 2018

Rishi leaves, gets drunk, then a short monologue. In the meantime, Babli is looking at the pictures she clicked at the circus and realizes that the girl on the rotating board (i.e Indira) has something wirtten on her hand and mentions this to Saheb who goes into flashback mode and remembers that the lady at the mental asylum had mentioned his Husna also having a tatoo on her hand.
So now it's confirmed in his head that the girl at the circus was his Husna and he goes out to look for her. On the way, he runs into Rishi. Rishi defiantly states that he will no longer let other people walk all over him and will not be mahaan by any means. Rishi who is dead set against letting Kabir find his Husna, who is actually his Indira. Fearing that he may lose Indira to Kabir, Rishi tries all means to get Kabir out of his house and then he calls the police played by the ever competent Vanraj.

Next morning, Vanraj arrests Kabir and Babli for illegal entry into India and are taking them away. Indira who is playing outside sees Kabir’s musical instrument and calls out Saheb. Kabir sees Husna from the police van and jumps out. Then filmy style running towards each other. Then Indira collapses and is carried back to Sharma Niwas by Kabir. Indira finally wakes up and is cured. She remembers Kabir and Babli but has forgotten everyone else.

Indira regains her memory, but has partial amnesia and remembers only the seven years of her life that she spent with Saheb and Babli, which shocks everyone, and Rishi unsuccessfully tries to help her remember their good times together.

Indu messing thing and throwing everything in Sharma Niwas. Inder tries to console her but in vain. She pushes him away and he falls on Meher. She continues to throw everything around. Munna and Vanraj also tries to calm her but It is Rishi who’s able to as he asks everyone to leave as he needs to talk alone with Indu. Indira tells Kabir if he has her changed way of dressing and Babli tells Indira not to worry as Kabir brought her clothes.

Rishi is trying to explain to Indu and tells her not to call Indira mummy. She gets angry and cuts his hand. Meanwhile, Indira Babli and Kabir who were directing towards the roof room see what happened and Indira tells Indu not to misbehaved with her father. She tells Indu she hopes that she find her mummy soon. As they are all going to the roof room, Babli stumbles on the stairs and Indira very affectionately kisses Babli and tells her she will help her. This leave Indu and Rishi sad.
Now that Indira's memory has returned, things have become intense for the Sharma House, especially for Indu. Rishi tries to pacify Indu and hugs her as she is crying a lot. Munna and Sunaina are talking about Indira. Munna says he is not so happy with Indira getting well. The same conversation is going on between Inder and Kutumbh and she tells what will happen if ever Kabir takes Indira away to Lahore and they will have to take care of all the expenses. Inder says yes and adds that the three of them will take care of everything. Kutumbh asks why three?. Inder says Meher also will be with them and he checked both her beauty and bank balance and since all Zara money are in Meher name, then they will use it. Sunaina who is seen eating sweets and gives some idea to Munna who looks happy and says they will take care of the house after Indira leave. Ishaan reprimands Munna for what he said before and after about Indira. Munna tells Ishaan to leave as he is talking lots nowadays. He leaves and Munna tells Sunaina he will makes Ishaan understand after Indira leave and Sunaina turns again happy. She gives a flying kiss to her Munna and continues eating her sweet.

Kabir enters his room and very romantically is approaching Indira. She asks what is he doing and he says after such a long time, they are having a romantic moments and it turns out to be Rishi dream. He gets up and decides to talk with Kabir as it is very unfair with Indu and it is enough. He looks upstairs at the barsaati and Indira dressed as Husna comes down. He keeps gazing lovingly at her and she keeps smiling at him but Kabir is standing behind Rishi and everyone see that. As Kabir is approaching and slowly praising her beauty. Rishi is shocked and Kabir says it is unfair that he will forget his Mrs as he told him that his Husna is much more beautiful than his. He asks Rishi if he agrees to it. Rishi tells Indira how much he praises her then it will be less if he is going to touch Indira and Vanraj indicates Rishi a pot of chillies lying near him and Rishi makes it falls down. Kabir begins to pick the chillies while Rishi decides to go deeply in Indira and Saheb love story. He has a flashback of him proposing Indira, as both never wanted anyone to come in between them. Rishi keeps gazing at Indira when some few men dressed as women enter Sharma Niwas. Meher says to Kabir that these euneuchs blessing always realise and she invites Kabir to dance while one of the euneuchs blesses Rishi and Indira that their couple will always last and they will never get seperate. Ishan, Inder and Indu are happy while Babli, Kabir and the others are shocked.

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