Friday 29 September 2017

Friday Update On Lies Of The Heart Episode 115 – 116

 Here is what is expected on Lies of the Heart, on Thursday, September 28 on Episode 115 – 116.


At Samrat residence, Tauji meets Urmi at the hall and tells her that he enjoyed Samrat being struck. Meanwhile, Shashi instigates Samrat's father against Tauji. Tauji makes Urmi understand the reality. He gives a rose to Urmi at the end and leaves.
Shashi comes and talks to Samrat that his father talks about him and tell him not to talk about her doing this. Samrat's father asks what enmity she has with her. Shashi says that he is the one who is making sure that Urmi goes against Samrat. Samrat's father says it's Samrat who is doing bad with Urmi. Shashi says Samrat has the influence of his uncle. Tauji asks her to tell him what the problem is. Shashi tells Tauji to please make Urmi understand things. Tauji plays smartly and takes Shashi into his confidence.

On the other hand, Samrat shout at people at his office. Meanwhile, Shashi is happy and trust Tauji’s words. He tells her to trust him and all will be fine. While at his office, Samrat still thinks about what happened at home and is confused. He tells everyone to please leave and he will talk later. At the office, Samrat is unable to concentrate on work, when he asks Amrit to arrange for a girl from the broker. Amrit instantly agrees and says that he would go and arrange some right away. After Samrat leaves in frustration, Amrit gives an evil smirk. At Samrat’s residence, Urmi is searching around everywhere for Shaurya, and has a tough time feeding him, while he throws off all kinds of tantrums. She is running behind him, and trying to get him to eat. Kanchan and Shaurya discuss the upbringing of children being a headache job.

In the evening, the kids are playing while the elders are having dinner. Shashi finds Samrat hurrying through food. Amrit says that Samrat didn't get time as he did quite some hard work, hinting on his infidelity. Samrat doesn't say anything but gets tensed. Shashi asks him to take care of his health too. Shaurya comes in asking for water and while Aditi is pouring it out, he spills Samrat’s glass on him accidentally and runs away. Samrat gets angry when Shaurya drops his glass of water, as usual scaring everyone. He lashes out his anger at Shaurya who runs away. Shashi too starts commenting. Samrat reprimands Urmi for having taught Shaurya nothing and blames her for not taking care of the child and that he is just a reflection of her dirty habits. Aditi tries to come to her defence. Samrat again rebukes Urmi for not doing anything all day and not even having the time to teach him. Kanchan comes to Urmi’s defence saying that bringing up a child is worth lots of jobs. Urmi says that she does whatever she can manage.

Samrat asks why isn't is evident then, and falsifies her stance and says that taking care of a child is a really easy job. Tauji observes this silently. Samrat says that they all are freeloaders. Tauji reprimands the ladies and Urmi too in front of Samrat, and then turns it to saying that she thinks only she can do it and not Samrat. Urmi says that she didn’t mean that. Samrat falls for Tauji’s trap. Tauji says that he sees that Urmi always tries to downsize Samrat and that she won't get any other chance. Shashi is super happy. Tauji again asks her if she feels that Samrat can't handle Shaurya, and if she thinks so, she is mistaken, and that it would have to be clarified. Tauji decides that Samrat will now take care of Shaurya instead o of Urmi. He wants Samrat to show that he can easily handle a child and do all the work related to Shaurya and that he have to show Urmi that he can do it. All are shocked at this including Samrat, so that she knows how to bring up a child. Urmi is surprised too. Tauji says that silencing Urmi is very essential. He asks Urmi not to do any of Shaurya’s work, as Samrat would show her how easy it is.

Urmi understands Tauji’s intentions and resignedly agrees while Samrat is speechless. Kanchan, Diwaker and Samrat’s father are amused, while Samrat has no option but to say yes not knowing that his Tauji ( uncle ) is indirectly telling him to take care of his son just so he can feel how it is to raise a child. Urmi says that she can't say no to Tauji and says that she won't do any of Shaurya’s work, or even touch him.In the night, Shaurya wakes up to attend to nature’s call, and asks Urmi to take him to the bathroom. Urmi is about to get up when she remembers Tauji’s order. She wakes Samrat up asking him to do the needful. He asks her to tend to it and not disturb him. Urmi reminds Samrat about Tauji and his pact. Samrat wakes and looks up at her surprised. Urmi says that Tauji would say that she did it intentionally, while Shaurya says that he needs to go urgent. Urmi tells Samrat that if he isn't taken, he would wet the bed and then he would have to clean it up too. Then finding no other option, Samrat resignedly gets up and goes to attend to Shaurya. Urmi smiles.

The next morning, at the breakfast table, Tauji is singing loudly, when he finds Urmi in front of him. Urmi asks if he needs breakfast, and he taunts her for the same. Urmi begins to hurry up. Tauji asks about the last night’s incident and makes a joke out of it. Urmi smiles and asks Tauji who told him this. He says that her son told him, and that poison is only cutting itself. Urmi smiles. Tauji asks for food to be served, when they see Shashi approaching. Shashi too saysthat now that she doesn't have any other work, she should hurry. Shashi tells her that Samrat would show how good he is at handling kids. Tauji asks about Samrat, and Shashi tells him that Samrat is getting Shaurya ready, after getting him to bathe and freshen up. Tauji tells Shashi in front of Urmi, that now Urmi would understand how much Samrat cares for his son and how he would be able to do all that with much ease.

As Samrat and Shaurya come down dressed, Shashi is super happy. Shashi taunts Urmi that she thought that only she could do things. Samrat defiantly says that she would understand and learn by seeing now. Kanchan comes in to tell him that feeding Shaurya is headache job and he runs around the entire house. Samrat tells them that he used to and that today he would eat like a grown up. He asks Shaurya to sit down. Samrat asks them to begin the breakfast. Urmi comes to feed him, but Samrat stops him. Samrat asks her to let him eat himself. Shaurya orders Samrat to get food for him. He smiles while all are amused. Shaurya says that he won't eat like this and would have to be fed. All are amused. Samrat tries to tell him that he is a big boy and can eat himself, but Shaurya defiantly denies. Samrat resignedly gives in, and gives him the first bite. Shaurya runs off, and Samrat asks where he is going. He asks Samrat to find him first and then feed him. Samrat is disturbed while all others except Shashi are tensed. Kanchan asks Samrat to run after him, and also to take leave from office too. Urmi offers to feed Shaurya while he has his breakfast. Tauji stops her asking why she would feed him, saying that she wants to put him down and asks him not to interfere at all.

Samrat is surprised. Tauji instructs Urmi not to interfere in Shaurya’s affairs and to let Samrat set an example for her to show how kids should be brought up. Samrat, who has a tough time trying to feed his son, he gives up and leaves with the tray to his room. Urmi and Tauji smile as they see each other.In his room, Shaurya irritates Samrat, by asking him to search him first and then eat. Samrat tries hard to feed Shaurya in the room, also luring him for toys, chocolates and what not but nohing works, and Shaurya keeps insisting on story. Samrat is left frustrated what to do now as he can't go down with a plateful of food as that would mean he is defeated and finding Shaurya to be uncontrollable, he gives up and eats the entire food himself just to prove that he got Shaurya to finsih the food.

But Shaurya watches him doing that with an evil idea. Samrat comes down and gloats about the empty plate, while Shashi is super happy and others are confused, especially Urmi. Shashi comes to Samrat’s defence. Tauji too pretends to compliment and love Samrat for what she did. Samrat and Shashi fall for this trap. Shashi asks Samrat to eat, and he is reminded of the food that he just gulped down. Shashi asks him to eat a little, when he refuses again. As Samrat belches with a full stomach, Urmi and Tauji are all the more confused. Later, Shaurya comes asking for food, Urmi is surprised when Shaurya tells her that he is hungry and confusing Urmi as he just had food but nevertheless she goes to get food. Tauji gets Shaurya and asks if he actually ate. Shaurya confesses everything, about how his father ate his breakfast. Tauji is shocked to find out from Shaurya that Samrat had eaten the entire food himself instead of feeding him.

Meanwhile, Amrit comes home and tries to small talk with Tauji, but he is rebuked. Amrit tries to please and impress Tauji, but he is undeterred. Amrit gift 'Tauji' a branded watch, while Urmi watches angrily. Tauji asks why the need for such an expensive gift. Tauji remembers Diwaker’s fight with Amrit, for the one lakh money, and begins to understand that Amrit has been getting his extra money by doing fraud in Samrat's business and asks if he got this from that money. Amrit is tensed but doesn't take it on himself, and tries to divert him. But Tauji is much senior and taunts him yet again. Aditi comes and asks for tea, and Amrit leaves to change. After he is gone, Tauji asks Urmi who could be at fault. Urmi says that Diwaker can't be wrong, and she can't even doubt his honesty, and she can't vouch for Amrit’s honesty at all, and talks about Samrat’s blind faith on Amrit and his rebuke about Diwaker. Tauji listens intently and is set to thinking.

Meanwhile, Shaurya is waiting impatiently while Urmi asks him to wait till Samrat, his father comes back. Samrat comes back home. Seeing this, Shaurya tells him that he wants to go to the park. Urmi too requests him to go along with Shaurya. Samrat indifferently asks him to ask his mother to take him. But then he sees Tauji and is reminded of the latest change of duty. Samrat asks Urmi if he goes to the park daily and is frustrated when he gets to know that he does. Tauji too asks Samrat to go and take him to the park, as it's good for the child.
Tauji continues with his rant, of taunting Urmi, and in its garb, he gets Samrat to do all his work, including taking Shaurya to the park, for playing. On Tauji’s instructions, Urmi instructs Samrat about Shaurya’s needs, for food, water and sports goods, while playing in the park, as Samrat resignedly and silently listens. Samrat gets frustrated and leaves with Shaurya dejectedly as he is forced to take Shaurya out to play. Urmi is happy while Tauji gives her an all knowing smile. At a family’s residence, Gayatri Granny comes to a lady, asking for her daughter’s hand in marriage, while the girl’s mother gloats about how good and mannered the girl is. The priest too confirms it. Granny expresses her wish to see the girl, and the lady leaves. The priest asks to finalise if she likes the girl. The girl comes and Granny asks her to sit beside her. She complies shyly. She asks her questions, while her mother tells her that she isn't literate, and then Granny is surprised when she gets to know that the girl, Asha isn't even able to write her name. Granny says that she likes her but she has to talk to her grandson too first. The priest and Granny take their leave. After they leave, it is revealed that the girls’ mother actually has a high ulterior motive in getting her girl married into their family.

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