Friday 26 October 2018

Friday Update On Gangaa Oct 26, 2018

Even Rashmi scolds Gangaa for calling without seeking her permission and warn her not to do this mistake ever again. She adds on that Gangaa won't call anyone without seeking her permission. Gangaa stares at her in confusion as Rashmi says she have no relation with them anymore and those people had shown pity on her so they took her to their home, but she is their daughter now and they will only take care of her for life. She then order Gangaa to go and resume her work. Meanwhile, Rashmi hides the paper in which Niranjan's number is and preventing her to calls the house again in future.

 Pulkit and Sagar come on their terrace. They see other kids on their terraces too. Pulkit assures Sagar that they only will win. The other boys tease Sagar but Pulkit tells them not to think of what they are showing but to ocus on the competition. Sagar tells them to start the competition. They advise him to accept that he cannot win from them but Pulkit cheers up his brother. Sagar promises to emerge as a champion. While, Gangaa is cleaning vegetables, she notices few kites stuck in a tree outside and think how will Sagar win as the other boys will taunt him like anything if he loses the game. She talks to herself that poor Sagar was telling her that he cannot fly a kite but she got him in this situation and this is the reason why he is so angry with her. Gangaa wants to go to Chaturvedi's house for a while to meet her friend. Rashmi’s mother asks her how she will go. Since Gangaa had seen the route while they were coming to the new house, she says she will find Babu’s house ( Niranjan) and it is very important for her to go. She adds on that if she don’t go then her friend Sagar will lose the competition. Rashmi tells her not to argue with her over this matter again. As the baby cries, Rashmi’s mother goes inside to attend to her while Rashmi tells Gangaa to make milk for the baby.
The competition is on in full swing and Sagar is not able to handle it so well. Ganga comes the baby’s room but finds no one there. She calls out for Rashmi as mother but gets no reply. She notices the open door and smiles. She runs out of the house and in the streets.

Pulkit and Sagar are having a hard time in flying the kite. Gangaa is on her way to Chaturvedi's house. Sagar lets go of the thread as he is not able to fly the kite properly and there is no chance that they will win now. Gangaa who leaves home just to help Sagar in the nick of time to win the kite flying competition reaches there and holds onto the thread. She pulls the string properly and is able to fly it nicely. Sagar is super happy to see Gangaa and so is Pulkit. Niranjan and Raghav are about to get into a discussion about some case when Amma tells him to atleast not work on Sunday as they have to do Upnayan ritual of Pulkit. He agrees to do whatever she will ask from him. Amma explains what all father has to do. Rashmi comes running there asking if Gangaa is in their house?. They deny. Rashmi pretends to be concerned about “her daughter”. Amma thinks that maybe the girl ran away. Niranjan talks about their conversation a while ago. Rashmi shares that Gangaa had wished to go to Chaturvedi's house. Prabha too comes there with Yash. She has come after attending Rashmi’s call and also asks if Gangaa is there? Madhvi denies. Prabha looks worried. Meanwhile, Gangaa guides Sagar and he flies the kite really well now. The kids are surprised to see this but they are unaware that Gangaa is sitting on the ground so no one notices her. Sagar hurts himself in the process.

 Gangaa starts flying the kite when Sagar hurts himself. Pulkit and Sagar are surprised. Sagar looks at his friends. He then pretends that he is still flying the kite. Pulkit too pretends to continue to guide him. Almost every kid’s kite gets cut. Gangaa almost lies down on the floor while she is pulling the thread. The kids are amazed to see Sagar doing so well. Sagar eventually wins. Pulkit praises Sagar that he is a champion. He goes downstairs to tell everyone. Meanwhile, the other kids clap for Sagar that he have become a hero. Sagar is very much pleased by hearing it. Gangaa says the same thing for him but he corrects her as she pronounces it wrong. Pulkit tells his family that Sagar won the kite competition and defeated all the other kids. He goes quiet as he notices everyone’s worried faces. Madhvi tells him that Gangaa is missing. He replies that Gangaa is here only and everyone is surprised and relieved. Rashmi remembers that Gangaa has been asking her to take her to Chaturvedi's house since morning and lie that she promised to take her later but then ask why did he send her with them if she got so attached to all of them?. She adds on that they had taken her with them as their daughter but they all are still everything for her and they don’t understand what to do in this case. Madhvi is confused about the entire situation. Niranjan recalls that Gangaa had a word with Sagar too earlier. Amma says that girl won't forget the house if they all shower her with so much love. She adds on that as a kid, Sagar used to cry so much when he used to go to school but none they made themselves strong and sent him to school. Niranjan loses his cool for a second but then goes quiet when Madhvi touches his shoulder. She is happy that Gangaa is safe after all. Niranjan resumes his discussion with Raghav on the file. Prabha takes Rashmi aside. Amma observes them.

Prabha asks Rashmi what happened that prompted Gangaa to come running to Niranjan's house and asks if she scold her?. Rashmi who is really angry at Ganga now remain quiet and Prabha suggests her to control her anger that such a situation won't come when she leave for Delhi. Amma comes there so Rashmi goes back to the living room. She asks Prabha if there is something fishy and further asks if Gangaa is happy there?. Prabha lies to her that Gangaa is really lucky as Rashmi and her husband will take very good care of her and Gangaa is lucky that she doesn’t have to live the life of a widow. Just then, the kids come there so their attention gets diverted. Niranjan calls Gangaa. Rashmi fakes concern for her. Amma too wants to know why Gangaa came running to their house. Niranjan asks her to answer. Gangaa says, her father used to say that one should never break their promises and since there was a kite competition today, he had promised Sagar that she will help him in winning it. So she came for that reason only. Sagar refuses to give her any credit for his victory and that now she can go with her new mummy. Gangaa looks at him sadly. Niranjan tells Gangaa never to do it again as everyone is so concerned about her and that her mother had to come running here to find her and she could have called them to come over if she were missing them. But this is wrong and warn her not to do this again. Ganga nods.

Rashmi is about to leave with Gangaa when Niranjan stops them. He asks Gangaa if everything is fine at her new house. Rashmi gets tensed. She tells Gangaa to tell Niranjan how happy she is at her new home and how much they take care of her. Rashmi, Amma and Prabha's plan for Gangaa is on the verge of being ruined as Gangaa tells Niranjan about her new baby sister where Gangaa turns to Niranjan that she is very happy there as she have got a new mother, a new father and a little sister too. Rashmi and Prabha are shocked while everyone else is confused. Rashmi lies that Gangaa is talking about her doll. The doll is very small and cute. Niranjan is not so convinced. Gangaa affirms so Niranjan nods. Rashmi leaves with Gangaa. Prabha and Amma heave a sigh of relief as they leave.
Once at home, Rashmi scolds Gangaa for running away like this that she won't spare her if she do something like this again. Gangaa stares blankly at her. Mr. Gupta tells his wife not to be upset with the little kid. He gives Gangaa the task of putting the baby to sleep. Gangaa takes the baby inside with her. Rashmi’s husband explains to his wife to think before scolding Gangaa as she might go to Chaturvedi's house again if she gets scared of her and what if she calls someone and tells them everything?. He adds on that it will become a problem for them. Rashmi cannot bear this little girl having her way as everything will be in their favour once they reach Delhi and Niranjan won't come there for Gangaa then. Rahmi’s mother agrees with him. Rashmi decides to show Gangaa her right place once they are in Delhi and that she will never think of flying a kite ever in life.

The colony boys apologize to Sagar and make friends with him. They have also brought a friendship band for him that he is not just their friend, but their leader too and no one in this entire locality can fly a kite like him. Sagar smiles while Yash is shocked on hearing that Sagar can fly a kite?. Amma too walks in with Prabha and a plate full of stuff with which she can ward off all the evil eyes from Sagar and ask why didn't he call her upstairs?. Sagar stands there confused as his grandma does the ritual. Sagar sends his friends out but Madhvi brings sweets for all of them. Sagar proudly shows his friendship band to his mother and she is happy for him that now everyone will want to be friends with him and they all are very proud of him. Sagar sends all the ladies out. Yash is still in thoughts as he have never seen Sagar flying a kite and wonder how he win the competition?. Sagar recalls how rude he had been with Gangaa. He picks up a watch from his cupboard and runs out. His brother is confused to see him thus.

Prabha sits down to get her hands and feet massaged by the maid. Sagar comes running downstairs. Amma asks him where he is heading to. He replied that he wants to go meet Gangaa as he wants to give her something and begs them to tell the driver to take him there. She suggests him to give it to her later but he insists. Madhvi too denies. Gupta’s are already worried for her after what happened today, that they will go there some other day. Sagar gets angry that no one ever listens to him. Prabha tells him to play with Yash but Sagar only wants to play with Gangaa. He rushes upstairs angrily. Amma blames Madhvi for spoiling Sagar. Prabha sends Yash upstairs to play video games with Sagar in order to keep an eye on him and not to let him go anywhere. Yash nods.
As Gangaa is helping Rashmi in packing all their stuff, she asks them how far Delhi is from here. She gets to know that they will reach by morning if they leave from here in 2 hours time. Gangaa is shocked.

Rashmi sends Gangaa to pack her stuff and to keep a water bottle too. Sagar is lying on the sofa. Yash tries to make him play but Sagar leaves for his room. Pulkit notices his brother’s sad face. Sagar wants to give a thank you gift to Gangaa but both his grandma and mother said no. Pulkit is happy that he has finally realised that he should thank Gangaa as she came to their house without telling anyone, just to help him. Sagar nods and says this is why he want to go but no one is letting him go. They said that he can go later but he want to go now. Pulkit offers to go with him. Sagar is super happy hearing this. Pulkit points out that they will have to leave stealthily without telling anyone or they will be scolded. Sagar says they cannot go as Prabha has told Yash to keep an eye on him and that Yash is outside spying on him. Pulkit has a solution and he blindfoldsYash. They leave him outside in the corridor to count and are successful in escaping from the house. Prabha comes upstairs to check on the kids. Yash catches her but then they both realise what both the kids are up to. Prabha is worried what if they see Rashmi’s daughter there that her game will be up and that they will find out everything. Pulkit and Sagar leave in a rickshaw. Amma too gets worried when Prabha tells her about Sagar and Pulkit fooling Yash so they can go to Gangaa’s house.

Rashmi, her husband and her mother go out with their luggage and the baby. They tell Gangaa to bring her own bag too. Gangaa picks up her bag but then stops asking if she can call Chaturvedi's house once before leaving for Delhi and that she think she should inform Sagar and Niranjan sir about it. She checks her bag but cannot find the slip on which Niranjan’s number was written. Rashmi comes back to check on something and finds Gangaa looking in her bag. Gangaa says they should tell Niranjan sir that they are going to Delhi. Rashmi closes her bag saying they might miss out train in that case and call once they reach Delhi as they are getting late.

Sagar and Pulkit are still on their way. They keep telling the rickshaw puller to hurry up and they ask a passerby about Gupta’s and get to know that there are 2 people by that surname in the locality but they are not so sure so they decide to head to A-block first. Rashmi’s mother talks sweetly to the baby and Gangaa looks on. Rashmi’s mother is sad that they are leaving so soon and she couldn’t even meet her father as he was out on a tour. Rashmi’s husband says now they won't be able to come back before a year’s time and they won't get any off before that. Gangaa is taken aback that she won't be able to even see Niranjan sir, Madhvi Ma and Sagar for an entire year and it would have been so good if she could have met them once before leaving for Delhi.

Pulkit checks the A-block Gupta but that’s the wrong house. They tell the rickshaw puller to take them to D-block. Rashmi’s mother tells the couple to take care of her granddaughter. Gangaa says hers too and Gangaa sound track plays in the background. Everyone goes quiet and they simply sit in the car instead of saying anything. Gangaa too sits in the car sadly. Sagar and Pulkit reach Gangaa’s new house but they miss their car by a second’s time. They find out from the guard that Gangaa has left for Delhi and she just left for the station. Sagar is sad that he won't be able to meet Gangaa now. Pulkit boosts him up. Sagar keeps on looking at the watch in his hand and suggest they should go to railway station. Pulkit denies as their father won't be happy with them for coming all the way to the house and he won't be happy if he finds out that they went to Railway Station on their own and they will be punished. Sagar continues to request him that he want to meet her one last time.

 Prabha mutters as she paces worriedly in the room as she is not able to reach Rashmi so she decides to go to the station too. Amma is tensed as Niranjan too is at home. Sagar reminds his elder brother of his promise and assure him no one will find out. Pulkit gives in. Madhvi comes looking for Prabha. Amma makes up an excuse. Madhvi asks Yash about Sagar and Pulkit. He almost blurts out the truth but Amma covers up on his behalf. She prays that Gangaa leaves way before Pulkit and Sagar reach the station. Rashmi and her husband get inside the train but Gangaa is left behind. A coolie helps her. Inside, Gangaa sits with Rashmi. She gives her daughter to Gangaa. Gangaa asks her about her phone if she can talk to Sagar?

Meanwhile, Pulkit and Sagar reach the railway station. Rashmi again tells Gangaa to talk to them once she reaches Delhi. But Gangaa only wants to tell Sagar that she is sitting in the train for the first time and she is enjoying it. Rashmi’s husband lies that his phone’s battery is dead and she can talk as much as she want to once they reach Delhi. He gives her the bottle of milk to feed the baby. The station is overcrowded because it is Gangaa Mahotsav day. Pulkit tells Sagar not to let go of his hand. They hear the announcement of Kashi Vishwanath Express which will be leaving soon for Delhi. They start looking for Gangaa immediately. Sagar is worried what if they miss her. They walk past the seat where Gangaa is sitting but cannot see her as a lot of people are standing there. Niranjan finds the house very quiet and asks where are the kids?. Madhvi tells him that Yash is in the kid’s room while they both are playing outside. She goes out to call them as it is time for them to drink milk.

Sagar lets go of his brother’s hand and walks to the opposite side while shouting out for Gangaa. Pulkit cannot find him anywhere and panics. Pulkit calls Madhvi but Niranjan picks it up as she is not around. Pulkit tells everything thinking that it is his mother. Pulkit is shocked to hear his father’s voice. He then tells everything to his father. Niranjan scolds him for going to station without asking or informing anyone. He then calms down and tells him to stop crying that he is coming. He tells his son to meet him near the ticket window and to meet him there only even if he find Sagar. Pulkit agrees. Prabha finally reaches station. She spots Sagar in the crowd and notices Gangaa too.

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