Read the interesting update on Hello Pratibha, episode 93-95 for Tuesday, November 14, showing on Zee World
Sunidhi says if they all will go
with Pratibha to Kolkata then she will get distracted but in reply
Pratibha says that if her family will be with her she will be more confident in
the finals.
Mahen says that a family is the
support and a shield and if they all go with Pratibha to Kolkata then
no one can defeat her. Sunidhi feels that her plans are destroyed hearing this.
A jealous Sunidhi, standing
nearby, crafts her plan on how to stop Pratibha from gaining her stardom. Later
in the night, the bell rings on the door and Partibha goes to see a boy in a
cap hiding his face. The boy says that he is the cousin of Pihu friend Shalini
and is here to give her some notes. He claims that he is in a hurry and to get
Pihu so that he may get back on his way. Pihu suddenly comes there and seeing
him is amazed as Shalini never introduced her cousin to her (Pihu). He then
gives her the notes and Pihu gets scared seeing it. Sunidhi saw everything from
the back and gives a sudden gringe. Pihu rushes to her room and finds letter which
is from the blackmailer demanding more 20000 rupees. She calls Shalini to ask
if she also got a letter and Shalini decline that she got
any letter and says that she will talk to her after some time. Pihu
then calls her friend one by one but they all refuse to help her. Pihu then
cries and says that the blackmailer only gave the letter to her and from
where will she arrange this amount of money.
Partibha then drops a mirror and
says that she feels that something is not right even though she has the full
support of Mahen and her family but still she feels scared then Mahen confirms.
Partibha says that something is wrong and it will happen. Mahen tells her that
when something big is about to happen in the life then things feel wrong but
assures her that everything is all right. Pratibha then goes to Pihu's room who
is lying on her bed and does not turn back. Partibha gets worried and Pihu
thinks of what her father said earlier. Pihu says that when they will go
to Kolkata she has to say something to her. Partibha says that she
can say anything to her whenever she likes and then tells her to go to sleep.
Sunidh after throwing a piece of paper thinks that if Pihu finds out that the massage
was a lie then all her plan will be overrun. Sunidh then decides that to scare
Pihu even more, she has to write another letter. Partibha gets up and
talks to Mahen while she is sleeping that she want to tell him something if he
is not asleep then Mahen gets up and holds Pratibha back when she is about to
leave and starts talking to her. He asks her to tell him what is in her heart
and assure him that she will win in kolkota. Mahen then hugs her. Partibha then
goes to wake Anmol and Pihu. She finds a letter.
In the morning, Pratibha comes to
the kid’s room to wake them up, she sees some papers on the table but before
she could see them, they fell down. Peehu wakes up and is happy she will get
rid of the blackmailers when she goes to Kolkatta. She urges Anmol to wake up
too, Pratibha says Peehu seems to be the most eager to go to Kolkatta. At the
table, Sunidhi offers to serve Pratibha and is extremely happy that Peehu is
not even on the table, but just then, she sees Anmol and Peehu coming. Peehu
repeatedly reminds her father that they are getting late. Sunidhi is worried if
Peehu has read the note she kept on her table or not. Later, while Peehu
looks for her sandals in her room, Sunidhi comes to her room and tells her to
change into some other dress than black and also offers to look for her
sandals. Peehu tells Sunidhi that she has packed all her clothes and she will
change in train. Sunidhi notice the note lying behind her bed and keeps it on
her bag; she tells Peehu to leave soon; Peehu picks her bag up and was about to
leave. Sunidhi asks Peehu what that paper is. Peehu is worried and is shocked
to reads it which says "Don’t try to run to Kolkatta as he will follow her
there as well. There is a picture of Peehu in the forest as well. Sunidhi asks
what this is. Peehu says this is her personal matter. Sunidhi smiles evilly and
Peehu gets a call soon from the
blackmailer, that if she doesn’t arrange the money and then warns if
she goes to Kolkatta, he will bring police there. Peehu gets much worried. Mahen
and Pratibha were going out of the house when Peehu comes out of her room
holding her stomach as she fakes having stomach pain just so she
doesn't go with her mother and family. Pratibha gets worried. Peehu says she
has a stomach pain and she may not come. Pratibha heads for lime water, but
Peehu says she might get late this way. Peehu further says she can’t walk or
even move. Pratibha shifts her to the sofa and tells Mahen to get the tickets cancelled
that she can’t leave Peehu. Mahen asks what about finals competition. Pratibha
says they aren’t important than Peehu.
Sunidhi thinks what will happen to
her plan if the doctor comes, she makes a call to doctor to come home. She asks
Sanjeev to go out, Sunidhi promises Pratibha to take care of Peehu, Kaashi also
sides her. The doctor arrives and checks on Peehu. He says there is nothing
about tension, and gives her a prescription. Mahen says Peehu was going with
them and asks if she can go now. Peehu says she wants to rest at home. The
doctor says it would be better if she rests at home. Sunidhi says they are all
here to take care of Peehu. Mahen tries to convince Pratibha, that the doctor
says he also lives in the neighbourhood and will come as soon as
anyone calls. Sunidhi smiles that her first plan has got successful.
Pratibha continues to worry about
Pihu and doesn’t agree. Peehu sits up and tells her mother not to stop
her dream for her, she promises she will take care of herself.
Pratibha then asks Peehu to take care of herself. Everyone leaves, but Pratibha
hugs Peehu crying. She tells her to call her for anything and leaves with a
heavy heart. She turns to look at Peehu again, waving at her. Peehu waves back.
Peehu cries in her room where she
is worried where she will bring 20,000 from. Sunidhi comes with medicine tray
and thinks only a little effort is left here. She asks Peehu how she is and
asks her to eat some khichdi before medicine and feeds her with her own hand.
Peehu thinks Sunidhi is so worried about her and thinks she wil tell her the
truth. Peehu tries to tell her but Sunidhi doesn’t listen to her and instead
leaves to see Bubu. Peehu cries again whom to share her problem with.
Sunidhi peeksinside and thinks she is so innocent that she can’t recognize
the real face of a person. She thinks she can just help Peehu by not getting
her secret leaked out.
Pratibha is worried about Peehu
in the train, but her number was inaccessible. Pratibha writes the message
for Peehu to call her as soon as she gets a message as she is worried about
her. At the same time, Peehu gets a text message that she did great acting
about her illness. They will come to see her with police in the next three hours.
Peehu cries. Sunidhi thinks before Peehu tells Mahen and Pratibha about
anything, she must begin plan 2.
Pratibha sits lost in the train
thinking about Peehu. Mahen calls her for tea, she says she texted Peehu a long
time and there is no reply. Anmol says in the train there can’t be any
network. Peehu finds Sunidhi sitting alone. She thinks she is sitting alone,
and it is best time to speak to her and she surely will help her. Sunidhi
thinks she has again come to cook her mind up. Peehu says there is something
she wants to talk to her. Sunidhi texts her mom to call her, tab rings. Sunidhi
tells her mom to return her call in a while, but her mother tells Sunidhi that
in her neighbourhood police took a young boy for stealing. Sunidhi
says he left his parents with no respect. Her mom says it is good
that their Peehu is such a well brought up girl. Peehu is worried. Sunidhi
hangs up and asks Peehu what she was saying. Peehu asks if she makes a big
mistake will her parents forgive her. Sunidhi asks if she come to ask
her this. Peehu says she was just asking generally.
Sunidhi tries to instigate Pihu
into running away from home saying she doesn’t know what Pratibha would react
as but Mahen is really strict, she says she has a fool-proof plan ready i.e to
run away from house. She reminds if she remember that she has done it before
during her PTM, and Mahen wasn’t even angry because he was really afraid. Peehu
gets up to go inside; Sunidhi asks what she came to say to her about the
mistake. Peehu says she had a mistake in maths problem and she will solve it
now. Sunidhi thinks she has given such a solution to Peehu and she will work on
Peehu comes into the room worried
about what to do. Everyone’s accusations on her being a murderer and a thief
echo in her mind, she shouts and cries thinking about Sunidhi’s given solution.
Pihu give in to her aunt's manipulation and thinks about running away from
house before anyone comes. Pratibha tries Peehu’s phone but she was busy
packing her clothes and crying. She looks at her room for the last time and is
about to leave. The landline number rings, Peehu stops at once. Sunidhi thinks
why Peehu isn’t leaving; Shalu comes there to attend to the call. Peehu hears
Pratibha asks Shalu about Peehu,
Shalu says she didn’t see Peehu since morning, and assures her that she will
look for her in her room. Pratibha stays on hold. Shalu comes to the room, sees
Peehu in bed and says she is sleeping. Pratibha asks her to let her sleep that
she will call later. Shalu promise that she will take care of Peehu. Pratibha
is relieved hearing this. Sunidhi comes to Peehu’s room and removes the vig
from the pillow, she says as soon as Pratibha knows Peehu has run away from the
house, she will come back. Her singing and show would be ruined badly. She says
now Pratibha’s career would ruin before it is made. In Kolkatta, Anmol enjoyed
all the scenes while Mahen notices Pratibha’s worry. Anmol asks them to smile
for a selfie. Meanwhile, Peehu cries watching her family photo as she sit on a
road side. She walks alone on the streets and cries sitting under a tree where
she fell asleep.
Sanjeev gets Mahen’s call, he
tells Sanjeev to take care of Peehu as Pratibha is really worried about her.
Pratibha sit worried for Peehu. Mahen says she talked to Shalu that Peehu is asleep;
since they have come here she should focus on her studies. The director comes
to them; he had come for a briefing and tells Pratibha huge companies will sign
first five contestants with them. He asks Pratibha to sign a contract with
them, and hands it to Pratibha. Pratibha sits on the bed and opens the pen, she
thinks for a while and is about to sign on the contract when her phone rings.
She says she was waiting for a long time and asks what happened. Shalu is
crying and tells Pratibha that Peehu is not in her room and nowhere in the
house. Pratibha is shocked and worried.
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