Monday 29 October 2018

Monday Update On Gangaa Oct 29, 2018

Sagar crawls on the floor to reach out for the food when Maharaj holds his feet. The kids are taken aback but then are relieved to see that Maharaj is fast asleep. Sagar keeps his hand back ever so carefully and gets hold of the key. Maharaj sits up in his sleep. The kids run out just then. Amma wakes up and finds Gangaa’s bed empty. She falls asleep yet again. Sagar opens the storeroom and finds the jar full of mathri’s but it is out of his reach. Gangaa still suggests him against it that she don’t want to eat anything.
He tells her to be quiet that he have already got half of the sin by stealing the key and ask what’s the point of it all if she don’t eat mathri?. Just then, the torch’s battery goes dead. Sagar pulls out a big container, picks up the jar full of mathri’s and gives some to Gangaa. He keeps the jar back in it's place. Amma wakes up with a start hearing the noise. She calls out for Maharaj who too wakes up. He is upset as his sleep got disturbed. Gangaa is worried that they will be caught. Maharaj switches on the light of kitchen and finds no one else there. Amma suggests him to check the storeroom and he replies her that it is locked and the noise must have come from upstairs. He again lies down to sleep but Amma wants him to check the terrace. She is worried thinking what if a thief entered their house again. He gets up muttering to himself that his sleep is ruined. Gangaa thinks of an idea and she imitates cat’s voice. Sagar too follows suit. Maharaj who is unaware that the kids work together to fool him and Amma smiles thinking that it was just a cat. He tells the same to Amma and also lies that he went upstairs. Amma is worried thinking about the utensils kept upstairs and decides that she will have to clean them with ashes tomorrow morning.

Sagar is impressed with Gangaa’s smartness as she fooled Maharaj so nicely. She says she did so to avoid committing a sin and Amma’s scolding. They both go out of the storeroom then they forget locking it back. She initially refuses to eat as they got it after stealing it but then takes it when he says that he will feel bad otherwise. She goes back to Amma's room. She hides the mathri’s when Amma wakes up and she smartly tackles Amma’s questions even about the cat. Amma turns her back to Gangaa as she again tries to sleep. Gangaa looks at the mathri’s in her hands. Sagar too returns to his room with a few mathri’s. Pulkit tells him to sleep as it is too late. Sagar agrees and munches on the mathri’s. Gangaa is in a dilemma as she thinks of Sagar’s words about Kanha and then of her father telling her against stealing. She keeps them under her bedding; rubs her hands together and then looks at her palms. She assures her father that his Bandariya daughter can stay hungry but will never eat a stolen food. She finally lies down to sleep.

Amma notices Gangaa’s posture as she sleeps. She wakes her up as it is still dark outside but Amma tells Gangaa that widows have to get up before sunrise and it is written in the scriptures. Gangaa wants to know why widows can't live till late like other people. Amma replies that they have to make up for their sins. Gangaa calls her a sinner that she have sinned?. Amma mildly scolds her to stop all this rubbish, that they have to go take a bath now. Amma is all set to leave when she notices Maharaj still sleeping. She throws a cloth at him to wake him up and telling him to prepare her Tulsi pujan thaal by the time she go for her Snan. Maharaj nods. As Amma leaves with Gangaa, Maharaj notices the empty key rack and ask himself where the key of the storeroom is?. He goes to check.

Amma talks about the Banaras of her time and of today. A foreigner tries to click their photo but Amma literally shoos him away. Amma teaches her the ritual and Gangaa is told to follow suit. Maharaj finds the key of storeroom in the lock and is shocked to find the entire room is completely messed up. He runs out to inform Madhvi about it.

Amma and Ganga are returning home when Amma stops in her tracks upon noticing a dog as she is scared of dogs. She tries to walk away quietly but the dog barks and she shouts for Maharaj for help. The kids encourage the dog (Moti) to catch Amma. Moti continues to bark at Amma and she scolds the kids for troubling an old lady. Amma tries to take another route when the dog catches hold of her carry bag. Amma shouts for help but no one comes to her rescue. Gangaa looks at the kids enjoying the show.

Gangaa someone saves Amma from an attacking dog and tells the dog ( Moti ) not to trouble Amma like that. He stops and sits back. She asks him if he will like it if Amma takes bath again and sweetly tells the dog not to trouble her again. She pats his head and tells him to go. He leaves quietly. The kids run away as well. Amma is relieved but they both have to take bath again as the dog has touched both of them. While Maharaj, the female maid and Madhvi are busy cleaning the storeroom, Maharaj tells them that it was a cat that did all this and everything is ruined. He curses the cat and Madhvi stops him. Niranjan asks them about what happened. Amma is irked seeing the foreigners wearing short clothes while she is doing her puja /bath.

The kids are told to eat outside today. She gives money to Pulkit to buy breakfast from outside. As they are leaving just when Amma and Gangaa are returning home. They wonder why the kids left so early. Maharaj tells Amma about the cat as it spoiled all the food. Amma scolds him for he didn't listen to her yester night. Niranjan is against wasting so much food as so many people yearn for food every day and asks if he will throw away this much food just because a cat ate bits of it?. Amma alks about the rule of Brahmins/ Chaturvedi's house. Maharaj tells everyone that Madhvi was the last person who had gone to the storeroom yesterday. Madhvi remembers it well that she had locked the door properly. Maharaj doubts that she might have forgotten about it as she was a little tensed yesterday. Amma scolds her for being careless. Niranjan too looks at her quietly. Gangaa wonders if she should tell the truth that Madhvi is innocent but they will scold Sagar otherwise.

Sudha comes there with the other widows. The ladies go inside along with Amma and Gangaa. Niranjan is surprised that Madhvi can be so careless and that it is not about money but he don’t like wasting food. He leaves for the court. Madhvi is in tears as her husband is upset with her. Madhvi gives money and the list of all the stuff that is to be bought to Maharaj and wonder how could she make such a big mistake as such a huge loss because of her, she wonder where her mind is these days. Prabha overhears her muttering to herself and inquire what happened and why did she look so sad?. She seeks Madhvi’s help in filling up a form as Yash will have to study in a government school now as that her brother’s promotion stopped. She lamate how to arrange Yash’s fees now. Madhvi gives her money and she have to swear that she won't refuse it and that Yash will study in the same school where he is studying right now. Prabha starts acting again her ( Madhvi) brother’s self respect will be hurt. Madhvi continues to insist that she will talk to her brother in case he finds out about it. Prabha reasons that there are a lot of many expenses too other than this and that she have lost her sleep because of this. Madhvi too is worried about the same. She then tells Prabha about yester night’s incident that she is so helpless and she cannot see her brother in pain and neither can she do anything for him. Ganga notices her crying and she feels bad.

Gangaa is stuck between telling the truth and lying. She feels bad that it all happened because she was hungry and everyone is angry with Madhvi, including sir Niranjan and she cannot tell anyone about it as Sagar will be scolded badly since he is so concerned about her. She recalls Amma scolding Madhvi and think this will continue if she don’t speak the truth now as it is all her mistake. She remembers how Madhvi takes care of her, how she is so good and think this isn’t right that she gets scolded for no reason. She is determined to tell everything to Amma right away.

Later, Amma is reading a holy book and she speaks about the power of truth that whoever is truthful, is the greatest person on earth. Gangaa confesses her crime before Amma and all the ladies that Madhvi had locked the storeroom yester night and there was no cat at all. She takes the blame on herself. Amma deduces that Gangaa had gone there to eat mathri and asks how dare she go there?. Sudha points out that Gangaa feels ashamed of eating what people give to the widows as in alms but can steal and eat. Gangaa declines stealing anything. She gets the mathri’s from under her bedding and the mathri’s are intact. She tells them she haven’t eaten any of them. Sudha angrily tells her to be quiet and ask who would have counted it and called Gangaa a liar. Amma is irked that Gangaa stole them as she was told not to eat it and the sooner she control her tongue, the better. Sudha suggests her not to waste her time on the arrogant girl as she is not going to change. Amma vows to make it happen at any cost. Sudha suggests her to make Gangaa keep a fast as it is Ekadashi tomorrow. 

Amma likes Sudha’s idea that Gangaa too will keep a fast tomorrow with all of them and that she won't eat anything starting from tomorrow (sunrise) till day after tomorrow (sunrise). She adds on that she won't even drink water and this will be her punishment. Sudha is happy with Gangaa’s punishment and stares at her. Pishi Ma is against it though that they must not make a little girl do a fast like that as it is very tough. Amma (Kanta) wants to teach a lesson to Gangaa but she don’t get heaven without dying. Similarly, she won't gain any sense without going through some pain and from that fast, she will understand what they have learnt in their life and she is not a special girl. Adding that Satsang is over because of Gangaa. She leaves. The other widows too hold different different opinions about Gangaa. Sudha points out to Gangaa that this is what happens when she steal and eat. Gangaa retorts back that she didn’t steal. Sudha cannot understand why Gangaa is so stubborn that she won't even accept her mistake. She recalls Gangaa’s reaction last time at the widow’s orphanage when she had refused to accept her mistake and apologize to Sudha. She adds that only her address has changed but the rest is all same and she is so hot headed even in this age. She further says Gangaa will be on track tomorrow after staying hungry and thirsty for the entire day and asks if she have done something like that before and further ask if she can dare to do so?. Gangaa tells Sudha not to talk about her capabilities which obviously shocks Sudha more as Gangaa says if Sudha can do it then she too can do it and it’s no big deal. Sudha stares at her with wide eyed.

Maharaj has brought all the new stuff for the storeroom. He tells the maid to count the number of sacks. They talk about the rising prices and how only rich people like Chaturvedi’s can afford to buy it all over again. Sagar returns home and overhears their conversation. The maid points out to Maharaj that it was just a cat and Madhvi had to listen to so much because he shouted and called out to everyone. Sagar is shocked to know that his mother was scolded and ask by whom?. The maid takes Amma and Niranjan’s name. It all happened because she (Madhvi) forgot to lock the storeroom. Sagar runs inside for his mistake which lead to scolding his mother. Maharaj scolds the female maid for gossiping around all the time.

Sagar questions his grandma why she scold his mother?. Amma blunt out that she have every right to scold her daughter-in-law. Sagar tells her everything that it was not either his mother’s or Gangaa’s fault but he was the thief. He adds on that Gangaa told him against it yet he insisted and that his grandma can scold, beat or punish him but not to say anything to his mother. He further says his mother had locked the storeroom and it was him who stole the key from the kitchen and opened the lock. Amma signals him to be quiet and takes him to his room. Once inside, Sagar tells her everything in detail that his mother knows nothing and it was he who did everything and ask why she scold her then?. Amma tells him not to share this with anyone else. But Sagar wants to know why but she says she is saying it for his welfare only and no one should find out that he is the culprit. Amma adds on that he made a mistake and she forgave him as he is her darling and Niranjan will scold him like anything as he is in a very bad mood already and they had to throw away so much food and now this. Amma clearly tells Sagar that Niranjan won't spare him and this is why she is telling him to keep quiet and to pretend that he know nothing and Niranjan should not find out anyhow that he is behind it.

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