Friday 29 September 2017

Friday Update On Hello Pratibha Episode 16-18

Read the interesting update on Hello Pratibha, episode 16-18 showing on Zee World for Friday, September 29. 

Sunidhi takes Bubu to Pratibha to feed him while she thinks Pushpa asks when Mahen looked at her with love, when was the last time he talked to her for long, when he brought gift for her and loved her. She had no such memories, and thinks she has to recognize the problems and decides to test Mahen's love for her.

She shouts at once, that is enough. Everyone turns to her, Mahen asks what happened. Sunidhi thinks this is the side effect of love. Pratibha says she is worried about something. Sunidhi asks why she is so worried in which Pratibha replied that her mother has been asked to get tested for diabetes. Mahen asks how she is, Pratibha says she has been weak as well. Mahen instantly tells her to go to her and that her health should be taken care of in old age. Bubu takes Pratibha’s intention to food, Pratibha goes to get water from Mahen but he stops her. She smiles with hope, he also tells her that she can take money from him if needed. Her smile fades hearing this.

The next morning, Sunidhi’s mother asks her to stalk Pratibha. Peehu stand at the door, while Sunita is alert and asks what happened. Mahen gives Pratibha some money, Pratibha smiles. Peehu asks Sunidhi for some money, Sunidhi decline her. Peehu thinks about wearing Sunidhi’s watch, and asks Sunidhi if her gift is her 3 years anniversary. Peehu butters Sunidhi and that she is ready to do anything in return. She gives her watch to Peehu. Peehu leaves. She tells Peehu that it shouldn’t get inside water, or scratches. She puts it in a box, and says she will wear it only in restaurant. Peehu asks Pratibha that she needs money for her fee; Pratibha says she already gave her money yesterday. Peehu tell her that her money got stolen; Pratibha says she should have call her father to complain to the principal. Peehu says it is the last month and her name will get cut from the list. Pratibha agrees and counts money from the bag. Peehu is shocked to see so much money; Pratibha gets her mother's call. Peehu takes the money from the purse and leaves. Pratibha tells her mother that she is coming and she will be fine when she watch her.
Sunidhi hears this.

Pushpa gets into the car in order to goes to see an unknown man in the hospital. Pratibha also gets into rickshaw to goes to hospital while Sunidhi stalks her. Sunidhi says this isn’t Pratibha’s mother’s place and wonders where Pratibha is going then. Sunidhi gets a call from her mother and she informs her that Pratibha is not going to her mother’s home and appreciates her mother’s instincts. Pratibha comes to a hospital, Sunidhi, who is following her tells her mother that she has stopped at a hospital. Her mother then tells her to click a picture of them both. Sunidhi goes inside, Pushpa’s car stops at the gate.

In the hospital, Sunidhi comes behind Pratibha. She turns to see Pushpa who asks the doctor how he is. Meanwhile, Pratibha is with her mother and her father scolds her saying how can she be so irresponsible. He is angry at her but her mother smiled. He gives water to his wife, and they have an argument. Pratibha thinks her father is just like Mahen, she can’t even see love here and may be this is the truth. Her father waits for the reports while her mother wishes them to be normal. The doctor tells Pushpa that there are still complications. Pushpa answers the man that he is just like his mother and stubborn. She tells him they are all fine and she won’t let them know they are here until her work is done. He is her weakness but she won’t let it be their strength like the last time. She loves him and has promised that she will get his right back as it is revealed that he too knows Mahen and his family.

Sunidhi looks for Pratibha in the hospital. Pushpa says they will leave now to her associate, and goes to meet the doctor. Sunidhi calls her mother back and says Pratibha is nowhere around. Pratibha watches the reports and asks her father to bring sweet as her mother has no diabetes. He then says that the next time the reports come to be diabetic for sure, but they both request and he goes to bring the sweet. Pratibha tells her mother that she disliked the way her father scold her. She should see his worry behind it. Pratibha says she is more worried for not being able to go to office.

Her mother says he came for her and this is important. She looks at his purse, and tells Pratibha to take it to him. Pratibha comes out and watches her father thanking God that Sushma’s tests have turned out to be normal. Pratibha comes to him, he wipes his tears. She asks why is he scolding her in the room. He says she herself was worried and how could he show his fears to her. He thinks about marking the dates of her check up on calendars. She asks if he loves her mother dearly. He says she is his wife, and a wife is not called a better half as such and that today he has realized they have grown old, one day they have to leave the world and in this condition they realize how much they love the other person. Life has to be lived with love and happiness. He forbids her not to tell her mother about all this. She says alright and reminds him of his purse. He leaves, she thinks Mahen is also like her father and this means hope is here.

The girls thank Peehu for the party in the restaurant, Peehu is flattered and says it was all her pleasure. She is shocked to get the bill worth Rs. 3800, and thinks she only has Rs. 2000 and wonders how she will fill this bill. Sunidhi asks the receptionist about Pratibha showing her picture on her mobile. She asks her to check in her register, but the nurse says she isn’t here. Pratibha walks in the corridor when suddenly she hits Pushpa. Pushpa is shocked to see her. Pushpa says her bag has fallen, her associate picks the bag for Pratibha. Sunidhi watches this and takes the photo of her and leaves. Pratibha asks Pushpa how she comes here; Pushpa says that is her age and one must get her checkup done sometime. Pratibha says she also come for her mother’s checkup here. Pushpa asks if she gets her answer, Pratibha is quiet. The associate tells Pushpa that he will wait for her outside and leaves. Pratibha says that she is sure that Mahen loves her and values her as well. She just wants him to learn how to express his love and she is not sure how it will happen. Pushpa says that if needed, she may call him. Pratibha tells her to take care of herself and leaves. Pushpa is relieved.

Peehu counts the money in her purse and is worried. She smiles and asks one of the girl to tell the driver to bring the car while she pays the bill. Meanwhile, the girls leave, while Peehu is worried and goes to the counter. She asks the manager to help her, as she has some less money. The manager says he isn’t interested in her please; she will pay the rest amount in an hour. The manager looks at her watch and asks her to leave it here. Peehu denies saying she is sorry, but the manager says he can’t let her go without the payment. He warns her that he will call her father then. Peehu thinks about Sunidhi’s possessiveness about the watch, and then hands it to the manager. Pratibha comes to the hospital room where her father fed sweet to her mother. Her mother asks if he have made her eat sweet with such love. Pratibha smiles looking at them. Her mother thanks Pratibha at the hospital door, Pratibha instructs the vendor for two lemonade glasses. Her father denies her as she is only allergic to lemon. She remembers when she had pox and Mahen sit with her.

At home, Pratibha is in the kitchen worried, thinking about her parent’s conversation. She thinks about taking lemon, as it can make her ill within half an hour. She makes lemonade for herself. Sunidhi tells her mother that she will wshow her the photo of them both and they will be shocked. Her mother asks if he is really hot. Sunidhi says she will show it to her mother in-law, but her mother asks her not to be silly and shares a plan with her. Pratibha is worried if she is doing it right to do so. Anmol comes to kitchen and take lemon from fridge, he hides them in his pocket and leave. Pratibha comes and opens the fridge finding the lemon missing. She wonders who could have taken all the lemons.

Mahen asks the lawyer to come home for dinner. He assures him that his wife cooks really good. Pratibha is sitting on the bed, taking temperature of hers. She is frustrated why she is still normal, and thinks about bathing with ice cold water. She goes to washroom, Peehu comes calling her and finds her purse lying there. She is about to open it and take money from it, Pratibha’s cell phone rings. Mahen asks for Pratibha and tells Peehu to give her the message that there are some guests at home. Peehu steals money out of Pratibha's bag just so she can pay the outstanding bill and leaves. She comes across Sunidhi, Sunidhi asks Peehu for her watch. Peehu says she didn’t wear it as it was really expensive, she adds that she has something important to do right now and will return her watch when she is back. She gives Mahen’s message to Sunidhi, Sunidhi says she will give her message to Pratibha. Now it depends on her what she hears and what not.

Anmol is again found in kitchen by Pratibha where he is taking onions this time. Pratibha checks her nerves, and then takes ice from fridge. Her phone rings, she goes to take the call. She hears from Anmol’s friend that he has to make a science project. Pratibha is going with the bucket to her room; Sunidhi asks what she will do to the ice. She asks why is she being so mysterious these days. Pratibha says she have injury in her hand, Sunidhi asks if someone held her wrist with much force. She tells Pratibha that Peehu said she will come a bit late today and asks if she heard the message. Pratibha says she did. Anmol is eating the lemon, keeping onion in his arm-pit and bathing with ice to fall ill, because he hasn’t done his project. She makes him wear the shirt, and dries his hair thinking how childish she is thinking.

Peehu comes to the manager, clears her payment and asks for her watch. The manager says her money is less, she says her bill was this much. The manager says it is his restaurant and he has increased the rate. He places the watch above the shelf and asks her to bring more money. He leaves the watch on the counter, Peehu looks around and as he couldn’t be seen anywhere she takes the watch. Peehu returns Sunidhi her watch and says she didn’t wear it. Pratibha comes there, Peehu asks if she get the message. Sunidhi interferes that she told her, Pratibha says that she is going to go out. Peehu panics and tells her that it was her father’s message that his important guests are coming and that she has to prepare dinner for them. Pratibha gets worried at once; Sunidhi creates panic that she didn’t hear the message.

Pratibha wonders how she doesn’t know and goes to kitchen. Sunidhi smiles saying now it will be fun. While in the kitchen, Pratibha feels dizzy. She comes out with support, coughing. She loses control and fell down on the floor. It is four o clock now and she lie there till 4.30, when she wakes up by herself and tries to stand up. She takes water; Sunidhi comes to the kitchen and notices Pratibha is ill. She thinks Pratibha has got PC’s cough. She wishes to catch her red handed, comes to her and says she fell in love. Pratibha says she is not well today and asks if she can cook. Sunidhi gets a call, and leaves saying she has an appointment with a client. She tells Raashi that she has to go early, Pratibha is unwell but Raashi takes Sunidhi’s hand saying she has pain in her back.

Pratibha sits on the sofa worried. She calls Mahen, Mahen asks if the meal is ready. She says she told him but before she couldn’t say anything, Mahen says the last time he was ashamed because of her, when she forgot to keep Roti's in tiffin. Pratibha couldn’t speak, coughs and sneezes but says yes. He listens to her suspected. She wonders if he will ask what has happened to her voice. Sunidhi comes with her bags, and says she would have helped her but she has a lot to do. Pratibha is unwell, Sunidhi asks her to ask the person who has cold know what to take. Pratibha goes to finish her work. Sunidhi thinks she will have already called her lover. Pratibha takes the medicines, washes her face and says to herself that she can’t fall ill and has to get well. She comes out, sits on the bed and watches a chair saying when she used to fall ill he always sit here. Sunidhi tells her mother about Pratibha’s illness.

Raashi tells Anmol that he should not worry about the project, and goes to call Pratibha for her help. Peehu comes and talks to her friend on phone, asking her for an ice cream party. Mahen comes home while Pratibha is lying. He says his guests are coming soon. She thinks about her old times, Mahen comes and asks if she will cook or should he order from outside.

She tells him not to worry that the food will be ready. Pratibha comes to the kitchen and cries. She asks herself to get hold of herself, she is Mahen’s wife for seventeen years and a mother of two children, she will take care of the house now. This is her job now.
Anmol comes and hugs Pratibha, she asks what has happened. She wipes her tears. He says he is not well, and can’t even complete his work. She touches his forehead, and says she knows everything. He asks why is she so worried, she says she is also unwell and hugs him, crying.

Sunidhi’s mother asks if she told everyone, and says hello to Bubu. Sunidhi says if she comes out now, Pratibha will ask her to share some work. Her mother asks why she didn’t show the photo to her mother in-law. Pratibha gives water to the guest, Mahen says they are going inside the living room and she should call them when food is ready. He introduces everyone to Pratibha.

In the kitchen, Pratibha wishes everything will be fine until the guests leave. In the room, Mahen tells the lawyer that if his mother hears about Pushpa then there will be a thunderstorm. The lawyer promises to let Pushpa out of her city and their house as well. Mahen says they should do it. Meanwhile, Pratibha feels dizzy while serving. Mahen overlooks, while the lawyer says it seems she is unwell today. Pratibha brings another bowl to the table, and feels dizzy. The bowl slips and Pratibha falls on the floor. Mahen and everyone run to her, Mahen holds her on his lap. Pratibha can’t hear anyone’s voice while Mahen asks if she is fine.

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