Tuesday 30 January 2018

Tuesday Update On Modern Homemaker Episode 109 - 111

Sona tries to say something but Kanhaiya yells at her and says not to come in between. I don’t want to do something to hurt you. Sona says you’re right. I lied to you. I made a mistake. I know you have been really hurt by this. You have every right to be angry. 

But I did all of this for the sake of motherhood. For the sake of those two young children and their future. The night that I caught Radha redhanded I myself was going to drag her to the police station. But then I saw those two young kids and I couldn’t do it. I understand and realize that whatever Radha did was wrong. But I felt it was even more wrong to snatch away the mother of those children. If you were in my place then…Kanhiya yells I don’t mind what you did with the kids. I’m just bothered and hurt that you lied to me. Have I ever lied to you before, Sona ji? You broke my trust. And when trust is lost in a relationship then … Sona says then…? Kanhaiya says then nothing is saved. I don’t know how to play around with words like you do. But the person I loved the most and trusted the most just betrayed my trust. How I will believe this, even I don’t know. He yells I don’t know and turns over a table. He leaves. Sona is in tears. She looks around the room to see the mess its in.

Sona walks out of the hotel room to find Kanhiaya. He’s waiting on his bike for her. Sona goes up to him. Sona says listen…He stops her and says don’t worry. I won’t leave you here alone. I know you have forgotten the duties of a wife, but that doesn’t mean that I also will forget my husband duties. Its a different matter that today you have hurt me so much. Sit. Look we don’t want to create a scene here. Just sit. Sona sits behind him and places her hand on his waist. Kanhaiya says keep your hands on my shoulders, Sona ji. She places her hands on his shoulders.

They reach home and he heads upstairs. Sona says please listen to me once. Please forgive me… But Kanhiaya is in no mood to listen to anything. He heads upstairs. Sona cries to herself and says please forgive me. She sits down near the stairs and continues crying.

Sona walks upstairs into her room. She picks his clothes up off the bed. Something falls to the ground. Its a small gift. She picks it up wrapped up in gift wrap. Kanhiaya walks out of the bathroom. He says from behind there’s a watch in there. I had bought it to gift you as a present. But destiny didn’t give me time to give it to you. In that one second everything just ended like that. I took so long just deciding what to gift you. I thought I’d gift you a watch. He takes the gift in his hands and opens it. He says in mine and your new beginning this watch will bring forward a new time. Today me and you are not what we used to be before. In one moment everything changed. He places the watch in her hand and walks away from her. Kanhiaya makes his bed on the floor and lies down. Sona continues to cry.

Sunayina is reading a holy scripture out loud. She reads whatever one does, he/she will be rewarded rightly. Did you see Sona bahu? You wanted to separate my son from me. But look what happened. My son didn’t go away from me. But your husband has gone far away from you. This is what you call God’s will. I didn’t do anything. I only told Kanhiaya what the truth was.

Julie’s phone rings in the morning. She picks up and says hello. So early in the morning you’re calling? What do you want? The guy says all I want this early in the morning is for you to check today’s newspaper. And go quickly before someone else reads it. Julie says are you mad? What are you saying? Newspaper? What do you want to do? The guy says go quickly. If someone else sees it first then there will be a problem. He hangs up the phone. She gets out of bed and heads downstairs. She grabs the newspaper and looks through it. A paper falls out of it. She picks it up and starts reading it. Julie says this guy is so crazy. Renu comes and says Julie…Julie tries hiding the letter. Renu says what kind of offer is this? It might be some exchange offer. Give it up. Julie says no no. Its not a brochure. They just spread paper to give out advertisements. Renu says advertisements? No problem. Give it to me and I’ll check it. Julie says take this newspaper. IT has stuff about English Coaching Classes. There’s an ad about that. Read it. Renu says English Coaching class? Wow. I’ll go check it. She sits down to read the paper. Julie heads upstairs. Renu says to herself there is nothing about the coaching class.

Sona wakes up. She is also sleeping on the floor on the other side of where Kanhiaya is sleeping. She slowly gets up. She heads over to him. She kneels down beside him and is about to touch his forehead buts stops herself. Tears start forming in her eyes. She gets up and leaves.
Bindiya says mummy ji what are you saying? Sona knew that Radha was the thief and yet she lied to everyone? What kind of daughter in law has come into this house? Kanhiaya lost his job and yet she didn’t come forward with the truth. I still cant believe it. Could any wife do something like this to her own husband? Neelam says didi maybe Sona was compelled to act the way she did. Sunhiaya says Neelam bahu tell us clearly what you want to say. Darshana says if you had listened to me then you would have known. I don’t know where you got her from for this house. If you had given it even a little bit of thought about Kanihaiya’s life then this wouldn’t have happened. But all you wanted was a working daughter in law. If you had gotten a nice non working daughter in law then all of this wouldn’t have happened. Kanhiaya would have gotten a nice wife. Sunanina says enough Darshana. You started talking a lot these days. Learn to control your words otherwise I know very well how to make you straight.

Sona starts walking downstairs. Bindiya says Sona how could you do such a thing? You knew very well that Radha was the thief and yet you lied to everyone. You should of thought about Kanhaiya at least once. I couldn’t even believe it when mummy ji told us. But you have crossed all limits. Renu says Sona what you did is very bad. How could you treat your husband like this? You’ve seen how important Kanhiaya’s job is to him. But still despite seeming him disturbed you remained silent? Why Sona? Why did you do this? Darshana says Renu bhabhi there is no point in her saying anything. She has not only betrayed her husband, but all of us. She has hurt all of us. Kanhiaya comes down. He brushes right past Sona and picks up the newspaper. He heads back upstairs. Sunaina thinks to herself: poor Sona bahu. She was flying so high. Go and pacify Kanhiaya. I am Kanhaiya’s mom. I know him well. When someone has hurt him once then even God can’t pacify him. Now nothing can be done. After all I won at the end. Sunaina says to Sona are you sad Sona bahu? Do you feel pity on yourself? What has happened? What I have I done? You were trying to become a big housewife. What happened? Couldn’t even become a proper wife.

Its night and Neelam is saying to Udham that she knew what Sona did was wrong but even if she was in the same place, she would have done what Sona did. Bindiya is saying to Govardan in anger on how could Sona lie to Kanhaiya? Udham says to Neelam that actually Sona is not wrong but in the current situation, it will look wrong to Kanhaiya and its difficult to make Kanhaiya understand that. Udham says that he is saying it from his experience and Neelam says then what will happen next? Bindiya says to Govardan that Sona should leave the house since she had broken many people’s trust. Govardan asks Bindiya to stop it and he knows how much Kanhaiya loves Sona, if Sona leaves the house, Kanhaiya will be broken. Bindiya says lets see what happens. The next day morning, Sona is in tears and calls to Dadi and starts crying. Dadi asks what happened till she is crying? Sona explains everything that happened about Radha till Kanhaiya’s anger with Sona. Dadi says only this? There is no need to worry as everything will be fine. You lied to Kanhaiya but there was good in it right? Because of that lie, Radha is with her kids and its based on humanity. My granddaughter will not do a mistake as i had given you good values. Now you will need to fulfill your duty as a wife and win Kanhaiya’s heart. You must make me trust that you will do it. Now wipe your tears and promise to me that you will not give up and correct all these. Sona wipes her tears and says she will not give up and shall convince Kanhaiya no matter what happens. Dadi is happy and says she knows that Sona will win and cuts the call. 

Julie is reading the note from Avinash but do not know who is the sender as its written as an admirer. Udham is happy on the call and Neelam asks what happened? Udham says that he got a call from his childhood friend and he is speaking to him after a long time. Udham says how much he miss his childhood and his friend Nilesh. Neelam asks about his friend Sharad and Udham says about his friend Sharad who died in an accident. Neelam switches the TV on and the promos of Kai Po Che and Udham says that his friendship was like this movie and Neelam should watch this movie as it was same as his friendship. Udham and Neelam asks to watch Kai Po Che on Zee TV. Sona enters the room and sees Kanhaiya getting ready and talks casually if has Kanhaiya got ready and to come back home soon today. Sona takes Kanhaiya’s glasses and tries to put for Kanhaiya and Kanhaiya asks in return on what is Sona trying to do? Sona smiles saying that is what she does everyday. Kanhaiya says that there is no need for all this as he have been so dependent on her. Sona asks why and Kanhaiya says after all that happened, you can ask why? I will do my work on my own and don’t try to pretend that everything is normal and leaves calling for Neelam to prepare his meal.

Sona wipes her tears and says that she will not cry and she will win Kanhaiya’s heart again. Suhnaina is talking on the phone to someone and says to Renu that her friend is lonely at old age and glad Chacha ji is keeping the friend company. Suhnaina says that the friend had only son and his wife died but the son neglected the father. Suhnaina taunts about the bahu to Renu and Renu says that Suhnaina is lucky to get bahu’s like them who cares for her. Suhnaina stares and says that she remember how much they cared for her when Indrani came as she had not forgotten all of it. Kanhaiya’s constables comes to they house as they came to meet Kanhaiya and Sona together. Kanhaiya is unhappy and the constables calls Sona and Sona comes down. The constables says that thet all respect Kanhaiya so much and they were so happy when they came to know that Kanhaiya had completed 100 days of marriage. So they came to give both of them a gift. The constables says that they must be wondering how come are they speaking about 100 days celebration and they bought a trophy for Sona and Kanhaiya. The constables gives it to Kanhaiya and Sona looks at Kanhaiya hoping for him to call her. Kanhaiya just walks and the constables calls Sona to come and receive it together. Sona holds the trophy and Kanhaiya holds Sona’s hands and Sona takes out her hands which Suhnaina watches. The constables leaves to the police station and Sona smiles saying they love you a lot and they are really happy for you. Kanhaiya taunts Sona for lying and gives the trophy to Sona to hold and leaves for work. Suhnaina says that do not try to fix what she broke as Kanhaiya would not forgive her after what she did. Sona says he will and Suhnaina stares at Sona. Sona thinks to herself if her love is true, she will win his heart again Julie gets a call from Avinash and Julie says that Avinash is very filmly. Written Update by Visha_Dhami for India Forums. Sona comes to the police station and the constables welcomes her asking if she came to meet Kanhaiya? Sona says that she came to meet them as she came to give herself to be punished for the mistake she did. Kanhaiya says look at your bhabhi on what she does when she gets angry. I did not ate breakfast this morning and this is why she is here. Come Sona ji, lets go and eat together and Sona looks at Kanhaiya. Kanhaiya smiles saying lets go.

Kanhaiya brings back Sona on his bike and as they are about to enter the house, Kanhaiya turns back at Sona and asks what is she trying to prove? Why did she came to the police station? Is it to embarass him more? Sona says that she know she had made a mistake and she wants to get punished for it. Kanhaiya says this is not a movie for their problems to have a happy ending. What mistake is Sona referring to? Sona says that its for lying to Kanhaiya and to prove that her love is true. Kanhaiya says not her love or her forginess can heal his heart as he is hurt by Sona’s lie. Sona broke Kanhaiya’s trust for Radha and is she trying to prove that she is a mahaan now? Kanhaiya says that he will never forgive Sona and enters inside the house.

A neighbor is praising Suhnaina and Suhnaina sees Kanhaiya and Sona walking in together. Suhnaina stares and the neighbour looks at Sona and praises her for her idea of having to cook and send it to houses and offices. The neighbor says that once she heard of it, she had came to join in. The neighbor praises Sona to Suhnaina for having such good daughter in law who always thinks for others and Kanhaiya looks and stares at Sona. The neighbor continues that these days, how many people think about others besides themselves? Suhnaina fakes her smile while the neighbour says that Sona knew that if Neelam is part of this, she has to do all the housework alone and yet she still encouraged Neelam to do this business. God will give Sona everything for giving trust to everyone. Renu is unhappy about the neighbor praising Sona and Kanhaiya is listening to everything. Sona says do not make her someone big by saying all this. Someone (Kanhaiya) used to say to her to always listen to the heart and do what the heart says and Sona looks at Kanhaiya while Kanhaiya recalls him asking Sona to listen to her heart and Kanhaiya leaves. Renu sits next to Manohar and sees Manohar polishing his shoes and asks Manohar to polish her sandals too. Manohar stares at Renu and Renu asks if Manohar knows on what is happening in the house? Renu updates Manohar on Neelam starting her own business and if Neelam starts her business, their problems will increase and all this is only because of Sona. Manohar says he is not interested to listen to Renu’s complains and Renu says who else will listen to her if not her husband? Manohar just shakes his head and Renu leaves.

Sona and Neelam is in the kitchen and Neelam asks how will she do the business and that too with Radha? Surely no one would join them and Sona thinks to herself that Neelam is right. Sona washes her hands and receives a call which Sona answers. Radha speaks saying that she called to inform that she will not be part of the business. Radha continues saying let the rest continue as they would not accept her and she don’t want to give more problems for Sona. Sona says what are you saying and Radha says that Sona have already done a lot for her and if in future, Sona needs any help from Radha, Sona can always ask from her. Sona asks Radha to always be happy with her kids and Radha says that she will always pray to god to keep Sona happy and they end the call. Neelam asks if the call was from Radha and Sona says that Radha herself have said she will not be part of the business and Sona leaves. Renu and Bindiya is discussing about Neelam also becoming a working women soon and says that all this is because of Sona. And knowing about Sona, they are not suprised if Sona makes them cook on their own.

Renu praises Govardan and Bindiya asks why is Renu saying this? Bindiya says that they only stay in the same room while Govardan don’t even care for her. Renu says that she is having the same problem with Manohar. Bindiya says that seeing Kanhaiya and Sona having problem, she is feeling very happy and Renu says she feels the same. Kanhaiya is having his drinks in the room and Sona brings some fried pakores. Kanhaiya looks at Sona and keep typing in his phone. Sona says she brought some pakores for Kanhaiya and Kanhaiya ignores her keeping quiet. Sona asks Kanhaiya to try and say how it is and tries to take away his phone and Kanhaiya raises his voice asking what do Sona wants now? She keep trying to find reasons to talk to him and he is not a small kid to be easily get carried away. Sona is shocked and asks what is Kanhaiya saying? Kanhaiya says he is not a small kid and if he was really so important, she would not have hide the truth from him. Chicku walks in bringing some Samosas and Kanhaiya calls him and Chicku gets happy to see the Pakores. Chicku asks Kanhaiya to eat the pakores and Kanhaiya says he doesn’t likes and Chicku feeds Kanhaiya while Kanhaiya says he doesn’t likes as it doesn’t have any taste. Chicku looks at both Sona and Kanhaiya and asks Kanhaiya if both of them had a fight? Kanhaiya tries changing the topic and Chicky asks Kanhaiya to say if he fight with Sona? Kanhaiya asks why is Chicku asking like this and Chicku says he saw a drama where the heroine made the hero’s favorite food and the hero didn’t eat since they had a fight. Sona says yes Chicku, its the same serial where the hero and heroine got back together right? Chicku says yes and Kanhaiya says but Chicku, all this only happens in serials and not real life. Lets go somewhere else so that no one disturbs us and looks at Sona and leaves a sad Sona. 

Udham walks in calling everyone to come and Kanhhaiya asks what happened? Udham says that he got back his job and everyone is happy. Udham says that the enquiry is over and his suspension is cancelled and Kanhaiya carries Udham and Suhnaina says that she is happy that all the problems is solved. Udham feeds Suhnaina and Kanhaiya sweets. Udham says he is happy that no one will look bad at him anymore and Udham feeds Chicky and gives sweet to Sona. Udham feeds Neelam sweet and Udham bites little and Udham asks Neelam to take more. Kanhaiya and Sona looks at Neelam and Udham feeding sweets and looks at each another and Sona feels sad.

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