Thursday 5 October 2017

Thursday Update On Hello Pratibha Episode 26-28: Pratibha Feels Betrayed By Pushpa

Read the interesting update on Hello Pratibha, episode 26-28 for Thursday, October 5, showing on Zee World
Pratibha’s mother said all went well. Pratibha says she thought Mahen like the surprise. Her mother says she should ask him by herself as Mahen comes in to change. He asks Pratibha aside for a minute, he says she was pretending and he will not have forgotten how she could forget such events. She smiles.

 Mahen says he could never dream she can arrange such a party. He gives her the earrings, Pratibha says these are so pretty, and reassures these are for him. They cut the cake. Sunidhi asks Shalu to distribute the cake amongst all, and thinks this is the right time. She takes the microphone and announces that this marvellous idea was Pratibha’s, she says she will now play the bombastic surprise for Pratibha now. She plays on the screen Pratibha and Mahen’s photos. Pratibha and Mahen look at each other, Sunidhi awaits the drama but the multimedia goes off. Mahen appreciates Pratibha’s idea; Pratibha says it wasn’t her idea. Everyone appreciates the party. Suddenly the multimedia gets on, and Pratibha’s photo is displayed. Sunidhi asks who this man with her is. Mahen and Kashi are enraged. Mahen asks Pratibha if she knows the lady, before Pratiba could reply, Aunt Pushpa makes her presence known at the wedding anniversary party as says calls ‘Hello Pratibha.’

Everyone turns to see her enter the house. Pratibha smiles seeing her and goes to greet her saying she is really happy seeing her here. She asks her to come in to introduce her to everyone, her family and her husband. Pratibha takes Pushpa to Mahen, Pushpa says hello to Mahen. Mahen is silent, and then asks Pratibha how she knows her. Pratibha says she met her quite many times; she is her friend and has helped her a lot in the past days. She asks if they know each other. Pushpa says they know each other. Pratibha says this is great. Sunidhi wonders who this lady is, and no one is saying anything to PC. She asks Sanjeev who this aunty is; Sanjeev says they will just know. Kashi calls Pushpa’s name from behind and approach her. She asks if she is still alive and how dare she cross her door
and that she should leave her house at once. Pratibha asks what has happened and why is she so angry at her. Kashi looks at Pushpa and asks her to leave. Pushpa says she will not make the mistake to touch her and tells Mahen it is better he sends his guests away. Pratibha asks Chachi who she is and why should they spoil the party. Pushpa asks Mahen if he will tell his wife or should she. Mahen apologizes to everyone and they all leave.

Pratibha keeps on pleading them, but they all leave. Pratibha’s mother asks her father who this lady is. She asks her mother why she let them go. Her father says they must also leave and that it is their house’s matter so they should leave. Pratibha asks Mahen to stop them, Mahen shouts at her enraged to shut this rubbish up. He asks how long does she know this lady and what has she told this lady about them. Pratibha is speechless. Sunidhi enjoys the drama. Pratibha says she met her outside Peehu’s school, she doesn’t know who she is but she had helped her find Peehu. Pushpa says she is Mahen’s Chachi (aunt). Pratibha looks quizzical; she says she is Pushpa Chachi. Sunidhi says this is PC and now realise that she misunderstand Pratibha of having an affair with PC. Pushpa says she used to live here and was a part of this house. Half of this house is hers. Sunidhi asks how she can say this, she has never thought about her. Pushpa recognizes Sunidhi by name. Pushpa says it was when Mahen and Sanjeev’s father was alive. Sanjeev says she isn’t doing right after so much has happened.

Kashi tells Pushpa she is really daring. Pushpa says they will know this time what happened. What was only a made up story will also come up. Mahen asks Peehu and Anmol to go to their rooms. Pratibha wipes her tears. Pushpa goes to flashback, Kashi cursed her family. Pushpa’s husband asked her to go from this house, they don’t want to fight. Pushpa had promised to return. Pushpa turns and says she is back in her home now.Mahen strictly says this house is not hers. Pratibha asks Pushpa is she ever hers or she just posed to be, she had trusted her and asks what she is doing to her and her family.Mahen says he has shown her the papers of the house, they clearly state this house is named after his father. Kashi asks when he met her. Pratibha cries that she had always known her, Mahen and her family. Pushpa keeps on looking at her, regretting. Sunidhi asks Kashi not to worry, this is their house and no one can snatch it from them.

Mahen tells Pushpa that this is not her house, has her doubts cleared now. Pushpa tells Mahen that she has called the police already, because he presented her the fake papers, she asks if he got them made to Ghanchamdaas. Pratibha recalls telling her that Mahen was talking to someone on phone about some papers. Mahen looks at Pratibha in disbelief and asks if she even told this to her and does she have a clue what she has done. Mahen says that whatever wrong happens in the house and family, in his life is only because of her; she has ruined this house. Pushpa asks why he is shouting at Pratibha, it is all of theirs fault and not Pratibha. Pratibha stops her and says she has spoiled her life and now has come to side her.

Mahen points his finger and tells his Chachi (aunt) not to say another word. Pushpa says he should be ready to face the reality, and it is that she will get her part of this house. She shows him the papers from court giving her permission to live in this house, until verdict. He is bound to share this house with her. Pratibha apologizes to Mahen saying she didn’t know who this woman is, she couldn’t understand that this lady is using her. She is ready to pay for everything, Mahen says she can never do anything well and that he is giving Pushpa the last offer, asks Sanjeev to get his cheque book and gives a blank cheque to Pushpa saying he will return her money in 10 days; she should take it else he will bring his truth to the whole world. Pushpa says she won’t agree, and calls the inspector.

The police comes inside the house, Pushpa says she will only leave when she has sent him to jail for making fake papers. The inspector says what he has done is a crime under section 420 and that he has come to arrest him. Pratibha pleads that her husband hasn’t done anything wrong, Sanjeev also asks him to recheck. Pushpa tells Pratibha that she will apologize to her but her husband has got the wrong papers made. Pratibha gets to Pushpa’s feet, Pushpa stands her up. She says she will stop it, she asks Mahen if he will let her live in the house or not and that she only wants her right. Mahen thinks for a while, and then says they will clear her portion. Pushpa says well done Mahen, she takes her complain back from the inspector. The police leave.

Mahen tells Pushpa that this has not ended, and it won’t until he sends her out the way his mother did, he will fight her in court and ruin her life. He looks at Pratibha and blames her for Pushpa's hostile takeover and that she alone is the reason for all this, and goes inside. Pratibha looks at Puhspa in disgust and leaves. At night on roof, Mahen’s blames flash in Pratibha’s mind as she cries. She says how she can be blind, and crazy. She asks how can she do this to her, she respect and trust her so much. She used her so badly and that she was such an idiot. She says Mahen is right, she can never do anything right, she can only ruin. She has ruined everything. She asks herself what she has done to her family, and her husband. Pushpa tells someone on phone that everything is fine. Pratibha comes down stairs; Pushpa says she is waiting for her and that she may ask anything she wants to. Pratibha asks why she used her badly, just to know what Mahen is about to do. She has come here to hurt her family, she always taught her to go against her family. She asks if she want her to go against her family, so that her family gets ruined.

Pushpa offers her water but Pratibha refuses to takeit. Pushpa says she should ask herself that whatever she had taught her was right or wrong. Pratibha says today she is doing what she has taught her that is to say no. She is asking her to leave this house, as it will only hurt her family. Pratibha says she had asked her to go and find if her husband loves her. Now her husband won’t ever love her.

She asks her to go away and loses her control, sitting on the chair crying. Pushpa apologizes to Pratibha that she can’t do so. She goes inside; Pratibha looks at her in disbelief. She says she promises Mahen to do whatever he would ask, to get rid of this lady. Pushpa goes inside telling Patibha that she can’t leave the house. Pratibha watches Mahen stand behind her. Pratibha says she knows she has hurt him badly, but honestly if she had an idea that the woman is such an enemy of this house, she will not have hidden anything from him. She asks him tobelieve her and to please forgive her. Sunidhi tells Kashi thatshe can’t do anything, if Pushpa has said she has to empty her room. Kashi says she can’t do so and goes calling Mahen. Mahen asks Pratibha if she has an idea how much problem she has caused. She says she will help him well in letting go of this problem from home. Sunidhi and Kashi come there. Kashi tells Mahen she won’t empty her room. Pushpa appears and asks why it is getting so late, she is tired so they should empty the room.

Pratibha offers to help Kashi pack her bag. Sunidhi says she has helped them enough. Pushpa says she should let her help, as she also has to empty her room. Her room comes into her portion. Sunidhi is shocked and asks where she will sleep. Sanjeev says they may shift with Peehu and Anmol into their room. Mahen says they should not worry; she will not stay here soon. Pratibha offers her room to Kashi but they both deny. Sunidhi says she also doesn’t want her help. Anmol murmurs how he will tolerate Sunidhi in his room. Sunidhi and Peehu blame her. Sanjeev tells Pratibha that he has no complain with her and that only humans make mistakes. Mahen asks if he will complain to her when they have lost the house. Everyone cursed Pratibha and went into their rooms, even Mahen.

Pratibha looks at Pushpa angrily who also goes inside. Kashi packs her bag, while Sunidhi evacuates her room and sad as she is forced to share a room with Pihu and Anmol. Kashi takes a bag from her trunk. Sunidhi collects her jewellery from her cupboard. Pushpa comes there, Sunidhi immediately hides her bag. Pushpa tells her that her time is over. Sunidhi looks at Pushpa’s diamond ring, smiles and says good night to her. Pushpa smiles in return. Kashi thinks she has forgotten her chooran in her room. Sunidhi remembers her makeup kit was left in her room. Anmol makes fun of her. Sunidhi tells them to empty their cupboard tomorrow morning. Anmol decline her saying no way. Sunidhi says it has been like this because of his mom. Anmol blunt out that they should not blame his mom. Sunidhi asks if it is her fault. Anmol says yes, it was hers. Sunidhi accuses him of misbehaving with her. Bubu cries calling his father, Sanjeev. Sunidhi snatches Anmol’s phone saying he won’t get it anymore. Sanjeev asks Sunidhi to give Anmol his phone back. Sunidhi asks him to empty his cupboard. Anmol stand on his words that he won’t.

Meanwhile, Peehu calls Gia, Gia asks what is her plan after school. Peehu says she wants a day out. Jia asks her to come to school tomorrow and they will welcome her well. Pratibha comes to the decorated lounge, Mahen’s appreciation echoed in her thoughts. She cries hard thinking about all that has happened. Mahen is disturbed by his mother’s snores, Kashi sleep on the bed while he is lying on a side bed. He sits up and says he will call Mr. Badra tomorrow morning. Sunita sleep with her jewellery bag besides her pillow. She wakes up at night only to see the bag has falling into the dust bin. Pushpa comes to see Pratibha sleeping in the lounge. She drapes a quilt over Pratibha. The next morning, Pushpa prays with the tulsi plant. Mahen comes to the kitchen, and looks for Pratibha for tea. Pratibha is asleep on the sofa in lounge. He comes to her and calls her name. He says after yesterday’s drama she is sleeping so peacefully. Pratibha stands up at once. He asks if she will bring tea or should he get her bed tea. She smiles seeing the quilt, and wakes Anmol and Peehu up.

Anmol says there is so much tension at home, can’t they bunk. Pratibha says no excuse; they even have to share a single bathroom. Sanjeev is also awake. Kashi calls Pratibha, complaining about her bed. Sunidhi gets up, comes to the mirror and screams. Everyone at home is shocked; Sunidhi asks where her make up kit is. Pratibha tells Kashi that she will just see it. Anmol comes to Pratibha that Sunidhi is afraid watching her own face. Kashi asks him to leave her and asks when she will get breakfast ready. Pushpa comes to the kitchen and asks Pratibha for coffee. Pratibha instantly refuses her with a no answer. Pushpa says wow, Pratibha has learned to say no; who taught her. She smiles.

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