Friday 29 June 2018

Friday Update On Fire And Ice

Kunj says oh hello, and tells Yuvi that he remember last 5 years but he forgot earlier, and if his wife is upset then he will pacify her, he starts to leave but Yuvi stops him and says now he is acting like husband?.
He asks when Twinkle needed him, where were him?. He further remind Kunj that he ranaway and Twinkle was broken but he saved her from breaking down. He agrees that they may not have husband wife relationship but they have fulfilled vows of marriage, he love her from his heart and he can't leave her like this and he will get her at any cost. Kunj says Twinkle doesn't love him and he know his Twinkle and he only know he is in her heart. Yuvi commend him for his overconfidence and asks Kunj to leave Twinkle as she is not happy with him but Kunj disagrees and says he have faith in Twinkle and tells Yuvi to lets them ask Twinkle what's in her heart and it will be clear whom she takes as her husband. As the two of them finally decide on letting Twinkle decide as to whom she will choose as her husband, Yuvi and Kunj stands infront of her house, Yuvi says maybe the next man for Twinkle will wins.

Yuvi is sitting in his room and recalls his time with Twinkle. Kunj is punching his punching bag. Yuvi recalls how Kunj challenged him. Kunj recalls how Yuvi challenged him. Yuvi vow that he will pacify Twinkle. Kunj on the other hand says Twinkle is his and he will make her his again. Meanwhile, Twinkle's family is extremely worried about the chaos caused in Twinkle's life due to Kunj and Yuvi. Pinni tells Leela that Twinkle’s two husband situation is serious, Raman says she is right and wonder what Twinkle will do? Leela says she know God will do good for her. Just then, Twinkle climbs down with her luggage and decides to leave the house forever. Just then, Leela wakes up from the dream but continues to stay worried about Twinkle and says it was a bad dream and asks God what if this dream becomes true and what if Twinkle leaves the house because of the stress?. She prays to God to help her as her daughter has already faced many storms and asking God to be with her. Leela comes to Twinkle’s room and starts to express her concern towards Twinkle that she have made her favorite dish. Twinkle says she is not hungry, Leela says she know her tension but not eating food will not solve it, and request her to eat it for her but Twinkle gets irritated and asks her mother to leave her alone that she is not hungry, she further tells her that she is in stress and if she don't leave her alone then she will leave from here. Leela tell her not to say this and then inform her that she is leaving the food here and asks him to eat it when she feel like it. She further tells her not to worry, she leaves. Later, some kids of the Leela’s NGO see Twinkle sad and one of the kid asks what is her stress? The other kid says he dont know and the kids think about it. Yuvi comes there and meets them, one kid asks what is her stress? Yuvi asks who told them?. The kid then tells him that Twinkle said she is in stress. Yuvi asks if they want to see Twinkle happy. He then tells them that he have an idea, he whispers the idea to kids.

While Twinkle is sitting in her room and holding her head due to headache, all the kids hold their heads and acts like having head ache too. Twinkle looks around and asks what happened to them all? The kid replied that he is in stress. Twinkle asks why he have stress? The kid says when they don't go out, don't play and don't dance then they have stress and request Twinkle to dance with them then the stress will go away. Twinkle asks who told them all this? Yuvi comes there wearing glasses like Salman Khan behind his collar, the kids start dancing with him and Yuvi dances on Dabang song, holding his mobile in his belt and dances funnily. Twinkle looks at him and smiles slightly, he hints to a girl, she comes to Twinkle and asks her to dance with them, Twinkle refuses and Yuvi continues dance. Twinkle claps. Yuvi says someone is in stress and it's a very bad thing, he tells the kids that they will say bye to stress and will say hi to happiness, he starts dancing with the kids again. Leela smiles seeing that Yuvi and the children of the NGO together try to cheer up her daughter. Twinkle’s phone rings and sees that Bebe is calling. She takes the call and Bebe tells her that she is missing her and request her to come to their place for one hour. Twinkle asks why?. Bebe tells her to come for her. She says okay. Bebe ends the call and happily tells Kunj that Twinkle is coming. Kunj who decides to win her trust back, says he will pacify Twinkle now. Twinkle comes to her mom and inform her that Bebe has called her and she is going to Sarna house, she leaves. Yuvi says it seems like it's Kunj’s gameplan to spend time with Twinkle.

Twinkle comes to the Sarna house and Kunj plays mandolin like Raj. Twinkle recalls how Kunj earlier played it too for her. Kunj smiles at her while playing it, he comes to her and smiles, Twinkle is tensed, Kunj sits on his knees and says small things happen in big cities and call her his problem queen that he accept that he did a big mistake, he always used to say that she is a problematic but he did the biggest problem, and plead with her to forgive his one problem, he know her heart is big and plead with her to please forget it and start their life together, and further request her to give him one chance, Sajna Ve song plays in the background. Kunj opens his arms but Twinkle gets emotional and runs from there, Kunj is sad.

Twinkle comes out of Sarna house and is in tears, Yuvi comes there and gives her hankie, she takes it from him. Yuvi tells her to come, he sits on his bike but Twinkle says she is not in mood. Yuvi says he know how much she like bike rides. She refuses. Yuvi then asks her to come as a friend once? He starts his bike and brings it infront of her, Twinkle sits behind him on the bike. Kunj sees this from the window. Yuvi winks at Kunj and gives jerk to his bike, he tells Twinkle to get ready to fly addressing her as baby doll, he wears his helmet and takes Twinkle from there, Kunj is angry seeing this. While Yuvi is riding his bike, he reminds Twinkle that they have been friends for 5 years, he have fulfilled his duties as a friend in the last 5 years and he want to make one more promise today that he will support her decision and whatever it will be, he will accept it. Twinkle smiles and starts enjoying the bike ride with him.

As Yuvi and Twinkle are walking, Yuvi tell Twinkle that friendship means honesty so he want to be honest with her and she know he have always loved her, he have done everything for her till now, he have been center of his universe so he want her to atleast consider him as her life partner and not as friend for once. Twinkle says she thought he brought her here to relax her but he brought her here as he have motive. Yuvi try to say something in his favour but Twinkle asks him to shut up that she thought he will release stress but he have given her more stress. She further tells him that she don't need him or Kunj right now, she just want to be alone, she leaves. As Twinkle is coming back to the house, Kunj says she is coming alone so it means Yuvi’s plan failed, he tries to stop Twinkle but she leaves. Kunj says she is still not in good mood and wonder how he will light up her mood?

Twinkle comes to Bebe and her mom, she tell Bebe that she knew Kunj wanted to impress her and her mom knew what was in Yuvi’s heart for her?. She demand them to answer her. On seeing that both are silent, Twinkle says it's great that they both chose sides too, they didn't ask her what she want, what's in her heart and she thought them both would understand her and if no one else but they both also. She asks them to tell her if she can't stay alone for sometime?. She further asks if she can't get her space and if she can't get time in her own life and demand an answer from them. Leela is emotional but Twinkle is disappointed and goes to her room.

Yuvi thinks that Twinkle is not ready to listen but he won't lose like this. Kunj thinks he should talk to Twinkle again. Kunj and Yuvi comes to Twinkle’s house. Kunj asks where Twinkle is? Yuvi says he need to talk to her. Raman asks what is all this?. Yuvi insist to know where Twinkle is? Kunj says he want meet her. Pinni taunts them that two heroes are searching for her but the heroine is gone. Kunj asks where? She says she has gone somewhere. Yuvi asks Pinni that she must know where she is and request her to tell him. Raman says they promised her to not tell about her whereabouts. Yuvi says this is all happening because of Kunj. Kunj spark back at Yuvi that if he had gotten out of their lives earlier then this wouldn't be happening. Yuvi tell him to sit here that he will find her. Kunj blunt out that she is his wife and he know where she must be. Yuvi says if he knew her so well then why didn't he trust her? Kunj warn him not to taunt him again and again else. Yuvi asks else what. They both charge at each other but Raman reminds them that this is not a wrestling ring and if they both want to fight then to leave his house. Yuvi thinks he is coming Twinkle. Kunj thinks he will find Twinkle and they both decide to go to Leela.

Kunj and Yuvi meets Leela, Leela clearly tells them that she won't tell them anything. Yuvi brings her aside and says he know she don't want to tell Kunj but she can tell him about Twinkle location. Kunj comes there and says he know it's difficult for her and request Leela to trust him once more and tell him where Twinkle is. Leela apologize to them that she won't tell them both where Twinkle has gone. She inform them that Twinkle told her about her plan but she has taken swear from her to not tell anyone. A flashback is shows where Twinkle decides to go away from everyone and everything to do soul searching and tells her mom that she want to spend some time alone and asks if she can go out of the city? Leela offer to come with her but Twinkle says she want to go alone, she is strong, independent like her mom, she will keep her updated and will also inform her everything, in the last years that she have been her daughter, daughter-in-law and wife but forgot herself so maybe by spending time alone, she will find her old identity back and further plead with her mom to let her go. Leela agrees, Twinkle also asks her mom to promise her that she won't tell anyone where she is going and Leela promises her that she won't tell anyone, flashback ends. After telling them that her daughter asks her not to tell anyone, Leela asks them to go. Kunj thinks Twinkle's mother can't break her promise but there is one weak link in this house. Yuvi says he will find the truth from that person.

Twinkle is going somewhere while sitting in the backseat of the car, she recalls how Kunj and Yuvi kept taking decisions for her. As Yuvraj and Kunj both decide to do whatever they can to find out where Twinkle is, Kunj meanwhile is massaging Raman’s leg, he says he have come back from death for Twinkle and plead with him to tell him where she is?
Yuvi takes a knife and acts like cutting his nerves, he tells Pinni that he is warning her and request her to tell him where Twinkle is?. He further threatened to kill himself. A concern Pinni takes the knife from him and also threatened him that she will die before he die and further assures him that she will tell him the secret. Raman tells Kunj that Twinkle is in Masuri. Yuvi asks Pinni where in Masuri? She says hotel Hill view. On hearing this, Yuvi says he is coming for his baby doll and continue to talk to himself to just wait for him. Kunj also says Masuri.

Twinkle is in car and suddenly the car comes to a halt, the driver goes to check what is the problem with the car. Twinkle comes out of the car and comes to a tea stall, she takes tea from him and sees the kids playing on the street, she smiles at them and the kids brings her to a center and dances around her, Patakha Guddi song plays in the background. Twinkle becomes carefree and dances happily with them. The driver calls her out and inform her that the car has started again. Twinkle nods, she waves bye to the kids and smiles, she sits in the car and leaves from there.
Kunj sits in his car and says it's about few hours only then they will meet again referring to Twinkle. He sees his car wires broken and shouts out Yuvi's name knowing that it's his doing. Yuvi comes out of his house with wire cutting tools and says to Kunj that he was saying he don't lose and now he will see how he will pacify Twinkle and bring her back. He sits on his bike and tries to start it but it doesn't starts, Yuvi checks and sees that there is not patrol in the bike, he asks himself how it can be, and saying there was patrol in the bike, adding that the useless Kunj must have done it, he shouts out Kunj's name.

Twinkle comes to her hotel room and looks out from the window, as it's a beautiful view, she smiles but becomes sad again. She looks at herself in the mirror and says she have come here to spend time alone, she want to get her spirit back, she is not Kunj’s problem queen here nor Yuvi’s baby doll but she is Twinkle Taneja here, and she is a cheerful girl and atleast she can smile and not to think about anyone but to just be herself, she tries to smile.

Twinkle comes to reception, she sees a girl taking selfies. The girl takes call and says she can't come right now, she can't come to the party now, her phone drops, Twinkle gives it to her, she ends call and thanks Twinkle for this. She introduces herself to her as Sonia. Twinkle also introduces herself to Sonia as Twinkle. Sonia asks if she is staying in the hotel? Twinkle says yes. Sonia compliment her dress that it's nice and asks where did she get it? Twinkle says from Amritsar. On hearing this, Sonia ask if she is joking and further asks if she is from Amritsar? She then tell Twinkle that she is also from there, she offers Twinkle to lets go and have coffee together, Twinkle agrees and goes with her.
Sonia and Twinkle comes to restaurant, Twinkle orders coffee, Sonia asks the waiter if he can make it Irish? She points him to give them alcohol, he says no, she says okay to give her simple coffee, Twinkle smiles. Sonia asks Twinkle if she is married? Twinkle gets tensed listening to this. Sonia again asks if she is married and still alone on vacations?. She says this is awesome and she do hi-fives with Twinkle and says all are getting married and she don't even know what was her last stable relationship, adding that she is not for relationship. Twinkle says they are not so difficult, sometimes they click instantly and sometimes they work harder for it, once she know how it works then she is able to follow it. Sonai says she can't keep up with it, she is a simple girl and she just love food, Twinkle laughs.

Kunj meanwhile talk to himself that Yuvi tried to stop him but he made sure that his bike doesn't start, even if he have to take bus, he will reach Twinkle. Yuvi on the other hand is standing outside the bus and says Kunj can't stop him, he will reach Twinkle and will get her too as Yuvraj Luthra gets what he wants.

Kunj says even if he have to take bus, he will reach Twinkle. Yuvi says Kunj can't stop him, he will reach Twinkle by hook or by crook, and if Yuvi makes some decision then nobody can stop him. Meanwhile, Sonia tell Twinkle that she love food, they can have varieties, saying she know a restaurant nearby, they have desi food and it's tasty and not costly. Some guys are eyeing Sonia in a bad way, they drink wine and comes to Sonia and Twinkle’s table. They sit around their table and asks if they can join the beauties? Twinkle says no, Sonia says they are enjoying each others company. The boy says this is a small town and if two girl roam around alone here then it becomes scandal. Sonia says she will tell him what scandal is. Twinkle tells her to relax and suggest to Sonia go to her ( Twinkle ) room. The boy asks why dont they both come to their rooms?. Adding that they both will be bored with each other and they have games to play. As Twinkle and Sonia are going to their rooms, the boys keep following them, they say it's awesome view of seeing girls fully, they select one for each other. Twinkle comes to the boy’s room and says they mistakenly came to their room and ask why they don't let them in? The boys gets happy thinking that the girls agreed to come in their room. The lights are switched off, Twinkle and Sonia takes their sandals in their hands, one guy takes off his shirt, Twinkle sweetly ask them to turn on the lights and when they do, Twinkle and Sonia shows them sandals and says now they will show them the result of harassing girls alone, they will make scandal now, they beat the boys with their sandals and take off their pants too.

Kunj and Yuvi comes to the hotel where Twinkle is living. Kunj tells the receptionist that she is his wife Twinkle Sarna. Yuvi asks the receptionist to tell him her room number. At the same time, Twinkle and Sonia brings the boys there and is beating them, they say sorry sister that they won't do it again. Twinkle shouts that now she have become their sister? Yuvi and Kunj sees her beating the guy and they immediately hide their faces. Yuvi thinks that she is in her fighting mood and if she sees him then he don't know if she will beat him. Kunj thinks boxing is other thing but on one that can save him from Twinkle’s wrath. Sonia and Twinkle have hi-five with sandals and says girl power. Sonia tell Twinkle that she will come to her room later. Twinkle leaves. Kunj starts going behind her but Sonia stops him and asks why is he following her? Yuvi comes there and praise Sonia that he is impressed the way she beat those cheap guys. Kunj says yes he was saying same and he was totally impressed. Sonia says it's good to see boys supporting ladies, she leaves. Kunj tell Yuvi that he is trying to impress Twinkle’s friend. Yuvi says he is his copy cat. Kunj says it's about love and confidently say he will get her. Yuvi again reminds him that he leave her alone anytime. Kunj tell him to buzz off, he leaves from there.

Sonia is in Twinkle’s room and says she didnt know she can beat guys like that. Twinkle asks if she think she is girly and scared type of girl?. She then tells Sonia that these cheap boys need to be set right, adding that all boys are cheap. Sonia says no that all boys are not same, some are very respecting and can actually supports girl power, she then tells Twinkle that she met two boys like that in lobby, they were handsome and chivalrous. On hearing thi, Twinkle suspect something fishy and asks for their names. Sonia says she forgot to ask. Twinkle sees Zee’s new horror show’s promo and says she saw ghost earlier. Sonia tell her not to be scared.

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