Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Tuesday Update Love Happens Episode 34 - 35: Aanya Wants Raghu To Help Her Become A Farmer

Read the interesting update on Love Happens episode 34-35 for Tuesday, November 14, showing on Zee World.

Raghu is pleasantly surprised when Aanya brings lunch for him in thefields. He is shocked when Aanya tells him that she has prepared it. Though the food is horrible, Raghu eats without complaining.

On the contrary, he praises her for making such a wonderful meal. However, Aanya soon realises the truth when she also tastes the food. She starts crying and calls herself a loser. Raghu somehow manages to calm her down. He tells Aanya that even he didn't know about farming, but gradually he learnt it. This makes Aanya very happy and she tells Raghu that she has decided to do farming, and will be joining him from the next day.

Meanwhile, GD gets suspicious when she sees Lakhan and two of his accomplices going discreetly somewhere. She follows them on the sly and is shocked when she comes to know that Lakhan is planning  to ruin the crops by mixing salt in the fertilizers. The next day, Raghu feels good when Aanya turns up in the field. Later, Aanya gets excited learning that she will be growing wheat in the fields, and plants a kiss on Raghu's cheeks, leaving him in total bewilderment. Raghu explains to Aanya the method of sowing seeds and asks her to help him do the same. Aanya also enjoys working, but she gets irritated when Isha turns up there and makes fun of her.

Meanwhile, Lakhan's aides replace Raghu's fertilizer with salt. After sowing, Raghu asks Aanya to bring the bag of fertilizer from the warehouse and sprinkle it in the field. Unaware how fertilizer looks, Aanya picks a pinch of salt from the bag. But she gets scared seeing a lizard and begins to scream. Raghu soon comes to her help and is shocked to find salt in the bag. Lakhan, who is watching everything from far behind, gets irked and decides to flee. Raghu sees someone running and immediately starts chasing him. However, Lakhan manages to escape, but drops his bracelet. Raghu picks the bracelet and brings this incident to Sarpanch's notice. Lakhan, who feigns to be innocent, suggests to Sarpanch that they should put the matter before the village council.

On the other hand, GD at once realises that Lakhan is behind all this when Aanya narrates the incident to her. Later, Raghu decides to keep a watch over his fields in the night, while Lakhan also decides to finish off his work in night. However, he warns his men to keep away from Raghu's fields, as he is sure he might be monitoring it.

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