Tuesday 3 October 2017

Tuesday Update On Hello Pratibha Episode 21-23: Pratibha Decides To Do Something For Her Anniversary

Read the interesting update on Hello Pratibha, episode 21-23 for Tuesday, October 3, showing on Zee World

Peehu comes home asking for Pratibha, as she is irritated. Anmol tells Kaashi about an application on phone. Kaashi loves him; Peehu asks where the food is. Kaashi says it must be in the kitchen. Peehu says it's been so late and asks where her mother is. Kaashi says she should ask from her mom.

 Pratibha cries in front of Pushpa, she says it was wrong of her to know if Mahen loves her or not. Whatever was hidden has come out. She cries and says since the truth has come out Mahen won’t stop from telling her what is in his heart. She should not have listened to her, Pushpa listens to her. Pratibha says she has ended it all, what she will answer her parents that her husband is not happy with her after 17 years of life. She stands up and says everything has finished, she doesn’t know what to do. Pushpa asks what has happened; Pratibha says her husband wants to divorce her. Pushpa asks her to sit down, and says she can’t agree. He can’t leave her for such a petty issue. Pratibha says he was talking on phone about some papers. Pushpa thinks he was talking about her, and tells Pratibha how she can think like this. The waiter brings bill, Pratibha looks for her purse and when she can’t find it she leaves frustrated that it is always her mistake.

A guest comes to Mahen to buy earrings. Mahen asks about her name in which the girl replied that she is Gia. He asks where she studies, in which class. She says she studies in St. Luois School, in 8th standard. He tells her that his daughter Peehu Agarwal also studies there. Gia thinks that this is the store of Peehu’s dad and she speaks so high of him.
Pratibha is worried if Mahen is really going to divorce her. She cries. Shalu comes and consoles her; she tells Shalu that Mahen is going to divorce her. Shalu asks Pratibha to go to a temple at midnight, and wound a string to it. Pratibha did not agree, she says she will be his perfect wife. When Mahen comes home, Pratibha opens the door and give extra privilege to Mahen. Kashi and Sunidhi also wonder why she is doing so. Peehu asks Gia if she found her earrings. Gia says it was such a small store, where her store is. Peehu says she doesn’t need to go there and she will gift them. Gia says she will expose her now, as she tries to be so rich and cool. Peehu is worried where she will get the money for the earrings now.
Mahen comes to the room from washroom, Pratibha stand there with the towel. He asks if something has happened. She thinks a lot has happened, but says nothing. He watches some albums on bed, she says she was cleaning the wardrobe and found them. He is also happy to see them. He gets Mr. Badra’s call, she hears him asking if he can now tell Pratibha. He is waiting for him to finalize it all, so that he can tell Pratibha. Pratibha is worried that before he talks to her about the divorce she will do the drama of sleeping. He comes inside and calls her by name, wondering that she was awake some time ago. He wakes her up but she poses to have fallen asleep. He smiles, and thinks he should let her sleep and that he will tell her in the morning what he wanted to say for so long. Pratibha is under the false impression that Mahen wants to divorce her and cries, praying this night never ends.

The next morning, Pratibha sit on the couch watching Mahen wake up. She thinks may be this is the last time she is watching him wake up. He wakes up and asks why she didn’t wake him up, he have to go out of city. She has tears in her eyes, and thinks this is the last time so he may scold her as much as he wants. He says he has to talk to her, she leaves saying she has a lot to do in kitchen and leaves. On breakfast table, Sanjeev tells Mahen that he seems relaxed. Mahen tells them that he was worried because of something for a few days and that tension is going to end soon. Pratibha hears this from behind a wall. Sunidhi asks what the tension was, Mahen says it was something and tells Kashi that she will be the happiest with it. He tells Sunidhi that he will only tell them when the work has been done. Pratibha cries.

Mahen asks for Pratibha, Pratibha hides behind thinking he will tell everyone. Sunidhi says she hasn’t seen Pratibha since morning, and she have to make breakfast. Sanjeev says he can’t agree, as she can’t cook such tasty parathas. Mahen looks for Pratibha and says to Sunidhi to ask Pratibha to stay awake; he will come late but has to talk to her. Sunidhi looks for Pratibha wondering why this hide and seek is going on. Sunidhi comes to see Pratibha in her room and thinks she didn’t come to Mahen and now saying good bye to her. She has a sneeze and Pratibha knows that she is here. Sunidhi comes and asks why she didn’t come out. Pratibha is crying, she says she won’t be able to say this to her again, but she wants to apologize for not cooking for her kitty party. Sunidhi wonders what has happened to Pratibha. Pratiba says she should forgive her, as she may not be here tomorrow or not. Pratibha asks Sunidhi to take care of this family and Mahen’s brother as well. Sunidhi is silent, and then says okay. Pratibha cries and hugs Sunidhi. Sunidhi is worried what is wrong.

Pratibha wakes her kids up, and says she wants to tell them where all their belongings are kept. She tells Peehu about her shoes and Anmol about his shoes. Anmol asks where she is going. Pratibha says they are grown up now and should know where all their belongings are. Sunidhi hears this and is confused. Pratibha gives Peehu a coin box which has ten thousand in it, she tells her that people gave this to her on her birth. Peehu goes to hug Pratibha tight. Anmol asks what is wrong. Pratibha denies, and says everything is fine. She asks them both, who they love the most, their mother or their father. Peehu asks why she is asking, Anmol hugs her. Sunidhi’s mother says she is sure Pratibha is going to leave the house. Pratibha who is still under the false impression that Mahen wants to divorce her and this thought even drives her to pack her bags.

Pratibha packs her bag crying. Sunidhi’s mother says that her biggest proof will be her packed bag and she should bring it to Kashi’s notice. Sunidhi says that Pratibha will have to make up a story about her bags and she will let her spit out the truth about her. Shalu comes to Pratibha’s room, and asks if she’s leaving the house. How can she do this, this is her house for the last 17 years. Pratibha asks what she should do. She cries that when Mahen will get all the papers ready and ask her to go away, she will have to pack her bags. Shalu hugs Pratibha and asks her to do that tip she told her about a temple. Sunidhi brings Kashi while Kashi asks Sunidhi not to make up stories against Pratibha. Sunidhi is convinced that Pratibha is having an affair and now she starts to slowly put doubts in Kashi's mind too and asks her to come to Pratibha’s room for once, all the truth will be in front of her. She asks Kashi if Pratibha ever packed her bags and then didn’t tell anyone in the family. Kashi says she does not remember.

Sunidhi brings Kashi to her room and shows her the bag; she says Pratibha is running away. These packed bags are a proof of her illegitimate relation. Kashi asks what they should do. Sunidhi says they should ask Pratibha and she will let Pratibha spit all the truth. Kashi calls Mahen saying everything will take place in front of him. Mahen is on his way; he gets worried and asks Kashi what has happened. Pratibha gets Mahen’s call, he asks her to take care of Kashi as she is not well. He informs her that the work he came home for is done.
Pratibha comes to Kashi’s room, she apologize to Mahen that she didn’t dare come in front of Kashi when he called. She thinks she should do the tip of Shalu, may be everything between her and Shalu gets better. She goes out of the house, Sunidhi watches her leave. She hurries to Kashi that they should stop Pratibha. She wakes Kashi up and says Pratibha has left. Kashi asks if she has taken her luggage as well. Sunidhi says she hasn’t and it means she will come back.

Mahen is relaxed and happy that he will be able to talk about the matter in his family and he hopes Pratibha would be awake. Pratibha goes on the road, thinking about the events of last two days. She comes to the temple, and ties the thread thinking she has to do this only to save their relations. Mahen is waiting when Pratibha will come home. She looks at the file in his hand, and is relieved to see those were divorce papers. Mahen question her while Pratibha is crying. He asks where she went so late. She says she has done all the preparations to leave, he asks where and why, he then asks her to be clear as to what is going on. She cries, he asks what is happening. She holds his hand and asks him not to divorce her and not leave her. Pratibha hugs Mahen and says she will do whatever he will ask her to. Sunidhi and Kashi hear this from the door. Mahen is awed and asks who poured this in her mind; he says she is his wife, the mother of his children and his house queen. She asks why he gets these divorce papers made; he brings the file and says these are some other papers. She looks at the files. He tells Pratibha that he went to the city to get these papers ready and he wanted to tell her about it. She is happy, he says it has been seventeen years of their marriage and asks why he would leave her. She is happy and hugs him back. He smiles and goes outside. Pratibha thanks God that Shalu’s tip has worked.

In the morning, Pratibha sing in her sleep. Mahen wakes up and calls her, she opens her eyes. He asks what is she singing, she says nothing. He sleeps again. She wakes up and prepares breakfast with her. Sunidhi tells Kashi that Pratibha has been very clever; she hid the matter telling Mahen that she thought he is divorcing her. Kashi asks what she is saying. Sunidhi says this is the wrong face of Pratibha. Pratibha comes happily to Kashi and asks if the tea is good. Kashi wonders what has happened to Pratibha, and says it is good. Pratibha goes to open the door and gives laundry to laundry man, she opens her purse but can’t find money in her bag. She calls Mahen and asks her for some money. He says he had already given them to her, she says may be she spent some more. Mahen gets up, comes to her and asks how much does she want. She says 5000 Rupees. He takes his wallet out and gives them to her. Sunidhi and Kashi are awed. Sunidhi says she is even asking for more money, and she is lucky to have got them. Pratibha calls Mahen when he heads to leave, she thinks why he didn’t scold her. Mahen looks back, she smiles and thinks may be he cares for her. He asks what, and she thanks him. Mahen smiles back and goes inside.

Sunidhi tells her mother that she has never thought Prathiba would be such a liar. Her mother asks her to take care of Sanjeev, as women must give time to them. Sunidhi says Sanjeev can’t dare any such thing, but her mother reminds her that Pratibha's anniversary is the next day and she should plan something for it.
Pratibha decides to do something for her anniversary. She marks the date on calendar, thinking about what Mahen had said to her. Shalu comes to see Pratibha’s preparations in kitchen. Pratibha hugs her and says her tip has worked. Shalu says she has always done well with everyone. Pratibha says she hasn’t done well with someone, and leaves everything to Shalu. Mahen and his lawyer sit with Pushpa and her assistant. The assistant says these are not the papers whose copy they have. Mahen says when Pushpa left the house; his grandpa had changed the papers. Puspha looks at the file, then at Mahen. The lawyer asks Pushpa to prove that these papers are fake. Mahen says this is true; she has nothing to do with their family and leaves curtly. Pushpa says to her assistant that he is up to wrong doing. The assistant says he won’t let him win. Pushpa asks him to take stay order from court.

Mahen tells the lawyer that he was afraid for once that she may know about the truth. Pratibha arrives in the rickshaw; Mahen passes by her and gets into his car. Pratibha happily comes to Pushpa, Pushpa asks if she is the same Pratibha. Pratibha apologizes for the other day, Pushpa says she didn’t mind. Pratibha says her wedding anniversary is coming and she wants to do something special for him. Pushpa smiles and says she is good to see the change in her. Pratibha says she wants to make him realize he is important for her, even than her life. Pushpa says he will remember, and won’t think about getting her divorce. Pratibha says he never wanted to divorce her; he was talking to lawyer about some other papers. She gifts Pushpa a show-piece of house. Pratibha says she has given her house, her family and in return she is only able to give her showpiece. Pushpa says for her it is precious, and asks what she is doing on her anniversary.

Pratibha says she has not thought about it yet, but it will be something she has never done before. She asks Pushpa to come to her wedding anniversary. Pushpa thinks how Mahen said that they have no relation to her. Pratibha leaves inviting her. Pushpa thinks her family may not be happy meeting her.

Gia calls Peehu at school and asks why she is coming by foot. Peehu says her mother took the car as her car was at the garage. She calls Shalini and leaves for her home. Gia says it is time for her to open up all her lies. Sunidhi thinks something special about her anniversary. Sunita thinks about inviting her friends to a party, but then she will have to invite her family there as well and rejects the idea. Pratibha thinks about either bringing a card to Mahen or some flowers or something romantic. Sunidhi thinks she doesn’t want to give him gift and he must bring it to her. She opens her tab and thinks about going to Shimla. Pratibha gets an album of Mahen’s friends, and says she has got an idea. Sanjeev comes to the room and have forgotten about his anniversary. He gives Sunidhi a chance to decide for their anniversary gift, but Pratibha calls him. He and Bubu go out. Pratibha says she is planning for their anniversary; they should not make a plan for it and keep it a surprise. Sanjeev comes to the room, Sunidhi is angry but Sanjeev says Pratibha asked him for the first time for something. She has always done what they have said, but today he couldn’t say no to her. Sunidhi goes angrily.

Pratibha tries the numbers from the diary; she is frustrated as the numbers had got changed. She thinks where to get the numbers, and then gets an idea. At night, Pratibha brings Mahen tea; he goes to wash his hands. Pratibha takes his phone, Raashi calls her, Pratibha calls that she will just be there. Pratibha wonders, in kitchen, where to bring his friend’s numbers. Anmol comes to ask Pratibha to pack an extra paratha in his lunch box. She asks Anmol to help her, he promises. Anmol comes to Mahen and asks him to check for an app, Pratibha asks Mahen to help him. Anmol asks Pratibha to go, and himself sits with Mahen. Pratibha comes to the room, and checks the numbers from Mahen’s phone. Mahen asks Pratibha what she is doing with his phone; she turns around to face him quietly.

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