Saturday 16 May 2015

Fashanu slams estranged wife, denies on-line report

United Nations Ambassador for UNICEF and former Wimbledon soccer star, John Fashanu, has disowned the audio record currently trending on-line about his sour relationship with his wife, Abigail, stating that it was part of a grand plan to sway attention from the divorce suit he filed against her.
Fashanu in a statement in Abuja, said the voice was a carefully crafted imitation of his by friends of his estranged wife Abigail, to swing media reports against instead to looking at the valid grounds for divorce in the suit currently before an Abuja court.
“Since the artfully contrived recording appeared online, a lot of people have been calling me to confirm that and what I can tell you it is that it is not true. I have not been in the country for some weeks now. I just returned only to hear this.
“You see, I see that as another nice one from Abigail. I don’t have any journalist on my pay roll. I have a lot of respect for journalists and I could not have derided them because I am even one of them. I anchored a programme on CNN for nine years and for another four years, I was an analyst on the BBC. So I could not have said that about the media.
“I strongly believe that one of these comedians who do a good job mimicking other peoples voices have been contracted to do that. I want to say that people should be careful about what they read in some media and media men should also evaluate any information given to them and think before they believe and publish in the media
Fashanu said besides the divorce suit which is coming up in Abuja on June 1, there is also a case of trespassing, assault and burglary in his house against Abigail, who led a 10-man gang into his house, broke in, “smashed the door and made away with certificates of occupancy of about nine of my houses as well as N1million. The case is being investigated at Lugbe Police Station, along Airport Road in Abuja.
He stated that “there is even a problem with the marriage. My lawyers have told me that it was a sham. Two years ago when we did this, it was not contracted in a church or court of law. We just called some people together somewhere and that was it.
“She called one pastor and never allowed me to invite my children, neither did she invite hers. At the end of everything, she collected the sum of $20,000 from me ostensibly for the pastor, but when I called him, the pastor said he never got the money. That is why I said that even the marriage was another avenue to take money from me. Her target is my property,” he said.

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