Monday 3 October 2011

What gives me great joy are my children, knowing they come from me - Omoni Oboli

Omoni Oboli is one actress who has carved a niche for herself in the Nollywood industry. Besides interpreting her roles well, this delectable mother of three boys is a fashionista of delight who has remained scandal-free. She spoke with us.
Tell us about yourself
I am simple, down to earth and very professional in whatever I am involved in.

What is your style? Can you define it?
My style is classic, girly and fresh.

How do you handle your male fans?
I don't handle any male fans. I'm grateful to them for their loyalty.

How do you unwind?
I'm pretty much a home girl. I love to spend time with my family.

What makes your day?
As I said earlier, I'm a home girl. I love to spend time with my boys, all four of them.

What is it about womanhood that makes you proud?
There is nothing that gives me more joy than to look at my three boys knowing that they came from me. It is the greatest feeling.

How was your growing up?
I grew up with my mum and sister. It was a beautiful childhood. We were not rich but I never felt like we lacked anything. There was lots of love, and growing up in Delta Steel Company, Aladja, made it even more enchanting. Back then it was a beautiful new complex and I can only remember the good times.

What is that fashion item that you cannot do without?
My wedding ring, for obvious reasons.

What is your greatest fear in life?
I don't know

How do you keep fit after three children?
Diet and fitness. I try to eat right and hit the gym as often as I can. No pain, no gain

You are one of the few actresses who have been able to stay off scandal. Is it because you are married?
It is through the grace of God. I also thank God for my husband who is 110 percent supportive of my career. I have never been that kind of person who would be drawn towards scandals and I'm not going to start now.

What is that misconception people have about you?
Honestly I do not know.

What do you ask God for in your prayers?
It is between me and Him, but I always pray for peace and the wisdom to handle the fame and not believe the hype about myself. I ask God and He answers.

How have you been able to successfully combine the role of a wife, mother and an actress?
It is not easy at all, but you’ve got to do what you have to do. God has blessed me with children and I have to be there for them. My husband is great and that too is a blessing. When I'm not working I try to give them a lot of attention so they know that mummy is around. I cook special meals and just let them enjoy my company.

What has been your most challenging movie so far, and why?
All my movies have been very challenging because I give 110 percent of myself in every role.

Describe yourself in three words
Resourceful, reliable and resilient

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