Wednesday Update On Lies Of The Heart Episode 152 – 153: Samrat Gets Arrested In The Middle Of An Important Meeting
Here is what
is expected on Lies of the Heart, on Wednesday, October 25, on Episode 152
– 153 showing on Zee World.
Samrat’s office, Samrat comes tired, and finds that everything is set for the
meeting, and gives instructions to his employees.
of them asks if he would give the presentation, while Samrat snubs him, by
insulting him in front of everyone. Meanwhile, Shashi hurriedly calls up Samrat
that she has been trying his number. She tells him that there’s a huge problem
and that Urmi isn't at home. He gets tensed hearing this, and she says that she
doesn’t know where she went, as she looked very tensed. But Samrat wards her
off saying that she must have gone to her family. Shashi tries to tell him that
Urmi might do something drastic in her state. But he discards the idea. He
shuts the phone.
asks what Samrat said and she says he is in a meeting. Shaurya comes asking for
his mother insistently. Aditi tries to distract him by talking about video
games, but he continues to rant about his mother. Shashi reprimands him asking
him to shut up, saying that it's due to his mother that they are all so
worried. Samrat is in his office having a meeting with his staff; he begins with
the presentation, and tries to convince the clients at his peak of conviction.
The clients are impressed and decide to sign the deal straightaway. All
congratulate each other. Meanwhile the police arrive. The police go to Samrat’s
office and while he is busy in a meeting, they storm inside, and demand to know
who Samrat is. Samrat is shocked as he suddenly notices the police in his
office searching for him, while all others are baffled. When he meets the
police he identifies himself, the police comments that he is very aggressive
and that soon he will be cooled down. He tells him that he is under arrest.
Samrat is shocked as he realizes that the police are here to arrest him and
feel embarrassed. He asks why he is under arrest. The police place him under
charge for domestic violence, against his own wife, recounting what he did.
The clients are shocked. The police ask the warder to handcuff him. Samrat
says that he can't be arrested ust like that. The police say that he came with
full preparation and shows him the arrest warrant that has been issued against
him. But Samrat still refuses to comply and tries to call someone, but the
inspector snatches the phone from him, referring to him as an educated
illiterate. The police says that he shouldn't bother about wasting his time.
The inspector grabs him by the neck, while Samrat is shocked and stands
helpless, as they handcuffed him. He tries to get the inspector to talk with
him, but he drags him out in front of all of his employees, who are shocked as
Samrat is been taken to the police station. Samrat is utterly frustrated at
this insult.
the Police station, the wardar drag Samrat by the collar and get him down the
jeep. As he is taken to the entrance of the police station, the people identify
him and start commenting as to what he must have done that he has been brought
here. As Samrat is dragged in the police station, he is shocked and bewildered
to see Urmi in her wounded and bruised state, sitting there, confronting him
with determination in her eyes. He realises that Urmi filed a case against him
and got him arrested in the middle of an important meeting.
Samrat's family learns about Samrat being imprisoned. Hearing this, Shashi
asks Rudra to do something and to go to the police station to free him from the
jail, but Rudra refuses that he won’t do and that Urmi did the right thing.
That rascal deserves this and it would be better if they were childless than
having a son like Samrat. No one else wants to help Samrat either in the
family. Samrat’s mum then asks 'Tauji' to go to the police station. He nods
okay and says he will go. He gets up and then pretends to have fallen sick of
having pain in his chest and says he needs to rest. Samrat’s mum is cursing at
At the police station, Samrat continues to threaten Urmi in front of the
police that whatever she did wasn’t good and she will have to pay for it big
time but Urmi is not affected. The inspector asks him to behave. He told him he
beats a woman up and calls himself a lion. He asks the constables to lock him up.
tells Urmi he will see for how long the inspector supports her. The inspector
tells Urmi this is good, Samrat himself is confessing to his crime. He asks her
to sign the papers and she does it by staring at Samrat. The inspector tells
her she can go home now. Samrat again threatens her that he will do that bad
with her that she won’t be able to walk or use her brain. He adds that she’s a
stain on wife’s name. Urmi walks towards him and doesn’t say anything. He asks
her if she became deaf now. She stops and tells him it’s him who destroyed
their relationship and made her cross the limits. He hurt her soul and not
body. He has given such a wound that won’t go away for her life. She suffered
so much for him, thinking he will understand her one day. But he always thought
her as his leg’s shoe. She tells him women are not someone’s leg’s shoe and one
shouldn’t make mistake of taking women’s love, tolerance as their weakness because
that is what is their biggest strength. If they decide to take an action, then
they can give hard time even to God. She’s about leaving when Samrat's mother
and Amrit came to the police station in order to free him and asks Urmi how she
dare to come here.
is happy to see Samrat in jail, but tells Urmi she crossed all limits this
time. Urmi just ignores them and leaves.Samrat’s mum asks him how he is. He gets mad and asks how one can be in
jail? He asks about his uncle, Tauji and his dad. His mum tells him that his
dad refused to come and Tauji got pain in chest so he couldn’t come. Amrit came
on time, so she came with him to release him. Samrat gets shocked and angry
knowing his dad refused. Amrit tells him to calm down. Samrat’s mum says they
won’t spare Urmi. He tells her to leave Urmi but to first get him out of this
place. His mum and Amrit talk to the inspector. She asks the inspector to let Samrat go, it’s their house matter and they
will solve it. The inspector says, it’s not house matter anymore. It’s the case
of abusing a woman. Had she taught him manners in his childhood, then she wouldn’t need to come here today.
yells at the inspector and tells him to do whatever he wants with him and not
to say anything to his mum. The inspector tells him he shouldn’t make lion
angry when he’s in jungle. Amrit interrupts and tells the inspector to release
Samrat. The inspector says nothing can be done now, even bail time has passed
and person like Samrat should only be in jail. Amrit tries to offer money to
the inspector, but the inspector tells him that it seems like he also wants to
go in jail. Samrat’s mum asks him to find a way. The police say that the only
way to free Samrat is to make Urmi take back her complaint. Samrat asks his mum
to go behind Urmi.
Urmi's dad tries to compel her to take back her complaint and tells her
it’s their house matter and why drag this matter. But Samrat’s dad supports
Urmi. Urmi’s Daadi also says Urmi did wrong and Urmi’s dad supports her.
Samrat’s mum and Amrit return home. Samrat’s sister asks about Samrat. Samrat’s
mum says they didn’t let him go and she doesn’t know what Urmi wrote in the
complain. Tauji asks what happened. Amrit says they said clearly, they won’t
release Samrat unless Urmi takes her complaint back. Urmi’s dad says she will
take her complaint back. Daadi says she got angry, but she won’t let her
husband stay there. She tells Urmi to take her complaint back. Amrit interrupts
and says nothing can be done today now. Daadi asks Urmi to go in the morning
and take her complaint back, but Urmi refuses to do that. Tauji becomes very
happy hearing Urmi rejecting this. Urmi’s dad and Daadi try to convince her,
but in vain. Samrat’s mum says she’s so shameless. Urmi’s dad asks her to calm
down. Shashi says how can she be calm when her son is in jail.
mum speaks and asks her what about what Samrat did to her daughter. Urmi’s dad
interrupts and asks her to be quiet. He then tells Samrat’s mum that they will
talk to Urmi again tomorrow and she will listen. Urmi’s mum is helpless. At the Police station, Samrat doesn’t like the tea and asks if he can’t get a proper tea. The inspector taunts
him that he wants a five star hotel treatment in police station. Other
inspector picks up his stick and says he can give him their five star
treatments. He will shut up in minutes. They laugh. Samrat gets quiet and
starts drinking the tea seeing the inspector’s reaction.
Urmi’s family discusses the matter. Urmi’s siblings and mother are in
support of Urmi. Urmi’s brother says Samrat is an animal and what’s the need to
get him out of jail. His sister supports him. Daadi asks them to be quiet. It’s
their house matter and they should solve it inside the house. Urmi’s mum says,
Urmi tolerated it for so long, but now he crossed all the limits. Urmi’s dad
asks her what she thinks if they don’t release Samrat, then his family will not
let Urmi to be happy there? Urmi’s sister in-law, Asha says Urmi did wrong and
she could have taken advice from her. If it was her, then she would lock her
husband inside a room and beat him up. Urmi’s sister tells Daadi that even Asha
can’t tolerate such abuse, then why is she expecting it from Urmi? Hearing
this, Daadi stays quiet. Urmi is in her room, looking at her marriage
photos. She recalls her and Samrat exchanging garlands and smiles. She touches
his photo and cries. She asks what she did wrong. Her tears fall on the photo.
the Other hand, Samrat is sitting in the jail, holding his head.Tauji is playing carrom with the kids. Shaurya asks for his mother. Tauji
says she will come later. Samrat’s sister asks her mum to relax now; Urmi’s dad
said he’ll talk to her tomorrow. Shaurya hears it and gets angry. He starts
throwing stuff down. He asks his grandmother why she’s saying all that about
his mother. Shashi then tells Shaurya that his father Samrat has been sent to
the jail by his own mother and he will be beaten there with stick. She adds
that he will never be able to meet his dad. Tauji asks her what she’s telling
the kid. She says he needs to know as well how Samrat will be treated. Shaurya
cries and run away.
Urmi is talking with her mum on the phone. She tells Urmi she knows Urmi
hurt herself the most by filing complaint against Samrat. She has pressure from
everywhere right now. Shaurya comes to his mother and starts crying in front of
her. Urmi puts phone down and asks Shaurya what happened. Shaurya asks her
about his father being in jail and asks her whether the police took him away
and whether they will beat him with the stick. He asks whether he won’t ever
come to meet him. He cries asking her to tell him. Urmi hugs him tightly and
gets lost in thoughts.
morning, Samrat’s mum asks Tauji if he’s feeling good now. He says all thanks
to her. Samrat’s dad reads news about Samrat’s arrest for abusing women. The
whole family read the news and are shocked to find an article about Samrat's
domestic violence case on the newspaper. Samrat’s mum tells Tauji to talk to Urmi
now; she should at least listen now. Some people come to their house and talk
about Samrat. Samrat’s mum says small fights happen in every home. Urmi comes
in the balcony. They see her and say in spite of so much happening, she is
still in this house? They say further that Urmi husband's family have a big
heart. Samrat’s mum says she can do anything she wants with her husband, but
she’s the daughter in-law of this house and it’s her right to be here. Urmi's
parents come to Samrat's house. Urmi’s dad says she will go to the police
station with them today and request his daughter to take back her complaint.
Neighbours tell Urmi’s parents what kind of values they gave to her. Samrat’s dad
tells them, they came here and they are very thankful, but they can go now.
They leave.
comes down. Urmi’s dad tells her if she realizes what they have to hear because
of her. Samrat’s sister tells her that he already spent a night in jail and asks
if she is not feeling bad at all? She asks her to get him back. Her mum tells
her she understands her problem, but she also thinks they should get him back now. Urmi’s dad
tells her mum not to look at Urmi’s problem but to look at Samrat’s problem. He
has been in jail since yesterday. The whole family puts pressure on Urmi to get
Samrat released. Samrat’s dad interrupts and says they won’t pressurize her and
whatever she wants to do, they will be with her. Samrat’s mum tells him he’s
enemy of his son. She looks at Urmi, but she’s still quiet. Shashi then goes to
the extent of touching her feet and requests her to free Samrat from the
prison. Urmi asks her what she’s doing. She tells Urmi that she is also a
mother and asks if she don't feel mother’s pain? She accepts that he made
mistake, but she is apologizing on his behalf and to please get him back. She
asks how she would feel if someone takes away Shaurya from her. And that today
a mother is requesting her and not her mother-in-law to please get her son
released. Urmi’s dad tells her what’s left now? She made her mother-in-law fall
in her feet and asks what she wants? Urmi stays quiet. Her dad then says if she
doesn’t bring Samrat back today, then his and her relationship will be over. He
will understand that she’s dead to him. Urmi thinks.
Urmi’s sister in-law comes back, Daadi Gayatri asks her where she went. She
says she went to a baba to get solution for Urmi’s problem. She has gone before
too with her mum and baba has solution for everyone. Urmi’s sister asks her
whether she didn’t get a solution to fix her brain. Daadi asks her what baba
said. She says he gave a solution, but it’s difficult. She will have to be mute
for one whole day. Daadi says good at least they won’t hear her talk for one
day. She asks Daadi if her talking bores her? Daadi
tells her to do whatever she wants, but for now she just hope that Urmi goes to the police station and take her complaint back.
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