Sunday 10 June 2018

Sunday Update On Fire And Ice Episode 248 - 250

Pallavi comes to the wedding and Yash’s mother meets her. Pallavi is Yash’s friend. Yash's mother tells her that Twinkle has arranged the wedding, Pallavi gets excited, she clicks Twinkle's picture and sends them to Kunj. She messages Kunj that Twinkle have arranged the wedding.
Kunj looks at her picture. Bebe comes there and Twinkle meets Pallavi. Pallavi asks if she can take selfie with them? All the family members come there and takes selfie with Pallavi and they leave. Pallavi sees Yuvi there and recalls how she saw him in jail. She sees Manohar giving work to Yuvi. Twinkle comes to Yuvi and asks him to work.Yuvi says he saw her eating samosa and calling her fatso. Twinkle says she was checking it and they argue with each other. Pallavi is also surprised to find Twinkle along with Yuvraj and wonder what Twinkle is doing with Kunj’s killer? She thinks if Kunj gets to know it then he will feel bad. Yash parents tell Twinkle and Yuvi to come early tomorrow morning.

Twinkle says he can't come as he can't wake up early but she will come and they leave. Yuvi asks Twinkle why she keep ordering him like boss? Twinkle says she is his boss and she didn't ask him to come and help them. Yuvi says fine that he will not come tomorrow and Twinkle should come early tomorrow, he leaves. Yuvi makes a drink for himself and he drinks the wine. He sees the worker needing a helping hand and he goes to help him. Twinkle comes there and sees the drink glass, she says it's chilled and cold drink, she drinks it without knowing that it's wine. Yuvi comes there and is irritated that Twinkle drank it. He asks Twinkle to lets go home and she says why he keep behaving like her bodyguard and bluntly tells him that her Kunj used to call her lioness so she can't cry, and he know she feel like choking him, and she feel like crying but then she think how Kunj would have behaved if he was here then she behave like him, she cries and asks Yuvi if he will bring her Kunj? Yuvi gets sad and says they should go home. He lifts her and goes with her.

Pallavi comes to Kunj where Kunj has written a note asking about Twinkle, Bebe and his dad, Manohar. Pallavi thinks that Twinkkle was pally with Yuvi and it seems like she is developing feelings for Yuvi but she can't tell this to Kunj as he will bring stressed to him and she can't risk his health before surgery. Kunj looks at Twinkle’s picture, Pallavi says everything is fine there and everyone are working for wedding planning business. Pallavi switches off the lights and thinks that Kunj keep thinking about Twinkle and when he know the truth, his heart will break.

While Twinkle is sleeping, Leela is there and Yuvi comes there and apologize that Twinkle drank his drink, she is not habituated to it and plead with her not to be angry with her, adding that he brought her here as Usha aunt doesn't like him and would have got angry on Twinkle. He further tells Leela not to wake up Twinkle early in the morning but he will go and work there. Just when he is about to leave, Leela thank him and Yuvi says no problem, he leaves.

Surjeeet tellz Yuvi that he ( Yuvi) know his mother did everything for him and he put her in jail for that Twinkle? Yuvi politely tell him not to say anything about Twinkle, reminding him that his mom snatched son from a mother, she snatched husband from wife, she killed Kunj and she didn't understand her mistakes. Surjeet says it's all in the past and tell Yuvi that till he don't take his complaint back, they will not free Anita. He tell Yuvi to come with him and take his FIR back but Yuvi refuses. Surjeet tell him not to be stubborn and order him to come with him but Yuvi says no.
The next morning,Twinkle gets up and sees time, and says she is late. She comes to the church and says she have come late then how is the setup ready? She sees Yuvi there and says a person can never change. She tell Yuvi that he mixed wine in her cold drink last night so that she couldn't come to work on time and would be proved incompetent and he wanted to come early than her. Yuvi says he is genuinely doing all this. He have done mistakes in the past but he have changed and that she is thinking wrong. Twinkle says she know only he can do this kind of act and there is always some game behind his deeds. Yuvi try to says something but Twinkle tell him to please leaves from there and Yuvi is tensed.

Jenny comes to the wedding venue dressed as Christan bride. Yash comes there with Yuvi, both are wearing tuxedo. Yash winks at Jenny. Manohar tell Usha that he took a challenge and fulfilled it and she should be happy now. Twinkle says they are starting new journey, they are lucky to find partners who are best friends and this kind of relation never breaks. Yuvi says she is right, true love makes one a better person. Twinkkle is surprised listening to this. Jenny and Yash get engaged and Twinkle gets emotional seeing the two lovers achieving their true love. Twinkle takes Jenny for the wedding preparations. Later, Pallavi gets a senior doctor to check on Kunj and she informs him that Kunj wants to go to Amritsar after being cured. The doctor instantly says that he has a hospital in Amritsar too and agrees to shift Kunj to his hospital in Amritsar and they can do his surgery there. Pallavi considers it as the right decision as she does not agree to Yuvi getting closer to Twinkle as what she saw there after that its good that Kunj goes there as soon as possible. She says she have home there and they will go to Amritsar.

Twinkle makes Jenny ready for the wedding, she recalls her marriage with Kunj, how they took pheras round the fire and how he made her wear her wedding chain. Twinkle mistakenly puts hand on the vermilion box, she touches her forehead and the vermilion gets applied on her forehead, she gets shocked seeing it and she immediately wipes it off. Yuvi comes there and thinks that it must be difficult for Twinkle to make her ready, she shared her pain when she was drunk but now she is acting strong again and he have to change her mood. He tells Jenny that people are calling her and she leaves. Yuvi asks Twinkle where her left earring is? Twinkle gets tensed and starts searching for it, Yuvi laughs and says it's already in her ear. Twinkle kicks his foot and call him a monkey man. She leaves from there while Yuvi smiles. Meanwhile, Surjeet comes to jail and Anita says Yuvi must have given him her bail papers. Surjeet says he denied giving her papers and he is busy in arranging weddings with Twinkle, he said that he wants her to remain in jail. On hearing this, Anita says this can't happen and Yuvi can't leave her side.

Yash and Jenny exchange garlands and Twinkle misses Kunj. While Yuvi is on call, he says this can't happen and Manohar asks him what happened? Yuvi says the dancers are stuck in landsliding and they are not coming, all get tensed. Twinkle asks how will they get the dancers at end moment? Yuvi looks at her and thinks that he have to do something now. Toh Floor Pe Jab Hai song plays and Yuvi dances with the girl. Twinkle comes there and sees him dancing. Jenny wants to dance but Yash stops her and while everyone enjoys the dance, Yuvi closely dances with girl and Twinkle looks on shock. Everyone come on stage, Yash and Jenny comes there too, all dance together, Twinkle looks away and says Yuvi just know how to flirt.

On seeing that the wedding Twinkle and Yuvi arranges turns into a big success, Manohar says Yuvi saved their respect today. Leela says yes and this shows he cares for Manohar's business, and it's strange that person can change this much. Yash’s father thanks Twinkle for the arrangement, Twinkle looks at Yuvi and thinks that she thought Yuvi wanted to get applaud and wanted to prove her irresponsible but when the time of limelight came, Yuvi didn't come forward but he made her get all credit and she realises that Yuvraj is genuinely changed and she was wrong about him. Yash’s father gives a cheque of 1 crore to Manohar and says he will give the contract of the functions to him now. Manohar calls Verma up and tells him about it. Verma cuts the call and all laugh over it. Manohar tell Yuvi that this wouldn't have happened without him, he thank Yuvi and hugs him. Yuvi says no problem that he enjoyed it, Twinkle looks on.

Anita asks the jailer to give her phone and she will give her money in return. The jailer gives her phone. Anita then calls Yuvi up and Yuvi takes it. Anita cries and says she miss him, she know she is miffed with her but she know he can't see her in jail, and asks him to says that he will come to save her. Yuvi politely tell her that her son has died, he have no relation with her, everything is finished and not to even call him again, he cuts the call and Anita is distraught.

Ever since Yuvi have become a 'good boy' of late and is seen helping the Sarna family to manage their wedding planning business. Twinkle and Yuvi often involve in 'nok-jhok' which are rather sweet and this is drawing them close to one another. They have become friends and the family respect their frieshship. Twinkle comes to Yuvi’s room and Yuvi asks her what he did now? Twinkle thank him that he. helped her. Yuvi asks what is she saying and jokingly say maybe he listened wrong, and says Twinkle Taneja and thank you? Twinkle point out that he helped them, he got them this contract, she thought that he would destroy something and would take the credit but she was wrong, and that because of him her family is happy. Yuvi tell her not to come out of character, else he will faint. Twinkle says that's his problem and tell him not to fight with her and he should say that he accepted her thank you. Yuvi says this is forcing and Twinkle says yes, monkey man. She smiles at him and Yuvi smiles back. Suddenly, Twinkle feels dizzy and faints.

Yuvi brings Twinkle to the room, he tell her family that he was talking to her and she suddenly fainted. Leela tell the doctor that Twinkle suddenly fainted and they don't know what happened. The doctor tell her not to worry that it's good news that she is two months pregnant. The family are stunned as they get the news that Twinkle is two months pregnant. Bebe and everyone gets happy. Usha is excited too and the doctor leaves. Bebe happily says she is going to be grand Bebe. Leela says her daughter is going to become mother. Bebe says she has given them promotion. Twinkle becomes conscious, she looks around, Usha asks her to be careful. Twinkle asks what happened to her? She tell her that she was talking to Yuvi and fainted. Bebe says this happen in this condition and she have to eat good food, adding that there is one more life with her now. Usha tell Twinkle that she have given her her Kunj back and she can live his childhood again. Twinkle is confused. Leela asks if she didnt get it that she is going to be mother. Twinkle is surprised.

Pallavi reassures Kunj that everything will be fine. Twinkle comes to her room and sees toys, she looks at Kunj’s picture and grabs Kunj's photograph and exclaims that she is happy today as their child would soon be coming to this world. She says that these toys that Kunj brought are going to be useful now and she fought with him much but it's time to use these toys as he have become a father, his child is coming in world and all are happy but her happiness is not fully asking herself if this is the fate of this child? She expresses her grief over the loss of her husband that he will not have his father to play with him, to walk with him and when he will ask her about him then what will she say?. She tells Kunj to come back and asks what will she answer to her child? Twinkle cries. Leela, Bebe and Yuvraj visit Twinkle's room and find her crying. Yuvraj asks Leela and Bebe not to disturb Twinkle and leave her alone for some time, adding that Twinkle has been putting up facade of being strong, she has not cried fully from the time Kunj has gone and they should let her cry else she will not be able to compose herself till she doesn't breakdown. Twinkle breakdowns and cries hugging Kunj’s picture, Sajna Ve song plays in the background.

Pallavi has brought Kunj to her house. Just then the door knocks and Pallavi says it must be the girl, saying her mom died so she brought her to her home. Pallavi opens the door to see the girl standing there. The girl says it's so hot outside and Pallavi took so much time? She says the doctors are weird, pointing out that Pallavi have mobile phone but can't message her that she is coming here. She comes inside the house and asks who is this? She asks Pallavi if she go to work or become friends with people? Pallavi introduce Kunj to the girl as her patient. She says his name is good and tell Kunj that she feel heat and not to turn off the AC. She says she will share the remote with him but not on the time of her favorite cartoon and the girl finally introduce herself to Kunj Kashvi, just like Twinkle Twinkle little stars in sky.Kashvi goes to arrange lunch, Pallavi tell Kunj that the girl is cute.

Twinkle comes to the living room and Usha says she have made healthy breakfast for her. Bebe says she have called the Yoga teacher too. Usha asks her to eat, Twinkle feels like puking and leaves. Usha asks what happened to her? Bebe says she is puking and it happened in her ( Usha) time of pregnancy too. Bebe says she will make her drink juice but Usha refuses saying she will bring lemonade for her. Leela comes there and says she have brought her favorite ice-cream. Twinkle comes there, they all pasture to eat something and tells them to atleast listen to her, she says it enough of them and leaves. Leela says the ice-cream has melted.

Twinkle comes to her room and talk to herself that they all have gone mad after this news. Yuvi comes there and says he have bills of wedding and if she don't want then he will come later. Twinkle says he is talking out of character and asks why so polite? Yuvi murmurs that he can't even say anything to her now. Twinkle asks if he can take her to the market? He says no, then says it's mean yes, and later says mean no. Twinkle ask what he mean? Yuvi says he mean he should ask Bebe. On hearing this, Twinkle asks if he will take her or would she go with Bebe? Yuvi says he will take you.
Twinkle and Yuvi comes to the market and starts buying stuff. Twinkle shows different shades of pink to Yuvi and asks which one is better? He says all are same,Twinkle says he have no color sense, and he should leave the wedding business. Yuvi says if she like certain pink color then to buy it. Twinkle says she will buy all stuff of pink color. Pallavi comes to same shop but doesn't see them, Yuvi pays the bill and take the bags of shopping. Twinkle comes out and asks what was the need to shop so much? Yuvi says it was she who bought everything and he is holding the bags. Twinkle sees street-food and goes to eat it, Yuvi says street-food is not good for you and tell her not to eat, calling her you fatso. Twinkle doesn't listen and eats the street food. Twinkle starts having pain in belly and sits down, Yuvi gets worried and asks if there is any doctor here? Pallavi comes there and says she is a doctor, she comes to check the patient but Yuvi has gone with Twinkle from there before Pallavi can see them,one lady says the girl was pregnant and the guy took her to the hospital.

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