Tuesday 30 January 2018

Tuesday Update On Lies Of The Heart Episode 314 - 316

While the rituals are going on, Sandhya takes the opportunity to taunt Damini, that all her plan fell flat, and she has no other option, but to fall flat on her face. Finally, the kanyadaan begins, as the priest explains the ritual and its significance. 

All watch as urmi is on her way to become happy once again. rmi goes through the rituals tensedly, mixed emotions surging through her. ishaan is happy and relieved. Sandhya’s husband applauds anirud’s and ishaan’s effort in helping the marriage materialise. The priest asks them all to begin with the pheras, after Asha does the gadhbandhan. Ishaan extends her hand to help her stand up, while she eyes him emotionally. the pheras begin amidst much cheer, as the priest starts narrating the promises with each phera, and ishaan reiterates it, behind the priest, meaning every word. The pheras finally get over and Ishaan dons the vermillion on urmi’s forehead. Then the priest asks him to help her wear the mangalsutra. Damini gets up and gives it to him. he then extends his hand, and puts it around urmi. All are happy and overwhelmed, while urmi has mixed emotions. She looks at him with overwhelming emotions. Their romantic eye gaze is broken off by the sound of Samrat clapping, congratulating them on their marriage, while he is himself dressed as a groom. Gaurav and others are shocked. ishaan and urmi are shocked and boggled, as samrat congratulates them all. the police gets to catching him, while samrat continues to address ishaan as Saala. ishaan asks him to get lost, and stop his nonsense. samrat asks him to think before he speaks. Samrat says that his relations change with time, and hence he always keeps them joined, as they have just exchanged relations, as first Urmi was his, and now she is ishaan’s, but along with it, they have a new relation, and that he thought on this pious day, when ishaan and his ex-wife are getting married, samrat himself too got married, and that they shall celebrate together, the double wedding, which would kill two birds with one stone. He says that now he would make them meet his wife. All are boggled. He hollers for Mrs. Samrat Singh Rathore, asking her to come and take everyone’e blessings. he extends his hand, and tani walks in and stands beside him, dressed as a bride, and acting as Samrat’s wife. Both of them are shell shocked, while samrat eyes them evilly. the entire family is boggled and outraged.

Later, tani is slapped tightly by anirudh, asking how dare she do something so stooping low. samrat is shocked. Anirudh asks how dare she get married with a person, who is a low life, who spent six years in jail. She is angry, while he asks her how could he not think once for their family’s reputation and respect. He says that she drowned everyone along with herself. he says that he is ashamed to call her his daughter. he is about to slap her again, when Samrat steps in, addressing him as father, and asks him not to say anything to his wife, as he would bear the brunt of his anger, but not say anything to tani, as he loves her dearly. Ishaan and urmi are shocked and frustrated to the core. Samrat asks him to take it positively, while anirudh asks him to stop calling him father, addressing him as Bastard, and asks him not to even dare tie a relation with him. he insults him saying that he wont even see his face, leave alone having a relation with him. Ishaan too asks Samrat to get lost, but tani steps in, saying that he cant talk to samrat like this, as he is her husband. She says that if Anirudh doesn't understand it, he should at least. Ishaan asks if she is in her senses. He asks if he even realises that she has made the biggest mistake of her life. He says that this isn't a person, but an animal. Urmi too tries to say that she has no clue who he is. 

Tani boggles them saying that she knows very well that samrat is urmi’s ex-husband. they are shocked to hear this, and rendered speechless. ishaan asks how could she marry him, after knowing everything, and asks if she has gone mad. she is defiant. damini asks tani, why is she playing with her life. Tani says that she and he love each other. urmi says that he just pretends to love, and tries to make her see along with ishaan, what samrat actually is and whats he trying to do here actually. He tries to tell tani about the recent phone calls, when Samrat intervenes, saying that he saw him after six years, and asks ishaan not to lie. He says that tani knows everything, and hat he might not have gotten along with urmi, but urmi can stay happy, then why cant he. Ishaan shoves him away, asking him to stop this pretense, and asks him to get out, grabbing him by the collar. Samrat remains cool, and asks him to be patient, respecting their relation atleast. Tani comes inside, and shoves ishaan away, asking him to stop insulting samrat like this. Tani says that she isnt an idiot. Anirudh is super angry, while sandhya silently enjoys the drama, thinking that the old couple, have come to live again together in the new house, one has ruined Damini’s son and the other Damini’s daughter. Devi comes and asks Tani that she doesn't realise what samrat has done, while tani is frustrated with his rant. Saroj too stands up for urmi, and how smarta spoiled urmi’s life and would do the same thing to her too. tani asks them not to speak in this, as they dont have the right to tell her anything, as what samrat did, was exactly what urmi deserved, and they both are vastly different. Tani tells them all that samrat wont spoil her life when the truth is that urmi has spoiled his life. samrat smiles evilly.

Tani is beyond any advice offered, and in turn blames urmi for samrat’s debacle, as she speaks completely brainwashed the way samrat did. samrat asks gaurav to respect the fact that he is married to tani now. Gaurav asks him to stop this pretense, as he would throw him out rightaway, and rip him to pieces. samrat tells gaurav to understand something very clearly, its that he loves tani to the core, and nothing can separate him from her. He says that he might cut him to pieces but he wont get tani out of his mind. Gaurav and others are shocked. urmi asks saroj and devi to leave, as she would handle the matters here, while they are tensed. she asks them to take care of shaurya. Ishaan apologises to saroj and devi, with folded hands, for what tani did. he along with urmi asks them to go. After they leave, Urmi continues to try and tell tani what samrat out her through, and she says that urmi infact deserved it only. She blindly relates all the romanticism that samrat expressed for her, which he didnt for urmi. Urmi tells her about his flirt with sanaya too. samrat watches the drama. Urmi tries to convince her, but she is beyond reprieve. tani says that samrat told her everything, and that its all in the past and she is the present. All are shocked at her stupidity. urmi says that he has manipulated her, while tani accuses her instead of that. ishaan asks her to stop, as she needs to remember that she is speaking to his wife. she asks how could urmi be so important that he is screaming at her, as she had thought that he would have been happy with her, but now she feels urmi has snatched him from her.

Ishaan says that he is the same brother, and that today he wants to save her from ruining her whole life, as samrat uses her as a pawn. Samrat gets into a pretense mode yet again, and asks for another chance. tani asks him not to plead, while he says that he loves tani, and wants to live for her only, and asks them all not to insult her yet again. tani asks them to accept this relation now. Anirudh says that she has spoken enough, and that if this marriage means more to her, than her family, they she doesnt deserve to stay here. He says that if she still wants to live with the fraud, its her choice, but asks her to get lost. All are shocked. He asks her not to step inside the house ever again, as she would walk out today breaking all ties with this house, and ever member of this family, and from here on, he shall have just one child. damini asks how is this possible, and where would tani go in the middle of the night. He says that it would happen, while damini says that this cant be. samrat says that they shall leave, and takes tani along, saying that he has the strength to keep her safe, as urmi wont let them live in peace as it is. He decides to take her to jhansi. But she refuses to leave, saying that she shall stay here, as its her house, and she doesnt care what anyone things. She comes to her father, saying that she owns this house, as much as he does, and if urmi can stay with her past, then samrat too can stay in this house, as the son-in-law of this house. All are shocked. tani takes samrat’s hands, and asks him to come along, shocking everyone, while urmi and ishaan are distraught. samrat is barely able to conceal his smile, as they walk up. urmi sees through samrat’s intentions, and is extremely tensed.

Downstairs, all are still tensed at tani’s foolishness. Anirudh asks them all to rest, as they all had a tiring day. they all retire for the night, bidding goodbye to Ishaan and urmi. urmi apologises to ishaan, taking the blame, that tghis wouldnt have happened had she not married him. he asks her not to talk like this, as samrat would have found some other way to irritate them. urmi is tensed for shaurya being here tomorrow, in samrat’s presence. Ishaan assures her that they would be here by shaurya’s side, while urmi is still tensed.

Shaurya throws a tantrum, and starts breaking things saying that he hates his father and that he leaves rightaway. he is super angry and frustrated with samrat’s presence here, in Mumbai. sanaya and asha ask him to calm down and try and compose him. they are tensed for him.
In their room, Samrat starts gloating that he has a new house, new car and a new business, and that this is jackpot, which is on the base of their enemies’ ruin. He guffaws evilly. He thinks that he has toiled enough to come to this, as it was a tough job to get this foolish girl in his trap, as he did this for revenge, but instead got entitled for free entertainment of family drama. Tani comes to hug him, while he wonders if she head. she asks what was he blabbering about, and he makes an excuse by yet again flirting and romancing her. he takes her in his arms and says that he is very happy, and that she is the perfect wife for him. samrat tells tani that a wife’s greatest duty is to give and preserve her husband’s self respect and dignity, and she got a perfect score at that on the first day itself. Tani says that she can do anything for him, as this was a very small thing. Samrat smiles evilly, as she hugs him, and says that this is their first night, and their room is so simple. samrat asks her not to worry, and makes her sit next to him, saying that the bride and groom are the most important and not the decorations. he hugs her, saying that this is indeed a night to celebrate.

While urmi is getting ready, Samrat springs up stealthily behind her, and starts buttoning her blouse from behind. she is startled and flinches in disgust when she finds that its samrat. she snatches away and asks how dare he get inside. He asks her tauntingly, that she behaves as if she hasnt been touched by him before. urmi says that when the whole family throws him out, then he shall come to his truest existence. She asks him to get out. He asks her to think of herself, as people would raise questions. Samrat too gloats that he is the son in law, and she too shall have to respect him. she says that he wont ever get the respect, but he is unfazed and asks her to start the countdown instead, as he is making his place and she shall stdn helpless. He wishes her best of luck for the munh Dikhayi, for the second time. samrat leaves having leeringly taunted at her non-virginal status and leaves. Urmi stands shocked.

Urmi greets everyone as the munh dikhayi ceremoney begins, and all compliment damini on the b’ful bride. sandhya doesnt leave any stone unturned to leave urmi insulted and humiliated. But the ladies continue praising. Damini sits tensed. samrat sees them from the balcony, and thinks that samdhya can be in his compant to plot against urmi, and even looks like Damini also doesnt like urmi much. He thinks that the women who are praising urmi right now, shall insult her right in this very house. Tani comes and he starts romancing her. tani asks whats he seeing downstairs. He says that he was feeling thirsty, but cant go down. She says that she would just go down to get juice, and rushes down, while he evilly thinks that this idiot can be used at every step.

Damini finds tani descending, and takes her up, asking why is she coming down. she says that samrat is thirsty. Damini reminds her anirudh’s wish, as to how they cant answer her marital status. tani says that she doesnt care as she doesnt have double standards, and feels jealous. samrat comes in asking not to insist. Damini says that urmi isnt the apple of her eye either, but due to anirudh, she is complying along. Samrat finds out that anirudh is praising urmi, while damini doesnt like her. He thinks that he can use Damini and Sandhya. Damini says that had urmi not been the bahu of this house, they still would have accepted samrat somehow but not now. Tani tries to speak, but Samrat pretends to be the bigger person, and tries to emotionally indirect statements at Damini, and then starts saying that he shall get cheesecake for her, and tries to prove how much he loves her. Tani leaves.

Anirudh tells ishaan that he wishes to take tani out of the will while ishaan is shocked and says that he cant do this. Anirudh asks him to get the legal formality done rightaway. Ishaan reminds him that this is a hasty descision. Anirudh however is beyond reprieve, enraged at tani, saying that he wont bear any of tani’s tantrums anymore, and its better they sign off the relation. Ishaan says that this isnt the problem to their situation, as samrat is using her, and she needs counselling. He says that he tried everything, and asks what does he want him to do. Anirudh is adamant that he cant stand her anymore. ishaan says that he knows he loves tani, but he shall regret this descision, if something were to happen to her. he says that he knows samrat, and hence wants tani to be here, so that samrat doesnt hurt her. He says that soon she shall see through his charade, and make him promise that he wont do anything like that. He requests him not to let tani fall prey, and its their duty to stand by her.

Downstairs, all the ladies talk about siring a grandchild, while sandhya and damini are frustrated. the phone rings, and samrat changes his tone and insists to speak to urmi. Urmi is given the phone. Samrat taunts her, about her son and she is disgusted. She says that its due to him, that her son isnt here, as he doesnt want to see him, and she doesnt want him to see him too. Samrat irritates her saying that he came to meet her son, as she has obviously forgotten him, in her marital status. she is scared and says that shaurya cant be with him, and fumbles asking where is shaurya. Samrat continues to tease him, sayingthat he got him here for swimming classes. urmi says that shaurya is scared of swimming. Samrat says that he shall teach him, by throwing shaurya into deep waters. urmi’s voice is raised and all are tensed as to how is she talking to, in such loud tones. Samrat tells urmi on the phone, that he is about to send a video of whatever he is planning to do, and hence asks her to keep her data connection on. Urmi is shocked. He says that even if she doesnt see shaurya drowning, she would see him dead. Urmi is scared and petrified, and asks him not to, and gets up. saroj asks her to sit down. But she is very tensed and frustrated. 

Sandhya tries to taunt, but Saroj asks urmi whats the matter. When Saroj knows what samrat said, she is shocked, but still asks her to sit down. Asha says that Shaurya is with her father, but Urmi doesn't believe. She gets up. Sandhya and everyone else ask her to sit down as the ritual is going on. finally, Urmi’s eyes fall on Samrat, eyeing him evilly on the doorstep. urmi gets up enraged as she finds Samrat coming in, the dupatta sliding down her face, and the gifts falling on the floor.

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