Wednesday 15 August 2018

Wednesday Update On Iron Lady

Rishi angrily states that he had never come in between Indira's decisions. He adds that he had also accepted Indira's decision of not getting married.  In anger, Rishi states that she (Indira) never considered his opinion while making decisions about their life. Rishi asserts that Indira has abandoned him once again.
He states that Indira was so selfish that she never cared about anyone's feelings. Indira picks up a sticky tape and puts it on Rishi's mouth. She ties a rope around his hands and insists on explaining why she was forced to take such decision.

A helpless Indira confesses that whenever she thinks about her life and happiness, she always gets caught between her responsibilities towards her house. She states that she wanted to get married and lead her life with Rishi. She asks Rishi to give her some time. Indira states that she hopes that Rishi would always be with her at every step of her life. She asks Rishi to forgive her and return home. She removes the tape from his mouth and opens up the rope.

While leaving from the farmhouse, Indira and Rishi unintentionally take the last seven nuptial rounds. Rishi recollects that earlier he and Indira took six nuptial rounds. He points out to Indira that they inadvertently took the last marital rounds around the holy fire and hence they were married. Rishi believes God too wanted them to marry. He states that Indira refused to accept their marriage which happened in Macau. He happily adds that they took seven marital rounds and were married to each other. Indira puts the sari' on her head and accepts her marriage with Rishi.  Indira is about to take blessings from Rishi but Rishi stops her.  Rishi gets surprised when Indira addresses him as "her husband". Rishi and Indira have a light conversation.  Rishi gets elated when he sees Indira smiling and laughing.
Rishi praises Indira and wishes to click her picture. Indira feels shy of clicking pictures and refuses but Rishi manages to click one. Indira continues to laugh out loud. Meanwhile it starts raining heavily. Rishi dedicates a song to Indira.

Munna and an old neighbor bet over a table fan. The duo decides to play a game of carom and whoever wins the game could take home the fan. During the game, one of Munna's friends helps Munna to cheat the old man and win the table fan. Rishi and Indira return together to Chandni Chowk. However, Rishi asks Indira to move ahead and assures to return home soon. Meanwhile, Munna notices Indira along with Rishi and gets surprised. He is puzzled why Rishi and Indira did not return home together. Munna suspects their intentions. When Indira returns home, Kutumb confronts her. She questions Indira where had she been. She further questions Indira about her decision to get married. Kutumb tells Indira to be concerned about Mandira as she had suffered a lot.

Kutumb requests Indira to change her decision of getting married. Kutumb and Inder get surprised when Indira hugs Kutumb and assures her that she would not leave them alone. The couple is confused on seeing Indira happy and smiling. Meanwhile, Munna returns home with the table fan. Sunaina gets happy when she sees the fan. She requests Munna to switch on the fan immediately. While switching on the fan, Munna gets an electric shock. When Indira expresses concern for Munna, he asks her not to worry. Munna states that he was instead worried about Indira as there was some reason behind her happiness.

Before leaving, Munna asserts that Indira would suffer if she continues to love Rishi.  Indira is not only worried about her and Rishi's future but also about her families happiness.

Ishaan compliments Indira on her smile and asks how she and Rishi got wet. Indira blushes and lies that they got wet because of the rain.  Ishaan wonders when it rained. Mandira enjoys a magazine in her room. As soon as she hears Indira coming, she fakes gloom and sits looking depressed. Indira comforts her and assures her that she would not get married till she married her off.  Mandira immediately becomes happy. Viren asks Indira why she was blushing and smiling so often. He calls Rishi a magician and states that he did what the Sharma family could not do in so many years make Indira smile. Indira blushes once again much to Viren's surprise. On coaxing further, Indira reveals to Viren that she and Rishi got married secretly. She tries to explain that the circumstances were unusual and that they did not mean to hurt anyone. Hearing this, Viren angrily calls out to Rishi.

When Rishi comes to the room, Viren angrily questions him about the marriage. Rishi starts justifying himself when Viren breaks down into laughter. He congratulates the two of them for taking the right decision. Later, Rishi tells the family that an alliance was interested in meeting them for Mandira's marriage proposal. After Mandira walks away blushing, Indira confirms with Rishi if he had told the alliance about the issue that happened with Mandira.  Rishi lies that he had apprised the family about the issue. Kutumb notices that Sunaina had not applied vermilion and points it out to her. She says that it was inauspicious for a married woman to keep her forehead empty.  Indira hears Kutumb's advice.  Indira goes into her room and applies a pinch of vermilion on her forehead. Just then, Inder enters the room and he is shocked to see Indira with a vermilion on her forehead.

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