Thursday 5 March 2015

Fan walked up to me at airport and wanted to kiss me - Esther Audu

Soft-spoken Nollywood actress Esther Audu is passionate about her career in the make-believe world. The beauty who continues to dazzle fans with her diction and charm in movies talks about different issues with angeladaviesblog.
How long have you been in the industry?
I will say I have been in the industry officially since 2010 after I graduated from the University of Jos where I studied business management. Before then, I took part in one or two plays. However, my love and passion for acting brought me into Nollywood.

But why did you settle for business management, and not theatre arts?
For me, acting is a calling and something I have always loved to do, whereas business management for me is a profession.
How was your growing up years?
Growing up was quite fun and interesting. I actually grew up in the barracks and it was fantastic. You know the military kind of parents, there was no room for being naughty or stubborn. I’m a Christian and a believer, from a family of six. I was actually born at Ikeja Cantonment, in Lagos.
Were you sexually-harassed as a new comer in the industry?
Talking about sexual harassment, it does not only happen in the movie industry, it is everywhere. But it has never happened to me. I’m a woman, men ask me out, men want to sleep with me but it is my choice to reject them.
As a lady when you go out, men will definitely make passes at you or pass glances at you, but I don’t see that as sexual harassment.
It is just about what you want. But desperation makes a lot of ladies fall and then they end up saying, ‘I have been sexually harassed.’ If you are interested in the man’s advances, you should accept and if you are not interested, you should also say no, nobody is going to force you to do what you don’t want. If you feel that the only way I can work with you is by dating you, you can as well keep your script.
What inspires you in life?
I am inspired by my family, God and the environment.
What do you look at for before accepting a script?
I look out for originality and impact. If I’m doing something, I need to make an impact in my own way.
When I started acting, making impact wasn’t my goal. But as it gets better, I needed to decide what I really wanted. So, making impact is very important for me because I need to be able to touch a life with every script I take.
What would you say you like most about being a Nollywood actress?
I feel very happy whenever I move from one location to another facing the cameras, meeting people and learning new things.
Which would you choose: talent or beauty?
I will choose talent because talent can take you to a lot of places and beauty will be appreciated. But beauty without talent, forget it, you are going nowhere.
Are you married?
I’m single but not searching. I’m involved with someone.
So what do you find special in him?
That is my private life so I wouldn’t want to talk about it. A man is a man; it is just a thing of choice. So, I have my choice and I’m with my choice kind of man.
You have a passion for acting but what if your husband wants you to stop when you get married?
Well, my husband has the right to say that and I definitely can. But it is a matter of understanding. Well, I have not gotten to that bridge; however, when I do I will know how to cross it. But marriage can affect certain decisions I would have to make.
How would you define your style?
Simple and comfort does it for me. I don’t follow trend, I wear what I am comfortable in.
What is that clothing item you will never be caught wearing?
I would never be caught wearing a net top without wearing something underneath to cover up.
What part of your body do you consider your most striking?
All parts of my body because they complement one another. So all parts of my body put together give me a fabulous look.
Do you have a crush on any male celebrity?
No, not really. I just love the songs of some artiste. The funny thing is that I could love somebody’s song so much but then, the person would pass by me and I wouldn’t even turn to look at the person.
Who are those you look up to in the industry that inspire you?
Different people inspire me. I have people who inspire me based on their skills and passion. I will say Nse Ikpe because she is really deep and I admire Genevieve Nnaji and Joke Silva. I also look up to some male actors like Majid Michel, Ramsey Nouah and a few others
If you are to go on a date with one male celebrity today who would that be?
That will be Idris Elba, his acting skill is excellent. I love him and would want to be on set with him. I also will not mind to go on a date with Shah Rukh Khan, Indian film actor, producer and television personality. Both actors are very passionate about their job and they are really deep. This also inspires me a lot.
What is the most interesting character you have played so far?
Most characters that I have played are quite interesting. That is because it is not like I play one particular character all the time. I play different characters and I love most characters I’ve played so far.
What is the craziest thing a fan has said to you?
A guy walked up to me at the airport and told me that he wanted to kiss me.
What was your reaction?
It was quite embarrassing but I just smiled, waved at him and walked away.
Do you have any tattoos?
No I don’t have, it’s not my thing. For those who have tattoos, it is a matter of choice.
What puts you off people?
People with pride turn me off.
What are some of the movies you have done?
I have really lost count but a few are Heart of a Fighter, Drop of Tears, Blood of the innocent, Two Hearts and many others.

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