Friday 6 October 2017

Friday Update On Love Oh Love Episode 115-117: Akshat Purposely Falls Sick

Read the interesting update on Love Oh Love, episode 115-117, for Friday, October 6, showing on Zee World. 

Bhavna feels upset when she learns that Suketh has decided to separate Akshat and Arpita from rest of the family and shift them to a new house and asks how Suket can do this, Suket says he can do this.

Bhavna says they can’t talk to their kids and they don’t eat together. Suket says everyone here considers him as a sinner here, not Akshat and Arpita. Bhavna pleads not to do this. Suket says if she will consider him right, she will support him but if she consider herself as wrong, she will support them and he (Suket) will leave the house. Suket leaves. Bhavna comes in front of God, and asks them for help as she neither wants to lose her husband nor family.

The servant brings breakfast for Akshat. He is shivering with fever. He asks what happened to him. He tells him he took his bath with cold water then slept in AC. The servant runs to Bhavna and she later finds out from her servant that Akshat is suffering from fever and is shivering with cold. She runs to Akshat, but stops at the door recalling Suket’s warning. Akshat calls out to his mother twice. She decides to call the doctor and runs to call him. The doctor excuses her saying he is at someone else’s place and can’t leave. She asks what she should do as his fever is continuously increasing. Doctor says he will take time. They should hang on. The doctor tells Bauji that Bhavna is very worried. Bauji assures him nothing happened to Akshat. Pratap also tells Bauji that he is worried about him. Bauji assures him that everything is going to be fine. Bhavna sends ice cubes through Kaka. He says he should take them herself, she says she could and asks why would she ask him. Kaka takes the ice water to Akshat but he scolds him to go. Kaka asks Bhavna to go to Akshat as he needs her at this time and is calling her name again and again.

Bhavna runs to his room to attend to her son but luckily a doctor comes on time as Savri calls her and notify her that the doctor has come. The doctor gives him injection and informs Bauji on phone that Akshat is seriously ill. Bauji tells Pratab and Avni about it. Avni realizes that Akshat had purposely fallen sick as he did not want to lie to his mother and tells her Bauji that she already know that Akhsit won’t tell a lie to his mother and made himself ill. The doctor comes out while Bhavna is standing on the stairs. She asks the doctor if he is alright. He says he gave him the injection but they should take care that he doesn’t stress himself as he suffering from a high fever and Bhavna crosses Savri and runs outside.

Seeing that Bhavna finds it difficult to stay away from her son, Savri comes to Bhavna and asks her not to worry. She reminds her that Arpita is behind all this. Bhavna says she will not forget that Arpita is the daughter in-law of this house. Savri reminds Bhavna not to forget that before Akshat, Bhavna has a relation with Suket. Bauji, Avni and Pratab arrive and listen to them. Bhavna tells Savri that she is thinking everything as wrong. She never thought that one day she will have to choose between her husband and son and she couldn’t stop herself upon seeing Akshat. She adds that she know Suket would also have felt the same. Savri says she knows Suket and he would never go against his decision. Bhavna also tells her that she might know Suket but she also knows Suket and understands him as well, he would have become worried seeing the state of his son. Bhavna says there is no need for this discussion as Akshat is better.

Savri stops her and says if she didn’t have to abide by Suket’s decision why did she accept it anyway. Why does she make him realize always that she is with him? She says that today Bhavna proved that her 9 months out-weighted her 7 rounds of marriage.

Pratap lost his cool seeing Savri Bua talking to Bhavna about choosing between her son and her husband. He gets furious with Savri and shouts at her in front of everybody. She asks why he came. Pratab shouts at her and ask her if she herself understands relationship that she is teaching Bhavna the value of relations. Bhavna and Avni try to stop them. He says she wants to take Arpita and Akshat away from their mother. He reminds him of the love she must have for Akshat. He tells her that she would have understood this only if she is a mother herself. Savri leaves crying. Bauji tries to keep Pratab calm. He says Savri ruined all their plan, Bhavna is about to reach him when Savri stopped him. Raj calls Avni, she tells him that there is only bad news. They tell him that Bhavna couldn’t go to Akshat’s room and he is serious. Anything could happen to him. Raj says that everything was a good sign and later informs Avni that it was Suket who had called the doctor for Akshat, as Kaka had informed him. Suket got tensed after this and said he doesn’tt care how busy he is, he himself is coming to take him to the hospital.

Avni says he has love for Akshat, it’s just that he doesn’t show it. Avni tells Bauji that when he comes home in the evening, he will hug his son, and tell him to hug him. Avni and others see a ray of hope and continue with further plans to reunite their family. Suket comes home; Bhavna is crying and hugs him. He says he know this and sent the doctor himself. He says he is his son and can’t leave him like this. He can be angry with him but can’t take his life as he gave it to him. Bhavna says she was sure he would have done the same. Suket says he hate loving him; he wanted to hug him when he got the news of the award, he wanted to go to his room today but something stopped him. He loves Akshat but hate his helplessness. He tells Bhavna that he won’t let his helplessness turn to his weakness, Akshat and Arpita will have to leave home. Avni and Bauji hear this.

Avni is upset to learn that her father has planned to send Arpita and Akshat out of their house. She cries and tells Bauji that her dad is making Akshat leave the house. Bauji says he himself is shocked. Avni asks him if he can ask his children to leave home whether they made mistakes or not. Avni asks him to do anything to prevent him executing his decision. Avni realizes that the next day is Suketh's birthday and decides to make a plan to reunite the family. He reminds him that they have no time, and they will do it tomorrow. Avni then suggests they should talk to Arpita, Bauji says he is Suket’s father and he gives her the permission to go and talk to her today. Arpita asks Akshat what was the reason he did this to himself.

She is worried. Akshat says he didn’t want to tell his mother a lie but the truth was of no use. Arpita says he shouldn’t have taken a risk, he says at the most he would have lost his life. She puts hand on his mouth saying she can't imagine her life without him. He also says he can't imagine his life without his parents, she assures him they are with them.

Meanwhile, Bhavna comes to Savri’s room and sees that she is still crying. Bhavna tries to console Savri Bua and apologizes to her as she feels that it was because of her that Pratapji scolded her but Savri says she should apologize to her for saying a lot to her. Bhavna says she is her friend and that whatever she said to her was not as a sister in-law but as a friend. Savri says she said everything for the betterment of the family and Pratab doesn’t understand this, that she is not an enemy of Akshat. Savri adds that she loves him like a mother, but she doesn’t understand why no one gets it.

Bhavna reminds her that she was against Akshat’s marriage because she thought Arpita had a boyfriend. That boyfriend came out to be their own Akshat and this set their family apart. Savri says now what she can do if she couldn’t give birth to a baby. Bhavna says she is such a helpless mother, she couldn’t go to her son when he needed his mother so much and that it is a good sign that Pratab said what was in his heart. Savri cries that she tried everything. Bhana takes her to the temple, and tells her that Krishna is known by the mother who brought him up and she should also adopt a child.

Arpita thinks she will give happiness to everyone when she will come to this home. But today she is the reason of all the problems here. Avni calls her from behind; she speaks to her that she has Bauji’s permission to talk to her. Avni tells him that her father sent doctor for Akshat. She says they are all with them and informs her that tomorrow is a special day, it is his birthday and he distributes food to the poor children every year this day. She asks Arpita to prepare food for the poor like her mother used to earlier prepare on her father's birthdays so that his anger might lessen. Arpita says if this will bring even a smile to his face, she will do this. Raj appreciates Avni for bringing the idea. She says she is nervous. Raj says that he will definitely give them blessings this time and that she should help Arpita as she will have to wake up at 4 in the morning. Avni says there is a problem.

At 12 o clock, Avni prays that she doesn’t want to do this but still she has to do this. Someone knocks at the door, Bhavna and Suket wakes up worried that Akshat’s condition might have worsened. It was Avni who brings cake to the room. Avni wishes her father on his birthday. Bhavna asks what’s in the drink; Avni says this is just fruits cocktail. She tells them to get fresh, and mixes a medicine in her mother's drink so that she over sleeps saying sorry but she has to do this. Avni tells Raj she mixes sleeping pills in her mother's drink but she is guilty. Raj says the results will make her happy. Raj calls Avni at 4am. She asks if he is awake all night to wake her up in time. He tells her that he heard about the sleeplessness in love and has now felt it too. Next day, Avni gives Arpita a helping hand in the kitchen and cooks all the food. Bhavna wakes up, she thinks it is 6am in the morning, and wonders how she can be so late. Bhavna runs to the kitchen and is quiet to see Arpita cooking the food for the poor people. Arpita says she was asleep and poor people must be coming in a while. Avni also asks her mother not to get upset. Bhavna asks if she know how they would react. Arpita says whatever his reaction is going to be, he won't return the people without any food. Everyone greets Suket in the morning; Akshat and Arpita see them from the window.

Sheru, Madhuri and Raj comes there too, Savri asks what they are doing here. Pratab says he called them here and that Raj went through a huge accident so he thought of inviting him to pooja too. Raj says this time his mantra is very special. Akshat prays that his mom and dad gets a happy life together, Bhavna prays that her son and daughter in-law doesn’t get apart this hour. Raj asks for a baby for his sister and brother in-law. Avni asks if this is what he wanted, he asks what she thought. They all put tika on everyone’s forehead; Raj takes the thaal and takes it to Akshat and Arpita. He says his heart says something good is going to happen.

Avni goes to the garden looking for Raj; he comes there with the thaal. Avni says she brought Prasad for him, seeing his hands busy she puts it in his mouth. He says it tastes better with her hands. He tells her that he wants to put a tika on her forehead, her cell phone fell down as he picks colour in his hand. Raj is about put the 'tika' on Avni's forehead and just then Avni bends down to pick up her mobile and Raj accidentally ends up putting the 'tika' above her head which actually symbolises marriage. He begins to clean it; Bhavna sees this and watches them close together. But before Bhavna could react, Raj tries to handle the situation as he notices her, and change the topic saying this is what he wanted to show, sun is shining on her forehead which makes her lucky. He says it aloud, Bhavna aunty! Avni goes to Bhavna’s side and says that Raj is so mad as he says the sun is shining on her forehead.

A guest comes there, Avni goes to attend to him and then inform her father. Bhavna also goes to greet him. Inside, Avni tells her father about the guest, Savri goes along with him. Avni shyly runs inside as she sees Raj coming inside. She sees herself in the mirror and thinks about Raj. Raj calls Avni and asks if she is thinking about him. She asks how he knows. He tells her to come to the window, and asks her if the colour is still there. She decides to keep the 'tika' and not wash it away and also tells him that she won't clean it, he says one day or two, and she will have to clean it.

She says the colour will always remain there in her heart. Raj asks her to try and bring Akshat and Arpita downstairs. In the garden, Suket sits with the guest. He appreciates his efforts of running the orphanage so well. Suket says it was his mother’s dream. The guest prays his sons follow his steps. Bhavna tells Savri to talk. Savri Bua decides to adopt a child and reveals her intentions to Suket and others that she wants to adopt a child. Suket appreciates her saying he misses the relation of a nephew-uncle in his life. Akshat denies saying he doesn’t want to spoil his dad’s mood. Arpita urges that they should do something. Avni also says that their dad loves him a lot and he will like him wishing him. They come downstairs while Suket is busy with the guests. Pratab takes the guest aside. Later, Akshat and Arpita wishes their dad ‘Happy Birthday’ and touch Suket's feet to take his blessings. Suket reluctantly, brings his hand forward. He recalls about Akshat’s call and takes his hand back. Avni prays to Gods to make things right, Bauji comes forward and tells Suket that he help people get rid of their problems and asks what is wrong in giving them blessings. Suket blesses both of them and this makes the whole family very happy.

The men appreciates the food, Suket boasts it is cooked by his wife. They ask him to join them. Suket sits along with the poor people and has the food along with them. Suket finds the food tasty after taking a bite and does not realize that Arpita had cooked the food. He tells Bhavna that the food is delicious but a little different. Arpita comes to the kitchen; Akshat comes to ask what she is doing. She tells him that all the food has been cooked by her. He scolds her for doing this, Arpita assures him that his dad won't get angry as his mother didn’t when she came to know about it. Akshat says there is a lot of difference in the temperaments of them both. She argues that being a daughter in-law; it is her duty as well as right. Everyone appreciates the food; a man wants to give the cook some gift for cooking so well. Suket comes with the man; Bhavna thinks how she can take it when she didn’t prepare the food. She says there is no need for this, but Savri also urges her. She says she got up late in the morning and the food was already prepared when she went into the kitchen. Suket asks who made the food. Avni brings Arpita forward and says Arpita made this food.

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