Tuesday 18 September 2018

Tuesday Update On Iron Lady Sept 18, 2018

Eight years later in Delhi, a background voice says lots of changes happened and the Sharma house has changed dramatically. In Sharma Niwas, Inder is a bit old and has lost his mind as he is suffering from partial amnesia.
He’s going to spit in the room and wants to lie near the window instead on the bed. Kutumbh stops him from doing such stuff and he does not recognise her and asks if she’s Jhumpa which irritates Kutumbh as he still remember Jhumpa instead of her. She brings an old family picture and shows him but he only recognises himself and points to Kutumbh saying she looks like his sister. Kutumbh is much more angry.

The new grown up Ishaan is shown, he brings tea for his grandparents but he seems lots quiet and stammers while talking. Kutumbh asks if all the preparations is done for the prayer. Munna has been left by his wife with 2 children to take care of. He calls Ishaan who serves him a cup of tea. Munna is a lots depressed as Sunaina ran away with Indira winning lottery leaving Ishaan and Seher with him. Munna begins to complain to Sunaina picture which he painted black and tells her that she did not think to leave some money for him instead of running away taking all with her. A background voice says this is the very first time Munna is thinking about his wife and not for the money. He says he was never tired calling her Mrs and begins to cry. Munna puts a black tikka in Sunaina name as she used to wear Munna vermillion. Kutumbh calls for Munna telling him to hurry up before the children are back.

The prayers of the death anniversary of Indira begins and her picture with the garland is shown. The background voice says today also the house is still running on the salary of a woman and Sweta is shown coming downstairs. She asks the priest about the coconuts and Ishaan calling her Miss Shewta asking why she did not ask him instead of stopping the priest. Sweta tells him that at least to call her aunt. He refuses and says his aunt was Indira. He shows her Indira's picture and further says she’s no more. Ishaan handles her the remaining money used to buy all the ingredients for Indira death anniversary, telling her no one can substitute Indira in this house nor in the heart of any member of Sharma Niwas. Ishaan talks with Indira and asks why she left and complain that Sweta tries to replace her as a working woman.

Kutumbh asks Sweta for her new inhaling pump but Sweta refuses saying no money is left. Munna gets angry and asks his mother why is she asking her as she’s not Indira and tells Sweta not to worry about his expenses as he can take care of himself. Sweta tells him she paid the fee of Seher and tells him he never brings a new spect for Ishaan. Munna gets angry and begin to leave and saying he’ll return her the money. Kutumbh stops Munna and tells him it is a bad omen to get up during the prayer. He stay back for Indira's sake. Sweta hand the priest a five dollars note which Mandira sent from United State and the priest is happy. Indur on the other hand is searching for his Babli ( Indira) and Ishaan thinks his grandfather is suffering from amnesia but cannot forgets Indira so how can they forget her. Kutumbh tells Inder this is Indira's daughter, Indu.

Rishi is still not able to sit in the prayer and is crying amidst Indira belongings in his room holding her picture. Sweta tells the priest to hurry up as her daughter must be coming at anytime. Munna stops her and warns her not to forget that Indu is Indira's daughter and not her. Sweta also reminds him that she gave birth to her and fed her milk. Knowing that the Sharmas do not inform Indu that Indira is her mother and also hide about Indira's death from Indu, Sweta confidently calls her Indu Sweta Ricky Diwan. Ishaan is upset and thinks to himself how much Sweta can try but the truth cannot be change that Indu is his aunt's daughter and they are not allow to tell her the truth.

Indu is shown playing in Chandni Chowk street and Ishaan is still narrating how can they hide the truth as the image of his aunt reflects clearly in Indu and the little Hitler of Chandni Chowk. Indu breaks a bottle of soft drink for her friends and begins to run away with the peddler following her. She meets with someone holding a plate of colours while running away and all the colours fall on her making her face red. The man is still following her and when he’s not able to catch her, she stands with her hands on her waist as Indira. Seher asks for a Kulfi and says the Kulfi has no money.

A boy comes there and snatches the ice from Seher and Indu fights with him in the same style of Indira. The mother of the boy comes to stop her and tells her she wants to complain with her mother. Indu tells her not to worry that she’ll accompany her to talk with her mother, the peddler chasing Indu also comes together with Indu. They complain about Indu to Sweta who says she’s still a child but they are in no mood to understand and Sweta tells Indu to ask for forgiveness but she categorically refuses. Upset about Indira's death, Rishi comes downstairs and behaves rudely towards Indu and slaps her. Indu calls him Rishi Kumar instead of father and lecture him to behave like a father first. She runs inside and Rishi asks the people to forgive for whatever Indu did. The peddler tells Rishi to take care of Indu. Ishaan says in the background that Rishi is always angry with Indu perhaps for not being able to save Indira or to lose her. Sweta tells Rishi that she always explains Rishi not to behave rudely with Indu. Rishi tells Sweta not to forget that Indu is his daughter. Sweta also fights him saying that she’s also her daughter and Rishi cautious her that saying so does not make it reality. Indu asks Sweta why Rishi never talks to her, calling him Rishi but Sweta tells her to call him father. Believing that Shweta is her real mother, Indu questions her why she does not resemble her or Rishi and that she’s completely differently mainly her attitude and Indira is shown preparing for a race with colour on her face.

Indu again asks Sweta to whom she resembles as there’s no one like her in the whole of Sharma Niwas. Sweta is quiet. On the other side, Zara is shown preparing herself for the Dahi Handi festivals and the same happens in Chandni Chowk where Indu is running to break the Dahi Handi. Munna is in Chandni Chowk street and goes near a peddler and asks for a packet of peanuts and tells him he’ll be paying him tomorrow. A friend taunts him asking how he’ll pay it tomorrow and if he would be rich then he would be eating Paris-London peanuts. They got into a small fight. In the meantime a sweet lady in a very beautiful saree appears from nowhere leaving everyone with open mouthed and she goes to buy some few vegetables. When she finishes, she turns to take her way back and bumps into Munna and all her vegetables fall down. She is about to pick it but Munna signals her not to that he himself will picks the vegetables with great songs going on in the background. She leaves leaving Munna surprised. He decides to follow her and if ever she falls he’ll be there to catch her.
In Sharma Nwas, while Indu and Seher are doing there homeworks, they are both complaining about it. Indu says a bit more, Kutumbh tells her not to go outside to play but to continue with her homework but she’s not at all happy. She sees Inder passing by and decides to give him her homework to complete. Seher asks why isn’t she intelligent like Indu who says she does not know.

The postman is knocking at the door as there’s a registered letter in the name of Indira. Both Seher and Indu go to attend the door and tell the postman no one of this name lives in Sharma Niwas.
Rishi comes home and hears Indu saying this, he asks her to go in and takes the letter. Indu is hiding looking at him. As he enters, Indu asks him who’s Indira Sharma and what is the secret he’s hiding from her. Rishi is quiet and Indu calls Sweta and tells her that Rishi may have a girl friend call Indira Sharma who’s hiding from her. Rishi gets angry on Indu and Sweta says sorry to Rishi and goes upstairs. Indu asks Sweta who Indira Sharma is?. Sweta says no one and Indu thinks she has to know at any cost who Indira is?. She goes and ask Ishaan who on hearing Indira's name begins to stammer. Ishaan tells her to leave. Indu goes to ask her grandparents, Kutumbh and Inder but Kutumbh sees Inder doing Indu homework and get to know that all is Indu naughty stuff. Indu asks Kutumbh about Indira but Inder says he’ll tell her. Kutumbh tries to stop him but in vain. Inder begins to tell her about Indira Gandhi. Indu says she knows about her but she wants to know about Indira Sharma. Kutumbh tells her to leave and tells Inder she’s jealous about him as he’s able to forget Indira.
Inder repeatedly calls Kutumbh his sister but he still remember about Jhumpa which irritate Kutumbh. Inder thinks why does Kutumbh always gets angry hearing Jhumpa's name.

Indu notices Rishi coming out from a certain room. She notices that Rishi had locked the room and kept the keys in his room. He comes downstairs after leaving the key on the cupboard. She decides firmly to know the secret. Indu quietly goes inside Rishi's room and takes the keys. On the stairs, she meets with Seher who asks if she’s not afraid, Indu says no. Seher threatens to tell everyone but Indu tells her she’ll make her a paste and Seher begins to cry. Indu closes her mouth and tells her to stop. Before opening the door, Indu asks Seher to keep an eye if anyone comes in the direction of the room. She puts the whistle in her mouth and tells her to blow the whistle if someone come.

Indu enters Rishi room, Indira is shown doing the prayer and Indu begins to search. Indu try to search what the secret of Indira Sharma is, while Seher is outside munching some few grapes and keeping an eye over Rishi. Indu is searching everywhere but in vain as she reaches the cupboard where Indira belonging is kept, Seher sees Rishi coming upstairs and blows the whistle, Indu hears it and sneaks through the window. Rishi sees Seher, removes the whistle from her mouth and asks what new is cooking in her head. Rishi sees the door of the top room opens and Seher gets apprehensive when Rishi notices that the room is open. He thinks he closed the door while leaving but he does not pay great attention to it, he closes the door again and takes out the key before leaving. Seher asks Indu for her prize and the latter says she already ordered for the pizza. Inder asks Kutumbh for his clothes and she indicates him the chair where he kept it. Inder asks where the chair is and she sarcastically says it is on her head. Indur comes to search on her head and Kutumbh in an irritated way tells him where the chair is. While he’s going, he hears the bell. He goes to attend the door and sees the pizza by delivery boy, who tells Inder to pay for it as he has lots of delivery to make. Inder thinks it is for Sunaina and calls her to pay, while Indu is hiding following the conversation. Inder goes to Chandni Chowk street. Indu says the delivery is late so the pizza is free. Seher acts as an outsider and they both fool the delivery boy who think it is really late.

On the street Inder is happily and proudly showing his muscles and six pack abs. A man is clicking his pictures while he’s posing for it. Munna sees it and gets angry. He begins to beat the man and Inder calls Munna brother, he’s angry and calls Inder Ghajini father. On seeing Savita passing near Sharma Niwas, he tells one of his friend to leave his Ghajini father home. He follows Savita and Radhe follows him. They reach the couturier where Savita goes to complain about her blouse. The couturier wants to take a new measurements of Savita and Munna jumps from the window pushes away the old couturier and very romantically takes the measurements of Savita. Radhe says Munna is lucky.

In Sharma Niwas, Kutumbh tells Ishaan to cut some vegetables as Sunaina used to do it, she herself is doing some yoga stuff and Sweta comes there searching for both the girls with two glasses of milk. She hears Indu conversation with Seher that she needs to know about Indira and she gets upset. Indu and Seher leave thinking they are eating Pizza for lunch and will search for Indira after awhile. Sweta asks Kutumbh if she needs to tells Indu about Indira. Kutumbh tells her she’s enough wise to know what to do to handle her. Sweta thinks she’ll lose Indu when she know that she’s not her real mother and decides not to tell her. Kutumbh says she accepted her as her daughter but Rishi never gives her the right of his wife.

Indu is once again searching her father's room and this time, Seher notices Rishi heading towards the room and so she tries to blow the whistle. Rishi stops Seher from blowing the whistle. Rishi catches her in his room while she already put her hand on Indira picture. She’s very stubborn at any cost that she wants to know about Indira. He gets furious when Indu tells Rishi that she wanted to know about Indira and tells her to leave but in her Hitler way she tells her father she likes to do whatever she’s asked not to do. Rishi tells her to leave. Rishi calls Sweta and angirly starts raging at her asking her if she’s not able to handle a little child. Sweta spark at him that for the person in Chandni Chowk, she’s his wife but in Sharma Niwas as he considers her like a maid. Rishi is quiet hearing this and Sweta is looking upwards. Rishi follows her gaze to surprisingly see Indu walking on the edge of the roof and she threatens them not to come upstairs but she wants to know about Indira. Kutumbh tells Rishi that Indu is bad tempered as her mother and is stubborn as him and what will he do now?.

In Mumbai, Indira as Zara greets a peddler and asks for some potatoes and while paying, a thief snatches her purse and begins to run away. She runs after him and catches the thief while the police van arrives and takes the thief away. The person on the street clap for Indira and one of them praise her that she’s brave as Hitler leaving her shocked to this and think she have hear this Hitler from somewhere.

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