Wednesday 18 September 2013

Nigerian Obabiyi Aishah Ajibola wins World Muslim Beauty Pageant

A Nigerian, Obabiyi Aishah Ajibola, 21-year-old was crowned Miss World Muslimah during the finale of an Islamic beauty pageant in Indonesia Wednesday, September 18, a riposte to the Miss World contest that has sparked hard-line anger.

Aisha tearfully prayed and recited Koranic verses as she was being crowned.The competition saw participants judged not only on their appearance, but also their faithfulness and Islamic knowledge and skills. Indonesia’s Noor Aspasia was named runner-up.
Hosted by Dewi Sandra, an Indonesian actress and pop star who recently hung up her racy dresses for a hijab, the pageant began with a choral performance of a song about modesty, one of the traits judges looked for in the winner. Contestants also had to recite the Koran.
Organizers say they want to show Muslim women there is an alternative to the idea of beauty put forward by the Miss World pageant which is currently underway in Bali and also want to show that opposition to the event can be expressed none violently.
The pageant, which featured Indonesian Islamic designer wear and popular bands, was openly different way of protesting Miss World than the approach taken by Islamic radicals.
More than 500 contestants competed in the online rounds to get to the World Muslimah final in Indonesia, one of which involved the contenders comparing stories of how they came to wear the headscarf.
Eka Shanti, who founded the pageant three years ago after losing her job as a TV news anchor for refusing to remove her headscarf, bills the contest as “Islam’s answer to Miss World” after the media began comparing it to Miss World. Hence, it was rebranded as a Muslim alternative to the world-famous pageant.
Because of its popularity, organizers accepted foreign contestants this year, with Iran, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Brunei represented alongside Nigeria and Indonesia.
Contestants retold these stories and answered questions from judges at the final. Aisha won 25 million rupiah ($2,179) and trips to Mecca and India.
Some contestants

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