Thursday 8 February 2018

Thursday Update On Modern Homemaker Episode 130 - 132

Ridheswar asks Sona when she came, Kanhaiya says actually we have an important work in Allahmebad and we need to return soon. So we thought of meeting all of you before leaving.
Ridheshwar says alright Kanhaiya, if its really important, i will not ask you for the reason but since you are leaving tomorrow morning, i want you to stay here tonight. Kanhaiya says you all are so good but we need to leave and Ridheshwar says alright Kanhaiya and Sona takes blessings from Ridheshwar. Ridheswar says within a short span of time, i feel that you are our family member and Kanhaiya hugs Kamal, Bheema and Deva while Sona looks worried. Kanhaiya meets Chitrasi and Gulaboo bites Kanhaiya’s pants and Kanhaiya pats Gulaboo and leaves. Sona looks at Kanhaiya and says i want to tell you something and Sona recalls her promise to Suhnaina that she will not tell Kanhaiya anything. Sona says let me go and say goodbye to everyone too and Sona meets everyone. The next morning, Kanhaiya and Sona reaches the mandir and Sona is worried that she don’t know what to do as she is in the middle of her promise to Suhnaina and revealing the truth to Kanhaiya. Kanhaiya says he don’t feel good to leave back like this but they can’t stay in this village already. Kanhaiya gets down from the jeep and asks will he see the man and the child again? Sona asks Kanhaiya not to worry as she is with him. Both Kanhaiya and Sona enters the mandir and informs the constables that he has to leave the village and they have to make sure that the security is tight and it was good working with them. One of the constable asks Kanhaiya if were he in Shakti Dham last night? Kanhaiya says yes and the constable asks if Kanhaiya knows that Ridheshwar is not feeling well? Kanhaiya says but when we left, he was alright. Lets go and visit him and both Kanhaiya and Sona enters Shakti Dham and sees everyone wearing white clothes. Kanhaiya gets worried and asks if everything is alright and Deva says that Ridheshwar is resting in his room as his blood pressure went up. Kanhaiya asks why is everyone wearing white? Bheema says that today is Magh Purnima. Kanhaiya so what if its.

Kanhaiya and Sona sees Ridheshwar walking hugging a potrait and Sona gets worried recalling Ridheswar holding Kanhaiya’s photo. Ridheswar sees Kanhaiya and asks if he had not gone back yet? Kanhaiya says he came to visit since he learned that Ridheshwar is not feeling well. Ridheswar says that every year on this day, he falls ill and Ridheswar walks towards the wall. Kanhaiya asks Deva whose’s photo is Ridheshwar holding and Deva says that its their brother and they lost him on Magh Purnima. Every year on this day, they do barsi for him and think of him and Sona is shocked. Kanhaiya asks Sona to enter inside and follow them while Sona is worried. Sona panics and looks at Kanhaiya as Ridheshwar hangs the photo on the wall. Kanhaiya looks at the photo and is shocked and looks at Sona. Kanhaiya asks how is this photo in your house and everyone is shocked.

Sona panics and looks at Kanhaiya as Ridheshwar hangs the photo on the wall.Kanhaiya looks at the photo and is shocked and looks at Sona. Kanhaiya asks who is it in this photo? Ridheshwar says this is my son! Kanhaiya is shocked and Ridheshwar says that they lost him when he was small. Kanhaiya says this can’t be your son. This photo is not your son’s photo and this can’t be your son. Ridheshwar says Kanhaiya! Hope you are not out of your mind. Don’t speak like this again and i hate this kind of jokes. Kanhaiya says i am not joking but all of you are joking. Deva says be careful of what you say or we will not keep quiet. Chitrasi asks everyone to cool down and says that no one understands what Kanhaiya is trying to say. Kanhaiya says what don’t you all understand? The one in the photo is not your brother! Sona tell them that this photo is not the family member and they are taking someone else photo and claiming to be their family member! Ridheshwar says enough Kanhaiya! Enough and i will not tolerate this or i will forget that you are our guest. Kanhaiya says why are you not understand what am i saying and Deva holds Kanhaiya’s collar saying this is not your police station but our house. Leave from here right now and Kanhaiya says what is the need for you to take so else’s photo and claim as your brother and son? Ridheshwar says if this photo is not my son, it belongs to who?

Kanhaiya walks towards the photo and says that this photo belongs to me! This was taken in my childhood and everyone is shocked and Sona closes her eyes in tears. Ridheshwar says i don’t know what are you trying to prove by saying all this. Don’t think of taking my son’s place as i am not going to tolerate your nonsense. Get out from here now! Sona says please stop before things get worse! Babuji is right as this is his son’s photo and Kanhaiya is also right as this is his childhood photo Everyone is shocked and Kanhaiya asks what are you trying to say Sona? Sona shouts that you are his younger son!!! Ridheshwar looks at Kanhaiya. Kanhaiya asks do you know what are you saying Sona?,This can’t be possible and Sona says she went back to Allahmebad to meet Suhnaina as she saw this photo here earlier! She had no prove and that’s why she didn’t say anything to Kanhaiya and she meet Suhnaina and finally Suhnaina said the truth. *Flashback* Suhnaina says that Kanhaiya is not her son and Sona is shocked! Many years back, on maa purnima’s day, i and my husband with Chacha ji went to the mandir and we saw a small kid who is 4 years old and i know that the child was lost. The child was scared and he thought i was his mother. I carried him and brought him back and i tried very hard trying to ask who is his parents but the kid doesn’t knows anything. I thought of it as god’s blessing and named him Kanhaiya. Our relationship was lika Yasodra and Kanhaiya and i can’t see tears in his eyes and he is my son. Suhnaina takes out a chain and says Kanhaiya was wearing this chain when i found him and he should never know this truth. This is the truth *End of Flashback* Sona shows the chain and Ridheshwar is shocked to see the chain and sees the photo of him wearing the same chain. Ridheshwar looks at Kanhaiya and walks towards him and slowly lifts his hand and calls Kanhaiya ‘Son’. Ridheshwar opens his hand to hug Kanhaiya and Kanhaiya looks at Sona with tears.

Kanhaiya moves away and Sona cries while Kanhaiya shakes his head looking at Risheshwar and walks away. Kanhaiya says he will not accept all this and Sona says i know that it is difficult to accept it but this is the truth. Ridheshwar walks towards Kanhaiya and says if not for us, at least accept this fact for the sake of Chitrasi. Kanhaiya says what are you trying to say? Ridheshwar looks at Chitrasi and says that she was waiting for all these years that you would return one day. Chitrasi had never said this but i always saw hope in her eyes and she never let me lost hope. Today her hope had won and Sona is wondering with tears. Ridheshwar says that now you have return, Chitrasu can’t leave without you. Kanhaiya says what do you mean? I will go mad if i stay one more in this house and how is Chitrasi related to me? She is your daughter and your responsibility! Chitrasi says no! I’m not the daughter of the house but the bahu. Chitrasi walks towards Kanhaiya and says i am your wife and Sona standing in the background is shocked with tears. Kanhaiya is shocked and looks at Sona while Chitrasi falls on Kanhaiya’s feet while Kanhaiya moves away asking what joke is this? Firstly I am your son and she is now my wife? Ridheshwar says that he have made Kanhaiya and Chitrasi bound to be together as this was Kanhaiya’s mother’s last wish as she had promised the same to Chitrasi’s mother. They were also married on Maag Purnima and he still remembers that day. 

Both Bheema and Dev were playing in the water and they didn’t notice you. You fell into the water and you were not able to swim in the river. I jumped and tried to save you but you got lost. Kanhaiya says enough! I feel like i am listening to an old movie’s story. Ridheshwar says that Sona herself have said that your mother told her all the truth herself. Kanhaiya says i have no trust in all this and the truth that only Sona is only my wife and no one else. He turns to Sona and says we can’t stay in this house anymore and no one can stop them while Kanhaiya walks away while Sona is lost and crying. Kanhaiya walks out of the house recalling what happened and Ridheshwar walks to Sona and says i want back my son. I know that Chitrasi’s truth is difficult for you to digest but this is the truth. Chitrasi have been living the life of a widow all these years and even i don’t know what to say to you. Please give my son back to me and i will be grateful to you lifelong. Sona with tears looks at Ridheshwar.

Kanhaiya is shown walking up towards the temple. He sees a vision of a father holding his son’s hand and walking up the temple steps. When he looks in that direction he doesn’t see anything. He continues walking towards the God’s idle in the temple. He sees more images of the father and son. The father figure and the son turn around and Kanhaiya sees himself and Rideshwar. A flashback is shown of his childhood past. Rideshwar says it’s Munna’s wedding today. A child marriage is shown. The wedding rituals are shown. Kanhaiya falls to the ground just shocked. He says what is happening with me? Sona touches his shoulder and asks what happened? Get a grasp of yourself. Kanhaiya gets up and says Sona all of this can’t be true. I feel as if until now I’ve lived a very small life. I was living with a wrong name and identity. The people I thought were my own, were not my own people. And today now who do I consider my own?

Kanhaiya says answer me Sona, What is happening? Today I remembered things from my childhood. And I also remembered that I did marry Chitrasi in my childhood. How is that possible? You are my wife. Why is all of this happening to us? He hugs Sona.

Rideshwar says Chitrasi beti, Don’t cry. It’s God blessings that our Munnay has come back to us. He won’t leave us and go anywhere. If God wanted that Munna be away from us then he would not have sent him to us in the first place. The eldest brother says dad, I’ll go right now and force Munna to come back home. I’ll see to it how he stays away from us. We’ve lived so many years away from him and now that he is so close to us, I won’t let him go away. No matter what I’ll make sure he returns back here. Chitrasi has spent so many years in this house like a widow. Now no matter what I’ll bring back all the happiness of this house. All 3 brothers leave.

Suhania is folding in front of Kanhaiya. Sunhaina says I’m your culprit. You have every right to be angry at me. I had hidden the biggest truth of your life from you. Trust me, I thought that when the right time came I’d tell you the entire truth. But every time I wanted to tell you, I would get scared and not tell you anything. I feared that if you found out the truth, then the love you had for me would reduce. I didn’t want to lose you forever. Because of that fear I never told you the truth. If you can please forgive your mother. Kanhaiya says mummy ji you just told me your feelings. Who will understand what I’m going through? Today in this circumstances I can’t understand who is mine and who is not. I am not able to understand anything. What should I do? What should I not do? Whom should I consider my own and whom I should not? What is happening to me? He hugs her.

During this stage in my life, such a bitter truth has come forward. Sona says the truth does not stay hidden for that many days. It was bound to come forward at some time. Kanhaiya says Sona in front of this truth I am feeling very small. Chitrasi is the girl whom I married in childhood. And on the other hand I have you. What do I do and where do I go? How do I come out of this? Why aren’t you trying to understand that your husband has another wife? And you’re telling me to go there? Leaving you behind? Chitrasi is there also. I’ll do one thing. I’ll ask for forgiveness to Chitrasi. And we’ll leave Shrirampur and go somewhere far away. And I can’t accept her because you are my wife. I’ve made a decision. We’ll leave this place and go away forever. The eldest brother comes in and says how will you just leave like that Kanhaiya? Why do you keep talking about leaving us? Why don’t you want to stay with us? All these years we thought you were dead. And now when you have met us and the family you’re talking about leaving? Didn’t your heart stop you even once? Say something. Kanhaiya says don’t misunderstand me. After finding out this truth, only I know what I’m going through. After knowing this truth my heart has been hit hard. But at the same time I’m happy that I have long lost family. Your munna is not your munna anymore. He is Kanhaiya Chaturvedi who has a separate life. You can’t hide that fact. 

The brother says if that is the truth that you are Kanhaiya, then listen to one more truth. I won’t let you leave Shrirampur no matter what. If you can’t stay with love and respect then I know how to force as well. Kanhaiya says how can I forget that these people have raised me. They have done so much for me and given me a new life. They have made your Munna into Inspector Chaturvedi. How can I just forget them? How can I just become your Munna is a second? The brother says are you not even concerned about the person who lived like a widow despite her husband being alive? Don’t you have any responsibilities towards her? Kanhaiya says what responsibilities are you talking about? She [Sona] is my wife. And I will look after my responsibilities for her because that’s my duty. She is my wife and no one else. The brother says ok if that is your wish then I know how to force very well. Bima take him home. The other two brothers grab a hold of him. Sona says what are you doing? Stop it. She says to Kanhaiya what are you doing? After so many years you’re meeting your real brothers and you are…Will you find happiness in fighting with them? Kanhaiya says Sona ji, what else can I do? Tell me whom I should consider my family? Sona says we should go to Shaktidham. 

Kanhaiya says go to Shaktidham? What are you saying? Do you realize what will happen if we go there? If I go there then my life will change. Sona ji you’ll go far away from me. Sona says I know…I know that anything can happen when we go there. But we’ll only find a solution to this by going there. I’m with you. Nothing will happen. Kanhaiya says since you’re telling me, I’ll listen to you. I can’t even make a proper decision in these circumstances. Only since you’re saying it, I’ll go. Not because of someone else’s saying. Kanhaiya says mummy ji, let’s go. Sunhaina says Kanhaiya beta, Sona bahu I won’t be able to come with you guys. I don’t have enough strength to see you in front of my own eyes go far away from me. But my blessings always be with you. Kanhaiya hugs her. She says be happy. Sona takes her blessings too. Sunnaina leaves.

Chitrasi and Rideshwar are waiting when everyone walks in. Rideshwar says you’re back? I knew it. Chitrasi beti, I had told you that our Munna will come home for sure. The father tries to hug Kanhaiya. Kanhaiya slowly and hesitantly hugs him back. Kanhaiya says dad, I have something very important to talk with you. I’m still not over this shock. This truth is going to decide about my future. And before reaching any decision about my future, I need some time. You got me married in my childhood. But whom to spend the rest of my life with I have to still…A lady says come pandit ji. Come. After so many years Munna has come home. Chitrasi says maa. The lady says Munna. You are our Munna? You have come back. Where did you go leaving all of us? Do you know how my daughter spent her life without you? Chitrasi I had told you naa that in God’s house there is never darkness. Your husband has come back to you. Rideshwar says Shakuntala how did you know that Munna came back home? Chitrasi says I couldn’t hold myself back and so I told mom about him. Shakuntalka says when I found out, I went straight to the priest to come because my daughter will have her arrival in the house. Kanhaiya says forgive me…I will not do any wedding ritual that has do with Chitrasi. Because I’m already married. My wife is only and only Sona ji. And I don’t want to be forced to fulfill any wedding ritual. Because I’m already married and only and only Sona ji is my wife.

Shakuntala takes Chitrasi’s hand and tells her to come with her. She stands in front of Kanhaiya and tells him look at her face. Don’t you see any pain on her face? She spent her life living like a widow and this is how you’re treating her? Kanhaiya says we were married when we were kids. I didn’t know the meaning of getting married at that time. Look I know what you’re going through right now. but you also try and understand what I’m saying. We got married because of our parents in our childhood. What’s the point in ruining lives because of that? I really love Sona ji. And understand that when I love her so much, then how can I spend my life with you? It may sound bitter to hear, but I won’t ever be able to accept you as my wife.

Chitrashi’s mom comes near to Sona and in an angry mood says that Sona is behind everything and not letting her daughter live happily and tries forcing Sona out when kanhaiya stops her. Sona cries and Chitrashi’s mother asks Siddheshwar that does he got so much happy getting his Son back that he forgot about Chitrashi? What about the promises he made to Chitrashi for her good life. Kanhaiya says to Sona that he knew this was going to happen so why Sona asked him to come here. Kanhaiya says they will go away from here and starts to leave when Deva says that he won’t allow kanhaiya to leave and he will forget that kanhaiya is his brother but he will stop him. Kanhaiya tries to leave and deva starts forcing him and in return gets slapped by Siddheshwar. He says Sona bahu and Chitrashi’s mother says whatever happening in not right. Kamal and Bheema too asks. Siddheshwar says that he is right and Sona is kanhaiya’s wife and then he asks for a Sorry to Chitrashi who was Crying badly. Siddheshwar tells her that she and Kanhaiya married in Childhood as he and her wife wanted them to marry but now things are not the same and Sona is Kanhaiya’s wife. Chitrashi cries and says that she agrees that the things are not same now and kanhaiya will never accept her and asks Siddheshwar not to ask her to leave. Chitrashi’s mother asks Chitrashi as if she has gone mad. Chitrashi says to her that she agrees that her mother wants good for her but what is happening is the one needed. Kanhaiya gets irritated with everything and says to Sona that they will leave right now and Sona stops him and asks if his heart doesn’t says to him to live with his brothers and father. Sona requests and Kanhaiya says fine he will Stop but only for Sona. Chitrashi’s mother again complains and Chitrashi takes her inside. Siddheshwar comes to Sonaiya and says Sona bahu that he is happy with what decision he took.

Chitrashi in her room applies Sindoor on her forehead and Sona sees this from the
door and starts to leave when Chitrashi stops Sona and says seeing the Sindoor box that whatever happening was their destiny. Sona says that she feels Sorry for Chitrashi too and Chitrashi’s mother comes and asks Chitrashi how she Can talk to Sona knowing well that she Ruined her life. Chitrashi tries stopping her but her mother Says that he will as a mother will take care of her life and grabs Chitrashi to the hall. In the hall Siddheshwar was telling kanhaiya that he used to be very naughty in childhood and neighbours used to complain about him. They heard Chitrashi’s mother saying that she will make Chitrashi married to Sundar lal and Siddeshwar says that man is old and Chitrashi’s life will be ruined. Chitrashi says she won’t marry anyone and will live in this house only. Her mother says she knows well what to do and tries taking Chitrashi away when Kanhaiya Stops her saying Chitrashi is not a kid and can take decisions of her life by her own. Kanhaiya takes Chitrashi away seperately and Chitrashi’s mother comes to Sona and says that She won’t be happy ever after ruining her daughter’s life. Sona cries and the brothers see this. 

Kanhaiya asks Chitrashi for Everything and asks her what can he do to bring happiness in her life? Marry me Chitrashi says. Kanhaiya is shocked. Chitrashi says what kanhaiya can expect from her for her happiness. Chitrashi smiles and says she will live her life alone and since Childhood she is used to live like her. Kanhaiya feels sorry. Chitrashi says she remembers everything about their childhood and how her mother turned her a bride. She asks for a Sorry to Kanhaiya from her mother’s side and asks Kanhaiya that they can’t he husband and wife but Can he be friend to her and takes her hand up. Kanhaiya agrees and Shakes hands with her. Sona watching everything from behind feels happy and smiles 

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