Tuesday 13 February 2018

Tuesday update On Modern Homemaker Episode 146 - 148

Kanhaiya comes running down the stairs calling out Sona ji’s name. He says get my breakfast please so I can leave for the police station. Sona says your breakfast is ready. Your tea, your fruits, and your bread. Kanhaiya sits down at the table. 
Sona notices Chitrasi and calls her name. She asks where are you going? Chitrasi says I had taken a vow that I would go to the temple to pray and feed the poor. Only after that will I eat something. Going to the temple has become a habit of mine. I don’t find peace without going to the temple. Sona asks but who will you go with? No one is at home. I’ll come with you. Kanhaiya says I’ll drop you and pick you up. Chitrasi says no no you don’t have to get worried because of me. And Sona you too. I’ll go on my own. Kanhaiya says I know you can go alone, but I”ll drop you. Sona says and I’ll come too. That way I can also pray. Chitrasi says okay. I’ll be right back. Sona says I made a mistake. I should have left her go alone. Kanhaiya says why? Sona says when people see you and her together they’ll talk about it. Kanhaiya says tell me one thing. Do you doubt me? Sona says no no. But you heard nah. Deva bhai even said it. And he’s from the family and still…I don’t know what the outside people will say seeing you two together. And I don’t like it if anyone talks anything wrong about you. Kanhaiya says listen to me. You don’t need to think so much about these things. Am I forgiven about the saree incident? Sona says what are you saying? I should ask for your forgiveness. I spoke with you very rudely. Sorry.
Chitrasi is shown pouring some juice into two glasses. She says I knew that Sona would come in between. I will also see how she comes with us. She puts a pill inside a glass of juice and mixes it in.

Kanhaiya says no need to apologize. Sona says have some breakfast. Chitrasi comes back and says here have some juice. Sona says why did you take the trouble? Chitrasi says its really hot outside and because of that it is necessary to keep the brain cool. Sona takes a glass and starts drinking. Kanhaiya takes a sip from his glass. Sona finishes most of the juice and tells Kanhaiya to have his too. Kanhaiya starts drinking more. Sona finishes her juice and says to Chitrasi, thanks. Shall we go? Everyone gets up and starts walking towards the door. Sona starts feeling a bit dizzy. Kanhaiya says Sona ji, what happened? Chitrasi says take Sona inside. Sona says maybe I ate something wrong last night. If I take some rest, I’ll be fine. Chitrasi says to Kanhaiya you stay here with her, I’ll go on my own. Sona says you go. I’ll be fine. Kanhaiya says no no come Sona ji. Sona says no. You go with her. She hasn’t even eaten anything. Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine soon. Kanhaiya says take care of yourself. Kanhaiya walks out. Chitrasi says take care of yourself. Sona says don’t worry. Chitrasi leaves.
Sona wakes up from her nap and looks at the clock. It says 5:00. Sona says to herself I’ve been sleeping for 5 hours? The headache is still not gone. I’ll have to take some medicine. She gets up out of bed and searches drawers for medicine. She says where is the medicine? It might be in Chitrasi’s room. I’ll go and check there.
Chitrasi and Kanhaiya are walking to the car. Chitrasi is feeling dizzy. Kanhaiya says arey are you okay? Chitrasi says yes. Kanhaiya stop this fasting. You need rest. Chitrasi says no I’m fine. If you’re not getting late, can we go back to the ShaktiDam mansion and rest for a bit. Kanhaiya says yeah sure. When you feel like you’re feeling better, we’ll leave. Let’s go.
Sona walks into Chitrasi’s room and says I don’t know where she keeps the medicines. She opens a drawer and notices the rubber snake. Sona says a fake snake? She things back to the incident. This means Chitrasi lied that she didn’t see any snake. But why is it here? She notices pills and says sleeping pills?

Chitrasi thinks to herself, Sona madam now your husband will be with me alone in the shaktidam mansion. Now who can stop him from becoming mine?Sona is washing her face in the bathroom and recollecting the incident again. She remembers Chitrasi coming out of Kanhaiya’s bathroom. She thinks about the juice incident. Sona thinks to herself Chitrasi is surely going to do something wrong. I don’t have a good feeling about this. I should talk to him about it now.
Kanhaiya is telling the servant how they were at the temple and how she fell sick and decided to come here so she could rest. He says good thing you came here. This palace has become so quiet with no one here. You guys sit while I prepare for some food. Sona calls Kanhaiya and he answers. Sona ji…Sona asks where are you? Kanhaiya says I’m with Chitrasi at the Shaktidam palace. Sona says Shaktidam? Why? Kanhaiya says because she fell a bit dizzy because of not eating all day. She said she wanted to rest here for a bit and then leave so I said okay. Sona ji…Why do you sound so dull? Is there anything to worry about? Sona thinks to herself I don’t understand how to tell him everything on the phone. Kanhaiya asks tell me. Are you feeling okay? Chitrasi comes up behind Kanhaiya and grabs the phone saying give it to me. I’ll talk to Sona ji. She snatches the phone. Chitrasi says Sona I regret deeply that because of me he’s late in returning back. I was feeling dizzy so I told him that we come here so I can rest for a bit. You don’t worry. We’ll return soon. Sona says listen Chitrasi. I have found out…Chitrasi calls out to a servant. What are you making for us? She walks into the kitchen away from Kanhaiya. She puts the phone down but its still on. Sona keeps saying hello. Chitrasi hangs up the phone. Sona says to herself Chitrasi is really up to something. Sona tries calling again. Chitrasi makes sure Kanhaiya is busy with his stuff and hangs up the call. She puts the phone on silent. Sona tries again, but again no one picks up. Sona is getting frustrated. Kanhaiya says Chitrasi ji. My phone is with you. Give it to me. She picks up the phone and walks towards him. She thinks to herself what should I do? She drops the phone on purpose. Chitrasi says please forgive me. It was an accident. She picks it up and hands it to him. He looks at her. She says please forgive me. Kanhaiya says why are you embarrassing me by apologizing repeatedly? You’re not well. Rest so then we can leave. Chitrasi says I always make some mistake or another. Please forgive me this time. Kanhaiya says I’ll have to apologize to you in order for you to stop apologizing. Go rest. Sona keeps trying. Kanhaiya’s phone says “the number you have called is currently unavailable. Please try again.” Sona says it was ringing until now. What happened so suddenly? She calls again receiving the same message. Sona says I hope Chitrasi is not about to do something wrong. I have to stop her. I’m going to have to save him. I can’t even reach him. I have no other choice. I’ll have to go to Shrirampur.
Chitrasi is holding a small bottle of something. She remembers when her mom told her that no matter what Munna had to sniff the substance. But remember that after he sniffs it, the impact will happen slowly not right away. So don’t think that it’ll affect him right away. Chitrasi says this is how it should be so that he doesn’t start doubting me. There’s a knock on the door. Chitrasi hides the bottle. Its the servant. He shows her some flowers. Chitrasi says these are beautiful. Thank you. She takes out the bottle and pours the content on the flowers.
Sona asks someone when the bus for Shrirampur will come. The guy says it just left. Look over there. Sona sees the bus. She runs after the bus.Chitrasi comes up to Kanhaiya with the flowers and says look at this. Such beautiful flowers. They are from our garden. Smell them. They smell so good. Here. He takes the flowers into his hands. He smells them.
Sona is running after the bus. She finally gets tired and stops running after the bus. Sona is on the road crying. She says God, please help me. She sees the bus has stopped in the middle, really close to where she is now. The bus starts again, but this time someone in the bus notices her and tells the driver to stop the bus. Sona gets on the bus and sits down.Kanhaiya and Chitrasi are eating. Chitrasi thinks to herself I wonder when the medicine will have its effect.
Kanhaiya starts eating while Chitrasi watches and Sona is still on the way. Kanhaiya says you look much better now and we shall leave after eating as its raining season and the roads are also bad. Sona in the bus keeps trying to call Kanhaiya and the number is unreacable. Sona buys the ticket to Srirampur and asks how long more would it take for them to reach Srirampur and the guy says 1 hour and Sona is shocked saying 1 hour? Kanhaiya finishes his meal and says lets leave and Chitrasi says we just ate and maybe you can have some rest for a while. Kanhaiya says there is no need for it as we need to return to Allahmebad before it starts raining and Chitrasi thinks to herself how long more will the medicine start taking effect? Sona arrives at Sakhti Dham calling out for Chitrasi and Kaka says you are looking for Munna ji and Chitrasi? But they have left long time ago and Sona says left? If they left here, where could they have gone? Hope Chitrasi is not planning anything big while Kanhaiya is shown to be in the room sleeping while Chitrasi is smiling watching Kanhaiya. 
Chitrasi sits next to Kanhaiya and starts unbutonning Kanhaiya’s shirt and flashback is shown where Kanhaiya reaches the jeep and he starts feeling dizzy while Chitrasi says you need rest and how will you drive the car in this condition? You better listen to me and come back inside to have some rest. Kanhaiya denies while Chitrasi convices Kanhaiya and brings him inside. Chitrasi brings Kanhaiya to the room and makes him sleep on the bed while Kanhaiya can hardly open his eyes and starts sleeping. Chitrasi says to Kaka that if anyone comes looking for her, say to them that they are not here and if Sona asks for her, inform Sona that they have left from here. Kaka agrees and back to present where Sona shouts Chitrasi and Chitrasi is shocked! Sona walks to Kanhaiya pushing Chitrasi aside and tries waking up Kanhaiya. Sona shouts to Chitrasi what she did to him? Chitrasi says what are you saying? He is not feeling well and i made him sleep here. I was unbuttoning his shirt for his easy breathing and Chitrasi starts walking out of the room and Sona walks behind Chitrasi saying enough of lies and i want to know the truth now. I have known that everything happening in the house is only your plan. 
The snake and the saree burning is all your plan and i want to know what is your plan and why you did all this. Tell me and Chitrasi stares at Sona. Chitrasi starts laughing and claps her hands that she thought Sona was only a housewife but not bad, she proves she is smart after all. Sona says you did all this because you want him right? You will never be able to win his heart by doing all this in this birth. Chitrasi says who wants to win his heart? You are so innocent and i only want what everyone wants to lead a happy life. Money and wealth. I am also a normal human being and i just want his money and wealth, that is why i need him. Sona says so you did all this for money? Chitrasi says yes! Because Babuji have named all this on Kanhaiya’s name and that is why i wanted to chase you out of Kanhaiya’s life so that i can take the place and inherit all these wealth. Yes, all your guess is right as everything was done by me including you falling down from the stairs. Everything happened as planned. And don’t be surprised and i am the one who put sleeping tablets in your drink and also made Kanhaiya sleep now.

But if you are smart, i am smarter and i am not going to back off now. Sona says i am shocked to see yout true color and even after being caught red-handed, you are still so daring to speak like this? I know what is going to happen to me but i am going to reveal about this to everyone. Chitrasi says perhaps you have forgotten that i have been with everyone longer than you and no one would believe you as everyone considers me to be an innocent village girl. Sona says you may cheat everyone but i will not allow you to continue this is i am the bahu of this family and i know the values of being in a family. Chitrasi puts her hands on Sona’s shoulder and says alright then, you do your work and i will continue my work and lets see who wins. Sona removes Chitrasi’s hands and says no matter what you do, you will never win as i will keep coming in between for my husband and my family. Chitrasi says lets see if that happens as i will chase you away from Kanhaiya’s life. They hear a sound and Sona rushes to the room and Kanhaiya is getting back to his senses. Kanhaiya says Sona ji, when you came and Sona says thank god i came on time or else, this woman would have made use of the situation. Kanhaiya says what do you mean Sona ji? Sona says that Chitrasi is not like what we are thinking of her. She only wants your money and wealth. Everything that have been happening in the house lately was her plan and she wants me out of your life for her plan to work out easily.

Kanhaiya says do you know what you are saying and how could you say such things against Chitrasi? Sona says trust me and Kanhaiya says how would i trust when you are blamming Chitrasi who have been looking after my father and brothers all these years? She have been living as a widow all this while. What happened to you and why do you dislike her? Can you prove it and Sona realizes that she was imagining it and Kanhaiya keeps asking Sona what happened? Sona brushes off saying that she was not able to contact Kanhaiya and she came to see what happened. Sona thinks to herself that she is lying for good so that she can get evidence against Chitrasi so that he will believe her when she says it for the goodness of the family. Chitrasi thinks to herself that she can know what is Sona thinking and she will never allow that to happen. Kanhaiya says he don’t know what happened and he slept. Lets leave now as its getting late. Sona stares at Chitrasi and Chitrasi heads towards the front seat and Sona stops Chitrasi saying you will not be able to rest properly here, sit at the back and Kanhaiya agrees while Sona gives a winning smile to Chitrasi and sits next to Kanhaiya. 

In the night, Kanhaiya says i am sorry that i made all of you worried and Chitrasi says that its my fault that the phone broke and we went to Srirampur for my prayers and Siddeshwar says i wonder why god made this things happen. Both of you look so good toge… and Siddeshwar stops seeing Sona. Chitrasi says why are you saying things that will not happen and Kanhaiya leaves to change. Deva says to Sona its fine that they went and where did you go too and do you know how long we have been waiting for you? Sona says forgive me but when i could not get his phone, i had to leave urgently without informing anyone. Bheema asks Sona to go and make something as they are hungry. Sona says alright and leaves while Deva says wonder what Kanhaiya saw in Sona that Chitrasi doesn’t has which Sona hears and walks away.

Sona is Cooking in the Kitchen when Chitrashi comes laughing and says that she feels bad for Sona when the family members humiliate her, afterall i am also a woman. Sona doesn’t responds and Chitrashi says very soon she will throw Sona out of the house and seeing Sona’s silence says that Confidance is good but when it Turns into a thing to proud then its really bad. Sona finally pours a spoon of her dish in Chitrashi’s hands and she throws it away. Sona says is it necessary to speak about ones Winning everytime. Sona leaves the kitchen and Chitsashi says to hersele that Sona is very proud of herself but she will throw her away of the house soon and thinks Sona is proud of her Cooking, i will spoil it and Chitrashi tries adding salt to the dish when Sona saves it and Says to Chitrashi that whenever she will do something wrong, she will find Sona on her way. Chitrashi gets angry. Deva, bheema andkamal plays carom and bheema says he is not liking the place and Shrirampur was best for them.written update by sonali, please do not copy. Kanhaiya is resting on the bed and Sona adjusts herself near her. Kanhaiya says that he wants to tell something which he had not told Sona ever and these days whatever is happening, they are not getting time for each other. Sona asks what. Kanhaiya says whenever he dreams, he sees that Sona is away from him and he feels like Sona will leave him forever. Sona worries and kanhaiya says but in morning when he wakes up and finds his Sonaji, he feels good. Sona smiles and they come more close to each other seeing each other face to face. Kanhiaya says he feels he knows Sonaji not from an year but from thousands of years and she is made only for him. Only Sona makes him complete and he loves her. they both shares an eyelock and tum ho moment starts
In the morning Sona comes to Chitrashi’s room the room and finding Chitrashi not inopens up the drawl and finds that snake is not at the plae. Sona starts checking the wardrobe when Chitrashi comes andChitrashi. Chitrashi asks Sona if Sona thinks she is a fool and will let her collect evidences against her. Chitarashi asks Sona to get out of her room and Sona feeling sad moves out and prays infront of godK throws the snake on Sona. Sona gets afraid and cries and then realizes its anhaiya says bring fast and he is feeling so hungry that he will eat plate to help her proove Chitrashi wrong. Kanhaiya comes in hurry with a file in his uniform and asks to give his breakfast fast as he is getting late. Chitarashi comes smiling and says why to disturb Sona as she will make brehears them from the back of pillar and Sona asks kanhaiya to come early in the evening as she has planned something special for akfast for him. Sona says no need as she has already prepared the breakfast and will bring it in moments. too. Chitrashi him. Kanhaiya says fine and Chitarashi wonders what Sona is going to do and she will make sure She foils Sona’s plan. Sona decorates a room for a candlelight dinner with curtains, flowers and hearts. Sona smiles seeing the decorations and sits infront of dressing table and adores her saree and herself and places bangles in her hands, earrings and keeps smiling. Sona gets a message from kanhaiya saying he is standing outside the house and kanhaiya is shown outside in his bike. Sona messages that when he will enter the room, she will take him to some very special place and kanhaiya smiles and says he is coming in moments. Chitarashi sees Sona from the door and finds that Sona wants to spend a special night with kanhaiya but she will turn their night into a black night.

Chitrashi goes to Sona’s room and takes out electric iron and stiches it on and gives evil smile at Sona’s photo. Kanhaiya comes to the decorative room and sees the decorations and gets impressed and hugs Sona and sweetly asks if this was her special plan. Sona turns shy and falls in his arms and Sonaiya starts dancing on tum ho pass mere.. written update by sonali, please do not copy. They carry on there dance and kanhaiya tries kissing Sona’s lips when sees the flowers and cards on table and feels happy. Sona hugs him from behind and then sits in the chair. Kanhaiya sits near her and gives her flowers and Sona smells it. Again kanhaiya smells it and gives to Sona and Sona kisses them . Kanhaiya comes close to Sona and kisses her forehead smile. Sona realizes that it was her dream and smiles and comes to her room and sees Chitarashi and asks what is she doing in her room. Chitashi says why do u did this to me Sona? Sona asks what have i done to u when suddenly Chitrashi burns her hand with the iron and Sona is shocked. Chitrashi cries saying why did u did it Sona and everyone comes with kanhaiya. Chitrashi tells that she was free so thought of ironing Kanhaiya’s shirt but Sona burnt my hand. Kanhaiya feels bad and angry. Siddeshwar looks with angry eyes at Sona along with the brothers. Sona says she has not done this and why will she do it? Episode ends on sad Sona.

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