Monday 29 October 2018

Monday Update On Iron Lady 2 Oct 29, 2018

Gurumata begins with the veneration and suggests solution to be done for four days. Just then, Gurumata trips and Munna holds her. Indu, Seher and Inder are in the market. Indu asks Inder what is needed for her mother to get well. Inder looks everywhere and says flowers. Indu apologize to Seher as her mummy ( Indira) pushed her and she fell down hurting her forehead. Seher says she also wants Indira to get well but when Gurumaa touches her, she got some weird feelings as if she is someone close to her. Indu advice her to stay away from Gurumaa as she knows black magic. Inder takes lots of flowers and says Indira will surely get cured now.
Back in Sharma Niwas, Kutumbh asks how will Rishi cures Indira as Zara will never lets him go near her. Savita says a woman can never shares her husband with someone else. Munna praises Kutumbh and says that after Rishi cures Indira they will do her as they want. Kutumbh asks Munna if he is mad as their house costs 20 crores and if Indira gets well, she will put them at the door and she does not want her to get kill. Munna says for that Indira needs to die thus they will get the money. Savita praises her husband Munna for his bright idea that Indira can dies as she is mad. Savita and Kutumbh both make plan to get rid of Indira. Munna tells Savita to get this idea out of her mind as she will be known as lady criminal and he leaves. Kutumbh blunt out that Munna is a coward.

Meher instigates Zara against Rishi. Indira sees Rishi crying with his eyes closed. She goes and wipes his tears and kisses his cheek and gets flashbacks from the day at court and the morning after they had consumate their love. She kisses his forehead and Rishi thanks her and addresses her as Zara. She continues. After resisting a lot against Meher’s instigation, Zara goes to Rishi and sees Indira kissing Rishi. She stops Indira. Rishi is confused and realizes that it was Indira with him and not Zara. Zara who is continually struggling to deal with Indira’s presence pulls Indira and takes her downstairs and tells everyone that she will kill anyone who tries to intervene in her married life. Rishi tries to tell her that it was just a misunderstanding when Indu comes in with flowers for decorating the room. Zara is fully convinced. Zara leaves the decision to Rishi and leaves. Rishi is confused as he is once again given a final chance to make the choice who he’ll stick with. Indira comes and hugs Rishi but he shoos her off and says it's wrong. The Sharmas then decide to carry on with the Guru ma plan. Rishi gives Indu a bridal wear to get Indira ready. Savita and Kutumb start planning. Munna tells Guruma to continue and leaves. Guruma gets a call and reassures the caller that she will give the money soon. Inder advertises Sa Re Ga Ma Pa grand finale. A follower of Guruma eavesdrop and tell the plan of Sharmas to Guruma. Guruma leaves and decides that she will not let it happen. She however forgets her sandals behind. Meher on the other hand is talking rubbish about Rishi but Zara tells her to stop.

Zara objecting about Rishi leaving her for Indira. She tells Meher it will be her nuptial night today and no one can snatch her husband away. Indu and Seher gets Indira and her room ready. On the other side Zara also is getting ready as a bride. They both sit on the bed waiting for Rishi who enters so sad in Sharma Niwas. Rishi asks God what a destiny he got. Indira is playing with the flowers like a kid and both girls leave seeing Rishi. Zara is very disturb and sad. Rishi stops in the mid way giving a second thought where to go and as he directs towards Indira room, the girls are happy. Indu brings Indira in the barsati and goes to tell Zara that her father has been in her mother's room.

Zara is shock to hear this so she runs outside searching for Rishi in Indira room. Indu who gets in the way of her father's choice though iis happy on seeing Zara sad. Zara can’t find Rishi and Indira in their room and looks upstairs. On seeing Rishi going in the barsati, he sees Indira standing and brings her with him inside. He closes the door and Zara feels shattered. Indu locks the door from outside so that no one disturb her parents. Zara thinks to herself and says she told Rishi never to let her down. She vows that Rishi should just wait and watch what Zara Rishi Kumar do next.

Rishi closes the door and apologize to Indira thinking she is Zara. Indira is acting childishly and he says he knows this is wrong but he promised Indu and he is compel to do it. Indira is not answering him and just when he wants to leave, a shadow like someone enters the room with a wooden rod beat Rishi on his head. He falls down unconscious. The person shuts Indira mouth and takes her away carrying her strongly. He bumps into Inder and falls down while Indira tries talking to Inder but with the tape on her mouth, she goes on muttering. Inder thinks after they left and tries to follow them after knowing it is Indira. But he stops at a certain point and sees Zara coming from the other way. Indu and Seher call everyone after noticing that Indira has gone missing. Indu calls Kutumbh who’s keeping some ropes in the cupboard.

Guruma enters Sharma Niwas barefeet and tells her girl to wash her feet with lots of dust.
Everyone gather in the barsaati to awake unconscious Rishi. Rishi asks where Zara is who says she’s here entering the barsati. Rishi says he thought someone kidnapped her but this may be his dream. Indu corrects him saying she sent her mummy in Rishi's room and Zara in her mummy's room but her mummy doll is here and asks where her mummy is. Rishi gets to know that Indira was with him. He asks where she is. At the same time, Inder enters saying what happened with him on the road and that he was not able to look at the kidnapper as it was dark but the kidnapper was wearing a white shoes. He saw it when he fell down. Inder says that he has a doubt that Zara has kidnapped Indira. Zara brushes him off and says that it's all non sense. Rishi questions Zara about her presence there. Zara says she was following the shadow. Guruma questions on her being a cop. Zara says that she is sure that it's their plan because Indira is the owner of Sharma Niwas. Zara spots marks due to some rope on Kutumb’s hand and questions her about it. Kutumb objects and tells Rishi not to suspect her. Rishi shouts and asks everyone to stop and leave. Indu teary eyed apologises to Rishi. Rishi tells her not to cry and tells her something in mute.

Guruma packs her bags and starts leaving but Indu is using her slingshot and tells her that she can’t leave before the police arrives. Kutumb, Savita and Munna pack their bags. Savita hides something and Kutumb asks her about it. Munna and Savita ask her about where she was. Inder tells them not to leave and tells them that police is coming for investigation. Munna is worried that his finger prints would get him in trouble. Savita decides to remove the finger prints. Zara checks the room. Rishi comes in there and demands for the truth to which Zara says that even though she had grown selfish but she isn’t behind all this. Indu calls Rishi and Rishi leaves.

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