Friday 26 October 2018

Friday Update On My Golden Home 2, Oct 26, 2018

Abha picks up the vermilion and tells Karan this means bad luck. She looks very worried. Karan takes the vermilion and puts it on Abha's head. Back at Swarm Bhava, Shaili is trying to sneak Yashodhara out of the house in the wheel chair but Jagmohan stops them. He asks Yashodhara where she is going in this state.
Shali covers up and says that she has a friend who is a good therapist and she thought that Yashodhara's treatment should be done by her friend so that Yashodhara gets better soon. Jagmohan seems to fall for this, but Vimal looks rather disturbed. Shali continues by saying that for the initial session Yashodhara will have to stay there with her friend. Jagmohan gives his consent for them to go. Vimal still looks as if there is something fishy but he doesn't say anything.

Back in Mumbai, Abha still looks very worried. Karan reassures her and says nothing bad will happen. He tries to make Abha feel better by saying that they will have a junior Karan first and then a junior Abha. Karan asks if he can leave and Abha nods. Then she stops him telling him to wait a second. She gives Karan a watch and keeps one watch to herself. She says that this watch has an alarm and he can beep to her anytime he wants and vice versa. Abha tells Karan to call her once he reaches. He promise he'll beep her. Then she says he haven't eaten breakfast yet and asks him to wait in order to get breakfast for him. Karan asks her what she is up to as she have never been so lovingly like this before. He says he doesn't feel like going anywhere and leaving her alone. Abha also says the same thing that she doesn't want him to go. He makes her close her eyes so that she won't know whether he is gone or still there. In seconds she reopens her eyes and Karan is out of sight. A sad song plays in the background. She thinks he is gone, but he reappears behind her surprising her. He says he would never go anywhere without her permission. She tells him to come back home quickly. He confess his love to her that he love her. She replied back that she love him too. He leaves and Tum Mere Kaun Ho song plays in the background and from what they show, it clearly seems as if this is the last time the two love bird see each other. Abha's cell phone rings and it's turns out to be Karan. She says that she can never stop smiling when he is with her. He tells her to keep smiling and that he will be back before she knows it.

Karan who doesn't know that he falls right into the trap of the enemy arrives at the place he told Ranchod Tiwari to meet him. It looks like a very spooky place. Karan calls out Ranchod's name several times. Yashodhara is there and says "Ranchod has died." Karan is shocked  to see Yashodhara there. He asks shockingly that she can walk. Yashodhara fakes like she is paining in her feet. Karan tells her to be careful. Just then, Yashodhara bursts out into an evil laugh. She bluntly tells Karan that in order to reach her destination, she have to keep her feet strong. She says suddenly he arrived to Mumabi from Swarm Bhava and asks why?. She says she have to keep an eye on that too?. Karan is confused and asks what is she talking about and further asks her if she knows about case 777?. He then asks if she knows about Ranchod. Dushyant who is hiding from Karan is hearing all their conversation. He says something that Ranchod has died a long time ago. Dushyant says he killed him and that he is the one who called Karan and told him to meet him here. Karan can't believe what he is hearing when Dushyant says he killed Ranchod. Yashodhara thinks to herself that Karan thinks both Dushyant and herself know about case 777 when they really don't. Yashodhara says their task will become easier because of this fact. Karan realize that what Abha was saying was true and tells them that what his wife Abha was saying was true. He adds on that he was believing Yashodhara the whole time and that like every other time, Abha was telling the truth.

Meanwhile, Abha is at the temple praying. She prays to God that Karan's task is done and he returns back safely. Dushyant admit to Karan that he was thinking absolutely correctly. Abha was a lot smarter than her husband and that's why he didn't want Abha to come with him. And that is why after killing Ranchod, he called him using his name. Karan is furious and asks why he kill Ranchod?. Yashodhara smirk and tells Karan that he is very innocent addressing him as her son. She adds on that he don't even know that his grandma has given the Swarm Bhava to him and Ranchod. Karan is shocked and says on Rachod's name?. He asks who Ranchod is?. Dushyant tells Karan that before they were able to find out he died and that since Ranchod was in their way, so he killed him and address Yashodhara as mother. Karan is shocked again hearing Dushyant say mother to Yashodhara. Yasho blunt out that Dushyant isn't her nephew but he is her son. Karan asks why they lied?. Yashodhara asks if she should have told the truth and what would she have told him that from her first wedding she have one son?. When for the sake of money she decided to marry twice and Abha's father Thakur exposed her. She goes on to say everything Thakur had said about her was true and that she have come to Swarm Bhava to get everything and get revenge from Thakur. Abha on the other hand is still at the temple praying for her husband. She asks someone what kind of prayer is going on in which the lady says it's a pooja for the husband's long life. Abha wants to join in the prayer as well. The lady instructs her what to do. She tells her to tie something to a tree and go around it 3 times. The thread that Abha ties around the tree falls off and a sad song plays in the background. She ties it, fixes it and then prays.

Back to Karan, Yashodhara and Dushyant. Karan who realize that he has falls right into the trap of the enemy, but then he also stumbles upon the truth that’s been hidden from everyone is still shocked and asks what Yashodhara is saying and why is she doing all of this?. He yells and asks why they are doing this?. Dushyant offer to give him a simple answer and that is they want the Swarm Bhava in their name but his grandma gave the Swarm Bhava in his name and Ranchod Tiwari's name. He tells Karan to sign the release date forms. Yashodhara says this is the reason they came to Swarm Bhava in the first place. But Abha found out about the truth and also found out about Dushyant. And that is why she kicked him out of the house.

 Back at the temple, Abha is with the other ladies at the prayer and she is listening to a Katha. A lady gives Abha a Suhag Ka Joda because she doesn't have one. Since Abha is wearing bangles, she puts vermilion on her head. On the other hand, Yashodhara yells and asks Karan why he wants to make Abha a widow?. Abha meanwhile continue to listening to the Katha. Yashodhara tells Karan now he must know what they want. She know that it isn't easy for him to sign the papers and to make it easier for him,  she have kidnapped his mother, Pratibha. Both stare at each other.

Yashodhara threatens Karan that if he doesn't sign the papers then his mother's life will be in danger. Karan asks why his mother and remind Yashodhara that she is her sister before she is his mother. He goes on to say that he called Yashodhara aunt and considered her like his mother and that he even respected her so much. Karan goes on to say if the Swarm Bhava was all she wanted then why did she have to lie and why did she have to create such a big 'drama?. He adds on that if only she had said once that she wanted the Swarm Bhava, he would have lovingly given it to her and further asks why she have to create all this mess?. Adding that there was no need in cheating on his father ( Jagmohan) like this and ask what does one need to live?. Yashodhara says they need a lot as Pratibha got everything that she didn't get. Pratibha got money, fame, recognition, etc. And that is why she married his father to earn all of that. Karan is like so she have gotten everything now and everything. He further tells her to put every relationship at stake and have attained everything. He tauntingly congrats Yashodhara for her well plan job. Karan yells at her that once his father gets to know of her true self then that day everything will be over. Dushyant interrupts him and says enough of his rant and order Karan to sign the papers. Dushyant then remind Karan that he ( Karan ) and his mother ( Pratibha ) have a little time left, and again insist him to sign the papers. He tried to forces Karan to sign and Karan angrily gives him a tight slap in the face. Karan yells at him and asks what guarantee did he have that he will let his mother go?. Karan then demands to talk to Yashodhara. Dushyant tells him to hold on that he will call his mother ( Yashodhara). He calls Yashodhara and gives the phone to Karan.

Meanwhile, Pratibha is crying and pleading to let go of her hand. Karan is feeling like mother not to worry that he is coming. Dushyant grabs the phone from him. Karan strangles Dushyant. Yashodhara comes there and gives Karan a tight slap in the face. Yashodhara yells at him and order Karan to sign it now. Karan is like the love that his mother gets and the respect that Abha gets she ( Yashodhara) will never get. He insult Yashodhara that she is such a disgusting and filthy woman and that he is embarrassed that he once considered her a mother. Dushyant angrily tell Karan to sign it. Karan's has a flashback of old memories. He remembers Abha exposing Yashodhara's character. Then he remembers his mother Pratibha saying that she only wants his son back. Karan says that the Swarm Bhava is nothing in front of his family. He signs the paper and smacks it into Yashodhara's face. Karan tells Dushyant that he have gotten what he wanted and now to tell him where his mother is?. Dushyant says he will tell him in 2 days after the Swarm Bhava is in their names. Karan loses his anger and a huge fight breaks out between them. Yashodhara comes from behind with a fire stick in her hand. Karan gains strength to grab it out of her hand. He points it at her demanding where his mother is. Then he points it at Dushyant who is forced to spill the beans. Dushyant manage to says Ujjaan. Karan gets into his car and speeds away. Yashodhara asks if the work has been done. Dushyant tells Yashodhara not to worry and in a little while Karan...and an evil laugh breaks out.

Yasho picks up the file and smiles. They both start laughing evilly. Back at the temple, Abha continues to pray. Shagun mehndi is being applied to Abha. Ranchod walks right behind her. The lady who is applying the mehndi asks Abha what her husband's name is. Abha replies that Karan. Someone lady hits Abha from behind ruining the "K" that was being applied to her hand. Abha says it's okay and tells her to apply it again. Just then, Karan calls Abha and asks her where she is. Abha says she was waiting for his call and asks what happened to him. She further asks if he find Ranchod?. Karan tells her he didn't find Ranchod and goes on to say that she was telling the truth about his aunt Yashodhara and Dushyant. Karan then reveal to her that Ranchod never showed up but Dushyant and Yashodhara did. Abha is shocked. Karan asks where she is?. Abha replies she is at Ganesh's temple. Karan says he is coming there and request her to listen that they have to save his mother and the Swarm Bhava. He tells her that Pratibha is with Yashodhara and Dushyant. Abha is shocked. He informs her that they have threatened to kill his mother if he didn't sign Swarm Bhava release date papers. He goes on to say that he couldn't do anything and he repeats that they have to save his mother and the Swarm Bhava. He adds on that they only have 48 hours. While Karan is talking to Abha, he starts to lose control of the car. He goes on to say that Yashodhara and Dushyant know about case 777 and just when he is about to tell Abha something further, then he pauses as he notices that the brakes are not working. Abha repeatedly say Hello and Karan inform her that the brakes are not working. Abha is shocked. He tells Abha to hold on. Abha keeps saying Hello and Karan again tells her to hold on. Karan yells that the car isn't slowing down. A scared Abha gets up and her bangles break. Karan meanwhile is struggling to control the car and he scream Abha's name. Abha tells him that she is coming but he should try to stop the car but he is losing control of the car. Karan's life flashes back in front of him. Abha sees Karan's car and starts chasing it barefoot. A cliff is approaching and the car falls off the cliff. Abha witnesses all of this and is shocked as everything goes dead silent. The sad "Tum Mere Kaun The" song starts to play in the background.

A crowd comes running to where Abha is. Abha yells out Karan's name. The few people that have surrounded Abha now tries to control her. She's fighting with the people and in the mist of that falls, she bangs her head to a rock and she is unconscious. The police arrive at the scene. The lead inspector tells the rest of his team to go down and look. The inspector asks if they found anything. The inspector says no they couldn't find anything. The inspector looks at Abha and tells his team that maybe she knows how the accident occurred and they wait till she is better and then ask. He instruct them to go and get water. He later tells the other ladies to spray water on her face. With the water, Abha awake and she keeps saying Karan's name repeatedly and asking where Karan is?. She try to get herself free from the crowd and asks where Karan is and running down the cliff. She keep running and running down and her saree is now white while she's calling out mother. She arrives to her house and falls down. Chandra Prabha runs to Abha. Abha is in no state to talk. Chandra asks her what happened?. She tries to wipe the vermilion off her forehead and Chandra is shocked. Chandra shockingly wakes up as she is imagining and dreaming all of this. She says to herself what a bad nightmare. She is scared and says it's evening already and that she haven't lit the light for the bhagwan. She goes and lights the light and Chandra is praying for Abha and Karan long life.

Yashodhara clutch the Swaran Bhavan's release deed and rejoicing. Dushyant too is beaming with happiness and adds that "By the time his mother reach Swaran Bhavan, she will receive the good news of Karan's death. Yashodhara grins then orders Dushyant to drop her to the airport and also to keep his eyes peeled for Abha as she may cause a hindrance.
Chandra Prabha is still praying at home when the light begins to flicker and blows out. She is shocked to notice it and feels nervous.

Abha is shown running down into a deserted area, frantically screaming for Karan's name. The place is dark and barren. Abha bawls for Karan and feels helpless. Back uphill, the police officials converse that they have been unsuccessful in finding the girl [Abha] and since it is dark, they decide to leave and continue their search the next morning. Chandra is trying to contact Abha and Karan restlessly but is unsuccessful. She shares her worried with Lata that Abha always calls atleast once at night but not knowing where they are today, she is worried. Lata tries to calm Chandra down saying that they must be busy but not to worry that they will call. Chandra feels pensive.

At Swaran Bhavan, Jagmohan and Vimal suddenly notice Yashodhara and Shaili enter. Yashodhara continues feigning her leg injury and is walking inside with Shaili's aid. Jagmohan questions what took them so long in which Shaili hesitantly answers, Jagmohan that their car suddenly broke down which caused the delay. Jagmohan nods then eyes Yashodhara with interest that she is no longer in a wheelchair. Shaili offers an explanation, that she told them that Yashodhara aunt will be healed with the help of physiotherapy and tells them to see as she doesn't even need the wheelchair now. Jagmohan looks convinced but Vimal who is once a villain is suspicious about everything. They all settle in the living room and Yashodhara artificially asks, to tell her if Karan and Abha call?. Jagmohan replies, that he talked to them this afternoon and Abha was telling him that they will return to Ujjain very soon. Within himself, Jagmohan feels ecstatic that Ranchod too will accompany them and tells Vimal they should be welcomed with great pomp and to ensure that the room next to Karan's is neat and orderly and also tell Raju to prepare the most savory meal. Yashodhara and Shaili are looking a little puzzled. Yashodhara questions what the matter is and who is he preparing to welcome with such high spirits?. Jagmohan responds to Yashodhara that someone of their own will join them and a relative whom he had forsaken. He adds on tomorrow, he will go to Anand Ashram rehab center and bring Pratibha home. Jagmohan walks away. Yashodhara silently and imperiously rejoices, talking to herself that Mr. Jagmohan Prasad can take all the preparations he want, and that Abha will definitely return but alone and that too as a widow. She adds on that exactly 48 hours later, she will celebrate the gain of Swaran Bhavan while all of them will turn to dust.

Later, Vimal, Shaili and Yashodhara are now having tea when Vimal who is still in doubt notices the helper carrying Yashodhara's luggage. He suddenly halts the helper. Shaili tries to intervene but Vimal interrupts and questions about the airline tag on the luggage. Yashodhara gets alarmed of this. Just when Vimal is moving closer to read more on the tag, Shaili purposefully drops her hot tea on it and Yashodhara smirks understanding that Shaili save her from been expose. The content on the tag is now illegible and Vimal rebukes her. Shaili cooks up a story that the bag belongs to her and the airline tag is from the time when they traveled to Delhi. Vimal scowls and tries to clarify but Shaili interrupts and rigorously tells the helper to put the bag away. She dissuades him from asking more about the tag and tells him to take care of the preparations that his father Jagmohan requested. She takes Yashodhara to her room while Vimal looks doubtful.

Abha is frantically searching for Karan in the dark in an abandoned area. She is hopeful that Karan will never leave her. The scene switches to Karan's spirit connecting with Pratibha who is sitting lonesome in the dark. Karan says, since she left home, he wasn't able to rest with his head in her lap and asks if he may do so now?. Pratibha caresses him saying, "her Kannu is sleepy and tells him to come and rest in her lap and Karan rests as told. Karan asks Pratibha to sing that lullaby to him so he can rest peacefully. Pratibha coddles him tearfully and says, "Yes dear that she will sing that lullaby and he can sleep comfortably. Pratibha begins to sing the lullaby while gently and lovingly patting Karan. Karan looks tranquil as the scene really shows how strong of a connection a mother like Pratibha has with her son, Karan. Suddenly, Pratibha is snapped back into reality by the goon irritably complaining, that she have started her imagination again and singing at 4 in the morning. The goon order her to go ahead and sleep and to let them sleep too. Pratibha panics and whimpers while missing Karan so much.

Abha helplessly recollects Karan's last words about learning the vile acts of Yashodhara and Dushyant. She feels that she must save Swaran Bhavan and her mother-in-law but first, she must find Karan. She is overwhelmed with thoughts and begins searching for Karan desperately but in vain. She drops to the ground devastated and heartbroken when suddenly, her hand touches something. She rummages through the grass and finds a wallet. She recognizes it as Karan's wallet and feels hopeful that Karan is somewhere nearby.

At Swaran Bhavan, Vimal expresses to his father Jagmohan how nice he feels to see him happy. Jagmohan smiles. Vimal wants to know more about who is coming and for whom the preparations are going on with great merriment. Jagmohan defers the truth by telling Vimal that he will learn everything upon Abha and Karan's return. He adds that if he remember one thing, that there should be nothing lacking in welcoming him and this responsibility is Vimal's. He then tells him that he ( Jagmohan ) is also going to call Anand Ashram rehab center and tell them that he is coming to pick-up Pratibha tomorrow." Jagmohan calls Anand Ashram and the evil lady spy named Radha picks up. Jagmohan tells her that since he was told Pratibha is feeling better and can complete her treatment at home, he would like to come pick her up tomorrow. Radha gets tensed hearing this. Jagmohan requests to keep the discharge paperwork ready and hangs up. Yashodhara has overheard the conversation and smiles wickedly.

In a room where Veer has just ended a conversation when Vimal walks in and question, what the matter is and why is he so tensed?. A worried Vimal further asks if he is caught up in a relationship trap?. Veer replies,  as Oh no, but he had requested the latest edition of Lawyer's Digest for Karan and it hasn't arrived yet. He adds on that he have been hoping to surprise him for a long time. Vimal grins and when Veer questions, he reminds him of the amusing moments of the past when Karan used to throw his surprise birthday parties. They both share a good laugh. Just then, a helper interrupts them and hands Vimal a courier. Veer wonders whether it's the book he has been waiting for. Vimal replies, "No that it's in their father's name." Vimal wonders where their father is but decides to open it. As he pulls out the content from the large white envelope, he is perplexed finding the Indian flag which has something wrapped inside. Vimal opens it and finds an old newspaper article with Jagmohan's picture on it. Vimal reads the headline, "Historic Verdict on Case no. 777 in Bhopal Court." They both look confused but Vimal adds that their father must've fought this case. Suddenly, Jagmohan snatches it away from Vimal and rebukes them for opening the envelope. Vimal tries to provide an explanation but Jagmohan angrily orders them to leave. Jagmohan notices the newspaper article then frenetically unravels it to find a book wrapped inside which is titled 'Father of Justice.' Jagmohan furiously tosses the book on his desk expressing that Karan is trying to amend his mistake with so much difficulty then why is this happening. His furious expression changes to the one of worry and guilt and he adds that, "he can't allow this to happen.

At night, Jagmohan is driving on the road and thinking to himself that he can't allow his past to be revealed in front of everyone so he has to do something to stop it. He comes to a stop and walks with a shovel into a deserted area, carefully making sure no one is watching him. He locates a private spot and begins to dig a hole with the shovel. He then buries the newspaper and the book while nervously feeling, and wonder how many more mistakes he will have to bury in a similar way. Jagmohan eyeballs his surroundings once more then cautiously leaves.

Abha is still desperately searching for Karan. A lady is passing by with some woods when Abha tensely questions her about Karan showing her the picture of him which she found in his wallet. The lady seems to recognize him and points towards the right direction. Abha enters in a group of people who are watching a dance performance by Shweta Tiwari. Suddenly a man joins her on stage and he is none other than the exact look-alike of Karan. Abha is flabbergasted seeing him.

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