Sunday 1 July 2018

Sunday Update On Fire And Ice

Kunj is sitting in his room and says finally Twinkle got what she wanted, she must be happy to hear about her admission and he have hurt her so he can do this for her happiness. A flashback is shows where Kunj tells the principal that he will train his students but he denied Twinkle’s admission, and he requests the college management by telling them that he can join the College as a boxing coach, provided they accept Twinkle's admission papers.

The principal agrees. Kunj who genuinely helps her by getting her admission into college by talking to the principal in exchange of being a boxing teacher tells him not to let Twinkle know that he helped her with the admission, he nods. flashback ends. Kunj says even today Twinkle’s happiness is his happiness and he hope she is happy. On the other hand, Twinkle tells her mom that she want to move ahead in life and want to concentrate on her education. Leela says as she wish. Twinkle gets flowers delivered to her by courier guy. Leela asks who sent it? Twinkle says Kunj must have sent it, she gets irritated, and says why he doesn't understand that she dont want to talk to him and she have to talk him once, she calls Kunj up and says she told him that she don't want to do anything with him and asks why did he send flowers to her and why don't he understand? She asks if he think that her decision will change with flowers? Kunj tells her that he didn't send any flowers to you. Twinkle is stunned and ends the call.

Kunj realize it was Yuvi doing and calls him bloody Yuvi. Twinkle then says it's must be Yuvi and she gets angry. Yuvi comes there a little sad, but before Twinkle could scold him, Yuvi interrupts her and says he know what she will say, he request her to listen that he have not come to give her stress but to take her stress away and asks if she want him to go away from her life? He finally tells her that he will go away from her life forever but he just came to say final goodbye and he will take her leave now but he is going to miss her a lot. Twinkle is speechless and Yuvi leaves. Leela is in tears and looks at her daughter while a confused Twinkle thinks deep about it.

Kunj sees Yuvi outside Leela’s house, he says Yuvi won't budge? Yuvi looks at him, Kunj asks if he sent the flowers to Twinkle and remind him that he don't understand that Twinkle wants to be away from them and asks why he stick to her and why he keep running fast?. He advice Yuvi that slow and steady wins the race. Yuvi says that's why he call him loser and ask from where did he get these quotes?. Telling Kunj it's is 4g world and he make plans but he will win Twinkle’s heart beat. Kunj taunts him that he is 4g world but still dreaming, in his bloody dreams, he further tells Yuvi that he can try but he have already predicted that Twinkle was always his and will be his always. Yuvi tells him to just wait and watch he is going to be a loser and that Kunj dont know what's best, they stares at each other and leaves.

Its morning, Leela talks to herself that Twinkle have to go to college and she got up late today. Twinkle comes to her and says she have eaten breakfast. Leela thinks that her daughter has grown up, that earlier she used to wake her up for hours and now she is waking her up. Twinkle asks her if she will send her with tears and tells her to wish her luck. Leela says she will apply tikka to her and brings aarti plate. On seeing this, Twinkle jokingly tells her that she is not going to war but just college and Leela pouts. Twinkle allows her and Leela puts tikka on her forehead and bless her that she will move ahead and make them proud. Twinkle assured her mom that everything will be fine and she have to leave now. Twinkle comes on road and thank God there is no one and she don't want Yuvi and Kunj’s drama today. She strikes with Bebe and Bebe gives her parsad and pray that all her problems get solved. Twinkle says she just need her blessing. Bebe says her blessings are always with her and Twinkle leaves.

Pallavi is working in kitchen with Usha, Usha insist her not to work reminding her that she is their guest. Pallavi says she thought she is a family member and request Usha to let her work. Usha says sure and asks if she can ask why she didn't marry till now and she mean she is a nice girl. Pallavi says they don't get good guys these days. Usha asks what kind of guy she wants? She says just like Kunj and she mean he is perfect, he respects girls, he cares for his family, and if she get a guy like him then she won't let him go anywhere. She apologize to Usha and then says Twinkle doesn't value him, but if she get a husband like him then she will happily accept him after 10 years too. Usha gets tensed listening this and Pallavi smirks as it's already clear what her game plan is.

Twinkle enters college and smiles looking around. She gets Yuvi’s call and she tells him she is busy. Yuvi says she just want to say that he is going away from her life as he don't want to pressurize her, as they say that if a person love someone then to set them free, if they come back then they love her else they were never hers so he is letting her go but to to just remember that he will always love her, he will always accept her decision and he ends the call. Twinkle talk to herself that Yuvi got away from her for her happiness, he is giving her freedom and there is Kunj who doesn't understand that she just want some time and space but she is unaware that Yuvi also fakes saying he has given space to her while Kunj is always sticking to her. Yuvi smirks thinking that his plan must be working. Twinkle asks one student about her class and they take her as teacher. Twinkle decline that she is a student but they make fun of her age, one of the student says that when she was Miss Amritsar, she was a kid. Twinkle tells her not to worry that everything is fine. She sees some boys bullying a nerdy guy, the nerdy guy tries to leave but the bullies stop him.

The nerdy guy threatened to complain about them claiming his father is in police. The bully insist him to sing then leave, they pressurize him but Twinkle comes there and tells them to leave him and asks what all this is about? The nerdy guy turns out to be Yuvi disguises himself as a Sardar Jassi inorder to stay close to her and win his ladylove's heart. Twinkle tells them bullies and ragging is banned and asks why are they ragging him and further asks if they think it's cool?. The bully guys asks her not to leture them and asks who is she and further asks if she is a new student?. They further taunts her that it seems like they have got new target, they will leave this nerdy guy but they will bully her and he asks her to start singing. Kunj comes to the college and meets the principal, he has come to train students about boxing. Twinkle asks the bullies guys if they like to listen to songs so much then they should sing it for her. Kunj comes there and the bullies guys get tensed saying Rocky sir?. Kunj tells them go to the boxing room and they leave.

Twinkle asks Kunj not to tell her her he have come here behind her stalking her and angrily asks why he dont get it that she want space from him and further asks why he keep following her? She clearly tells him she can take care of herself and he make them learn boxing but she can handle them. Kunj says he didn't come to protect her, as a couch but it's his duty to maintain discipline, he leaves and doesn't let her know that he helped her get the admission. Yuvi thanks Twinkle and says he liked that she took his side, new student? Twinkle failed to recognise him as Yuvi. She then extends her hand to Yuvi and introduce herself as Twinkle. Yuvi introduce himself as Jaswindar and that she can call him Jassi. Twinkle says she will prefer to call him Jassi and advice him to be bold to face these bullies and not to be scared. Just then, the bell rings, Twinkle tells him she have to go to her class, she leaves and Yuvi smirks.

Jassi enters his class, he looks around where all the students mock him as someone puts foot between his way and he is about to fall. Kunj notices Jassi getting bullied by the other students from window and fails to realize that it is actually Yuvi, who has disguised himself as Jassi. Later, Twinkle offers Jassi a seat next to her and he happily obliges and sits beside her on bench. Later, the teacher comes in the class, starts the lecture and Kunj leaves. One girl is looking at Kunj’s pictures, she passes it to the other girl and the girl says Rocky is hot, other girl says boxing class is in next class, and they suggest to go, they start leaving, all girls leave accept Twinkle. Jassi looks at Twinkle, admires her beauty and he smiles at her while Main Hoon Na song plays in the background. He stares at her but Twinkle is busy noting the lecture. Jassi finds picture in his notebook and Twinkle asks if she is his girlfriend?. Jassi refers to himself as a loser and not hero when Twinkle asks him about his girlfriend and says he don't have girlfriend. Twinkle however does not approve of Jassi being harsh on himself and says its not about looks but good heart and that he is no less. Meanwhile upon knowing that the other students of the class vacate the class in order to watch Rocky practising, this infuriates their teacher and says they all must have gone behind Rocky, and that nobody wants to study from the time Rocky has come, she announce that the class is over and she leaves. Twinkle says her class got destroyed because of Kunj and suggest Jassi to come with her to canteen. Yuvi who succeeds to befriend Twinkle in order to be close to her nods. Later, the peon comes there that Jassi is asked to meet Rocky, who wants him to practise boxing so that he can face the students trying to bully him. Twinkle asks why did Kunj call Jassi?.

Jassi comes to Kunj and Kunj, who decides to train Jassi in boxing for self defence, in order to make him strong as he is being bullied asks if people bullied him and says he will make her strong. He gives him gloves, Jassi wears it and Kunj tells him to hit him. But, Jassi hesitates that he can't hit him. Kunj insists him to hit him, he lightly hits Jassi and Jassi says he don't like violence. Twinkle arrives there and supports Jassi that he doesn't want to learn and he want to make everyone aggressive?. Kunj says he is training him for self defence and asks why is she taking is personal? Twinkle blunt out that he invading her personal space. Kunj says he is in the college for training. She says yes in same college and same time as her. Jassi plead with them not to fight and Kunj angrily tells him to stay out of this, he pushes Jassi away and he falls down on the floor. Jassi pretends to be hurt, he cries and leaves. Twinkle asks Kunj to stop violence that he hit Jassi deliberately but Kunj insists that he is making him strong. She scold him that he don't like that Jassi is her friend and warn him not to hurt him again, she leaves and takes away Jassi from there.

Twinkle comes to Jassi and in this way, he earns Twinkle's sympathy. He tells her that everyone bullies her, he don't have any strength, he is zero with no power. Twinkle decline, she holds his hand and says not only power is needed but he is cute and sensitive and she like people like him and request him not to be upset. Jassi smile and holds her hand in his hands. Twinkle feels weird, she takes her hand away and asks what is he doing? Jassi claims he is happy that atleast someone is with him, adding that Rocky Sir was right that he have to become a strong boy. Twinkle tells him not stress himself and suggest they go to class, they leave.

Later, Yuvi is in his car and Twinkle’s car is in front, he smiles and says he will leave now, he leaves. Twinkle is tensed. Yuvi’s car is stopped by Kunj’s bike, they stares at each other. Yuvi says one great guy told him that girl’s no is no, he understood it that girl’s no is no, adding that if Twinkle said that she wants space and time then why is he following her?. He further says guys like him are called stalkers, and it's crime. Twinkle is listening to all this from far. Kunj who is doubts that, even Yuvi is designing means to stay close to Twinkle, not aware of the fact that, Jassi is none other than Yuvi and tells Yuvi that he know he must be planning something too. Yuvi asks if he is asking her directly? He says he is not doing anything, but he is advising him to not do anything too, Yuvi leaves. Twinkle comes to her mom’s house, she greets her and Leela asks how was her day and then asks if she talk to Yuvi or Kunj? Twinkle gets irritated and tells her mom to please. Raman asks if she made friends and further asks if anyone bully her? He insist her to tell him so that he will beat them but Twinkle assured him that she can handle bullies and that she made a friend with Jassi, adding that he is cute. On hearing this, Pinni says that's great and this is good news, she then asks her to tell him his details, so if he is a good boy then they will take things ahead now that Yuvi and Kunj are out of the picture and Jassi is in. Leela asks what is she saying? Twinkle politely says Jassi is only her friend and she don't want to talk about Kunj or Yuvi, she leaves.

Pallavi who arrives at the Sarna House have a chat with Usha. Kunj comes there and tells him to meet Pallavi, he smiles and greets Pallavi. He then says he will freshen up, he opens his bag and Twinkle’s ID card falls from it, Pallavi sees it and says Twinkle’s ID card?. She asks if they are in same institute? Kunj says yes. Pallavi tries to convince Kunj to concentrate on his boxing career, rather than to settle for a boxing coach, just for the sake of Twinkle and tells him not to mind but as a friend she have to say that he is an. international boxer and asks why is teaching in small college? Usha supports Pallavi and says she know he have taken this job because of Twinkle and asks why she doesn't leave him? Kunj tells his mom that Twinkle forgot her ID so he took it and he will return it tomorrow, and request her not to make it a big deal, he leaves. Pallavi tells Usha that Kunj is innocent but Twinkle is playing with his feelings, she is sure she must have left her ID card deliberately so Kunj would go behind her and beg her and she would throw tantrums, adding that some girls like make boys run behind them and Twinkle is one of them. Usha gets tensed listening to this.

Leela tells Twinkle that she is proud of her for not giving up and trying to find way to live life and that it's really good to see her working hard but this society never allows woman to live alone, people keep asking about husband and all. She is the biggest example of this, created big business and raised her but people keep asking her ( Leela) about her husband. Twinkle tell her mom not to worry, she is her daughter, she know how to answer people and she know her mom is also with her, she is her strength and role model, assuring her further that they will handle everything and she know what she want. Leela tells her to remain strong and trust herself and that God is with her. She kisses Twinkle’s forehead and Twinkle smiles.

The next morning. Jassi reaches Twinkle's place on his scooter. Yuvi as Jassi is cleaning his bike outside Twinkle’s house. Twinkle asks what he is doing here? Jassi decides to ake her along to the college. Just then, he notices Kunj there and he instantly questions her if he is her neighbour. Jassi acts sad and asks her to leave with Rocky Sir on his bike as his bike is so new and his scooter is old. Twinkle refuses. Pallavi comes to Kunj but just then, Pallavi slips on a banana peel and lands straight on Kunj's lap. Twinkle is jealous seeing this but she is unaware that Pallavi purposely slip and fall into Kunj’s arms to create rift between them. Kunj looks at Twinkle and tries to leave but Pallavi, winces in pain. Jassi asks Twinkle if she Rocky’s girlfriend?. Twinkle looks on, he asks why she is upset?. The next moment, Twinkle decides to ride on Jassi's scooter and asks if he can ride scooter with her sitting behind? Jassi says he never rode with anyone else before, Twinkle scold him that he don't know double riding then why did he come her place? Jassi says she is his best friend and saved him from bullies that's why. Seeing him panic, Twinkle says it's okay, she tells him to sit behind that she will ride it.

Jassi asks if she can drive it? Twinkle says she can do anything and proudly says she is  Twinkle Taneja. Twinkle sits on the scooter, Jassi sits behind and says Ram Ram as she rides the scooter herself. Kunj sees them leaves, he tells Pallavi that she should have been careful and Twinkle must have felt weird. Pallavi says she fell mistakenly and that she came to tell him that Usha aunty is thinking to get him married again. Kunj says what and he thinks that his mom knows how he feel about Twinkle then why is she doing this? He leaves his bike. Pallavi who try to use the jealousy trick to crate rift between Kunj and Twinkle says everything is fair in love and war and she don't care if she have to lie a little to get Kunj.

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