Sunday 11 November 2018

Sunday Update On Iron Lady 2 Nov 11, 2018

Indira in her Barsati is growling on Rishi. Babli calls her mother and Indira in her growling fit says what a little loudly. Babli gets scared. Indira realizes and calmly asks Babli what she wants. Babli tells her to tuck a button of her dress. Indira takes it and starts sewing. Babli asks why is she getting affected by Rishi so much. Indira who can’t seem to understand why she gets so upset with Rishi says she is not but continues to says that she never loses control but as soon as she faces Rishi, she gets filled with anger.
Ishaan hears this and says to himself that it's because she is his iron lady aunt who is always angry and her anger doubles when she faces Rishi. He adds that Rishi will never let Indira go away. He leaves and Indira comes out of the room. She looks down where the doctor is going going to inject Indu and Indira gets pricked by the needle by mistake and it's bleed. 

Kabir comes there and tells her to take care and is going to suck the blood when Indira stops him and tells him that she will do it herself and leaves. A confused Rishi is looking at all this. The doctor tells the family about the precautions they should take and leaves. Munna says he will escort her and adds that he loves to do it. Rishi tells Meher that he will take care and she should leave, so she does.
On the other hand, Indira gets a dream of Babli and Indu falling down the stairs and wakes up at the point where Indu’s head hits the wall. She gets restless and walks out of the Barsati and finds Rishi using damp bandages to bring Indu’s fever down. He leaves to throw the water away and Indira runs down to Indu. She checks her fever and plucks a few leaves, grinds it and applies it to Indu’s forehead. She then caresses her and kisses her forehead. Rishi looks at it and smiles. Indira finds him doing so and gets conscious. Rishi comes and sits by the bed. Both of them say sorry simultaneously and smile. Indira pauses and apologises for her behavior. She then informs him that she is going back to Lahore the next day. She wants Rishi to carry forward her apologies to Indu if she leaves before Indu wakes up. She looks at Indu and says that she is really beautiful, and may be she has taken over her mother. Rishi looks at Indira and says yes. Indira is caressing Indu’s face and kisses her when Indu wakes up. Rishi and Indira are elated. Rishi cups Indu’s face and Indira too does the same.

Meanwhile, Kabir observes them from the balcony. Indira immediately removes her hand as Kabir calls her upstairs. She leaves telling Indu to take care. Kabir asks Rishi about Indu’s health and Rishi says he will post a letter to Lahore to inform him about the same. Kabir laughs and leaves. Indu tells Rishi that they can’t let Indira leave. Rishi shows her Kabir’s passport which he had sneaked out of Kabir’s pocket last night while hugging him. Rishi adds that till Kabir searches for the passport, they will have ample time. He starts singing the “Lahore” song and Indu tells him that he is a very bad singer. He says that he is practicing this for Indira, who knows if she gets her memory back by it and they leave. Ishan peeps out of a room and happily says that he knew Rishi won’t let Indira go.

While Inder is walking with the potli on his head, he goes to Barsati and asks Kabir if he should get the car out. Kabir plays along and says that he must do it the next day. Inder says okay and hands the potli to Indira. Inder demands money for the service and Kabir tells him that everything will be done the next day. Inder leaves and Indira and Kabir pity on Inder’s condition. Indira open the potli and finds her things and Kabir thinks of a past event where Indira is lying on a hospital bed. Kabir is by her side. Just then, a few army men come and say that they are going to search the place for a few Indians. Kabir tells them to go ahead. One of them asks about Indira. He says she is his wife to which one of them questions him about the bangles that she is wearing. Kabir orders them to leave. Indira gets conscious and asks who she ia and Kabir tells her that she is his wife. Indira keeps her things in the potli safely

Kabir who is in deep thought is drinking and he is thinking about all Indira previous questions?. He hears the song he used to sing for Husna and goes downstairs and sees Rishi with his phone. He begins to sing and tells Rishi to sing with him but Rishi is also drunk and is not able to follow and sing properly so he suggests for a next time. Rishi asks him about his marriage and he says he wrote this song for his Husna after marriage. He has flashback of what happened in Pakistan and how he protected her from the Pakistan officers saying she is her husband. In his drunken state, Kabir may just risk everything he has been working to hide as he confesses the truth of his relationship with Indira. He informs his relationship with Indira to be of humanity and likelihood and that he never married Indira and this is something Indira also is not aware of so he requests. He request Rishi to keep it as a secret only between them. He stays unaware of the fact that Rishi records his confession in his cell phone. Rishi who is recording whatever Kabir is saying on his phone, smiles as Kabir says he is not yet married to Husna. Kabir adds that he wanted to say everything to Noor about Husna and she would have referred everything to her dad so he cooked up lots of stories and Indira enters his house as Babli caretaker and she raises Babli with lots of love, a child who was refused by her own mother Noor. Kabir further says the affection she has for Babli makes him loves Indira but he was never able to understand when he falls in love with her. Before he said something to Husna about his feelings, they were separated from each other.

Kabir gets disturbed and later regrets for confronting the truth to Rishi. He again requested Rishi not to utter a word to anyone to keep it as a secret to himself and he never confides in anyone before. He says their love is pure and he wants to marry Indira now. They both sees Indira and keep looking at her. Kabir says he tried to go near Indira but he is not able to as if there’s someone between them. Rishi says “I” and Kabir asks in a what question. Rishi tells him to leave everything as life is short and Husna must know about everything. Kabir tries to stop him but he goes upstairs near Indira who’s wearing her red saree. Indira asks what is he saying but he falls at her feet and Indira asks him to leave her and she also falls. Kabir helps Rishi to get up but in his drunk state he keeps on muttering indirectly whatever Kabir said. Kabir helps Rishi and brings him downstairs. Rishi and Kabir give Indira even more reason for being upset when they both get drunk whereby Indira notices that Kabir is also drunk and she asks him why is he drunk. He makes a false story. Indira asks Kabir if he is not feeling bad as how Rishi is looking at her. Kabir laughs and says she is so beautiful that anyone can move so it is not Rishi fault. While everything keeps on recording, Indira suggests Kabir that they must leave right away the very next morning. While going upstairs, Kabir looks at Rishi and think he did not make an error by telling the truth to Rishi. Inder, Munna, Kutumbh.Meher and Sunaina promote women days and Inder and Munna say they will follow it.

Rishi wakes up from his hangover the next day. Kabir asks Rishi if he’s not able to remember what happened the last night he says no. Indu brings Rishi phone and says everything must get recorded in it and begins to play it. Kabir is shocked. Indira suggests Kabir to return at their hometown Lahore as soon as possible. Kabir gets the passport from Rishi after Rishi accidently drops it from his pocket. Kabir however doesn't argue with Rishi but considers it to be his own mistake of inserting the passport in Rishi's pocket. Indu breaks into tears and tries to stop Indira but Indira moves. Indira however gets stunned after watching her own picture in the house which was described by Indu.

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