Saturday 17 February 2018

Saturday Update On Modern Homemaker Episode 150 -152

Sona prepares herself to leave the house and walks down with her bag while Siddeshwar tells Kanhaiya that he could change his decision if he want to and that he will manage the rest in the house. Kanhaiya decline his Babuji, that he have made a decision and this is final.

Kanhaiya sees Sona carrying her bag walking down the stairs, he goes to help her and Sona shows her hands asking Kanhaiya to stop. She says its alright, that she will need to learn to be independent after this.
Sona looks at Siddeshwar, she walks towards him and takes his blessings while Siddeshwar stands still. Sona walks to Deva, Bheema and Kamal and all three of them looks away. Sona carries her bag and the song Pyar Humko Bhi Hai from Chalte Chalte plays in the background while Sona looks at Kanhaiya recalling their old moments together.

Sona turns away and stops in front of Chitrasi while Chitrasi signals Sona to leave. She stares at Chitrasi and Shakuntala. Sona walks to the mandir and remember her prayers with Kanhaiya in the house after their marriage. She prays in her heart that when she came into this house, she never thought she would have to leave like this and if this is what God have decided, she agree and plead to their goddess to save this family and house from any problems. Sona wipes her tears and as she walks, she recalls how she entered the house after the marriage. She looks at Kanhaiya one last time and carries her bag walking towards the main door. Sona places her bag down and opens the main door to leave, but just before she does, Sunaina Devi arrives at their door step and Sona is surprise to see her standing at the door step smiling to Sona.

Sona call out to her as mummy, she takes Sunaina's blessings and Sona is about to say something but stops and carries her bag to leave. Sunaina who smell something fishy asks Sona, where is she going at such late night? Kanhaiya runs towards his mummy dearest Sunaina and hugs her while everyone else watches in disbelief. Kanhaiya asks his mummy where had she went? He says she didn't inform anyone including him and also informs her that they searched for her everywhere. Sunaina asks if he is interviewing her now and tells him to let her breath first. She promise to tell him everything but to tell her where Sona is leaving at such late night? Everyone keeps quiet hearing this. Kanhaiya tells her that Sona is leaving the house and Sunaina asks why is she leaving the house? Shakuntala says she will tell her and informs her that Sona tried to kill her daughter. Sunaina is shocked and looks at both Kanhaiya and Sona. Kanhaiya asks his mother dearest to forget that and introduce her to Babuji ( his father) and his brothers.

Kanhaiya is about to introduce Chitrasi and stops while Sunaina watches. Shakuntala blunt out that she is Siddeshwar's in-law and this is Chitrasi, the daughter-in-law of this family and that she is married to Kanhaiya during childhood. Sunaina asks childhood marriage? Siddeshwar asks what would he say as somethings is not in their hands and it's god's game that Munna was married to Chitrasi when they were small and when they meet Kanhaiya again, he was already married to Sona. He further inform Sunaina that Chitrasi then backed off and gave the status of Kanhaiya's wife to Sona. But Sona didn't appreciate it and she started feeling insecure. She started hating Chitrasi and today, it has went over the limit. Sona deny to mummy and explain to her that, they are all mistaken as she have not done anything like that. She asks if Sunaina believe her. Sunaina asks Sona to keep quiet and further asks if she should listen to her or believe what she is seeing? Sunaina adds that she know very well what Sona is capable of doing and reminds her that didn't she try to take Kanhaiya away from her? Sona is shocked and Chitrasi smiles.

Sona looks helpless and carries her bag to leave but Sunaina stop Sona addressing her as her daughter-in-law. Suhnaina tells Siddeshwar that no one else knows Sona as well as she do. She very well know Sona can do anything very easily and apologize to him as she should not be intefering in his family issue and plead with him to allow her to say something. Sunaina tells him if Sona leave the house at this time, what would people think? She adds that this house is not far from the police station and everyone would blame everyone and that these days no matter how bad a daughter-in-law is, people only blame the in-laws. She says Sona could leave the house and make a police report against all of them and that she is asking him to think before doing this and she won't say anything else. She asks him to do what he think is best for him. Sunaina then face Kanhaiya that she thought he is smart and being a police officer, didn't he think of all this? She asks him what would people say if a lady leaves the house in such late night? Suhnaina looks to Siddeshwar and says because of the love she have for Kanhaiya, she came here as this is the first time she is staying away from him and if Kanhaiya comes home even a little from the police station, she will keep waiting at the doorstep thinking why he is late.

Sunaina further says she is sorry if she said anything wrong as this is his ( Siddeshwar ) family issue, and to do what he think is right. Kanhaiya says Sona isn't leaving anywhere and she will stay here based on what his mummy said. Everyone is shocked and Sona smiles. Deva bluntly says she can't stay here, and she has to leave right now. Siddeshwar asks Deva to keep quiet and not say anything. Siddeshwar tells Suhnaina,that after listening to what she said, he feel that she is right. He thank Sunaina for arriving at the right time and stop him from making any wrong decision. He address Sona as his daughter-in-law, stating that she is not leaving anywhere and she can stay here. Sona thinks to herself that she don't understand if she should be happy or feel sad as one said she is happy that she will not stay away from him and on the sad part, he don't trust her anymore. But at least she get to see him. Kanhaiya is in the room sleeping on Sunaina's lap asking where she went without informing him. Sunaina says she never even dream that he will go so far from her and that's why when this house was sold, she was not able to say anything to him. Kanhaiya says this means when she sold this house, she knew she was selling it to his Babuji? Sunaina says no, she didn't know about it but she only knew it after selling this house as Sona informed her and that is why she came to meet him. Kanhaiya says how come he didn't know this and Sunaina asks him to forget it, and state that she is here to spend time with her son Kanhaiya.

On the other hand, Shakuntala is angry in her room saying from where did this old lady came from? She adds that only if she had came later, Sona would have left Kanhaiya's life. Chitrasi tells her mother that she is giving up so fast and to learn from her. She further tells her mother that the game which she is playing needs to be played slowly and she will use Sunaina Devi to get her rights. Shakuntala asks if she think she is smart? She asks Chitraasi how is Sunaina useful for her by coming to this house? Chitrasi reminds her if she didn't see how angry Kanhaiya was and when Sunaina came and stopped Sona from leaving, he listened to her. Shakuntala says so what with that? Chitrasi says if she win Sunaina Devi's heart, she will also win Kanhaiya's heart. Shakuntala asks if she have forgotten that Sona will also be living in this house? A proud and confident Chitrasi says its very easy to defeat Sona as she have already lost.

Kanhaiya tells Sunaina that he loves and respects her ( Sunaina) more than his own mother and he can’t live without her. Sunaina cries saying no to Kanhaiya, that this is no longer her house. At the same time, Chitrasi enters saying this house is hers and that she is also one of the family member. She adds that she may not have given birth to Kanhaiya but she took care of him and everyone knows her as Kanhaiya’s mother. Chitraasi further says she too want her to live in this house and she is sure everyone would also agree to this. Shakuntala says she second that and everything is happening as per fate otherwise Sunaina would have got a daughter in-law like her daughter, Chitraasi. Sona brings food for Sunaina and everyone looks at her. Sunaina looks at Kanhaiya and says she know Sona but she never expected her to come down to this level and she will not be forgiven for what she had done. Kanhaiya looks at Sona and when Sona looks back, he looks elsewhere. Sona enters her room with tears re-calling her once mother-in-law Sunaina’s words saying that she knows Sona well as Sona had tried to snatch Kanhaiya away from her. Just then, Sunaina comes to Sona’s room asking Sona what have she done? And adds that she is surprised. Sona turns and looks at Sunaina wiping her tears. She walks to Sunaina saying she know that she (Sunaina ) would not believe no matter what she say now but to trust her, that she did nothing wrong.

Sunaina walks in and opens Sona’s packed bag, she takes out Sona’s sarees from the bag and seeing this, Sona is shocked. Sunaina Devi then asks Sona if she is going to keep back all her sarees in the cupboard or is Sona going to help her in putting it back? Sona is surprised and call out to her addressing her as mummy. Sunaina asks Sona what she thought that she ( Sunaina) never saw or heard anything? She know who is right and who is bad. She reminds Sona that she had done many bad things to her before and she can clearly see who is wrong and that she can obviously see that Chitrasi and her mother is acting to be good. A surprise Sona again call out to her as mummy. Sunaina asks how long Sona know her that she think she ( Sunaina) is not smart? She wipes Sona’s tears saying she know that Sona have a very good heart and she would never do anything bad to anyone and she trust her more than herself. An emotional Sona hugs Sunaina crying as she finally realize that her mother-in-law dearest trust and believe in her.

Sunaina console her to stop crying and wipes her tears. She assured Sona that she will not cry anymore and they will make Chitrasi and her mother cry. She then asks Sona to now tell her what is all the problem about? Sona explains on everything that have happened and everything that Chitrasi had done against her. Sunaina says this is the mother and daughter’s dirty plan. She then tell Sona to just see how this mother and daughter ( Suhnaina and Sona ) defeat that mother and daughter ( Chitrasi and Shakuntala ). Sunaina asks Sona if she will be with her mother, she forward her hands out to her hand and Sona places her hands on Sunaina’s hands and nods her head with both of them joining forces to defeat the villains.

Moment later, Sunaina is watching the family album, she sees Kanhaiya coming down and immediately signals Sona. Sunaina pretends to be crying and Kanhaiya asks what happened to his mummy dearest? He further asks why did she look sad? Sunaina says she was seeing the old photos and missing how things used to be. She asks Kanhaiya to sit along to see the album together while Chitrasi watches this from far. Kanhaiya asks his mother where everyone is? Sunaina replied him that Govardan and Manohar have shifted to Banaras, Udham got his transfer to Rajastan and Neelam followed along. She then shows him Udham and Neelam’s wedding photo. Chitrasi tells Sunaina that she have such a beautiful family addressing her as mother and Sunaina looks at Sona. Sunaina then flips to the next page and tells Kanhaiya to look at his wedding photo. Hearing this, Kanhaiya looks at Sona and remains silent.

Chitrasi calls Kamal, Bheema and everyone else to come and have their meal to divert the topic. A guy walks in with a powder telling Sona this is the powder she asked for. Sona then asks Sunaina if she can keep the powder in her room and Sunaina bluntly replied if she want to place it on her head? She order her to go and keep it in her room and Kanhaiya watches while Sona leaves. Chitrasi in her room is saying that Sunaina is showing the photos to Kanhaiya trying to bring back the old memories and that too only good things. She agree with her mother that she is right, she says she need to end Sona’s chapter and she need to do something fast to get into the good books of Sunaina as if she impress her, Kanhaiya will like her. Shakuntala asks if she have think on what she is going to do and Chitrasi smiles. Chitrasi comes to Sunaina’s room, she sees her in the washroom and thinks that its good that Sunaina is in the wash room as Kanhaiya saw Sona bringing the powder to keep in the room and this will make her job easier. Chitrasi takes the powder and mixes different powder into the powder container and says the fun starts now as Sunaina will come and use this poweder and start doing disco dance and that the blame will be on Sona. Sunaina takes the powder and on the other hand, Shakuntala is also in the room applying powder and asks her daughter Chitrasi for help to apply the powder on her back. Chitrasi applies the powder for her mother and Shakuntala asks how come Sunaina have not made any noise yet? Shakuntala suddenly starts to feel irritation and Chitrasi says that her hands are also irritating. Shakuntala and Chitrasi runs to wash the powder away. Chitrasi tells her mother that she don’t know how this happened as she herself mixed the irritation powder in Sunaina’s powder container.

Sona looks at Sunaina and a flashback is reveal where Sunaina is about to use the powder and Sona stops her on time saying that she just saw Chitrasi walking out with a powder packet and she is sure she must have done something. Sona looks at the powder container and puts some powder on her hands and feels irritation. She alert Sunaina that they had added irritation powder in this container and tell her not to use it. Flashback end to present, Sunaina smiles to Sona and walks to Shakuntala asking what happend to both of them? Shakuntala reply Sunaina that it looks like their powder has spoiled and Sunaina asks them to always check the expiry date before using. She then offer to give Shakuntala her powder, that she can use it but Chitrasi refuses that its alright. Sunaina says it's alright as it looks like both of them are in pain, she asks them to come to her room so that she can give them some medicines and Sona smiles watching it. Sona walks to Chitrasi and pretends to feel sympathy for her and asks if they are fine? She asks Chitraasi if she think they both can always do things and keep winning? She then inform her that she saw her (Chitraasi ) leaving mummy’s room and she thought that if she (Chitrasi ) went inside, then something is wrong and when they both left the room, she exchanged the powder.

Sona smiles and leaves while Chitrasi is in anger as Sona defeated her in her own game. Sona is in the room telling Sunaina that if Chitrasi’s plan had worked, she (Sona) would have been blamed again. Sunaina proudly remind her that she have defeated Chitraasi. Sona says that till now, Chitrasi real face is not out and Kanhaiya is still angry with her and that he is not even talking to her. Sunaina assured her not to worry that everything will be fine as she is here, Kanhaiya will surely talk back to her and they will fix everything together and her Kanhaiya will be back with her. Sona smiles.

1 comment:

  1. This is surely the longest show on TV that I know! I believe that you won't find it on reviews cause it's a really far-fetched story.
