Sunday 3 June 2018

Sunday Update On King Of Hearts 2 Episode 616 - 618

On seeing that Satya has been seriously injured while saving Payal from the electric shock, Naina prays to God to return Satya and make him fine. Everyone prays that he gets well soon. Payal prays too because if something bad happens to him than she has to face the consequences and thinks if Satya dies, then everything will be ruined.
Suddenly Satya wakes up and everyone rushes to see him hearing his voice and asks ask if he is fine? Satya looks at them cluelessly. The doctor asks if he is fine and how is he feeling right now. Mahi asks him to say anything. Just when the doctor is about to give him injection, Satya asks what is this and refuses to get injection. Everyone gets stunned seeing this kind of behaviour by him. Seeing that he is acting like a kid, Naina asks why he is behaving this way? Satya hides behind Mahi and refuses to get the injection saying he is scared of needle. The doctor tells him it is necessary. Mitul asks why he is talking like child. They see Satya getting scared and they all are more shocked. Mahi asks Satya to hear him and says she promise that he will not feel any pain and agrees him to take the injection. Satya asks if she promise. Mahi says yes. While Mahi is trying to divert his mind off the injection, the. doctor quickly gives him injection.

Satya cries out like a baby on realizing that he have been injected by the doctor. Mahi pet him to calm down. The doctor tells them that it is retrograde amnesia and that Satya went back to his past and he is now 10 years old kid. The whole family are shocked when the doctor clearly state that Satya is not the same person that he was before as he suffered from the shock which is the cause of retrograde amnesia. The doctor asks Mahi to take care of him and leaves. Satya calls her mummy. Payal smells something fishy behind all this and thinks Satya is playing a new trick, but she will expose him. Mahi is sitting at Satya’s bed side. Satya sleeps on her lap, and says she is good but others are bad. Mahi feels bad to see his condition and says she couldn’t believe that her mom would have been acting like this. Payal tells Shom that she will expose Satya soon and she will prove Satya is acting. The next morning, Shom sees Satya wearing his clothes. He asks how dare him? Satya says this is his clothes. Shom calls is his mom. Satya slaps Shom. Mahi hears Shom calling Satya a mad and goes there. Satya asks who is this witch in saree and clearly says he is very scared of her. Mahi is shocked. Payal angrily looks on.

Mahi tells Satya not to say like this. Satya says he was taking his clothes. Mahi asks him to keep the clothes. Satya says he want even this, and tries to get the clothes from Shom’s hand. Shom says it is his and gets angry. Satya hits him on his back and runs. Shom calls him mad man. Payal suggests they should send Satya to his mum and asks until when they will take care of him. Mahi remind her that Satya is in this condition because of them, and they should take care of him. Naina comes there and tells them that Satya’s mum doesn’t know about his marriage and she might file police complaint on them seeing Satya’s condition.

Payal tells Mahi that they have to keep an eye on Satya. Mahi asks her not to worry and tells her mom that she will take care of him. Naina smiles. Mahi stops Koel and says she wants to talk to her about something. Just then her phone rings, and she excuses herself. Koel thinks her aunty ( Mahi ) is stuck. Mahi comes and tells that she got an important call. Koel asks about her phone bill. Mahi says she is smart and uses Jio Sim for free calls. Koel says she will use Jio now. Payal tells Mahi to make tea for her. At the same time, Satya shouts asking her for his food. Mahi asks Payal to take her tea by herself and says she has to give food to Satya else he will get angry. In anger, Payal throws the tea pot away and thinks he has become important for Mahi.

Satya tells Mahi that he will finish it. He puts it in his mouth and feels hot. Mahi blows on his mouth. Satya says now his mouth is not burning. Mahi feeds Satya food by her hands and her love for him was quite evident from her eyes. Payal thinks to expose Satya’s childish act. She asks Shom to be ready. She comes to Mahi and asks her if she will come with her for the party arrangements. Mahi says she will just be ready. She goes. Payal signal Shom. Naina knocks on the door and calls Satya. Mahi and Payal come back home and unlock Naina. Naina tells her that they have taken Satya forcibly. Mahi asks who and where. Koel and Shom are seen putting Satya’s head in water barrel and torturing him in order to expose him. Mahi frantically searches for Satya and ends up shocked when she finds his head buried into a drum of water by Shom and Koel. Despite seeing the two siblings doing this, Koel and her brother, who are responsible for doing so, make an excuse and claim that Satya was playing around. Shom tells her that he has fallen in the barrel while playing. Koel lie that they were trying to save him. Mahi attends to Satya and tries to revive him as he gets unconscious. She revives him and gives him mouth to mouth respiration (CPR) and soon Satya gains consciousness. Mahi warns Koel and Shom not to touch Satya again. Payal acts to scold them for doing that to Satya.

Mahi takes Satya to their room and towel her head. She tells him that she brought something for him and asks him to close his eyes. She gives him teddy bear and cap. Satya says it is cute. She says just like him and makes him wear the cap and specs. Satya thanks her and says he is feeling good. He tells her that she is the best among everyone here. She tells him that she will make coffee or tea for him. Satya says he is too young to drink those things. Mahi then says she will bring him hot chocolate. Satya goes near the mirror, takes off his specs and later recollects that he had heard Payal's plan with Shom of receiving the shock to prove him bad infront of Mahi’s eyes. He thinks whoever he love, he have to lie and decides to continue in his plan of acting as a kid with memory loss. He feels apologetic and thinks he have to stay in this fake avatar to bring Payal truth infront of Mahi.

While Mahi is trying to tie her dress dori, but she couldn’t. She turns to Satya and asks him to tie it. Satya comes near her. Mahi asks him to put the flower knot just like the shoe lace. Satya ties the lace hesitantly. Mahi leave. Satya thinks to control his emotions. Koel pulls Satya to her room and tells him that Satya is hidden behind Sattu. Satya starts shouting that Nangi sis is trying to do strange thing with him. Mahi and others gather. Later, Payal hosts the party for the minister and prepares for the fireworks as well and says they will lock him in a room. Mahi is shocked. Satya says she is lying and he want to attend happy Diwali. Shom ties his hands. Mahi is teary eyes and asks him to be careful. Payal takes Mahi from there. Satya cries as a child. They leave. Satya gets angry. In the party, Mahi is serving the guests. Payal gives her work to do. The guest asks who is she? Payal says she is an orphan and she take care of her. Naina, Mitul and Satya are shocked. Payal greets the Minister as he comes. Satya makes up his mind to ruin the party and he lights up all the crackers inside the house itself by throwing match stick near the crackers boxes. Everyone jumps to save themselves from the crackers. Satya enjoy the scene. Naina smiles seeing Satya doing the mischief. Everyone is shocked seeing the minister’s pant falling down and he gets angry. Mahi comes there and sees the crackers bursted.

The minister gets angry on Payal. Payal asks him not to go and is tensed. Shom sees Satya peeping there and points out that Satya is here. Payal says nobody is here. Mahi remind Shom that he have locked him inside a room and asks how can he be here? Payal says they will check the room. They open the door and sees Satya tied with rope and sleeping on bed. Mahi untie the rope and frees his hand. She asks Shom if he is relieved now. Later, they watch the news in which the reporter tells about their party incident. Payal says she is sure that it is Satya’s conspiracy. Shom asks how they will prove it? Payal calls someone up. Satya tells Mahi that he is feeling pain in his hands as they tied him tightly. Mahi holds her ears and apologizes to him cryingly. She asks him to have food. Satya says he will not eat until she have it. Mahi says she has to do work just as the party ended. She comes out and sees happy Diwali written with lights. Satya comes there and wish Mahi happy Diwali. Mahi emotionally hugs him. Satya tells her that he can do anything for her and asks her to eat her food. Mahi agrees.

Payal do some drama as she is attending to a fake phone call that she is in urgent need of Rs 20 Lakh. She says the money is of her daughter and she can’t ask her to give her money. Mahi also hears her mom speaking on the phone about not wanting to ask her for any money. Mahi instantly falls into the trap and asks her mom what is she saying. She agrees to lend as much money as her mom wants and says whatever she have is also hers (Payal) and request her not to make her feel that she is not hers and that her mom can take whatever she want. Payal says she is married now, and she can’t ask for money as people will say that she is her step mum. Mahi says she don’t care about the society as she (Payal ) have brought her up and not the society. She notices her mom holding something and asks what is in her hand. Payal says nothing. Mahi sees father's picture in her hand. Payal lie that she does charity on Neil’s name and for that purpose she need money. When Mahi learns that Payal wants the money for her father's charitable act, she agrees to get some cash from the bank. Satya asks Mahi, where is she going and tells her to take him with her as he is bored here. He insists on joining her as everyone is dangerous in the house and says what if they do anything to him or his teddy. Mahi agrees to take him along and and asks him not to run anywhere. Satya promises her.

At the bank, Mahi asks Satya to stay there until she comes back. Satya sits on chair while Mahi is busy writing on the slip. Satya seeks the right opportunity and calls up his sister, Kajal and tells her that Payal is making a new plan. Mahi gets the money and turns….she sees him missing. She calls Satya. Satya asks his sister to find out about the details of the so called charity Payal fraud. Mahi gets Satya’s teddy and asks the people sitting there about Satya. She comes out and sees Satya talking on phone. She gets suspicious and comes near him. Satya turns and looks at her. Mahi asks with whom he is talking to. Satya asks if she will do his work, and says thank you. He tells her that he was talking to God and was saying that he get angry when she do household work and he was asking God to send an angel for her and to always take care of her. Mahi smiles and touches his face. She gives him his teddy and tells him they should go. Satya nods. They hold hand and walk out. Satya feels apologetic and thinks he is doing this to remove her blindfold.

Mahi brings 25 Lakhs and gives it to her mom. She says she thought to take out some extra money. Payal asks Mahi to give the money with her hand. Payal then apologizes to Satya and says friends to him. Satya makes sound and runs away. Payal thinks he is mannerless. Later, Payal mixes some powder in the food. Shom asks what she is doing? Payal says she wants everyone to sleep today so that she can execute her plan. Satya meets Kajal and asks her to find out about the charity. Kajal says it is genuine. Satya says there is something wrong and asks her to find out more. Later in the night, when everybody is sleeping including Satya, a stranger sneaks into the room and lays his hands on the teddy that Satya is sleeping with and then opens the teddy’s zip.

Next morning, Payal tells the person that she wants Mahi to give the charity money herself and goes to her room. She then shouts saying the money is missing and everyone gather there. Mahi asks Shom to call the police. Shom complies and calls the police. The inspector comes there and asks the constable to search the entire house. Satya looks on. They go to Satya’s room. Shom signal his mom. The inspector sees the teddy on the bed. Satya is shocked and says it is his. He snatches the teddy from his hand. Mahi convince him that the inspector will not do anything to his teddy bear.

Satya gives his teddy to the inspector. The inspector checks it and says there is nothing in the teddy. On seeing this, Payal, Shom and Koel gets a shock of their life. Satya tells Mahi that there is nothing in it. Shom takes the teddy from him and tries to tear it. Mahi asks Shom, how can he doubt on Satya and says he is an innocent child. Shom says that he is sure. Later Payal asks Shom, if he is sure that he has kept the money in Satya’s teddy. Shom says yes that he did keep it. Satya comes there and scolds them that they stoop so low and asks them to say please, and he will tell where the money is. Satya tells him that a witch on the tree outside his window asked him to give him money to bad brother. Payal asks Satya to return the money to him. Satya asks him to say please and close his eyes. Shom asks what rubbish? Payal asks him to just do it. Satya asks her to close her eyes too. Payal closes her eyes. Satya takes out chewing gum from his mouth and sticks it on Shom’s hand. As Shom raises his hand to slap him, Mahi confronts Shom for ruining his teddy and now trying to slap him. Satya asks Shom to take the money.

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