Wednesday 23 May 2012

‘Humiliation drove me into achieving my goals in life’ (2)

Since I didn’t hear from Vincent again, I decided to move on with my life. However, I kept asking myself how I was going to do it because he meant a lot to me. Thank God for my dear mother and my friend, Mary, who encouraged me to go back to school and fulfil my dream. They both told me they believe I would make it in life; therefore I should not let them down.

However, when I told my father I was going back to school, he said to me, “As long as I am not going to be the one to pay the fees.” I felt a bit downcast but when I remembered the words of my mother and Mary, I knew I had to forge ahead.
Since I had made some savings, I finally went back to school even though it was difficult for me because all my mates had already written their JAMB examination and were awaiting their results. “Going back to start from JSS 3 at almost 20 years old was not easy. When I got home, I told my mother I was not going back there the next day because I felt out of place. She encouraged and gave me a million and one reasons why I should be in school while my father told me to my face that I would never make it in life. Since I did not want to give my father any reason to show that I am a failure, 1went back to school three days later, determined to study hard and come out in flying colours.
Although, I was a little withdrawn and catching up with the different subjects was a bit difficult at the beginning. One of my teachers, Mr Kenneth, who believed in me offered to give me after school lessons. “Vivian, I know that you have potentials and I strongly believe that you will soar high in life. I will help you academically in the best way I can that is if you don’t mind after-school classes,” he revealed. I told him I would be very grateful if he meant what he said. When I saw how helpful he was, I told him my story and he offered to train me through the university. He specifically asked me to choose the University of Calabar since he would start lecturing at his former department. 
He had been offered a lecturing job as the best graduating student of his set and he was resum-ing there soon. “I am still teaching in this secondary school because I served here and I know that many of the stu-dents are poor academically. I have contributed my own quota aside from teaching, I offer free after school lessons and home lessons. I think I am almost done. It is time to move higher,” he disclosed.
I studied so hard and passed my JSS 3 examination. In fact, I was the best overall student in the school. I wrote the GCE and JAMB examinations in my SS 2 and made all my papers. I was very excited and with the help of Mr Kenneth financially, I went to the University of Calabar to study law.Throughout my university days, Kenneth and I never talked about having a relationship or dating but we both knew that there was a connection between us whenever we are together. I never saw him with any woman neither did he see me with any man apart from my course mates. But deep down in my heart, I wanted him to ask me to marry him not because of what he had done for me but because I had fallen in love with him. Kenneth is every woman’s dream. Aside his good nature, he is loving, understanding, caring and adorable.
Finally, the day I graduated from Law school, he took me out on a dinner date and there he proposed and I happily accepted. “Kenneth, to tell you the truth, I have been praying that this day should come. I love you and thanks for everything you have done for me,” I screamed. “I have been praying that you will accept my proposal since we have never talked about having a relationship. Thank you for accepting to marry me,” he said. I was so excited, I am now a lawyer. All thanks to God for using Kenneth to fulfill my dreams.
I started working in one of the Law firms in Calabar. Months later, I decided to hold seminars and talks where I encouraged youths that they can achieve their dreams in life. However, all they need is to be determined and focused. Before I knew it, I started receiving invitations from different quarters to talk and encourage the youths.
Two months to my wedding, I ran into Vincent and his mother at a func-tion where I was the guest speaker. When I sighted him, I discovered that I still had feelings for him. After the function, Vincent and his mother walked up to me and she whispered to him, “How come she is the guest speaker? Was she not the cleaner at the office some years ago?” “Yes mama, this is Vivian the young lady you humiliated years ago,” he confirmed. She just looked at me from head to toe and said, “That was a good talk you gave. You did well for yourself.” I thanked her and she left.
“I am not ashamed anymore. My father may not have a name but I have made a name for my family that people have come to reckon with and respect,” I said to myself. Vincent was very excited to see me, so he asked to take me out to lunch and I obliged. While we were having lunch, he talked about how his mother ruined his life by forcing him to marry Hannah, a woman he does not love, and how sad he was in his marriage He said they separated after four years without any child, and explained that he was happy to see me. I told him I was happy to see him too because we were now on the same social level and nobody can humiliate me anymore. 
He begged for my forgiveness and I told him I had forgiven him years ago. We exchanged numbers and had lunch dates a few times until the day I told him I was getting married. Yes, Vincent was disappointed because he felt we could get back together since he was no longer married. I told him it was not possible. Meeting Vincent again made me realise that I still loved him but will I disappoint the man who has stood by me all these years? Certainly not, that would be callous of me.
The night before my wedding, Vincent kept calling me to cancel the wedding so that we could get back together since we still loved each other. I stood my ground. “Vincent, Kenneth is my life. He stood by me all these years and you expect me to stand him up at the altar? I am sorry I cannot. You had your chance with me years ago but you blew it because you felt I was not your class. I was not educated and I embarrassed you in the presence of your friends. I would rather marry Kenneth who was not ashamed of me, a man who made me realise my dream in life. I love him and I will marry him,” I insisted.
On my wedding day when the pastor asked who was against the wedding, I saw Mikky stand up and was walking towards me, my heart rac-ing very fast, I almost collapsed. “God, what is this tout doing?” I asked Ken-neth. “My love, let’s watch and see,” he said. Mikky came close to me and said, “I know I don’t deserve you even in my next life even though your father col-lects so much money from me in pretence that he was using the money to train you through the university but I knew that he was lying. He promised me you will not marry any other man apart from me but I can see that you truly love this man so I am here to give you my blessings, congratulations.” He hugged me and walked out of the church. Although, Vincent did not attend my wedding, he sent me a congratulatory text message some days after.
Today, I am a respected lawyer and a motivational speaker. I am happily married to Kenneth and I travel round the globe at will. I want to encourage th youth especially young girls to follow their dreams with determination and focus. Yes, sometimes, you could be humiliated along the way but that should be your driving force. I guess some-times in life, all we need is a little push or humiliation to achieve our dreams.


  1. i have been waiting for the concluding part for the past how many days geez i think you should spend more time on your blog doh- and besides that was a wonderful story not the usual should i marry him questions or i betrayed the man who loved me lol she made the right choice and am happy for her. lots of lessons learnt.

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