Tuesday 3 October 2017

Tuesday Update On Lies of The Heart Episode 120-121: Samrat Searches For Shaurya

Here is what is expected on Lies of the Heart, on Tuesday, October 3, on Episode 120 – 121 showing on Zee World.
Urmi follows the lady, and sees Samrat watching a cricket match with his friends, while the babysitter leaves Shaurya in the park all alone. The lady bugs him with what happened and how Shaurya is not ready to come, and that he should look after him himself.

 When the lady asks for her money, Samrat gives it to her, and gets busy in watching cricket again. Urmi is shocked as she finds out that Samrat hired a babysitter to take care of Shaurya and that Samrat could be so callous about his responsibility. She remembers that Shaurya is alone in the park and goes back to where Shaurya was playing, but does not find him there. She searches for him and finally finds him near a huge dog approaching Shaurya, and he being very scared of that dog. Urmi asks him to stand still, so that the dog leaves him alone. While Shaurya is trying to escape from the dog, Urmi is shocked as she finds Shaurya retreating on the main road, and a car comes from the side. She is scared for Shaurya, she screams and rushes towards him. She saves him somehow as the car speeds by. She tries to calm him down, caressing him profusely to get the scare out of his heart. She laments at the way Samrat was callous.

Later, Samrat who is busy on the phone, comes and sits in his car. He asks the driver if he doesn't want to go today. The driver asks about Shaurya. Samrat is shocked and rushes out to the park to find him. He starts talking frantically to people, asking if they have seen his son, but in vain. When he is not able to find Shaurya after much searching and hollering for his name, he is distraught and wonders what to say now and how to face his family.

At Samrat’s residence, Tauji demands for something sweet from Shashi, while she instigates Tauji against Urmi, that she is too carefree. Shashi’s husband asks her not to be against her daughter in-law all the time. Tauji plays along and says that he shouldn't favour the daughter in-law like that, as Shashi too got out of control. Shashi is silent when Tauji refers to her. While they are all bantering, Samrat comes in haste panting and searches for Shaurya, asking if Shaurya came home. Samrat’s father asks how he can come home, as he was only with him. Aditi asks what happened, as Shaurya went only with him. Tauji too asks if he lost him somewhere. All are shocked and tensed. Tauji hints indirectly at his irresponsibility. Samrat is highly tensed and says that he doesn’t know. Diwaker asks what he means.

Samrat is engulfed by the idea if the maid kidnapped him. Shashi begins to lament, while Samrat asks her to shut up and let him concentrate. He asks about Urmi, and is told that she went to her parent’s house. Samrat talks on the phone, after he comes home, while all are appalled that Shaurya is lost. He calls the police and informs the police how he hired a maid, to take care of his baby and blames the babysitter of kidnapping his son as he thinks that she has run away with his child. The entire family realize that Samrat had hired a babysitter for Shaurya and all are shocked as in his frustration, he blurts it out on the phone, in front of his family, who are shocked beyond wits as they come to know what Samrat did. Kanchan expresses her shock at him having lost Shaurya.

They all reprimand him for this. They corner Samrat from all ends. Samrat asks them all to shut down. Tauji is happy, he insults him and just hints at him that he is filled with shame, as this means Urmi was right in thinking that Samrat can’t manage the child’s responsibility for two days and he proved that if Urmi isn't around what would happen to the child. Tauji tells him that he cannot be trusted and tells him that Urmi is more responsible than him. He further says that believing in him, he himself insulted Urmi, and asks what would he answer and how would he face her now. Samrat is shut in silence. He reminds him about the lectures that he keeps giving Urmi, and how would he face Urmi now, as with money, a man can be rich or poor, and can't be deemed to be a good father. Shashi is irritated that Samrat is being reprimanded. Tauji asks how could he even think of hiring a maid from his money and become a good father, as for that he had to become a child with his and that to understand them, money isn't needed but a heart is.

Samrat’s father asks to let this be gone, and find out about Shaurya first and file a report in the police. All ask him to do something. Kanchan says that Urmi would go mad wondering where Shaurya is. He tells them all that no one would tell Urmi anything, and says that he would go and search Shaurya and leaves for the main exit. All comply. Just as Samrat is about to leave for the police station, Urmi arrives. But Samrat is shocked when he finds Urmi standing alone, in the doorway, facing him with consternation. The family is tensed, while Samrat is tensed that his callous behaviour will be out in front of Urmi now. Manwhile, Tauji is happy that the plan worked out almost exactly like he had planned it all along.

The whole family relaxes when they see Shaurya with her, clutching at her hand. Samrat however is filled with amazement as to how this happened. He hugs Shaurya and asks him where he had gone and if he is alright. Shaurya asks him where he had gone. Samrat is silenced looking at his innocent eyes and then at Urmi’s hurt eyes. Samrat asks Urmi how Shaurya came to her, and where was she. Urmi looks away and says that he should have known this, as Shaurya was with him. Samrat tries to blame Urmi for all the problems and says that he too is asking this, and reprimands her instead for this, as he was driven nuts while thinking about his son, while she went around roaming with him. Shashi too plays along and begins to reprimand Urmi. They both say that Urmi just tries to prove her point and irritate him unnecessarily. Urmi eyes Tauji, and getting his consent, Urmi explains the entire matter to him that she doesn't have anything to prove, and that god forbid, she got there in time or else Shaurya would have been in grave danger.

Tauji asks her to explain everything clearly, while Samrat is tensed that his truth may be exposed now. Urmi is silent, but then finally says that she was going to her house, when she saw Shaurya running away from the dog, being scared, and that he was running on the main road, amidst huge traffic of cars. She says that had she not reached in time, Shaurya would have had an accident, Shaurya too narrates his trauma. Samrat is frustrated and disturbed. Kanchan tells Urmi about the maid that Samrat had hired for his son, and again asks Samrat how he could have done this. Urmi too asks this question from him. Samrat is irritated at this question, which stumps him. Aditi too tries to advise him. Urmi says that Shaurya's mother may not have been there, but his father was. Samrat asks what does she mean, and if she is trying to hint that he can't take care of his son. Tauji too asks Urmi what is she trying to say, and asks her to say it clearly. Samrat is told by Urmi that she just wants to say that a mother is a mother after all, and she takes the risk of even her life for the wellbeing of her child, and that a caretaker can just do the job, as a duty but can't replace the mother, as she doesn't bear the pain of carrying the child in the womb, as only a mother bears that, and hence the caretaker isn't to be blamed.

Shashi and Samrat are slammed shut. Samrat’s father too reprimands him for that, while he still clarifies that he was in the cafeteria, and watching a match, and asked the maid to look over. Kanchan too reprimands him, saying that a mother can't do this ever, to have fun when asked to take care of the kid. Samrat asks her to shut up and to stop lecturing him. Urmi says that what has been done is a bygone and she doesn't need anything more than that. She takes Shaurya upstairs to change his clothes. But Samrat, disturbed at his condition in front of the family, asks her to stop right there. Urmi complies.

All are tensed. He goes over to her. He takes Shaurya in his arms, and only continues to insult Urmi that she doesn't need to be happy, and not assume that without her, Shaurya can't be raised as even orphans are brought up, and he and his mother are here for his son, and hence asks her to stay in her limits as the house won't be affected if she isn't here, neither him nor his son too. Urmi is hurt and apalled. Tauji is tensed to find him like this. Samrat’s father asks what nonsense is he talking. Samrat says that he is right, as her stature is not more than that maid, and atleast she still earns, while she stays here for free, and calls her worse than a servant. All are horrified that Samrat could talk like this, while Shashi is happy at Urmi being insulted. Urmi stoically says that she understood what he is trying to say, but one thing he too has to understand that their Shaurya is not an orphan and that she is his mother. Samrat is shocked, while all are tensed at Samrat’s callous behaviour. She looks at Tauji, who approves of her actions. Tauji thinks that Samrat has made a mistake and on top of that is reprimanding others.

Garjan (Tauji) advises her that things are going exactly like he had thought, as now she understands why he told her not to come soon, as she had come instantly, Samrat wouldn't have had a chance to let her win, and would have justified them all. Tauji asks her to be positive and take change of the situation. Urmi asks what the use is, as after all this, he continued all this and said so much and treated her like a servant. Tauji says that it was venting of his frustration. Meanwhile, Shashi progresses towards Tauji’s room, to decide tomorrow’s breakfast menu. Tauji tells Urmi that if ego is scratched, the person goes mad. Garjan ( Tauji ) continues to groom Urmi on how to handle Samrat and advises her again, that the recent insult that Samrat made on her, she shouldn't forget it, but should take it as a challenge to be overcome in the coming days. Tauji asks her to celebrate and continue with this kind of charge of the situation. Urmi is surprised, but listens intently as Tauji shows her the right tactic to go about it. While 'Tauji' is giving advises to Urmi, her mother-in-law sees the two of them together. On the other hand, Tauji sees Shashi in time sneaking in from outside. He begins to shout at Urmi which boggles her, but then when he signals, she understands the reason when she finds that Shashi is at the door. He asks her to get lost. Urmi complies and leaves the room smiling. Shashi overhears this from outside and is happy while Urmi leaves.

The next morning, Tauji compliments Urmi on her cooking, while Shashi is irritated. Samrat comes in attending a phone call, and then calling everyone around, he says that in the evening, some special friends are coming over for dinner, and if things go well, it would be a huge international boom to the business. Amrit identifies them, which tenses Tauji. Samrat explains more about his business clients. Shashi and Kanchan are super excited about the business going international. Samrat asks her to stay shut in front of the guests and says that they are coming back to India after a long time, and they value Indian tradition and culture, and want to spend some time with the family. Samrat, who is having some special guests coming to his house then orders the ladies in the house to prepare special food for the guests as these guests can help him expand his business and asks them all to be alert and be at the best in hosting them in the evening. Amrit takes it on himself, but Tauji curbs him down, saying that he shouldn't interfere in everything, and especially where he is not concerned. Samrat hears all this silently, as Tauji insults Amrit to the core. Aditi is not very pleased.

At Anu’s residence, Gaurav says that the girl is good. Granny is super happy, in front of the family, saying that he can't wait to get Gaurav remarried and get Asha into their house. Meanwhile Gaurav does not feel right with the idea of marrying a girl who is too young for his age. He refuses to marry the girl his Granny Gayatri found for him, surprising Granny and others too. Granny asks what he means. Devi too asks what the problem is. Gaurav is still confused as to why is Asha settling for him, a middle aged man, who’s a divorcee, and that her marrying him would be injustice to him. Saroj says that they have no issues. Gaurav again argues, and says that they can't compromise and that this is not right. Anu asks him if he feels that this girl too will leave him. He is tensed but says yes, he feels so. Saroj and Devi are tensed, as Gaurav says that if this one too leaves after some years, and that he doesn't want any compulsions.

Granny again tries to suggest that they shouldn't let the past affect the future. Gaurav insists that he won't marry her, and leaves. Granny gets into an outburst saying that he would get married to Asha. All are tensed.

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